QT5 Fancy Browser not rendering Few pages that shows on regular chrome browser - qt5

Im a noob with qt5 and fancy browser, there are a few pages that are not rendering on the fancy browser which is on the client SOC.
are there any tools i can use to debug why some pages are not rendering and some are.
i have enable the QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, and is able to inspect the site and found the error. but the site runs seemlessly on a desktop environment
any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


automate electron based desktop app using testcafe not working

i am trying to automate tests for 'lens' electron based desktop application.i was following this link enter link description here to setup the test for electron app.This link expects a 'mainwindowurl' but application doesn't have any main page, but testcafe give suggestion of the mainwindowurl as an error so tried it works but am not convinced with the suggrstion urls ,but same way want to give fixture page url on the test what should be the url should i need to give? then have got one more error ERROR Unable to establish one or more of the specified browser connections. This can be caused by network issues or remote device failure.Please can you guys suggest what to do?
Each and every Electron application has to navigate to a page after opening a window.
I guess that the mentioned Lens app is an Kubernetes IDE: https://github.com/lensapp/lens.
This app uses the BrowserWindow.loadURL function to navigate to the main page:
Digging the code a bit more, I found that the main window URL is just localhost with some port:
I guess it is possible to determine or set the port number by looking at the code a bit more or asking Lens developers about it.

Does Microsoft UI Automation Framework work with Chrome, Python and Java Apps?

I am working on an automation project, in which I need to capture the activities [ application launched, data entered, input type etc.] user performs on a desktop. I came across Microsoft UI Automation framework which so far works well for native windows based applications like MS Office, .NET apps etc. However I did not find any useful information / samples of capturing the information from different web browsers [Chrome is a must], Python apps, Java Apps etc. Can someone please confirm whether MS UI Automation Framework supports such apps. Any working example to extract user activities from these apps would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
Chrome only supports UI Automation for toolbars, tabs, menu, buttons around the web page. Everything that's rendered as a web page is not seen by UIA.
For the web page content, the easiest way is to use Selenium (driven by the ChromeDriver), which is kind of a de facto standard for browsers, and has nothing to do with UIA.
To test if an app supports UIA, and how far it does, it's very easy, just run UIA's Inspect tool and check the UI tree over that application.
Some additions to Simon's answer...
Chrome page content can be seen by UIA if you run chrome --force-renderer-accessibility. Only for existing Chrome process it won't work. Though user can create a new tab chrome://accessibility manually and enable UIA for all or some chosen pages. This method also works for AT-SPI accessibility technology on Linux. Of course, Selenium WebDriver is an industry standard here. But another way exists. Both Mozilla and IE support UIA by default.
Inspect.exe can be simply downloaded from this GitHub repo.
Regarding Java apps it depends on the app type. Your chances is about 50/50.
WxPython or PyQt5 are good for UIA. TkInter or Kivy apps are not.
P.S. There is an example how to drag a file from explorer.exe and drop to Google Drive in Chrome using Python library pywinauto.
I'm a bit late to the party..
But Chromes accessibility features are only activated once something tries to access it's accessibility.
If you call AccessibleObjectFromWindow ([DllImport("oleacc.dll")]) with the window handle an existing chrome window will have its accessibility activated (and you'll see the actual web page content in UIA!).
If the chrome window is opened after your app is running - Chrome pings open processes for any open accessibility apps... for that you use AccessibleObjectFromEvent and the event you're responding to comes from the windows pipeline: EVENT_SYSTEM_ALERT = 0x0002 .
The bottom line is - you have to tell chrome that there's something installed that wants to access it's web page content.
Oh! and your application has to be signed!! Unsigned apps won't be able to access web content - I think that's the same in firefox too.
I hope this helps someone in the future.

Switch webpage from IE Metro to IE10 Desktop Version

I need to create a way so that when users load our webpage inside IEmetro it switches them to IE10 Desktop automatically. Reason behind this is our website features won't work in IEmetro. our site is built in Aspx and cs code, java script and uses some jquery at times.
Does anyone have an idea how we can achieve this?
You don't have any control over what browser the user is using; and there is no reason why your site should not work in Internet Explorer in the Modern UI (formerly 'Metro'). The two browsers are nearly identical in just about every way.
If you're having problems working with Internet Explorer 10, please ask a more specific question here and/or work through the Internet Explorer 10 Guide for Developers.
I would also be interested in this.
IEMetro unfortunately has a number of features disabled, and shows javascript alerts differently drastically altering the user experience.

Automated browsing of complicated web pages

I have a project that will involve heavy automation of complicated web pages.
I realize there are Mechanize and Beautiful Soup, but don't these break when dealing with large amounts of DOM scripting and other weird stuff you find on complicated web pages?
I think I want essentially a barebones running instance of WebKit that allows me to either do "GUI scripting" or access the DOM. Ideas?
Try Sahi with PhantomJS. Sahi is a browser automation tool, and PhantomJS is a headless Webkit browser. You can find set-up instructions here: http://sahi.co.in/w/sahi-headless-execution-with-phantomjs
Disclaimer: We created the Sahi product.
What platform are you working on? And what language do you intend to use?
Adobe Air let's you embed a webkit inside an Air application and interact with the page JavaScript (there is two-way communication between the page JS and the AIR runtime).
Otherwise, if you are not bound to webkit you could take Mozilla Chromeless for a spin.
My apologies if none of this does what you need to do, I can't quite figure what exactly you are trying to do (page scraping? submitting forms?).
For testing/scraping i would try:

ASP.net Ajax Partial Rendering using UpdatePanel not working in WebKit browsers

I am part of the developer team for a quite a large online system using ASP.NET(4).
Asp.net Ajax completely breaks down for Webkit browsers and we are getting full page postbacks when we should be getting partial only for the UpdatePanels.
I am starting to believe it has something to do with my Application Configuration, mainly for the following reasons.
If I move the ajax enabled controls to a new project they will work as expected for all browsers, including Webkit.
I created a static .aspx file with nothing but an UpdatePanel,ScriptManager and a button making a literal visible on click.
I get no Javascript errors from any browser, and i see an http request for the asp.net-ajax (ScriptResource.axd) in both Firebug and Chrome Developer tools
I tried ye'old safari fix from this highly referenced thread
Edit: After a bit more testing and http sniffing i noticed a major difference between the test application and the actual application. The test application generates 2 additional .axd files which are not generated from the actual application. These WebResource.axd, seem to contain data related to the async postback. However this is only the case for Webkit browsers. The WebResource.axd files are generated for Firefox as i can see them in firebug
What i am asking from the community, is any ideas or suggestions as to what could be the cause of this problem and if i am correct to assume that the problem is probably on the server side
Thanks for any help
The problem was due to a deprecated config file that's used to limit the content that bots/spiders/crawlers receive, which was loading by mistake thanks to our lovely inhouse CMS
In short if u get behavior similar to my case, check your or configs
I was having a similar issue however my problem was with all browsers and not just webkit. I ended up going through and tearing up the web.config file and found out that a line: <xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy"> was preventing webresource.axd from working properly. The fix was to simply remove that line from my web.config file.
For a little more information on xhtmlConformance, visit http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/librarY/ms228268(v=vs.85).aspx.
If you scroll all the way to the bottom you'll notice it explicitly states that it causes issues with webresource.axd and scriptresource.axd.