Clear web browser cache programmatically - apache

I am working on a website with PHP in backend and AngularJS in frontend. and it's served via apache2.4.
My problem is when I update my website to a new version some users cannot see the latest modifications, so I added this .htaccess to force cleaning the cache every 1 hour, but it doesn't work as I expected.
FileETag None
<ifModule mod_headers.c>
Header unset ETag
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=3600, must-revalidate, private"
Could you give me the right cache configuration to force the browsers to get the last update whenever a new version is available?

Within your build process, you could append a query parameter to your static files such as JS / CSS like : app.js?1476109496 (where epoch is a unique reference such as deployment epoch, commit hash or similar) which would cause browsers to request a new version without needing to mess with your .htaccess.


apache2 DirectoryIndex change does not bypass cached index

I am trying to make sure that visitors to my website see the latest version. To this end I have written a script to rename appropriate files and requests so that they append a fresh version number at build time. This includes the index file, let's call it index-v123.html.
I have uploaded this built source and pointed my apache2 server to the new index file by including
DirectoryIndex index-v123.html
in my apache2.conf. I have restarted it, and when viewing the website in chrome incognito mode or on hard refresh I can see that all the new files are loaded and the website works as expected.
My issue is that in my normal browser, when I visit the URL, I still load up a cached version of index.html. Clearly changing the DirectoryIndex didn't convince the client to go to the new index file like I'd hoped...
So can I do anything to make this happen?
(Also may be relevant: I am running a progressive web app using Polymer 2.0, with a service-worker.js that is built automatically by polymer build.)
This turned out to be a service worker issue: service-worker.js was being cached on the client side, and hence was providing outdated content as if the client was in offline mode. Could only be updated by deregistering the worker. The solution was to implement max-age=0 on the service worker at the apache2 server side:
<Files index.html|service-worker.js>
FileETag None
Header unset ETag
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
Header set Pragma "no-cache"
Header set Expires "Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT"
Was surprised this wasn't better highlighted in the polymer build/production docs somewhere. For reference, in the google primer on service workers it says:
The caching headers on the service worker script are respected (up to
24 hours) when fetching updates. We're going to make this opt-in
behaviour, as it catches people out. You probably want a max-age of 0
on your service worker script.

How to unset a cookie using .htaccess

I'm using Apache; I put the following code in .htaccess to unset the Cookie header but it doesn't work:
<FilesMatch "\.(js|css|jpg|png|jpeg|gif|xml|json|txt|pdf|mov|avi|otf|woff|ico|swf)$">
RequestHeader unset Cookie
Header unset Cookie
Header unset Set-Cookie
What is your solution?
Preventing the server from issuing a Set-Cookie response header for specific file types won't stop other file types setting a cookie for the domain. So the browser will still send the cookie and the benefits are lost.
Telling the server to remove a Cookie request header before passing it on to the next layer of request processing won't stop the browser from sending it in the first place. So the benefits are lost.
The article you reference in a comment says to serve your static files from a different domain.
Do that. Never write code that sets a cookie for that domain. That's all you need to do.
1 - Create a subdomain, such as, which is where you will deliver all your static files from
2 - Point your new subdomain to the /wp-content directory of your WordPress installation. For cPanel users, you will need to update the document root field from public_html/static to public_html/wp-content like the screenshot below.
3 - Edit your wp-config.php file to reflect the following
define("WP_CONTENT_URL", "");
define("COOKIE_DOMAIN", "");
4 - Run the following command in your SQL database, this will ensure all post URLs are directed to the new subdomain:
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content,'','')

Apache2 no cache specific file only

I'm running and Amazon EC2 with Ubuntu 14.4 and Apache2 with no PHP or other server-side script--just a static content site. I used this tutorial to get to the point I am at now with the apache file (see screenshot at link below):
I want to have a directive (if that is the nomenclature) that tells Apache to not cache a single, specific file only, but still handle everything else as it is already configured. I'm no computer whizz here--just learning. Is there a way to do this? Currently I have made a new directory inside my images folder called "no-cache" where the image I do not want cached lives.
I tried adding a second location tag below the first one with "CacheDisable on" inside it, however this is not supported. Also tried using a Directory tag, but this also does not work with the current configuration.
Thanks in advance!
The link you provided is a bit confusing since it mentions so many different types of caching.
When dealing with Webservers and caching, what you usually mean is sending cache messages (using http headers) to define how the browser should handle caching, to improve visitors performance. This is the last item discussed in that link of yours, despite being the most common. The first section talks about Apache caching files itself to improve its own performance and is much less common.
If client side caching using mod_expiries is what you mean, then you can control this with location headings:
#Allow long term assets to be cached for 6 months as they are versioned and should never change
<Location /assets/libraries/ >
ExpiresDefault A15724800
Header set Cache-Control "public"
#Do not cache these files
<Location /login >
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
Header set Pragma "no-cache"
I've a more detailed blog on this here:

How to set expires tags on images that are on a CDN

My site runs on Apache and I have set expires headers in my .htaccess file like so:
<ifmodule mod_expires.c>
<FilesMatch "\.(ico|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|swf)$">
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 year"
Header append Cache-Control "public"
This works great for images that come from my domain. However, 95% of my images are hosted on a cdn called CDN77, which runs on Nginx.
When I run Yslow on my site, it says that all the images being served from CDN77 do not have expires set. I have also confirmed the expires header is not set for those images by viewing the headers in LiveHTTP (Firefox headers viewer plugin).
CDN77 has said they have no way on their end to configure this.
Any thoughts or ideas as to how to set the expires for the images served from the cdn?
Change your CDN. First of all, they SHOULD allow clients to create exceptions for headers and nginx has a very elaborate configuration set for that. Secondly, the default mode should be to copy response headers from the upstream server (you), and only change or add headers that is specific to the CDN, like the host header, server header and strip any cookie headers you may be sending.
You’re not able to set expiry headers on files that are hosted on CDN77. If you require custom cache headers, you’ll need to contact their support department.
Expiry headers will be applied to all files on your CDN. It’s not possible to apply different expiry values to indiviudal files or specific file types.

mod_pagespeed is not sending expected output with extended cache

For testing purposes, I have this in my Apache configuration:
<Directory "/home/http">
<FilesMatch "\.(html|htm)$">
Header unset Etag
Header set Cache-control "max-age=0, no-cache"
<FilesMatch "\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|js|css)$">
Header unset Etag
Header set Cache-control "public, max-age=10"
This basically says to set static assets to have a cache that lasts 10 seconds. Again this is for testing and demonstration purposes.
I test it out by navigating directly to the file
$ wget -O - --save-headers localhost/mod_pagespeed_example/images/Puzzle.jpg
Cache-control: public, max-age=10
which works fine. But then I try to load the page with mod_pagespeed and extend_cache enabled
$wget -O - --save-headers localhost/mod_pagespeed_example/extend_cache.html?ModPagespeed=on&ModPagespeedFilters=extend_cache
<img src="images/Puzzle.jpg"/>
$wget -O - --save-headers localhost/mod_pagespeed_example/extend_cache.html?ModPagespeed=on&ModPagespeedFilters=extend_cache
<img src="http://localhost/mod_pagespeed_example/images/xPuzzle.jpg.pagespeed.ic.hgbHsZe0IN.jpg"/>
This is all fine and dandy. The initial request doesn't work because it needs to load the info into the cache, but from there it correctly replaces the src of the img tag with the cached, hashed version.
However, this only persists UNTIL max-age. So, if I have it set to 10 seconds, it will continue to point to http://localhost/mod_pagespeed_example/images/xPuzzle.jpg.pagespeed.ic.hgbHsZe0IN.jpg, but then it will revert to images/Puzzle.jpg again after 10 seconds, at which time it will go back to the cached version.
Is this expected behavior? I would think that pagespeed would check the hash after max-age, and if it's the same it wouldn't bother changing it back to the original value, but instead continue serving the cached file.
This is somewhat concerning. If I set max-age to something more useful, say 60 minutes, that will allow me to continue to update these asset files and assure that my updates are seen in a timely manner. However, if the site is visited once per day by users, then that is more than the max-age and they will always be served the original file rather than the cached version.
This is expected behavior. As you mentioned, the reason is that the resource has expired in cache and so we need to re-check it to make sure it is still the same. We do not want to block the user request while we check all the sub-resources.
Note, one solution to this would be to use ModPagespeedLoadFromFile. This will check the file's last modified time on disk and so can check even if the resource expired in cache.