J8583 project for parsing/creating iso8583 financial messages - iso8583

I'am currently looking for an api for parsing/creating iso8583. iso8583 is a barbarian iso norm of raw string message.
I have found the j8583 project, http://j8583.sourceforge.net/index.html, but i can't found easy code example to parse a message.
Do you know good examples using this api ? or using another api ?
Thank you for your time

Perhaps my answer is biased because I'm the author, but jPOS can be an alternative. Take a look at http://jpos.org and its documentation (http://jpos.org/doc/proguide-draft.pdf).
Hope it helps.

Perhaps I need to reorganize/improve the docs?
The concept is fairly simple: Create a MessageFactory, configure it (the simplest way is via XML config file) and use that to parse messages with the parseMessage method, which receives a byte array.
The library includes a simple message parser which you can look at to get an idea. The test suite can also be helpful.

Here is the source code for the project that you can clone
here is the XML Configuration Guide
All from the same person and framework


What format does PrintDocument.getData() return?

I'm looking into what it takes to develop a PrintService on android. After reading some on-line docs I'm not quite clear on the format of data returned by PrintDocument.getData() method. I'd expect that in the case of PrintDocumentInfo.CONTENT_TYPE_PHOTO the returned data will be an image (I'm not quite sure about this). However, what can I expect when content type is CONTENT_TYPE_DOCUMENT?
There is a sample of PrintDocumentInfo that uses a builder to build a pdf file. Is this always the case? That is, is content of CONTENT_TYPE_DOCUMENT always in pdf format?
I'd appreciate any suggestions and/or pointers to relevant on-line docs.

IntelliJ Idea: How to create a custom inspection rule

I'm looking for the way to create inspection to warn about large non-javadoc comments in code. I didn't found any suitable common inspection to do this. It looks like I should create a custom inspection rule. Does anybody know how to do it?
As far as I know, there are two ways to create your own code inspection in IntelliJ IDEA:
(simple but limited way) Creating custom inspection based on "search templates".
(more complex and more powerfull way) Developing an IDEA-plugin (here are the guidlines) using your own InspectionToolProvider implementation as "application-component". Also you may use sources of my inspections-plugin as the starting point.
See http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/Developing+Custom+Language+Plugins+for+IntelliJ+IDEA#DevelopingCustomLanguagePluginsforIntelliJIDEA-CodeInspectionsandIntentions. You can look at Open API and Plugin Development forum for assistance.

Gracenote API: Search and fetch contents in specific language

I'm wondering if there is a way to get data in specific language when using gracenote series_search or series_fetch methods.
It turns out that using ger field is useless... I still get data in english ...
If someone could help resolving this, that would be great! =)
Gracenote uses 3-letter ISO 639-2 codes to specify languages. The format is described at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-2_codes - Gracenote supports most major languages.
Thanks to your suggestion, we've added this documentation to our page at: https://developer.gracenote.com/eyeq

API for Dictionary and Translator

Again. I've been searching for the best API for my Application. Dictionary and Translator. Can someone Recommend One. Please. i need it. I downloaded "microsoft-translator-jar" and I'm having an error in my line of code.
'com.memetix.mst.translate.Translate.execute(text, Language.ENGLISH, Language.ITALIAN);'
The error is at the (execute). the method execute(String,Language,Language)in the type Translate is not applicable for the arguments (String, Language, Language).
i've tried all the execute methods but No luck. Can someone help me how to solve it or refer a new API. Thanks.
You may be lost json-simple-1.x.jar.
Please go website http://code.google.com/p/json-simple/ to download that package.
I think your problem may be resolved.

API for getting IL from byte array

There is a GetILAsByteArray method in MethodBody class which gives body of a method. I am looking for converting this byte array into more understandable IL instructions (into a List or something like that). What resources, open source code or api available are there to help me understand and convert this byte array (or do it for me)?
I found this but it does not work with generics. I am pretty much looking for guidance to convert understand these bytes in all framework versions.
CLI Documentation is also helpful for learning IL instructions but I cannot see how to use it to make these bytes make sense.
I just wrote an extension method to get a more understandable list of instructions using GetILAsByteArray. It's quite simple, the API is like:
public static IList<Instruction> GetInstructions (this MethodBase self);
You can read more about the implementation in my blog post. Or you can go take the implementation and start using it.
Have a look at the Mono.Cecil library.
It is a huge undertaking. I wrote the starts of an IL reader and it had a pretty good amount of opcodes implemented: but you will need to finish it.
There is also MONO Cecil, which is feature-complete.