reverse some text in cell selected - VBA - vba

I'm rooky for VBA. I have some problem about reversing my data on VBA-Excel. My data is "3>8 , 6>15 , 26>41 (each data on difference cells)" that i could reverse "3>8" to "8>3" follow my requirement by using function reverse. But i couldn't reverse "6>15" and "26>41" to "15>6" and "41>26". It will be "51>6" and "14>62" that failure, I want to be "15>6" and "41>26".
Reverse = StrReverse(Trim(str))
Help me for solve my issue please and thank for comment.

You first need to find the position of the ">" in the cell. you do this by taking the contents of the cell and treating it as a String and finding the ">"
This is done in the line beginning arrowPosition. This is the integer value of the position of the ">" in you original string
Next use Left to extract the text up to the ">" and Right to extract the text after the ">"
Then build a new String of rightstr & ">" & leftStr.
Note I input my data from Sheet1 B5 but you can just use any source as long as it is a String in the correct format.
Sub Test()
Dim myString As String
myString = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B5")
Debug.Print myString
Debug.Print reverseString(myString)
End Sub
Function reverseString(inputString As String) As String
Dim leftStr As String
Dim rightStr As String
Dim arrowPosition As Integer
arrowPosition = InStr(1, inputString, ">")
leftStr = Left(inputString, arrowPosition - 1)
rightStr = Right(inputString, Len(inputString) - arrowPosition)
reverseString = rightStr & ">" & leftStr
End Function

just because you look for a VBA, you can add this function into your code:
Function rev(t As String) As String
s = Split(t, ">", 2)
rev = s(1) & ">" & s(0)
End Function
of course only if you have to reverse 2 number, otherwise you'll loop the "s", but the function would lose its usefulness


Using Ms Access VBA, how do I check the value of a variable to see if it has a value other than "', "

I have a variable with a string...and I want to know if it contains any value other than single quote, comma and a space ("', ") I'm using vba in excel.
for example, i have a varible strA = "'test', 'player'"
I want to check to see if strA has any characters other than "', " (single quote, comma and space).
Here is a strategy based on Count occurrences of a character in a string
I don't have vba handy, but this should work. The idea is to remove all these characters and see if anything is left. text represents your string that is being tested.
Dim TempS As String
TempS = Replace(text, " " , "")
TempS = Replace(TempS, "," , "")
TempS = Replace(TempS, "'" , "")
and your result is Len(TempS>0)
Another approach is to use recursion by having a base case of false if the string is empty, if the first character is one of the three call ourselves on the rest of the string, or if not the value is true. Here is the code
function hasOtherChars(s As String) As Boolean
if (len(s)=0) then
exit function
end if
Dim asciiSpace As Integer
asciiSpace = Asc(" ")
Dim asciiComma As Integer
asciiComma= Asc(",")
Dim asciiApostrophe As Integer
asciiApostrophe = Asc("'")
Dim c as Integer
c = Asc(Mid$(s, 1, 1))
if ((c=asciiSpace) or (c=asciiComma) or (c=asciiApostrophe)) then
hasOtherChars = hasOtherChars(Mid$(s,2))
end if
End function
Again I am borrowing from the other thread.

MS Access VBA: Split string into pre-defined width

I have MS Access form where the user pastes a string into a field {Vars}, and I want to reformat that string into a new field so that (a) it retains whole words, and (b) "fits" within 70 columns.
Specifically, the user will be cutting/pasting variable names from SPSS. So the string will go into the field as whole names---no spaces allowed---with line breaks between each variable. So the first bit of VBA code looks like this:
Vars = Replace(Vars, vbCrLf, " ")
which removes the line breaks. But from there, I'm stumped---ultimately I want the long string that is pasted in the Vars field to be put on consecutive multiple lines that each are no longer than 70 columns.
Any help is appreciated!
Okay, for posterity, here is a solution:
The field name on the form that captures the user input is VarList. The call to the SPSS_Syntax function below returns the list of variable names (in "Vars") that can then be used elsewhere:
Vars = SPSS_Syntax(me.VarList)
Recall that user input into Varlist comes in as each variable (word) with a line break in between each. The problem is that we want the list to be on one line (horizontal, not vertical) AND a line can be no more than 256 characters in length (I'm setting it to 70 characters below). Here's the function:
Public Function SPSS_Syntax(InputString As String)
InputString = Replace(InputString, vbNewLine, " ") 'Puts the string into one line, separated by a space.
MyLength = Len(InputString) 'Computes length of the string
If MyLength < 70 Then 'if the string is already short enough, just returns it as is.
SPSS_Syntax = InputString
Exit Function
End If
MyArray = Split(InputString, " ") 'Creates the array
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray) 'for each element in the array
MyString = MyString & " " & MyArray(i) 'combines the string with a blank space in between
If Len(MyString) > 70 Then 'when the string gets to be more than 70 characters
Syntax = Syntax & " " & vbNewLine & MyString 'saves the string as a new line
MyString = "" 'erases string value for next iteration
End If
SPSS_Syntax = Syntax
End Function
There's probably a better way to do it but this works. Cheers.

VBA Split data by new line word

I am trying to split data using VBA within word.
I have got the data using the following method
d = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(1, 1).Range.Text
This works and gets the correct data. Data for this example is
However, when I need to split the string into a list of strings using the delimiter as \n
Here is an example of the desired output
I am currently using
Dim dataTesting() As String
dataTesting() = Split(d, vbLf)
Debug.Print dataTesting(0)
However, this returns all the data and not just the first line.
Here is what I have tried within the Split function
Word uses vbCr (ANSI 13) to write a "new" paragraph (created when you press ENTER) - represented in the Word UI by ¶ if the display of non-printing characters is activated.
In this case, the table cell content you show would look like this
The correct way to split an array delimited by a pilcro in Word is:
Dim d as String
d = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(1, 1).Range.Text
Dim dataTesting() As String
dataTesting() = Split(d, vbCr)
Debug.Print dataTesting(0) 'result is "This"
You can try this (regex splitter from this thread)
Sub fff()
Dim d As String
Dim dataTesting() As String
d = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(1, 1).Range.Text
dataTesting() = SplitRe(d, "\s+")
Debug.Print "1:" & dataTesting(0)
Debug.Print "2:" & dataTesting(1)
Debug.Print "3:" & dataTesting(2)
Debug.Print "4:" & dataTesting(3)
End Sub
Public Function SplitRe(Text As String, Pattern As String, Optional IgnoreCase As Boolean) As String()
Static re As Object
If re Is Nothing Then
Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
re.Global = True
re.MultiLine = True
End If
re.IgnoreCase = IgnoreCase
re.Pattern = Pattern
SplitRe = Strings.Split(re.Replace(Text, ChrW(-1)), ChrW(-1))
End Function
If this doesn't work, there may be strange unicode/Wprd characters in your Word doc. It may be soft breaks, for instance. You could try to not split with "\W+" in stead of "\s+". I cannot test this without your document.
Dim dataTesting() As String
dataTesting() = Split(d, vbLf)
Debug.Print dataTesting(0)
works fine and thank you very much for your example,
for why it have returned a whole array is because you have used 0 as index, in many programming languages 0 is the whole array, so the first element is ,
so in my case counting from 1 this perfectly split a string that I had troubles with.
To be more exact this is how it was used in my case
Dim dataTesting() As String
dataTesting() = Split(Document.LatheMachineSetup.Heads.Item(1).Comment, vbCrLf)
MsgBox (dataTesting(1))
And that comment is a multiline string.
So this msg box returned exactly first line.

Adding "ENTER" after certain number of symbols in Word 2010 VBA Macro

So I have data in format :
data1|data2|data3|data4|data5|data6|... etc.
I want Word to put enter (break line) after every 5th occurence of | in order to structure and separate data.
I cant find a simple and quick way to doing that. Any ideas?
Use the built-in Split function and rebuild the data string using the vbCrLf constant to add the line-feed.
Note that the Split function removes the delimiter, so if you need it in the output, you have to add it back when you add the strings in the For loop.
Something like the following could work:
Option Explicit
Sub GroupDataStringByFive()
Dim sIn As String
Dim sOut As String
Dim sArr() As String
Dim iForCounter As Integer
sIn = "data1|data2|data3|data4|data5|data6"
sArr = Split(sIn, "|")
If IsArray(sArr) Then
For iForCounter = 0 To UBound(sArr)
If iForCounter > 0 And iForCounter Mod 5 = 0 Then
sOut = sOut & vbCrLf & sArr(iForCounter)
sOut = sOut & sArr(iForCounter)
End If
Next iForCounter
End If
MsgBox sOut
End Sub

Split( "TEXT" , "+" OR "-" ,2)

I need to separate a string with Visual Basic.
The downside is that i have more then one separator.
One is "+" and the other one is "-".
I need the code to check for the string if "+" is the one in the string then use "+"
if "-" is in the string then use "-" as separator.
Can I do this?
For example: Split( "TEXT" , "+" OR "-" ,2)
easiest way is to replace out the second character and then split by only one:
Dim txt As String, updTxt As String
Dim splitTxt() As String
updTxt = Replace(txt, "-", "+")
splitTxt = Split(updTxt, "+")
or more complex. The below returns a collection of the parts after being split. Allows you to cusomize the return data a bit more if you require:
Dim txt As String, outerTxt As Variant, innerTxt As Variant
Dim splitOuterTxt() As String
Dim allData As New Collection
txt = "test + test - testing + ewfwefwef - fwefwefwf"
splitOuterTxt = Split(txt, "+")
For Each outerTxt In splitOuterTxt
For Each innerTxt In Split(outerTxt, "-")
allData.Add innerTxt
Next innerTxt
Next outerTxt
What you describe seems pretty straightforward. Just check if the text contains a + to decide which separator you should use.
Try this code:
dim separator as String
separator = Iif(InStr(txt, "+") <> 0, "+", "-")
splitResult = Split(txt, separator, 2)
The code assumes that the text you want to split is in the txt variable.
Please note that I don't have VBA here and wasn't able to actually run the code. If you get any error, let me know.