"accept" drop option does not work in aurelia-interactjs - aurelia

I'm testing out the aurelia-interactjs plugin with the Drag and Drop section of the interactjs demo code. Everything is working fine except the "accept" drop option on the target areas. The targets accept both draggable sources instead of just the one with an id of "yes-drop". In other words, the "inner-dropzone" and "outer-dropzone" targets accept a drop of the "no-drop" source even though the drop options specify accept: '#yes-drop'.
Here's the code:
<require from="./dragging-only.css"></require>
<require from="./drag-and-drop.css"></require>
<div interact-draggable.bind="dragOptions" interact-dragend.delegate="dragEnd($event)" interact-dragmove.delegate="dragMoveListener($event)" id="no-drop" class="draggable drag-drop"> #no-drop </div>
<div interact-draggable.bind="dragOptions" interact-dragend.delegate="dragEnd($event)" interact-dragmove.delegate="dragMoveListener($event)" id="yes-drop" class="draggable drag-drop"> #yes-drop </div>
<div interact-dropzone.bind="dropOptions" interact-dropactivate.delegate="dropActivate($event)" interact-dragenter.delegate="dragEnter($event)" interact-dragleave.delegate="dragLeave($event)" interact-drop.delegate="drop($event)" interact-dropdeactivate.delegate="dropDeactivate($event)" id="outer-dropzone" class="dropzone">
<div interact-dropzone.bind="dropOptions" interact-dropactivate.delegate="dropActivate($event)" interact-dragenter.delegate="dragEnter($event)" interact-dragleave.delegate="dragLeave($event)" interact-drop.delegate="drop($event)" interact-dropdeactivate.delegate="dropDeactivate($event)" id="inner-dropzone" class="dropzone">#inner-dropzone</div>
drag-and-drop.js (dropOptions is defined at the end)
export class DragAndDrop {
dragMoveListener(event) {
var target = event.target,
// keep the dragged position in the data-x/data-y attributes
x = (parseFloat(target.getAttribute('data-x')) || 0) + event.detail.dx,
y = (parseFloat(target.getAttribute('data-y')) || 0) + event.detail.dy;
// translate the element
target.style.webkitTransform =
target.style.transform =
'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px)';
// update the position attributes
target.setAttribute('data-x', x);
target.setAttribute('data-y', y);
dragEnd(event) {
var textEl = event.target.querySelector('p');
textEl && (textEl.textContent =
'moved a distance of ' +
(Math.sqrt(event.detail.dx * event.detail.dx +
event.detail.dy * event.detail.dy) | 0) + 'px');
dropActivate(customEvent) {
let event = customEvent.detail;
// add active dropzone feedback
dragEnter(customEvent) {
let event = customEvent.detail;
var draggableElement = event.relatedTarget,
dropzoneElement = event.target;
// feedback the possibility of a drop
draggableElement.textContent = 'Dragged in';
dragLeave(customEvent) {
let event = customEvent.detail;
// remove the drop feedback style
event.relatedTarget.textContent = 'Dragged out';
drop(customEvent) {
let event = customEvent.detail;
event.relatedTarget.textContent = 'Dropped';
dropDeactivate(customEvent) {
let event = customEvent.detail;
// remove active dropzone feedback
dragOptions = {
// enable inertial throwing
inertia: true,
// keep the element within the area of it's parent
restrict: {
restriction: "parent",
endOnly: true,
elementRect: {
top: 0,
left: 0,
bottom: 1,
right: 1
// enable autoScroll
autoScroll: true,
dropOptions = {
// only accept elements matching this CSS selector
accept: '#yes-drop',
// Require a 75% element overlap for a drop to be possible
overlap: '0.75'
I added a debugger statement in the InteractDraggableCustomAttribute.prototype.attached function within the aurelia-interactjs code and inspected this.options. It is undefined even though the options are clearly set with interact-draggable.bind.

Version 1.0.10 of aurelia-interactjs fixes this issue.


Update v-html without misbehaving focus on typing VUE JS

I need help,
when the user types in an input box I want to highlight the link with blue color if any
My Research
when I dig into it, I realize that without using a contenteditable div it's not possible to do, also there is no v-model associated with contenteditable div I am manually updating the state.
so far I have this, courtesy- contenteditable div append a html element and v-model it in Vuejs
<div id="app"><div class="flex">
<div class="message" #input="updateHtml" v-html="html" contenteditable="true"></div>
<div class="message">{{ html }}</div>
let app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
html: 'some text',
methods: {
updateHtml: function(e) {
this.html = e.target.innerHTML;
renderHtml: function(){
this.html += '<img src="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/853/1*FH12a2fX61aHOn39pff9vA.jpeg" alt="" width=200px>';
every time user types something, the focus is misbehaving which is strange to me, I want v-html to update along with user types #keyup,#keydown also have the same behavior.it works ok on #blur #focusout events, but that's not what I want
Appreciate Help.Thanks
I figured it out myself. Posting the answer so that may help other developers. v-HTML doesn't do all the trick. You’ll need to store the cursor position so it can be restored properly each time the content updates as well as parse the content so that it renders as expected. Here is the example
An example of live syntax highlighting in a content-editable element. The hard part is storing and restoring selection after changing the DOM to account for highlighting.
<div contentEditable='true' id='editor'>
Edit text here. Try some words like bold and red
Just a demo trivial syntax highlighter, should work with any syntax highlighting you want to implement.
const editor = document.getElementById('editor');
const selectionOutput = document.getElementById('selection');
function getTextSegments(element) {
const textSegments = [];
Array.from(element.childNodes).forEach((node) => {
switch(node.nodeType) {
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
textSegments.push({text: node.nodeValue, node});
textSegments.splice(textSegments.length, 0, ...(getTextSegments(node)));
throw new Error(`Unexpected node type: ${node.nodeType}`);
return textSegments;
editor.addEventListener('input', updateEditor);
function updateEditor() {
const sel = window.getSelection();
const textSegments = getTextSegments(editor);
const textContent = textSegments.map(({text}) => text).join('');
let anchorIndex = null;
let focusIndex = null;
let currentIndex = 0;
textSegments.forEach(({text, node}) => {
if (node === sel.anchorNode) {
anchorIndex = currentIndex + sel.anchorOffset;
if (node === sel.focusNode) {
focusIndex = currentIndex + sel.focusOffset;
currentIndex += text.length;
editor.innerHTML = renderText(textContent);
restoreSelection(anchorIndex, focusIndex);
function restoreSelection(absoluteAnchorIndex, absoluteFocusIndex) {
const sel = window.getSelection();
const textSegments = getTextSegments(editor);
let anchorNode = editor;
let anchorIndex = 0;
let focusNode = editor;
let focusIndex = 0;
let currentIndex = 0;
textSegments.forEach(({text, node}) => {
const startIndexOfNode = currentIndex;
const endIndexOfNode = startIndexOfNode + text.length;
if (startIndexOfNode <= absoluteAnchorIndex && absoluteAnchorIndex <= endIndexOfNode) {
anchorNode = node;
anchorIndex = absoluteAnchorIndex - startIndexOfNode;
if (startIndexOfNode <= absoluteFocusIndex && absoluteFocusIndex <= endIndexOfNode) {
focusNode = node;
focusIndex = absoluteFocusIndex - startIndexOfNode;
currentIndex += text.length;
function renderText(text) {
const words = text.split(/(\s+)/);
const output = words.map((word) => {
if (word === 'bold') {
return `<strong>${word}</strong>`;
else if (word === 'red') {
return `<span style='color:red'>${word}</span>`;
else {
return word;
return output.join('');
Hope this helps...

Change avatar with vue.js without refresh?

I have this in view:
<div class="seller_image" :style="{background: 'url(' + user_credentials.avatar +')', backgroundSize: 'cover ', display: 'block'}">
In vue i have this:
this.setAvatarLoader = true;
var data = new FormData();
this.x1 = $('#x1').val();
this.y1 = $('#y1').val();
this.w = $('#w').val();
this.h = $('#h').val();
this.x2 = $('#x2').val();
this.y2 = $('#y2').val();
user_id = this.user_credentials.user_id;
this.$http.post('/profile/' + user_id + '/basic_info/set_avatar',data).then(function(response){
this.avatarImageSet = false;
public_path = response.data.public_path;
url_path = response.data.url_path;
filename = response.data.filename;
this.setAvatarLoader = false;
this.basic_status = true;
this.basic_success_message = response.data.successMsg;
this.profile_image = url_path;
this.user_credentials.avatar = url_path
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
}, function(response) {
this.setAvatarLoader = false;
When I refresh the page I get the avatar but in time when I set it it does not change the image.
Any suggestion?
As #AWolf said, it's difficult to guess what's the problem with your code because I can see only a part of your code base.
Another possible issue could be the url_path. If it remains the same, will never change. So, you need to append the timestamp:
this.user_credentials.avatar = url_path + '?' + Date.now()
As mentioned in the comments, try to avoid jQuery because it's most of the time not needed and it is making things more complicated.
Please have a look at the demo below for a simple image uploader/avatar changer or at this fiddle.
The demo just opens a file picker dialog and then the returned file is used to update the displayed image. (Posting to server is not added in the demo.)
To your code:
Something like $('#x1').val() shouldn't be done with Vue.js because in Vue you're doing that model driven.
So the only source of truth is your data model and not the stuff displayed in the DOM.
Not sure what you're trying to do with the x1,y1, ... code. That's not clear from your snippet with-out the html markup.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
user_credentials: {
avatar: 'https://unsplash.it/100/100'
methods: {
changeAvatar() {
const input = document.createElement('input');
let self = this;
input.setAttribute("type", "file");
input.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
// uploading code from this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/vacidesign/ja0tyj0f/
if (this.files && this.files[0]) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
// image is loaded callback
self.user_credentials.avatar = e.target.result;
// here you can post the data to your backend...
input.click(); // opening dialog
return false; // avoiding navigation
.seller_image {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.1.10/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<div class="seller_image" :style="{background: 'url(' + user_credentials.avatar +')', backgroundSize: 'cover ', display: 'block'}">
<button #click="changeAvatar()">

Cannot get aurelia-interactjs plugin to work using Aurelia CLI

I'm trying out the aurelia-interactjs plugin to see if it meets my needs. I installed it into a new aurelia cli project by following all of the installation steps. I then added code for the Dragging section of the interactjs demo. The browser console displays the following error stating that interact is not a function:
Unhandled rejection TypeError: interact is not a function. (In 'interact(this.element)', 'interact' is undefined)
Here's my code:
<div id="drag-1" interact-draggable.bind="interactjsOptions">
<p> You can drag one element </p>
<div id="drag-2" interact-draggable.bind="interactjsOptions">
<p> with each pointer </p>
export class App {
constructor() {
this.interactjsOptions = {
// enable inertial throwing
inertia: true,
// keep the element within the area of it's parent
restrict: {
restriction: "parent",
endOnly: true,
elementRect: {
top: 0,
left: 0,
bottom: 1,
right: 1
// enable autoScroll
autoScroll: true,
// call this function on every dragmove event
onmove: dragMoveListener,
// call this function on every dragend event
onend: function(event) {
var textEl = event.target.querySelector('p');
textEl && (textEl.textContent =
'moved a distance of ' +
(Math.sqrt(event.dx * event.dx +
event.dy * event.dy) | 0) + 'px');
function dragMoveListener(event) {
var target = event.target,
// keep the dragged position in the data-x/data-y attributes
x = (parseFloat(target.getAttribute('data-x')) || 0) + event.dx,
y = (parseFloat(target.getAttribute('data-y')) || 0) + event.dy;
// translate the element
target.style.webkitTransform =
target.style.transform =
'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px)';
// update the posiion attributes
target.setAttribute('data-x', x);
target.setAttribute('data-y', y);
I am sorry, wrote the above in the bus on my commute to work on my phone didn't read all the code :-)
If you want to have the basic draggable sample (first one from http://interactjs.io/), which allows you to just drag elements around:
.draggable {
width: 25%;
height: 100%;
min-height: 6.5em;
margin: 10%;
background-color: #29e;
color: white;
border-radius: 0.75em;
padding: 4%;
-webkit-transform: translate(0px, 0px);
transform: translate(0px, 0px);
<require from="app.css"></require>
<p> You can drag one element </p>
<p> with each pointer </p>
app.ts (if you remove the public keyword in the function it will be valid js I think)
export class App {
public dragMoveListener(event) {
var target = event.target,
// keep the dragged position in the data-x/data-y attributes
x = (parseFloat(target.getAttribute('data-x')) || 0) + event.detail.dx,
y = (parseFloat(target.getAttribute('data-y')) || 0) + event.detail.dy;
// translate the element
target.style.webkitTransform =
target.style.transform =
'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px)';
// update the posiion attributes
target.setAttribute('data-x', x);
target.setAttribute('data-y', y);
public dragEnd(event) {
var textEl = event.target.querySelector('p');
textEl && (textEl.textContent =
'moved a distance of '
+ (Math.sqrt(event.detail.dx * event.detail.dx +
event.detail.dy * event.detail.dy)|0) + 'px');
public interactOptions = {
// enable inertial throwing
inertia: true,
// keep the element within the area of it's parent
restrict: {
restriction: "parent",
endOnly: true,
elementRect: { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 1, right: 1 }
// enable autoScroll
autoScroll: true,

dojo 1.7 IE9 widget function call not triggering

I'm trying to add a button to a custom pallete to call a function "uiFileInputDlg" which is in the workspace that uses the widget. The upbtn appears on the pallete, but it is not triggering the DoUpload function which is connected in postcreate to then call on "uiFileInputDlg".
works flawlessly in firefox.
we're user dojo 1.7.2
-----------THE TEMPLATE-------------------------
<div class="dijitInline dijitColorPalette">
<div class="dijitColorPaletteInner" data-dojo-attach-point="divNode" role="grid" tabIndex="${tabIndex}">
<button type="button" id="upbtn"
Upload New Image
-------------------------THE WIDGET--------------------------
define([ 'dojo/_base/declare',
function(declare, w, t, i18n, template, witm, lang){
console.log('meemli.UploadPalette: Requiring dijit/nls/common.js INSTEAD OF dojo/nls/common' + i18n.invalidMessage);
return declare("meemli.UploadPalette",
[dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated],
// summary: A keyboard accessible color-picking widget
// description:
// Grid showing various colors, so the user can pick a certain color
// Can be used standalone, or as a popup.
// example:
// | <div dojoType="dijit.ColorPalette"></div>
// example:
// | var picker = new dijit.ColorPalette({ },srcNode);
// | picker.startup();
// defaultTimeout: Number
// number of milliseconds before a held key or button becomes typematic
defaultTimeout: 500,
// timeoutChangeRate: Number
// fraction of time used to change the typematic timer between events
// 1.0 means that each typematic event fires at defaultTimeout intervals
// < 1.0 means that each typematic event fires at an increasing faster rate
timeoutChangeRate: 0.90,
// palette: String
// Size of grid, either "7x10" or "3x4".
palette: "3x3",
//_value: String
// The value of the selected color.
value: null,
//_currentFocus: Integer
// Index of the currently focused color.
_currentFocus: 0,
// _xDim: Integer
// This is the number of colors horizontally across.
_xDim: null,
// _yDim: Integer
/// This is the number of colors vertically down.
_yDim: null,
// _palettes: Map
// This represents the value of the colors.
// The first level is a hashmap of the different arrays available
// The next two dimensions represent the columns and rows of colors.
_palettes: {
"3x3": [],
"3x2": ["/images/icons/1.png", "/images/icons/2.png", "/images/icons/3.png","/images/icons/4.png", "/images/icons/5.png", "/images/icons/6.png"]
// _imagePaths: Map
// This is stores the path to the palette images
// _imagePaths: {
// "3x3": dojo.moduleUrl("dijit", "templates/icons3x3.png")
// },
// _paletteCoords: Map
// This is a map that is used to calculate the coordinates of the
// images that make up the palette.
_paletteCoords: {
"leftOffset": 3, "topOffset": 3,
"cWidth": 50, "cHeight": 50
// templatePath: String
// Path to the template of this widget.
// templateString: dojo.cache("meemli", "templates/UploadPalette.html"),
templateString: template,
// _paletteDims: Object
// Size of the supported palettes for alignment purposes.
_paletteDims: {
"3x3": {"width": "156px", "height": "156px"}, // 48*3 + 3px left/top border + 3px right/bottom border...
"3x2": {"width": "156px", "height": "109px"} // 48*3 + 3px left/top border + 3px right/bottom border...
// tabIndex: String
// Widget tabindex.
maxCols: 3,
tabIndex: "0",
_curIndex: 0,
DoUpload: function(){
uiFileInputDlg(); // function out in the workspace
_addImage: function(url) {
row = Math.floor(this._curIndex / this.maxCols);
col = this._curIndex - (row * this.maxCols);
this._yDim = Math.floor(this._curIndex / this.maxCols);
this._xDim = this._curIndex - (row * this.maxCols);
var imgNode = dojo.doc.createElement("img");
imgNode.src = url;
//imgNode.style.height = imgNode.style.width = "48px";
var cellNode = dojo.doc.createElement("span");
cellNode.connectionRefs = new Array();
dojo.forEach(["Dijitclick", "MouseEnter", "Focus", "Blur"], function(handler) {
cellNode.connectionRefs.push(this.connect(cellNode, "on" + handler.toLowerCase(), "_onCell" + handler));
}, this);
var cellStyle = cellNode.style;
cellStyle.top = this._paletteCoords.topOffset + (row * this._paletteCoords.cHeight) + "px";
cellStyle.left = this._paletteCoords.leftOffset + (col * this._paletteCoords.cWidth) + "px";
cellStyle.height = this._paletteCoords.cHeight + "px";
cellStyle.width = this._paletteCoords.cWidth + "px";
// console.debug( "tlhw: " + cellStyle.top + ", " + cellStyle.left + ", " + cellStyle.height + ", " + cellStyle.width );
// adjust size when the bits come...
// this.xh = this.xw = "32px";
//console.log('this.xh => ' + this.xh);
dojo.connect( imgNode,"onload", this, function() {
//console.log('IN: CONNECT...this.xh => ' + this.xh);
this.xh = imgNode.height;
this.xw = imgNode.width;
this.xh = (this.xh==0) ? this.xh="32px" : (this.xh + "");
this.xw = (this.xw==0) ? this.xw="32px" : (this.xw + "");
// var h = parseInt( this.xh );
// var w = parseInt( this.xw );
var hArr = this.xh.split('p');
var wArr = this.xw.split('p');
var h =hArr[0];
var w = wArr[0];
var hLim = Math.min(THUMBNAIL_MAX_HEIGHT, this._paletteCoords.cHeight);
var wLim = Math.min(THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH, this._paletteCoords.cWidth);
var scale = 1.0;
if( h > hLim || w > wLim ) {
if( h / w < 1.0 ) { // width is bigger than height
scale = wLim / w;
else {
scale = hLim / h;
imgNode.style.height = (scale * h) + "px";
imgNode.style.width = (scale * w) + "px";
console.debug( imgNode.src + ' loaded.'
+ "old: h " + h + ", w " + w + ", scale " + scale
+ ". new: h " + imgNode.style.height + ", w " + imgNode.style.width );
} );
// hack to force event firing in IE
// image quirks doc'd in dojox/image/Lightbox.js :: show: function.
// imgNode.src = imgNode.src;
dojo.attr(cellNode, "tabindex", "-1");
dojo.addClass(cellNode, "imagePaletteCell");
dijit.setWaiRole(cellNode, "gridcell");
cellNode.index = this._cellNodes.length;
_clearImages: function() {
for(var i = 0; i < this._cellNodes.length; i++) {
this._currentFocus = 0;
this._curIndex = 0;
this._yDim = 0;
this._xDim = 0;
this._cellNodes = [];
setImages: function(imageList) {
for(var i = 0; i < imageList.length; i++) {
postCreate: function(){
// A name has to be given to the colorMap, this needs to be unique per Palette.
dojo.mixin(this.divNode.style, this._paletteDims[this.palette]);
// this.imageNode.setAttribute("src", this._imagePaths[this.palette]);
this.domNode.style.position = "relative";
this._cellNodes = [];
this.connect(this.divNode, "onfocus", "_onDivNodeFocus");
this.connect(this.btnUpNode, "onclick", "DoUpload");
// Now set all events
// The palette itself is navigated to with the tab key on the keyboard
// Keyboard navigation within the Palette is with the arrow keys
// Spacebar selects the color.
// For the up key the index is changed by negative the x dimension.
var keyIncrementMap = {
UP_ARROW: -this._xDim,
// The down key the index is increase by the x dimension.
DOWN_ARROW: this._xDim,
// Right and left move the index by 1.
for(var key in keyIncrementMap){
{keyCode:dojo.keys[key], ctrlKey:false, altKey:false, shiftKey:false},
var increment = keyIncrementMap[key];
return function(count){ this._navigateByKey(increment, count); };
this.timeoutChangeRate, this.defaultTimeout));
focus: function(){
// summary:
// Focus this ColorPalette. Puts focus on the first swatch.
onChange: function(url, hsz, wsz){
// summary:
// Callback when a image is selected.
// url, hsz, wsz, strings
// height and width string .
// console.debug("img selected: "+url);
_focusFirst: function(){
this._currentFocus = 0;
var cellNode = this._cellNodes[this._currentFocus];
window.setTimeout(function(){dijit.focus(cellNode);}, 0);
_onDivNodeFocus: function(evt){
// focus bubbles on Firefox 2, so just make sure that focus has really
// gone to the container
if(evt.target === this.divNode){
_onFocus: function(){
// while focus is on the palette, set its tabindex to -1 so that on a
// shift-tab from a cell, the container is not in the tab order
dojo.attr(this.divNode, "tabindex", "-1");
_onBlur: function(){
// when focus leaves the palette, restore its tabindex, since it was
// modified by _onFocus().
dojo.attr(this.divNode, "tabindex", this.tabIndex);
_onCellDijitclick: function(/*Event*/ evt){
// summary:
// Handler for click, enter key & space key. Selects the color.
// evt:
// The event.
var target = evt.currentTarget;
if (this._currentFocus != target.index){
this._currentFocus = target.index;
window.setTimeout(function(){dijit.focus(target);}, 0);
_onCellMouseEnter: function(/*Event*/ evt){
// summary:
// Handler for onMouseOver. Put focus on the color under the mouse.
// evt:
// The mouse event.
var target = evt.currentTarget;
window.setTimeout(function(){dijit.focus(target);}, 0);
_onCellFocus: function(/*Event*/ evt){
// summary:
// Handler for onFocus. Removes highlight of
// the color that just lost focus, and highlights
// the new color.
// evt:
// The focus event.
this._currentFocus = evt.currentTarget.index;
dojo.addClass(evt.currentTarget, "imagePaletteCellHighlight");
_onCellBlur: function(/*Event*/ evt){
// summary:
// needed for Firefox 2 on Mac OS X
_removeCellHighlight: function(index){
dojo.removeClass(this._cellNodes[index], "imagePaletteCellHighlight");
_selectColor: function(selectNode){
// summary:
// This selects a color. It triggers the onChange event
// area:
// The area node that covers the color being selected.
var img = selectNode.getElementsByTagName("img")[0];
this.onChange(this.value = img.src, this.xh, this.xw);
_navigateByKey: function(increment, typeCount){
// summary:
// This is the callback for typematic.
// It changes the focus and the highlighed color.
// increment:
// How much the key is navigated.
// typeCount:
// How many times typematic has fired.
// typecount == -1 means the key is released.
if(typeCount == -1){ return; }
var newFocusIndex = this._currentFocus + increment;
if(newFocusIndex < this._cellNodes.length && newFocusIndex > -1)
var focusNode = this._cellNodes[newFocusIndex];
this.connect(this.btnUpNode, "onclick", "DoUpload");
to be
this.connect(this.btnUpNode, "onClick", "DoUpload");
onclick is a dom event, onClick is a dijit event. Since you are using a dijit button you want to use the latter.

How to add a function to another jQuery function?

I'm trying to add this short function - which swaps images according to the active tab in jQuery UI Tabs - below to the larger function below, which is the jQuery Address plugin that adds forward/back and #URL functions to UI Tabs: http://www.asual.com/jquery/address/
I need to add the shorter function so it fires when the tab changes - so it changes the image in #headerwrapper - but I can't quite tell exactly where the tab change is fired in the main address function. Any ideas on how to add this shorter function to jQuery Address?
Image change function I need to add to the main function below to run when the tab change fires:
var img = $(ui.panel).data("image");
.animate({ opacity: 'toggle' }, function() {
$(this).css("background-image", "url(" + img + ")")
.animate({ opacity: 'toggle' });
Main jQuery Tabs Address function:
<script type="text/javascript">
var tabs,
tabulation = false,
initialTab = 'home',
navSelector = '#tabs .ui-tabs-nav',
navFilter = function(el) {
return $(el).attr('href').replace(/^#/, '');
panelSelector = '#tabs .ui-tabs-panel',
panelFilter = function() {
$(panelSelector + ' a').filter(function() {
return $(navSelector + ' a[title=' + $(this).attr('title') + ']').size() != 0;
}).each(function(event) {
$(this).attr('href', '#' + $(this).attr('title').replace(/ /g, '_'));
if ($.address.value() == '') {
$.address.init(function(event) {
$(panelSelector).attr('id', initialTab);
$(panelSelector + ' a').address(function() {
return navFilter(this);
tabs = $('#tabs')
load: function(event, ui) {
$(ui.panel).html($(panelSelector, ui.panel).html());
fx: {
opacity: 'toggle',
duration: 'fast'}
.css('display', 'block');
$(navSelector + ' a').click(function(event) {
tabulation = true;
tabulation = false;
return false;
}).change(function(event) {
var current = $('a[href=#' + event.value + ']:first');
$.address.title($.address.title().split(' - ')[0] + ' - ' + current.text());
if (!tabulation) {
tabs.tabs('select', current.attr('href'));
document.write('<style type="text/css"> #tabs { display: none; } </style>');