Webrtc stream local video file - webrtc

How would one stream a local media file(video file) to peers?( i am using janus-gateway - videoroom plugin for this ).
For audio there is webAudio, but what about the video?
Update: Maybe someone has an example? Or a small code snippet? Maybe a link to some lib?

Render the local video on Canvas & create stream object from Canvas element.
And then you can add the stream to PeerConnection.
Then stream will be sent to remote peer(Janus/Browser/any server).
Demo: https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/capture/canvas-pc/
Source: https://github.com/webrtc/samples/blob/gh-pages/src/content/capture/canvas-pc/js/main.js#L45


capture MediaStream from a local video file in react naitve

The purpose is to play a local video on the host side and stream it on the participants' side. The video should pause and seek for everyone when the host does it.
For this, I want to capture a stream (of MediaStream type) of a local video file while it is playing and pass it into WebRTC.
Just like on the web we have a captureStream() method to capture stream from video or canvas, do we have anything similar in react-native? Or any other way to achieve the same goal?
I could not find a relative solution with the RTCView of react-native-webrtc or the react-native-video. Any type of solution or suggestion would be helpful.
Thank you in advance.

How to add squeezeback ad in a MediaLive HLS stream output?

I'm using AWS MediaLive to build and deliver HLS stream of a video file stored in S3. I would like to know how to include squeezeback ads in this HLS stream playout.
Thanks for your post. AWS Elemental MediaLive does not do DVE effects; it cannot do squeezebacks. MediaLive does have a keying layer, which enables moving graphics overlays onto the channel output. This would enable you to put up an LBAR animated graphic, but it would cover a region of the video. If you want a true video squeezeback, this would need to be done upstream of MediaLive.
More information on the motion graphics overlay keying can be found at:

Can't send Media Stream of captureStream() through WebRTC

I create a WebRTC with simple peer. I need to capture stream from video element and send it to peers. I use vidEl.captureStream() to get Media Stream from video element and send it to other peer. It's working but only audio and video is blackscreen(not something is display).
[Testing] I create another video element on same origin of first video element and use captureStream() and test setObject with Media Stream captured and it's working.
How to send MediaStream from video.captureStream() to new peer through WebRTC and display video from remote peer.
Sorry for bad english.
This sample does'nt work on chrome, edge but fire is worked. I don't know why.
There is currently an open bug in Chrome which breaks this:

recording a remote webrtc stream with RecordRTC

I am using Opentok JavaScript WebRTC library to host a 1-to-1 video chat (peer-to-peer).
I can see my peer's video and hear the audio flawlessly.
My wish is to record audio / video of other chat party (remote). For this purpose, I'm using RecordRTC.
I was able to record the video of other chat participant (video is outputted to HTML video element), but, so far, I have not succeeded in recording audio (a dead-silence .wav file is as far as I could get). Using Chrome Canary (30.0.1554.0). This is my method:
var clientVideo = $('#peerdiv video')[0];//peer's video (html element)
var serverVideo = $('#myselfdiv video')[0];//my video (html element)
var context = new webkitAudioContext();
var clientStream = context.createMediaStreamSource(clientVideo.webRTCStream);
var serverStream = context.createMediaStreamSource(serverVideo.webRTCStream);
webRTCStream is a custom property i assigned to HTMLVideoElement object by modifying source of opentok js library. It contains MediaStream object linked to respective < video > element.
var recorder = RecordRTC({
video: clientVideo,
stream: clientStream
Video is recorded. Audio file is also created, it has a length that is close to video's length, however, it's completely silent (and yes, there was a lot of noise making on the other side during recording)
I've tested this with video element which displays my webcam's video stream (and audio), and it worked: both audio and video were recorded:
var recorder = RecordRTC({
video: serverVideo,
stream: serverStream
Is there something special about streams originating from a remote location? Any guidance on this issue would be very helpful.
This is the same issue occurs in following situations...
If not a stereo audio (dual channel audio)...i.e. it is mono audio
If audio input channels are not equal to audio output channels
If audio input device is not the default device selected on chrome
I'm still trying to find the actual issue.
I added this experiment for testing purpose... see console...
Updated at: Saturday, 1 February 2014, 09:22:04 PKT
Remote audio recording is not supported; and this issue is considered as low-priority wontfix:
Support feeding remote WebRTC MediaStreamTrack output to WebAudio
Connect WebRTC MediaStreamTrack output to Web Audio API
Updated at March 28, 2016
Remote audio+video recording is now supported in RecordRTC, since Chrome version 49+.
Firefox, on the other hand, can merely record remote-audio.
If Chrome/WebRTC/Opus outputs mono audio by default and if that is the problem here, I see two options in that case:
By making opus output stereo - not sure how.
By making the RecordRTC/Recorderjs code work with mono
Or does anyone know any other recording library that works?
This actually now works fine in Firefox. I am using FireFox 29.0.1 and the AudioAPI can now work with audio streams sources grabbed from remote parties from a peer connection.
To test go to Muaz Khan's experiment page. I am not sure with what version of Firefox this rolled out but I would like to thank the team for cranking it out!
The chrome bug was moved to the AudioAPI team cr bug to track progress

How to capture a streaming video display and save it to disk in Flex Builder 3?

I've been looking for a solution to my problem for a while and didn't get the answer.
I have a page with a VideoDisplay object and a "Take screenshot" button. I would like to get the screenshot from the streaming video and save it but I'm getting an error:
Security sandbox violation: BitmapData.draw: http://xxx/xxx.swf cannot access rtmp://xxx/xx/xx/. No policy files granted access.
The domain of the website from which I'm capturing the image and the rtmp is the same.
I'm using ImageSnapshot class to capture the screenshot. This is the function responsible for taking the screenshot:
function takeSnapshot()
var imageSnap:ImageSnapshot=ImageSnapshot.captureImage(mainPlayer);
var imageByteArray:ByteArray=imageSnap.data as ByteArray;
var fileRef:FileReference=new FileReference();
fileRef.save(imageByteArray, "screenshot.png");
I've got also a cross-domain policy file with a lin:
<allow-access-from domain="*" />
I'd be grateful for your help.
It seems someone has figured it out.
He was having an issue with not connecting to the stream correctly
Have a look
Flash Player cannot access bitmap data
or sound spectrum data for media
loaded from RTMP sources, although it
can display and play bitmaps and
sounds loaded from these servers.