Class not found exception for WebMvcConfigurerAdapter, relevant class in Spring Data REST - spring-data-rest

I am new to Spring Data REST, I am not supported to use methods from spring-webmvc.jar. so I am planning to use #BasePathAwareController or #RepositoryRestController but I am seeing class not found exception for WebMvcConfigurerAdapter. I know that class is available in spring-webmvc.jar but how can I over come I can paste my Spring-config.xml and web.xml
I would like to find relevant class in Spring Data REST and how to configure that in Web.xml or dispatcher-servlet.xml.
I found RepositoryRestConfigurerAdapter similar to the WebMvcConfigurerAdapter class but not sure how to use it.


access ResourceInfo in Quarkus / Vertx HttpAuthenticationMechanism

In Quarkus (resteasy reactive), is there a way to get hold of the "ResourceInfo" in an HTTP Authentication Mechanism?
What I'm trying to do is read an annotation that is defined on the resource class or method, in order to choose an authentication mechanism based on it.
Injecting the ResourceInfo directly in the mechanism class does not work (and also, it is application scoped and not request scoped, so not sure it could work). I also couldn't find the info I need in the RoutingContext parameter.
I have also tried adding a ContainerRequestFilter, in which injecting the ResourceInfo with #Context works well, but I think perhaps the filters are called after the httpAuthenticationMechanism.authenticate(), because it's not called in my test when the endpoint requires authentication.
Is there another way to do this?
----> To clarify with code what I would like to do:
have different JAX-RS resources with a custom #Authorization annotations with different "api names" like this:
public class JWTTestController {
public class OIDCTestController {
and then different configs like this:
And in the HttpAuthenticationMechanism, find the value of #Authorization, and based on it, call another provider like suggested in with the right api name so that it can load the config.

Class Redefine not working

SO I am trying to redefine a class. I have a class named folder. In OSGi (using Felix) I have a new Folder class with the same methods but some additional logging.
I am trying to take the Folder Class from Felix and redefine the main Folder class on the main classloader
I do have the agent set on startup.
new ByteBuddy()
.redefine(Class.forName(classToOverride.trim()), ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.of(felixClassLoader))
.make() .load(contextClassLoader);
I have tried different strategies in the load method.
Without any strategies I get the following error
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot inject already loaded type: class com.dotmarketing.portlets.folders.model.Folder
at net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassInjector$UsingReflection.inject( ~[byte-buddy-1.6.12.jar:?]
at net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassLoadingStrategy$Default$InjectionDispatcher.load( ~[byte-buddy-1.6.12.jar:?]
at net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassLoadingStrategy$Default.load( ~[byte-buddy-1.6.12.jar:?]
at net.bytebuddy.dynamic.TypeResolutionStrategy$Passive.initialize( ~[byte-buddy-1.6.12.jar:?]
at net.bytebuddy.dynamic.DynamicType$Default$Unloaded.load( ~[byte-buddy-1.6.12.jar:?]
at com.dotmarketing.osgi.GenericBundleActivator.publishBundleServices( ~[dotcms_4.1.0_563a5c3.jar:?]
With ClassReloadingStrategy.fromInstalledAgent I get no error but doesn't work.
On a JVM, you cannot simply redefine an already loaded class. You can only redefine a class using a Java agent where Byte Buddy supplies the AgentBuilder API which you can use. Note that it is only possible to change the content of methods but not a class's layout. You probably want to have a look at the Advice API to do so.

How to write single objectMapper for spring-data-rest and to my #RestController class

I wrote a UnwrappingBeanSerializer for my entity. Currently this serializer was registered using ConfigureJacksonObjectMapper
This serializer is working fine for REST APIs generated from spring-data-rest. But I have a custom #RestController for the same entity, But it doesn't know about the serializer registered in spring-data-rest configuration.
I want to serialize my response with UnwrappingBeanSerializer both in spring-data-rest APIs and also to my custom controllers.
How to achieve this?
I also tried with #JsonSerialize on my entity class. But I am unable to create bean for unWrappingBeanSerializer with BeanSerializerBase
Regular #RestController and Spring Data REST controllers have different flows and configuration. If you are using Spring Data REST, you'd better use #RepositoryRestController for custom endpoints of the same resource, this will use the same Spring Data REST chain and its configuration, like the one you used in ConfigureJacksonObjectMapper, otherwise your ObjectMapper is visible only for Spring Data REST.
If you want to have #RestController and use the same ObjectMapper for both - you need to have two configurations: one for Spring Data REST (like you already have) and another for regular controllers, so just register it in Spring context (for instance, if you are using Spring MVC, see Customize the Jackson ObjectMapper).

How to define aspects and pointcuts in WildFly?

We are migrating from JBoss 5 to WildFly 8.2. Still using Spring 3.1. Suddenly none of our aspects can be found when application starts.
We might have solved (partially) the XML configuration (by placing more wildcards around), but annotation based configuration of aspects cannot be solved the same way (no wildcard possible for aspect itself since this is annotated class). Here is the Aspect class definition:
package com.mycompany.session;
public class SessionManager {
// intercepting any class, any method starting with com.mycompany.some
#Pointcut("execution(* com.mycompany.some.*.*(..))")
public void myPointcut() {}
public Object process(ProceedingJoinPoint jointPoint)
throws Throwable
{ ... the rest of code }
When starting this code without changes under WildFly we get this error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: warning can't determine implemented interfaces of missing type com.mycompany.session.SessionManager
Anything wrong with code? Anything needs to be different in WildFly versus older jboss?

Add another UrlHandlerMapping to Spring data rest

I'm having a normal spring-mvc project and I'm also building a rest module as a separate jar file. The goal is when I have the rest jar in my classpath to have the normal website mapped to / and the spring-data-rest repositories mapped to /rest. For the rest module I have defined RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration as well as a WebApplicationInitializer and it all works fine.
So now I want to add some more URLs to the rest module (like /synchronize, and /authenticate, etc.) but as soon as I add controllers in the rest module, they are picked up by the parent application context (the one for the website /). I tried specifying them as bean in the RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration but still they are picked up by the other parent context and the filters of the parent context are fired. And when I access the spring-data-rest through /rest no filters are triggered.
So I was wondering: is there a method I could override in the RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration so that I can add extra url handler mappings?
I assume you mean that you want to have another controller advertised as part of Spring Data REST's root hypermedia.
To do so, you need to create another class in your app like this:
class DogifierResourceProcessor implements ResourceProcessor<RepositoryLinksResource> {
public RepositoryLinksResource process(RepositoryLinksResource objects) {
objects.add(new Link(ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest()
.concat("dogifier/{id}"), "dogifier"));
return objects;
This will create a hypermedia entry with rel="dogifier" that lists /dogifier/{id} as the URI. It will also prefix it with the proper URN, etc.
Of course, you can use Spring HATEOAS to link to a controller method without having to specify the actual path by hand. That would reduce maintenance and encourage better hypermedia controls.
You need to exclude those controllers from the classpath scanning of the parent context. Just follow the instructions in the Spring documentation.