Accessing another user's drive using the OneDrive SDK - onedrive

I can't figure out the proper syntax to open another user's OneDrive folder. What am I doing wrong? The parameter is supposed to be "ID", but is that a user ID/name, a drive ID - what? Below is some pseudo-code, based on the OneDrive API Browser sample.
I get this error: "The provided drive id appears to be malformed, or does not represent a valid drive."
private async Task LoadUserDriveTest()
Item folder;
var expandValue = "thumbnails,children";
folder =
await oneDriveClient
//Code: invalidRequest
//Message: The provided drive id appears to be malformed, or does not represent a valid drive.

For a drive identifier, you can use any of these:
User's UPN address (
User's object ID in AAD (guid)
DriveID previously obtained by other means (say, by having a shared item return a parentReference property with a driveID).
You'd think I would have documented that here, but apparently I need to do some more writing.


Bloomberg API - How to get user entitlements for user subscription

i'm just trying to check user entitlements for user subscription data from bloomberg api's data feeds.
For this i tried to run Bloombergs example "EntitlementsVerificationSubscriptionExample". As it seems to be working at first sight, on second sight i recognized, that there aren't any entitlements for the data i receive from the api.
that means:
public void processSubscriptionDataEvent(Event eventObj, Session session)
foreach(Message msg in eventObj)
bool needsEntitlement = msg.HasElement(Name.GetName("EID"));
is always 'false', as there is never a field called "EID" available.
Is there something wrong on bloomberg service site or better, is there any kind of documentation available, how to use user entitlements within data subscriptions?
thanks in advance,
First, you need to subscribe to the "EID" field, as it's not returned by default.
If the field either is not returned in the message, or had Null value, then that means data in this message does not require entitlements. Otherwise, call the following function and pass the EID value:
bool bEntitled = userIdentity.hasEntitlements(EID);
Function return value indicates whether user is entitled or not.
Data that does not require entitlements can be shared with users who are registered in EMRS (in case of B-Pipe), or with any terminal user within the firm (in case of SAPI) with no further entitlement check. Users who are not registered in EMRS or those who are non-terminal users should not have access to either B-Pipe data, or SAPI data, respectively.

Downloading a publicly-shared file from OneDrive

When I create a share link in the UI with the "Anyone with this link can view this item" option, I get a URL that looks like!YYYY&authkey=!ZZZZZ&ithint=<contentType>. What I can't figure out is how to use this URL from code to download the content of the file. Hitting the link gives HTML for a page to show the file.
How can I construct a call to download the file? Also, is there a way to construct a call to get some (XML/JSON) metadata about the file, and maybe even a preview or something? I want to be able to do this all without prompting a user for credentials, and all the API docs are about how to make authenticated calls. I want to make anonymous calls to get publicly-shared files.
Have a read over - it documents how you can make a query to our service to get the metadata for an item, along with URLs that can be used to directly download the content.
Update with more details
Sorry, the documentation you need for your specific scenario is still in process (along with the associated SDK changes) so I'll give you an overview of how to do it.
There's a sibling to the /drives path called /shares which accepts a sharing URL (such as the one you have above) in an encoded format and allows you to get metadata for the item it represents. This does not require authentication provided the sharing URL has a valid authkey.
The encoding scheme for the id is u!<UrlSafeBase64EncodedUrl>, where <UrlSafeBase64EncodedUrl> follows the guidelines outlined here (trim the = characters from the end).
Here's a snippet that should give you an idea of the whole process:
string originalUrl = "!YYYY&authkey=!foo";
byte[] urlAsUtf8Bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalUrl);
string utf8BytesAsBase64String = Convert.ToBase64String(urlAsUtf8Bytes);
string encodedUrl = "u!" + utf8BytesAsBase64String.TrimEnd('=').Replace('/', '_').Replace('+', '-');
string metadataUrl = "" + encodedUrl + "/root";
From there you can append /content if you want to get the contents of the file, or you can start navigating through if the URL represents a folder (e.g. /children/childfile.txt)

OneDrive API. moving a file to a root of an account. Doesn't work

I try to use onedrive REST API to manage my files
I want to move file. Move operation works for all cases except "move to root". If i move to some folder then all is fine. If i want to move root then i use the "me/skydrive" as the ID of the folder. but it doesn't work
[destination] => me/skydrive
"error": {
"code": "request_parameter_invalid",
"message": "The value of input resource ID parameter 'destination' isn't valid. The expected value for this parameter is a resource ID for one of these types: 'folder'."
how to solve this? what should be the 'destination'
You'll want to use the folder id for the root drive to move the file. To find the folder id for the root drive, make a GET request for "me/skydrive". The JSON response will return the id that you will want to use for the MOVE request.
Just to add some official sources to the answer:
Note: When moving items to the root of a OneDrive you cannot use the "id:" "root" syntax. You either need to use the real ID of the
root folder, or use {"path": "/drive/root"} for the parent reference.

(Google App Script) Can i give access to other users to my private Spreadsheet with oAuth?

i need help for my application "Google App Script".
I am the owner of a Spreadsheet that I use as a DB in my application; this spreadsheet must remain private.
My application is executed as Gadget in Google Site, in this application a user runs the script as himself (not under the owner's identity).
I need that all users who access the application can get some data from the DB Spreadsheet.
How can users get this data, if the Spreadsheet is only accessible to me?
Can I use oAuth?
Sorry for the bad English
Following Zig answer and to illustrate, here is an example of such a contentService webapp, one can call it with this url either in a browser or in urlFetch
The app is deployed as follows : execute as me and anyone can access even anonymous
and here is the demo script
function doGet(e) {
if(e.parameter.user!='serge' && e.parameter.user!='chris' ){return ContentService.createTextOutput("logging error, you are not allowed to see this").setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.TEXT)};
var sheet = e.parameter.sheet;
var row = Number(e.parameter.row);
Logger.log(sheet+' '+row);
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("0AnqSFd3iikE3dENnemR2LVFMTFM5bDczNGhfSG11LVE");// this sheet is private but anyone can call this app
var sh = ss.getSheetByName(sheet);
var range = sh.getRange(row,1,1,sh.getLastColumn());
var val = Utilities.jsonStringify(range.getValues());
var result = ContentService.createTextOutput(val).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON);
return result;
No you cant use oauth from the gadget as the user doesnt have read permission.
However you can publish a second script to extract needed data that runs as you with anonymous public access and call that one with urlfetch from the 1st. Slower thou.

Login as user without password (For an Admin Use-Case.)

To check if the view of a user is working or to make change out of the users view point (in development) it can be quite useful to incarnate a certain user.
How would I do this with Meteor? Best would be a solution which is independent of the Account Authentication.
To impersonate a user in production, you can call setUserId on the server, and Meteor.connection.setUserId on the client. For more details, see my blog post.
If you're using Meteor.userId() and Meteor.user() to identify your person in your javascript you could use something like this to override it at the very top of your client js
Meteor.userId = function (impersonate_id) {
return (impersonate_id) ? impersonate_id : Meteor.default_connection.userId();
Meteor.user = function (impersonate_id) {
var userId = Meteor.userId(impersonate_id);
if (!userId)
return null;
return Meteor.users.findOne(userId);
And now when you use Meteor.userId or Meteor.user modify your code so everywhere you use Meteor.user & Meteor.userId accepts an argument. So when you want to impersonate a user just pass it argument of the _id of the user you want to log in as
Meteor.user("1"); //Loads the data for user with _id 1
Meteor.user(); //Loads the actual logged in user
Also this will only work if you're actually the admin and your publish function allows you to see all your user's data