How to make leap motion not detect swipe gesture - leap-motion

I want to detect swipe gesture direction only "up/down" and "right/left".
When I stretch my hands to forward, leap motion should not detect that motion to swipe gesture.
How could I make it?
String swipeDirection;
GestureList gestures = frame.gestures();
for(int i=0; i<gestures.count(); i++){
Gesture gesture = gestures.get(i);
SwipeGesture swipeGesture = new SwipeGesture(gesture);
boolean isHorizontal = Math.abs(swipeGesture.direction().get(0))>Math.abs(swipeGesture.direction().get(1));
swipeDirection = "right";
swipeDirection = "down";
System.out.println("direction: "+swipeDirection + " hand: "+frame.hands().get(0).isLeft()
+", duration: "+swipeGesture.durationSeconds());

You want to make sure that the direction is pointing more towards the x or y axes than toward the z axis. So similar to how you calculate whether the swipe direction is horizontal, you want to check that it isn't forward/backward:
boolean isNotForward = Math.abs(swipeGesture.direction().get(0)) >
Math.abs(swipeGesture.direction().get(2)) ||
Math.abs(swipeGesture.direction().get(1)) >


Best way to do object collision?

I'm trying to do wall collision for objects and I've followed a tutorial that offers one method of doing collision.
This is the tutorial:
Currently, if the object detects a wall, instead of moving it's full distance, it moves pixel by pixel until it's against the wall. This worked well until I started trying to rotate the object with image_rotate, because it caused objects to get stuck in walls by either sliding against them or if they rotated into them.
I fixed this by using draw_sprite_ext instead and changing the rotation of the sprite itself and not the mask, which worked for about 20 minutes until it started causing more problems.
///obj_player Step
//Initialise Variables
hor_speed = 0;
ver_speed = 0;
accelerationspeed = 0.2;
decelerationspeed = 0.2;
maxspeed = 3;
pointdirection = 0;
//Get player's input
key_right = keyboard_check(ord("D"))
key_left = -keyboard_check(ord("A"))
key_up = -keyboard_check(ord("W"))
key_down = keyboard_check(ord("S"))
pointdirection = point_direction(x,y,mouse_x,mouse_y) + 270
hor_movement = key_left + key_right;
ver_movement = key_up + key_down;
//horizontal acceleration
if !(abs(hor_speed) >= maxspeed) {
hor_speed += hor_movement * accelerationspeed;
//horizontal deceleration
if (hor_movement = 0) {
if !(hor_speed = 0) {
hor_speed -= (sign(hor_speed) * decelerationspeed)
//vertical acceleration
if !(abs(ver_speed) >= maxspeed) {
ver_speed += ver_movement * accelerationspeed;
//vertical deceleration
if (ver_movement = 0) {
if !(ver_speed = 0) {
ver_speed -= (sign(ver_speed) * decelerationspeed)
//horizontal collision
if (place_meeting(x+hor_speed,y,obj_wall)) {
while(!place_meeting(x+sign(hor_speed),y,obj_wall)) {
x += sign(hor_speed);
hor_speed = 0;
//vertical collision
if (place_meeting(x,y+ver_speed,obj_wall)) {
while(!place_meeting(x,y+sign(ver_speed),obj_wall)) {
y += sign(ver_speed);
ver_speed = 0;
//move the player
x += hor_speed;
y += ver_speed;
///obj_player Draw
//rotate to look at cursor
draw_sprite_ext(spr_player, 0, x,y,image_xscale,image_yscale, pointdirection, image_blend, image_alpha);
I think the best way to rotate objects is through image_rotate, and I'd like to do it without getting stuff stuck in walls. Can my current method of collision be adapted to do this, or should I attempt to do it in a different way?
Your code looks fine, but if you're going to be rotating objects then you would also need to consider having a "knock back mechanic." Reason being is the player could be sitting next to this wall and if you rotate the object over them so they cant move, its not a fun time being stuck.
So you 'could' have the object that's rotating do a check before rotating and if objects are in the way then either stop it or push them back so they cant be within range.

How to move camera around object to look at object from all sides?

How can a cesium camera be moved around an object in circular path?
Assuming you want something similar to helicopter circles... It can be done by 'lookAt' at every clock tick.
let heading = 0; //or any starting angle in radians
let rotation = -1; //counter-clockwise; +1 would be clockwise
let centre = new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude);
let elevation = 100; // 100 meters
let pitch = -0.7854; //looking down at 45 degrees
const SMOOTHNESS = 600; //it would make one full circle in roughly 600 frames
viewer.clock.onTick.addEventListener(() => {
heading += rotation * Math.PI / SMOOTHNESS;, new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(heading, pitch, elevation));

Titanium: App locked to portrait, yet camera rotates, how to determine actual device orientation?

Appcelerator Titanium app, asking specifically about Android
Our app is locked to portrait mode:
android:screenOrientation="nosensor" is in the tiapp.xml
All windows have orientationModes: [Ti.UI.Portrait] set
Yet, when we show the camera (with an overlay), it is permitted to rotate. This means user photos can end up sideways or upside down. Unfortunately, because the app is locked to portrait mode, Ti.Gesture.orientation and myWindow.orientation always returns 1 (portrait) so we can't manually de-rotate the image.
How can I either a) lock the orientation of the camera, or b) find the actual device orientation so I can manually de-rotate the image?
The answer is to use the accelerometer.
function accelerometerCallback(e) {
var deviceOrientation;
// Get the current device angle
var xx = -e.x;
var yy = e.y;
var angle = Math.atan2(yy, xx);
if (angle >= -2.25 && angle <= -0.75) {
deviceOrientation = "portraitUpsideDown";
} else if (angle >= -0.75 && angle <= 0.75) {
deviceOrientation = "landscapeRight";
} else if (angle >= 0.75 && angle <= 2.25) {
deviceOrientation = "portrait";
} else if (angle <= -2.25 || angle >= 2.25) {
deviceOrientation = "landscapeLeft";
console.log('ACCELEROMETER: orientation = ' + deviceOrientation);
Ti.Accelerometer.addEventListener('update', accelerometerCallback);
myWin.addEventListener('close', function () {
Ti.Accelerometer.removeEventListener('update', accelerometerCallback);
Just keep in mind that the accelerometer listener fires like a bajillion times a second and is another drain on the battery. Make sure to remove the update listener as soon as you can.

BabylonJS - Remove smooth animation on the camera

I'm using BabylonJS to make a little game.
I'm using this code to build a camera : = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("playerCamera", new BABYLON.Vector3(x, y, z), s); = true; = false; = [90]; // Z = [83]; // S = [81]; // Q = [68]; // D = v; = new BABYLON.Vector3(1, h, 1); = a;
And it works, i have a camera, i can move around ect ...
But my problem is here : by default they are a smooth animation when a move and when i change the orientation of the camera.
Let me explain : When i move with my arrow keys (aproximately 20 pixels to the left) it will go to 25 pixels (20 pixels + 5 smooths pixels).
I don't want it :/ Do you know how o disable it ? (To move and change orientation of the camera).
This is due to the inertia defined in the free camera.
To remove this "smooth" movements, simply disable inertia: = 0;

Rotating camera around the X-axis (three.js)

I am trying to rotate the camera around to X-axis of the scene.
At this point my code is like this:
rotation += 0.05;
camera.position.y = Math.sin(rotation) * 500;
camera.position.z = Math.cos(rotation) * 500;
This makes the camera move around but during the rotation something weird happens and either the camera flips, or it skips some part of the imaginary circle it's following.
You have only provided a snippet of code, so I have to make some assumptions about what you are doing.
This code:
rotation += 0.05;
camera.position.x = 0;
camera.position.y = Math.sin(rotation) * 500;
camera.position.z = Math.cos(rotation) * 500;
camera.lookAt( scene.position ); // the origin
will cause the "flipping" you refer to because the camera is trying to remain "right side up", and it will quickly change orientation as it passes over the "north pole."
If you offset the camera's x-coordinate like so,
camera.position.x = 200;
the camera behavior will appear more natural to you.
Three.js tries to keep the camera facing up. When you pass 0 along the z-axis, it'll "fix" the camera's rotation. You can just check and reset the camera's angle manually.
camera.lookAt( scene.position ); // the origin
if (camera.position.z < 0) {
camera.rotation.z = 0;
I'm sure this is not the best solution, but if anyone else runs across this question while playing with three.js (like I just did), it'll give one step further.
This works for me, I hope it helps.
Rotating around X-Axis:
var x_axis = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
var quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion;
camera.position.applyQuaternion(quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(x_axis, rotation_speed));
camera.up.applyQuaternion(quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(x_axis, rotation_speed));
Rotating around Y-Axis:
var y_axis = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
camera.position.applyQuaternion(quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(y_axis, angle));
Rotating around Z-Axis:
var z_axis = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 1 );
camera.up.applyQuaternion(quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(z_axis, angle));
I wanted to move my camera to a new location while having the camera look at a particular object, and this is what I came up with [make sure to load tween.js]:
* Helper to move camera
* #param loc Vec3 - where to move the camera; has x, y, z attrs
* #param lookAt Vec3 - where the camera should look; has x, y, z attrs
* #param duration int - duration of transition in ms
function flyTo(loc, lookAt, duration) {
// Use initial camera quaternion as the slerp starting point
var startQuaternion = camera.quaternion.clone();
// Use dummy camera focused on target as the slerp ending point
var dummyCamera = camera.clone();
dummyCamera.position.set(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z);
// set the dummy camera quaternion
var rotObjectMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
console.log(camera.quaternion, dummyCamera.quaternion);
// create dummy controls to avoid mutating main controls
var dummyControls = new THREE.TrackballControls(dummyCamera);, loc.y, loc.z);
// Animate between the start and end quaternions
new TWEEN.Tween(camera.position)
.to(loc, duration)
.onUpdate(function(timestamp) {
// Slerp the camera quaternion for smooth transition.
// `timestamp` is the eased time value from the tween.
THREE.Quaternion.slerp(startQuaternion, dummyCamera.quaternion, camera.quaternion, timestamp);
.onComplete(function() { = new THREE.Vector3(scene.children[1].position-0.001);
Example usage:
var pos = {
x: -4.3,
y: 1.7,
z: 7.3,
var lookAt = scene.children[1].position;
flyTo(pos, lookAt, 60000);
Then in your update()/render() function, call TWEEN.update();
Full example