A default parent router with child routers - aurelia

Consider the following two classes:
import { Router, RouterConfiguration } from 'aurelia-router';
export class MainPage
router: Router;
configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router)
{ route: ['', 'entities'], name: 'entities', moduleId: './entities/entities', nav: true, title: 'Entities' },
{ route: 'structures', name: 'structures', moduleId: './structures/structures', nav: true, title: 'Data Structures' },
this.router = router;
import { Router, RouterConfiguration } from 'aurelia-router';
export class Entities
private router: Router;
configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router)
{ route: '', name: 'entities-list', moduleId: './list', nav: true, title: 'Entities' },
{ route: 'events', name: 'entity-events', moduleId: './events', nav: true, title: 'Events' },
this.router = router;
The problem is that; in a page where the URL reads: http://localhost/ when I execute:
I get the error ERROR [app-router] Error: Route not found: events. But if I change the MainPage class to this:
import { Router, RouterConfiguration } from 'aurelia-router';
export class MainPage
router: Router;
configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router)
{ route: 'entities', name: 'entities', moduleId: './entities/entities', nav: true, title: 'Entities' },
{ route: 'structures', name: 'structures', moduleId: './structures/structures', nav: true, title: 'Data Structures' },
this.router = router;
In a page that URL reads http://localhost/entities, I can successfully execute the given navigateToRoute command. But then I'll lose the root route!
So how can I have a parent router with a default route and some child routes under the default route?

How about using a redirect route to redirect the default route to entities? I'm on mobile right no, so no code sample, but the docs should explain it.


not able to add routes in aurelia.js

Not able get routes even though added routes in app.js.
I am using below code to navigate to route. But getting error saying no route available.
this.router.navigateToRoute(‘Summary’, { replace: true, trigger: true });
app.js code:
import { inject } from ‘aurelia-framework’;
export class App {
constructor(element) {
this.element = element;
this.Id = null;
this.message = ‘App’;
if (element)
this.Id = element.dataset[‘id’];
configureRouter(config, router) {
config.title = ‘App’;
route: 'Summary',
name: 'Summary',
moduleId: '../src/summary-control',
nav: true
route: 'Detail',
name: 'Detail',
nav: true,
title: 'Details'
this.router = router;
} ```

Aurelia Child Router redirect to specific route

I have a main App router and multiple child routers. I'd like to have the option of specifying the child route to open when navigating from the parent route.
Parent Router:
configureRouter(config, router) {
this.router = router;
{ route: ['','home'], name: 'home', moduleId: 'home/home' },
{ route: 'students/:id?', name: 'students', moduleId: 'students/students' },
{ route: 'staff', name: 'staff', moduleId: 'staff/staff' }
Child Router for Students:
export class Students {
configureRouter(config, router) {
{ route: ['', 'home'], name: 'student-home', moduleId: 'students/students-home' },
{ route: 'list', name: 'student-list', moduleId: 'students/student-list' },
{ route: 'profile/:id', name: 'student-profile', moduleId: 'students/profile/overview' },
{ route: 'lockers', name: 'student-lockers', moduleId: 'students/lockers/home' }
this.router = router;
activate(params) {
if (params.id) {
console.log("Going straight to a student record for: ", params);
this.router.navigateToRoute('student-profile', {id: params.id});
The above scenario (using navigateToRoute() within activate) doesn't work, nor am I sure it's the best way. How can I have the option to navigate straight from the main app router to the student-profile screen if I include an id param?
I gave up on using named routes with child routers. If someone else understands them better than me, I'd be curious. However, I have found it works perfectly to just use the URL routing from any part of the app.
this.router.navigate('#/students/profile/' + record.id);
You don't need to use active in your child route. Aurelia router will go automatically to your child route.
export class Students {
configureRouter(config, router) {
{ route: ['', 'home'], name: 'student-home', moduleId: 'students/students-home' },
{ route: 'list', name: 'student-list', moduleId: 'students/student-list' },
{ route: 'profile/:id', name: 'student-profile', moduleId: 'students/profile/overview' },
{ route: 'lockers', name: 'student-lockers', moduleId: 'students/lockers/home' }
this.router = router;
Remove active and in your module "students/profile/overview"
call active(params) to get student from api or what ever you want you can do here with provied params.

# in paramertized route breaks Aurelia routes

We have sample app with router configuration defined as follows. "id" parameter in the user details route can have # in its value, such as /users/#abc. We can navigate to the user details view from users view whose "id" is #abc with no problem. However, when refreshing the details page, it goes back to the users view. Is there a way to escape character "#"?
export class App {
configureRouter(config, router) {
this.router = router;
config.title = 'Aurelia';
{ route: ['', 'home'], name: 'home', moduleId: 'home/index' },
{ route: 'users', name: 'users', moduleId: 'users/index', nav: true },
{ route: 'users/:id', name: 'userDetail', moduleId: 'users/detail' }
Since template parameters are not being encoded/decoded, they are very restrictive. Basically, this means [a-zA-Z0-9_]. Note, that this is not from documentation, but my observation.
If you need to pass any arbitrary data, just use query parameters. To do that, set up router without defining template parameter.
export class App {
configureRouter(config, router) {
this.router = router;
config.title = 'Aurelia';
{ route: ['', 'home'], name: 'home', moduleId: 'home/index' },
{ route: 'users', name: 'users', moduleId: 'users/index', nav: true },
{ route: 'user', name: 'userDetail', moduleId: 'users/detail' }
You don't have to change anything else (navigation, parameters in activate, etc.) In this way, upon navigation, it'll be turned into query parameter:
router.navigateToRoute('userDetail', { id: '#user123' });
This will result in url: http://myserver/#user?id=%23user123.

Why I'm not getting the params in activate method?

Working more on my previous example, I've got three classes. First the parent:
import { Router, RouterConfiguration } from 'aurelia-router';
export class MainPage
router: Router;
configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router)
{ route: '', redirect: 'entities' },
{ route: 'entities', name: 'entities', moduleId: './entities/entities', nav: true, title: 'Entities' },
{ route: 'structures', name: 'structures', moduleId: './structures/structures', nav: true, title: 'Data Structures' },
this.router = router;
Then the bigger brother:
import { Router, RouterConfiguration } from 'aurelia-router';
export class Entities
private router: Router;
configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router)
{ route: '', name: 'entities-list', moduleId: './list', nav: true, title: 'Entities' },
{ route: ':name/events', name: 'entity-events', moduleId: './events', nav: true, title: 'Events' },
this.router = router;
And finally the little sister:
import { inject, computedFrom } from 'aurelia-framework';
import { Services } from './services';
export class Event
private events = [];
constructor(private services : Services) {}
async attached(params, routeConfig)
this.events = <any> await this.services.getEvents(params.name);
And I use the following method call to navigate to the little sister:
this.router.navigateToRoute('entity-events', { name: "Some Name" });
But when I get to the debugger breakpoint, there's no params, it's undefined. According to the documentation, there supposed to be an object passed to the activate method, containing the parameters of the route. Where did go wrong?
Use the activate method.
The params argument is passed to activate, not attached as you've written above.
async activate(params, routeConfig)
this.events = <any> await this.services.getEvents(params.name);

Aurelia: Child Router Navigation: Route not found

Below are my views:
1. app - standard
2. home - Has a list of items on left, on selection of any, will display some content on the right side in router-view (contract-view to be loaded).
3. contract-view
app.ts: route Config:
configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router) {
config.title = 'Contracts Portal';
{ route: ['', 'home'], name: 'home', moduleId: 'home', nav: true, title: 'Home' },
{ route: 'resources', name: 'resources', moduleId: 'resources', nav: true, title: 'Resources' },
{ route: 'tools', name: 'tools', moduleId: 'tools', nav: true, title: 'Tools' }
this.router = router;
Home.ts Router Config:
configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router) {
config.title = "test";
{ route: ['', 'contract-view/:id'], name: 'contract-view', moduleId: 'contract-view', nav: true, title: 'Test' }
this.router = router;
on selection of a item in home page list, I am trying to navigate as below to load content in the right pane's router-view, in home.ts:
this.router.navigateToRoute("contract-view", { id: 4090 });
However it throws the error: Route not found: /contract-view/4090
At this point, it's still home page and default route, hence the url reads: http://localhost:9000/#/
and so it fails.
But, if I manually change the url to http://localhost:9000/#/home and then select a list item, navigation to contract-view works.
What I am I missing here?
I am looking for absolute path navigation. Tried navigating to home/contract-view but fails with error:
A route with name 'home/contract-view' could not be found. Check that name: home/contract-view was specified in the route's config.
The default route of Home.ts has a parameter:
{ route: ['', 'contract-view/:id'], name: 'contract-view', moduleId: 'contract-view', nav: true, title: 'Test' }
This might be a problem because the parameter :id is not referenced in the first name. So, I suggest you change the route as follow:
//create another route with no parameters,
//this route will represent an empty selection of contract
{ route: [ '', 'contract-view' ], name: 'contract-view-empty', moduleId: 'contract-view-empty', Title: 'Select a Contract' }
{ route: 'contract-view/:id', name: 'contract-view', moduleId: 'contract-view', nav: true, title: 'Test' }
Then, to generate a navigation link you can use route-href attr. Like this:
<a route-href="route: contract-view; params.bind: { id: 4090 }">Navigate</a>
Hope it helps!
It is an issue with Aurelia Router framework. Discussion and workaround here: