When i build the Telegram App it shows "SSignalKit/SSignalKit.h file not found"? - objective-c

I cloned Telegram App but compilation fail with "SSignalKit/SSignalKit.h file not found"
What should i do to fix this?

You need to install the git submodules as well, this can be done with:
git submodule update --init --recursive
After successfully doing the that, build should fail because it cannot find the file config.h,
this can be fixed like described here.
Note: the submodules are linked with their ssh link, so if you don't have an authorized ssh for github on your mac, you either need to create one or change the links to the submodules repos from ssh links to https links (which can be found under [PROJECT_ROOT]/.gitmodules and [PROJECT_ROOT]/.git/config


Github pages deploy vue project

I am successfully done deploy to github pages and I have an Active status of deployment. But I can't see my app. And I don't understand what is the promlem:
My repo:https://github.com/HikkiYarik/HikkiYarik.github.io
I solved a problem. We need SSH key for your GitHub account, deploy.sh file and two repos like my repos foodshop and HikkiYarik.github.io.
My GitHub account for example:
Look closely at the contents of the file deploy.sh:
<git push -f git#github.com:HikkiYarik/HikkiYarik.github.io.git master:gh-pages>
This means we push our project that was built in the foodshop repo to the HikkiYarik.github.io repo.
By the way, gh-pages branch is created automatically. Script deploy.sh starts running when we write the command:
npm run deploy
For the command to work, just write a package.json file in scripts:
"deploy": "sh deploy.sh"

Incorrect path for Pods-testAppTests/Pods-testAppTests.debug.xcconfig: unable to open file

So I recently uploaded my react-native project on GitHub, then cloned it back to see how it will build(did it for first time... yeah). And on react-native run-ios I got a repetitive error: "react-native-app/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-testAppTests/Pods-testAppTests.debug.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "testAppTests" in project "testApp") (in target 'testAppTests' from project 'testApp')
I found a solution, where this:
cd ios
pod deintegrate
pod install
helped me as the project then built and ran correctly.
So my question is, how to upload it to GitHub in a way so it builds always correctly after cloning it?
Checking and editing .gitignore solved this problem.
Maybe this is linked to files which have been added/committed, while they should have been ignored, private and local only (not uploaded to GitHub)
Check your .gitignore: here is one for ReactNative, as explained in "Creating a .gitignore for a Clean React Repository", blog post written by Parker Johansen.
Then, assuming you don't have any pending changes/work in progress, you can, as explained here, apply your new .gitignore to your existing repository:
cd /path/to/local/cloned/repo
# create your .gitignore
git rm -r --cached .
git add .
git commit -m ".gitignore is now working"
git push
Finally, clone it again, and see if it compiles better.
The OP adds in the comments:
I found that folder 'Pods' doesn't exist on GitHub, that's why this error occurs, how can I add it to my /ios folder on Github correctly
I advise to check if there is a .gitignore rule which would ignore said folder:
git check-ignore -v Pods/aFile_inside_Pods

What network protocols does luarocks install use?

I am running on a redhat box, behind a corporate firewall. I'm guessing that some of the protocols are getting blocked, but I'm a relative neophyte to git, and this is my first time ever using luarocks. It looks to me like luarocks is trying to use https:// so there should be no firewall issues.... But the error messages imply a firewall problem.
Here's what I know:
I do know that this git command works fine on my machine. git is able to clone the repository locally, and I can build luarocks from source.
git clone https://github.com/torch/luajit-rocks.git
But, this command fails:
luarocks install cwrap
Here is the output from the command
Installing https://raw.githubusercontent.com/torch/rocks/master/cwrap-scm-1.rockspec...
Using https://raw.githubusercontent.com/torch/rocks/master/cwrap-scm-1.rockspec... switching to 'build' mode
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/luarocks_cwrap-scm-1-8589/cwrap/.git/
github.com[0:]: errno=Connection timed out
LuaRocks uses LuaSocket and LuaSec when available to do HTTP and HTTPS, but apart from that it just defers to external commands, such as git.
You can run luarocks with the --verbose flag and it will output every external command it calls. You can then check what is the git command line it is calling, and try it directly from the command line. This should help to diagnose if any flag is causing problems.
As a workaround, you can force git to use https with the following command:
git config --global url.https://github.com/.insteadOf git://github.com/
Source: https://github.com/torch/rocks/issues/38

How to "repo init" on a disconnected system?

I have mirrored a repository with
repo init -u <uri of manifest> --mirror
repo sync
and copied it (by usb) to a system disconnected from the internet along with the repo script and the repo clone bundle repository from https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo/clone.bundle.
I now want to create new client from the mirror, but when I run the command.
repo init -u <uri of manifest on mirror>
i get the following error.
fatal: Cannot get https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo/clone.bundle
fatal: error [Errno -2] Name or service not known
So I have the clone.bundle but have no way to persuade repo to use it.
Any suggestions?
There is an option, that appears to be totaly undocumented on the internet for repo. It is --repo-url which allows you to overide where repo looks for the latest version of itself.
This is what I did:
I had the bundle saved in my home as git-repo-clone.bundle
repo init -u < uri of manifest on mirror > --repo-url ~/git-repo-clone.bundle
I found this out by reading the repo script itself, and thought I would share.
There is an option to ignore the clone bundle.
repo init -u <your-manifest-mirror-url> --no-clone-bundle

How to config SSH for gitlab?

In my experience of Github, I tought that I need to clone a repository with my user like user#gitlabhost.com. But when I try this, then it does not recognize my password from gitlab. Only cloning with gitlab user does work.
Can anybody please help me??? - How do I have to configure gitlab access right?
If you followed Installation Instructions of gitlab, then you must have installed it on an linux box under the user named git. Typically in a folder like this
Hence you should use git#gitlabhost.com
I am not sure what you mean by "configuring SSH". But since each user is expected to use her own keypair, there should be no problem in accessing gitlab managed repo's using normal git commands. Both the following should work
git clone ssh://git#gitlabhost.com/group/repo.git
git clone git#gitlabhost.com:group/repo.git
Each user must have set their own git identity (on their local machines) using
git config --global user.name "elitmus"
git config --global user.email "abc#gmail.com"
so that git can uniquely identify each user.
In my experience, I had to connect to the gitlab server, as the git user, and modify the authenticated_keys file, as it was filled with a bunch of random #'s. after clearing that, I added my SSH key in the GitLab GUI and was able to clone and push normally.
Hope that helps.
Generating a new SSH key and adding it to GitLab or github or any ssh-agent
for more information