Can't upload image in D-Link "Emergency Room": "Failed to upload image" - flashing

Whenever I try to upload an image in the D-Link emergency room section, I get the "FAILED TO UPLOAD IMAGE" error, no matter which image I use.

Use the curl command to upload the image.
If you use a Mac, place the firmware .bin file on your desktop and call it fw.bin. In the below, replace USERNAME with your computer's username, then run the command in the Terminal.
curl -F "upload=#/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/fw.bin"


Vscode could not save file in remote file login with root

New for viscode editor.
Environment: No Internet-access, but local network is perfect. Login in as root. Client: window-10, Server: Ubuntu 20
Description: when Carl+S is pressed, no any promotion appears, but a white dot besides the file name always showing. When close the vscode app, it tells:
Closing the window is taking a bit longer…
The following operations are still running:
- saving test files
Permission: 777 for all files and folder.
Others issues: install extensions by clicking install in SSH, showing XHR failed in bottom-left corner.
Any suggestion to solve this problem?

Youtube dl Unable to extract video data 't' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Hello so I would like to begin with that I am not extremely tech savvy. I am trying to download a video so that I can reformat it. I keep on receiving and error that says "unable to extract video data 't' is not recognized as an internal or external command. I tried to update youtube-dl, but it said it couldn't find an new version. I'm not sure if the issue I am having is that I can't update youtube-dl or if there is an issue with me downloading the video itself.
Here is the script line that I used to download the video.
C:\Users\name> YouTube-dl.exe -f bestvideo+bestaudio
[youtube] llRfY17n-Lo: Downloading webpage
ERROR: llRfY17n-Lo: YouTube said: Unable to extract video data
't' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Here is the scripts I used to try and update Youtube dl.
C:\Users\name>youtube-dl.exe -U
ERROR: can't find the current version. Please try again later.
C:\Users\name>youtube-dl -U
ERROR: can't find the current version. Please try again later.
I had similar problems with the following errors:
'v' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'feature' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I fixed the error and was able to download the file by entering the following command in command line and pressing enter:
youtube-dl **video identifier**
where video identifier is the series of digits that comes after "v=".
For example, if your video URL is --> the identifier is dMH0bHeiRNg and the whole command is:
youtube-dl dMH0bHeiRNg
Actually I have found another solution to this:
in Windows, open the folder that you want to download the video in, say it is C:\Users\username
Then press CTRL+L and write cmd and press enter. Now the command line opens at the desired folder. (Make sure the folder is not under Windows or system32.)
Write youtube-dl and press enter and it should download the video just fine.

'gunzip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. System command 'gunzip' failed

I am trying to analyse my raw GNSS data on the GNSS Analyser app from here The installation guide includes the following step:
4.2 gunzip installation
The automatic ftp code inside GnssAnalysis will download ephemeris zip files, and attempt to
unzip them using gunzip.
Download gzip.exe from here
Extract the files from the zip file, rename gzip.exe to gunzip.exe
Move gunzip.exe to somewhere in your Windows path (type path in the Windows
Command Prompt to see what your path is, typically you will find a directory
C:\Windows\system32 and you can put gunzip.exe there.)
However, upon downloading gunzip, I cant find a gzip.exe file, and hence tried renaming the gzip.c and gzip.h file instead. It did not work and I got this error when attempting to process my own raw data.
I have just tried and got success to import DB from a backup file:
gzip -d < C:\Users\my-user\Downloads\my-db-backup.sql.gz | mysql -u root -p MY_DB_NAME

How to use iTunes Connect Transporter

Is there anyone that can explain to someone that doesn't know how to use Terminal what are the commands to use Transporter for iTunes Connect?
I tryed to follow the guide but with no results....
These are my steps till now:
I put this command in terminal:
export TRANSPORTER_HOME=`xcode-select --print-path`/../
and my terminal change like this:
~ myname$ Applications/Application\
so I guess with this now I am in the transporter folder...
Now I want to etrieve my app’s current metadata Using Lookup Mode, and I tryed with this command:
$ iTMSTransporter -m lookupMetadata -u [] -p [mypassword] -vendor_id [id999999999] -
destination [Applications/Application\]
but I get this:
$ iTMSTransporter -m lookupMetadata -u [] -p [mypassword] -vendor_id [id999999999] -
-bash: Applications/Application$: No such file or directory
I assume I'm writing the destination in a wrong way....
So how should I write that command?
And also... when I will have to upload my edited file... what shoud I put?
Thanks a lot for any help with this issue
Start by putting the export command into a single line.
export TRANSPORTER_HOME=`xcode-select --print-path`/../Applications/Application\
Then you have to use the full path to the iTMSTransporter Binary. You can use the variable you just defined for this.
"$TRANSPORTER_HOME/iTMSTransporter" -m lookupMetadata -u ... -vendor_id ... -destination ~/myapp
The destination is the directory where the app data will be put. ~ means your user directory. So if your username is blue ~/myapp means /Users/blue/myapp.
Don't use Xcodes directory for this.
I would recommend to NOT specify your password with the -p parameter. You don't want your password to appear in bash_history. If you don't specify the passwort you will be asked for it.
Again. Make sure that this is in one line. You must not spread the command over more than one line. Unfortunately if you copy and paste from the pdf document you get a multi line command that won't work.
I suggest to open a text editor, paste the command from the pdf into the text editor and format the command so it is on a single line.
Then go to and file a bug about the crappy documentation of iTMSTransporter

PSExec: How can I show a JPG file on a remote computer?

I need to start a document on a remote computer instead of an executable file, using PSExec.
I tried to provide the file name of a jpg file to psexec associated with the -c command to copy the file, but the message returned for documents (and not executables) is always "The system cannot find the file specified."
Anyone any ideas what the command-line for psexec should be?
Try to use the command:
cmd.exe /c START c:\path\to\document.jpg
Document must be on the remote computer, so you have to copy it there by other command before calling psexec.
Pick a program on that other machine that can show the JPEG and execute that, passing to it the path and name to the file you want to show.
As you've noticed, file associations doesn't work with remote execution like that, so you need to invoke the correct program instead.
In order to open a remote program and not only activate its process you have to use PSEXEC
with the -i (Interactive Mode) and MUST define the session number.
For example:
Usually on a Win7 host:
Console = Session 0
System = Session 1
User = Session 2
In order to activate and open notepad.exe on this remote Win 7 host use the following syntax:
psexec -i 2 \\ComputerName -u User -p Pass notepad.exe
Shai Ziv
This is the way that worked for me:
I've logged on to the via RDP:
I've copied a picture to the to "C:\Users<MyUserName>\Pictures\smiley.png"
I've opened a new powershell-window, typed "tasklist" and found out my windows session id (I simple took the highest session id I've found)
Back on my own PC:
I've downloaded PSTOOLS from
I've unpacked PSTOOLS and placed it in "C:\Program Files\PSTools"
I've opened a new powershell-window and typed: cd "C:\Program Files\PSTools"
Finally i've started the remote PAINT with:
"C:\Program Files\PSTools\psexec" -s -i 4 "\\[RemoteComputerName]" "C:\Windows\system32\mspaint.exe" "C:\Users\[MyUserName]\Pictures\smiley.png"
P.S.: Don't forget to replace [RemoteComputerName] and [MyUserName]