Translating query with JOIN expressions and a generic relation to Django ORM - sql

class Business(models.Model):
manager = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Event(models.Model):
business = models.ForeignKey(Business, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
text = models.TextField()
when = models.DateTimeField()
likes = GenericRelation('Like')
class Like(models.Model):
person = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
content_object = GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')
date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
So I have this structure in Here's an explanation of important models:
Event model has "business" field which links to the certain Business object, which further has "manager" field. Also, Event model has "when" field which describes the date when an event will occur.
On the other side, Like model has generic foreign key field which can link to the certain Event object, and also "person" and "date" fields which describe who gave like and when it was given to that event.
The goal is now to display on user page all liked events by targeted user, and all events which manager is that user. It can be simply done with this SQL command:
SELECT event.*
FROM event
ON (event.business_id =
ON ( = object_id AND content_type_id = 17)
WHERE ('like'.person_id = 1 OR business.manager_id = 1);
But now the results have to be sorted, by already mentioned "date" in Like and "when" in Event model. The sorting behavior should be as follows: If the Event object derives from Like object then it should be sorted by "date" in that Like object, in other case it should be sorted by "when" in Event - this is where the things change. Therefore, here's how the final raw query looks like:
SELECT event.*
FROM event
ON (event.business_id = AND business.manager_id = 1)
ON ( = object_id AND content_type_id = 17 AND person_id = 1)
ORDER BY COALESCE('like'.date, event.'when') DESC;
And I have now to translate that last query to Django ORM, but I'm completely lost on that part. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance!

After another day of struggling, I've finally solved it. Although it does not produce the same query from above and is not efficient like it (because it's selecting all likes on the queried event), it seems like it's the only good way of doing it in ORM:
from django.db.models import Case, When, F
Event.objects.filter( \
Q(business__manager=person) | \
Q(likes__person=person)) \
.order_by( \
Case( \
When(likes__person=person, then=F('likes__date')), \
default=F('when')) \
Here's what SQL it produces:
SELECT event.*
FROM event
ON (event.business_id =
ON ( = object_id AND content_type_id = 17)
WHERE (business.manager_id = 2 OR 'like'.person_id = 2)
WHEN 'like'.person_id = 2 THEN 'like'.date
ELSE event.'when'


Select Related With Multiple Conditions

Using the Django ORM is it possible to perform a select_related (left join) with conditions additional to the default =
Using the example models:
class Author(models.Model):
name = models.TextField()
age = models.IntegerField()
class Book(models.Model):
title = models.TextField()
and the raw sql
SELECT 'Book'.*, 'Author'.'name'
FROM 'Book'
ON 'Author'.'id' = 'Book'.'author_id'
AND 'Author'.'age' > 18 ;<---this line here is what id like to use via the ORM
I understand that in this simple example you can perform the filtering after the join, but that hasn't worked in my specific case. As i am doing sums across multiple left joins that require filters.
# gets all books which has author with age higher than 18
books = Book.objects.filter(author__age__gt=18)
returns queryset.
Then you can loop trough the queryset to access specific values and print them:
for b in books:

Django sql order by

I'm really struggling on this one.
I need to be able to sort my user by the number of positive vote received on their comment.
I have a table userprofile, a table comment and a table likeComment.
The table comment has a foreign key to its user creator and the table likeComment has a foreign key to the comment liked.
To get the number of positive vote a user received I do :
LikeComment.objects.filter(Q(type = 1), Q(comment__user=user)).count()
Now I want to be able to get all the users sorted by the ones that have the most positive votes. How do I do that ? I tried to use extra and JOIN but this didn't go anywhere.
Thank you
It sounds like you want to perform a filter on an annotation:
class User(models.Model):
class Comment(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="comments")
class Like(models.Model):
comment = models.ForeignKey(Comment, related_name="likes")
type = models.IntegerField()
users = User \
.objects \
.extra(select = {
"positive_likes" : """
JOIN app_comment on app_like.comment_id =
WHERE app_comment.user_id = AND app_like.type = 1 """})
class UserProfile(models.Model):
def like_count(self):
LikeComment.objects.filter(comment__user=self.user, type=1).count()
def getRanking( anObject ):
return anObject.like_count()
def myview(request):
users = list(UserProfile.objects.filter())
users.sort(key=getRanking, reverse=True)
return render(request,'page.html',{'users': users})
Timmy's suggestion to use a subquery is probably the simplest way to solve this kind of problem, but subqueries almost never perform as well as joins, so if you have a lot of users you may find that you need better performance.
So, re-using Timmy's models:
class User(models.Model):
class Comment(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="comments")
class Like(models.Model):
comment = models.ForeignKey(Comment, related_name="likes")
type = models.IntegerField()
the query you want looks like this in SQL:
SELECT, COUNT( AS total_likes
FROM app_user
LEFT OUTER JOIN app_comment
ON = app_comment.user_id
ON = app_like.comment_id AND app_like.type = 1
(If your actual User model has more fields than just id, then you'll need to include them all in the SELECT and GROUP BY clauses.)
Django's object-relational mapping system doesn't provide a way to express this query. (As far as I know—and I'd be very happy to be told otherwise!—it only supports aggregation across one join, not across two joins as here.) But when the ORM isn't quite up to the job, you can always run a raw SQL query, like this:
sql = '''
SELECT, COUNT( AS total_likes
# etc (as above)
for user in User.objects.raw(sql):
print, user.total_likes
I believe this can be achieved with Django's queryset:
The only problem here is that this query will miss users with 0 likes. Code from #gareth-rees, #timmy-omahony and #Catherine will include also 0-ranked users.

Query that joins just a single row from a ForeignKey relationship

I have the following models (simplified):
class Category(models.model):
# ...
class Product(models.model):
# ...
class ProductCategory(models.Model):
product = models.ForeignKey(Product)
category = models.ForeignKey(Category)
# ...
class ProductImage(models.Model):
product = models.ForeignKey(Product)
image = models.ImageField(upload_to=product_image_path)
sort_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=100)
# ...
I want to construct a query that will get all the products associated with a particular category. I want to include just one of the many associated images--the image with the lowest sort_order--in the queryset so that a single query gets all of the data needed to show all products within a category.
In raw SQL I would might use a GROUP BY something like this:
SELECT * FROM catalog_product p
LEFT JOIN catalog_productcategory c ON ( = c.product_id)
LEFT JOIN catalog_productimage i ON ( = i.product_id)
WHERE c.category_id=2
GROUP BY HAVING i.sort_order = MIN(sort_order)
Can this be done without using a raw query?
Edit - I should have noted what I've tried...
# inside Category model...
products = Product.objects.filter(productcategory__category=self) \
While this query does GROUP BY, I do not see any way to (a) get the right ProductImage.image into the QuerySet eg. HAVING clause. I'm effectively trying to dynamically add a field to the Product instance (or the QuerySet) from a specific ProductImage instance. This may not be the way to do it with Django.
It isn't quite a raw query, but it isn't quite public api either.
You can add a group by clause to the queryset before it is evaluated:
qs = Product.objects.filter(some__foreign__key__join=something)
qs.group_by = 'some_field'
results = list(qs)
Word of caution, though: this behaves differently depending on the db backend.
catagory = Catagory.objects.get(get_your_catagory)
qs = Product.objects.annotate(Min('productimage__sortorder').filter(productcategory__category = catagory)
This should hit the DB only once, because querysets are lazy.

django self join query using aliases

am trying to use queryset to perform the following query without using raw SQL. any idea how can do that?
select * from category_main a, category_list b, category_main c where and
below are my models
class Main(models.Model):
slug = models.SlugField()
is_active = models.BooleanField(default=True)
site = models.ForeignKey(Site)
parent = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True, limit_choices_to={'parent' : None})
class Meta:
unique_together = (("slug", "parent"))
def __unicode__(self):
return self.slug
class List(models.Model):
main = models.ForeignKey(Main)
slug = models.SlugField(unique=True)
is_active = models.BooleanField(default=True)
parent = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.slug
Hi, I just managed to find a query that does that for me, I used advised below to join main with main's parent and from there I joined list with main list using the below
Main.objects.select_related('main', 'parent').filter(list__is_active=True, maini18n__language='en', list__listi18n__language='en').query.__str__()
'SELECT `category_main`.`id`, `category_main`.`slug`, `category_main`.`is_active`, `category_main`.`site_id`, `category_main`.`parent_id`, T5.`id`, T5.`slug`, T5.`is_active`, T5.`site_id`, T5.`parent_id` FROM `category_main` INNER JOIN `category_maini18n` ON (`category_main`.`id` = `category_maini18n`.`main_id`) INNER JOIN `category_list` ON (`category_main`.`id` = `category_list`.`main_id`) INNER JOIN `category_listi18n` ON (`category_list`.`id` = `category_listi18n`.`list_id`) LEFT OUTER JOIN `category_main` T5 ON (`category_main`.`parent_id` = T5.`id`) WHERE (`category_maini18n`.`language` = en AND `category_list`.`is_active` = True AND `category_listi18n`.`language` = en )'
the returned query mapped everything I need, accept its not being added to the select statement, is there a way so i can force it to select columns from category_list.* ?
This does basically what you want:
lists = List.objects.select_related('main', 'parent')
Note you have to explicitly state the relationships to follow in select_related here, because your parent relationship has null=True which isn't followed by default.
This will give you a set of List objects, but pre-fetch the related Main and List objects which you can reference as normal without hitting the db again.

Django LEFT OUTER JOIN on TWO columns where one isn't a foreign key

I have two models like so:
class ObjectLock(models.Model):
partner = models.ForeignKey(Partner)
object_id = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
unique_together = (('partner', 'object_id'),)
class ObjectImportQueue(models.Model):
partner = models.ForeignKey(Partner)
object_id = models.CharField(max_length=100)
... # other fields
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add = True)
modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now = True, db_index=True)
class Meta:
ordering = ('modified', 'created')
There is nothing notable about the third model mentioned above (Partner).
I'd like to get something like:
SELECT * FROM ObjectImportQueue q LEFT OUTER JOIN ObjectLock l ON
q.partner_id=l.partner_id AND q.object_id=l.object_id WHERE l.object_id
IS NULL and l.partner_id IS NULL;
I came across this page that tells how to do custom joins, and I tried passing in a tuple of the column names to join in place of the column name to join, and that didn't work. The Partner table shouldn't need to be included in the resulting sql query but I will accept an answer that does include it as long as it effectively does what I'm trying to do with one query.
If you're using Django 1.2+ and know the SQL you want, you could always fall back to a Raw Query.
I also meet a similar question.but finally,I found I asked a wrong question to be solve.
in the Django ORM,the condition of SQL join is base on what the models.Model fields defined.
there are Many-to-one relationships (ForeignKey),Many-to-many relationships(ManyToManyField),One-to-one relationships(OneToOneField).
in your situation.ObjectLockModel and ObjectImportQueueModel have the same part of fields, the partnerfield and object_idfield.yon should use One-to-one relationships.
you can change your Model like this:
class ObjectImportQueue(models.Model):
partner = models.ForeignKey(Partner)
object_id = models.CharField(max_length=100)
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add = True)
modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now = True, db_index=True)
def __unicode__(self):
return u"%s:%s" % (self.partner, self.object_id)
class Meta:
ordering = ('modified', 'created')
class ObjectLock(models.Model):
lock = models.OneToOneField(ObjectImportQueue, null=True)
class Meta:
unique_together = (('lock',),)
order of Model is import,OneToOneField argument model must come first.
>>> p1 = Partner.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> p2 = Partner.objects.get(pk=2)
>>> Q1 = ObjectImportQueue.objects.create(partner=p1,object_id='id_Q1')
>>> Q2 = ObjectImportQueue.objects.create(partner=p2,object_id='id_Q2')
>>> ObjectImportQueue.objects.filter(lock__isnull=True)
[<ObjectImportQueue: Partner object:id_Q1>, <ObjectImportQueue: Partner object:id_Q2>]
>>> L1 = ObjectLock.objects.create(lock=Q1)
>>> ObjectImportQueue.objects.filter(lock__isnull=True)
[<ObjectImportQueue: Partner object:id_Q2>]
ObjectLock.objects.createlock a object
ObjectImportQueue.objects.filter(lock__isnull=True) select object don't be lock.
if you use the appropriate relationships, generate the ORM query will be easy.In Django,Define the relationships during you build the Model is better than use Query statement to relation the relationships between tables.
I just found a solution to this problem.
You have to create a view that does the join for you
CREATE VIEW ImporQueueLock AS (
FROM ObjectImportQueue q
ON q.partner_id=l.partner_id AND q.object_id=l.object_id
Then make a django model for that view
class ImportQueueLock(models.Model):
queue = models.ForeignKey(ObjectImportQueue, db_column='q')
lock = models.ForeignKey(ObjectLock, db_column='l')
Then make a ManyToMany on your Django model from ObjectLock to ObjectImportQueue through ImportQueueLock
class ObjectLock(models.Model):
partner = models.ForeignKey(Partner)
object_id = models.CharField(max_length=100)
queue = models.ManyToManyField(ObjectImportQueue, through = ImportQueueLock)
and you will be able to do
ObjectLock.objects.filter(importqueuelock__objectimportqueue__ .....)