I have a firebase project that is connected to a paid big query account. In Big query i created some specific views for a client. I want to share this view to my client but the client reports that he cannot see the resource or project. I have tested it with another gmail account but i ended up with the same result.
I have googled a lot and tried a lot of solutions (for example: How to set permissions for specific dataset on Google BigQuery?) but none of them worked..
In the BigQuery console i have given permissions by opening the dataset in the explorer pane and hit the blue Sharing button at the right of the screen. I tried a lot of different roles but none of them will result in the project showing up on the client . (even the Owner role did not work..)
When i login to bigQuery with the e-mail address i have granted access to i do not see the project at the top of my screen. Searching the project on the Select a project popup does not give any results.
I tried to find the datasource by hitting the + Add data button and then Pin a project and Search project. But no results.
First i thought it was a caching issue but after a day it still not appears.
What am i missing?
You need to execute this query, which gives permission to the Client at the dataset you want to share:
GRANT `roles/bigquery.metadataViewer`
ON schema `project_name.dataset_name`
TO "user:mail#mail.com"
Above the option +Add
Pin a Project
Enter Project Name
Enter the project name that was shared.
I am using the Demo company to develop.
The company expired so I re-activated it
However when I try to run my unit test to connect to a table I get the following error
I decided to try and regenerate the keys.
When I go to the App page in developer.xero.com and select the option to do this I get a question
Regenerate Keys?
Are you sure you want to regenerate your application keys?
This will break any instance of the application using the old key and secret.
I answer Yes, then an error appears briefly at the bottom of the screen in red.
Error! Please refresh
The dialog does not close.
The keys do not re-generate.
I am using Chrome as the browser on Win 10
Re-generating the demo organisation actually creates a whole new organisation; because of this, your app is still linked to an expired demo organisation, so it won't get new keys.
I think you'll need to create a new app to be able to use your new demo organisation.
I want to use an api, but i can't find the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key at the page below:
You can find it by going to API Management services, then APIs. Select your API, your endpoint and then select the Test tab on the right hand side. Go down to Headers and against Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key you will see it hidden; select the eye to see it.
please, following the instructions below.
You have to go through the azure portal and select your API
management component then click on the Publisher Portal in the
left top corner.
Go through the APIs and then Products tab.
Click on the ADD API TO PRODUCTS button and then select an
appropriate option.
Go through the azure portal again, but click on the Developer
Portal in the left top corner.
Click on the ComboBox which is placed on the right side and
choose Profile.
You will be able to see the access keys for the products and pick
the key for the product which you have chosen in the previous steps
(Starter or Unlimited).
Method 1:
From https://portal.azure.com/ go to your API Management service -> Subscriptions
There will find default ones and some created by your own.
Method 2:
Via https://resources.azure.com/ using HTTP GET method
az rest --method get `
--uri 'https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/{RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{API_MANAGER_NAME}/subscriptions?api-version=2018-01-01' `
--query "value[0].properties.primaryKey" | ConvertFrom-Json
Replace placeholders {SUBSCRIPTION_ID},{API_MANAGER_NAME},{RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} by your own values
"value[0]. -> indicates the required key value: first,second in the list, because as you can see in the portal there are multiple for different scopes: Starter, Service access, Unlimited etc.
properties.primaryKey -> each value has 2 defined keys: primaryKey and secondaryKey
api-version=2018-01-01 -> check the right version, can be found from https://resources.azure.com/ or from ARM template for the API Manager resource
I found the subscription key here:
In the Azure portal, navigate to the "API Management service".
Go to "Subscriptions" under the "APIs"-heading.
Press "Add subscription".
Enter a "Name", select API as "Scope" then select your API under "API".
Press "Save". This will create a subscription for the selected API.
In the list of subscriptions, locate the subscription you just created, then press the "..."-button to the far right.
Press "Show/hide keys".
The subscription key is visible and can be copied from the "Primary key"-field.
Not sure where everyone is getting their answers from...
Maybe it's just old information, but at this time you can find them by doing the following:
Go to portal.azure.com
Select "Create a resource"
Create a resource. I'm using computer vision so I search for that and hit enter
Select "create"
Go to the newly created resource
On the left side panel under the "Resource Management" section select "Keys and Endpoint"
Key 1 and Key 2 are used as the "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key".
That's it. Those should work for you wherever it asks for the "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key".
This is how I found the keys
go to the resource
Click developer portal
Click the username on right-handhand side (for me it was "Administrator"). This will drop down a menu list
Click Profile
See a list of all keys. you can click the show link to view the keys and copy them
(August 2018) For our purposes (AI / ML) I found it under Cognitive Services > Resource Management > Keys - https://portal.azure.com/#blade/HubsExtension/Resources/resourceType/Microsoft.CognitiveServices%2Faccounts
It will be under other services though I can't say which (as you have to be using one to see the attributes of it).
It's also called the Programmatic Key. As of January 2018, if you log on to luis.ai, you can find it under settings (when you click on your name in the upper right hand corner).
Not sure why the LUIS Api documentations say the key is in azure and why there's a naming difference :/
As you can see.I have two instances in total,but I only can control one of them.
I can't see the other one on Bluemix console either.
I wonder to know how to delete that one.
I can't terminate the instances in the secound picutre.
I had tried many times to do that.
After wating,nothing happened.And its status is error.
I don't know what should I do.
I suggest you to open a support request using one of the following methods:
Use the Support Widget. It is available from the user avatar in the
upper right corner of the main Bluemix UI. After opening the support
widget panel, select Get Help > Get In Touch , select the type of
assistance you need, and then fill out the support form.
Use the Support Site 'Get Help' form. This form is available on a separate site that is made available for ticket submission when you cannot log into Bluemix and access the Support Widget. Go to http://ibm.biz/bluemixsupport and fill in the support request form.
Hey I have a new machine on which I am installing my provisioning certificate and provisioning profile. When I set the code sing is show that No identities from the profile. I am doing it first time. I do not know why it is not showing the signing identity. Is it developer account issue or any thing else.
Your question is a little bit unspecific, for people to help you. But lets give it a shot.
1.) Make sure the profisioning profiles are valid for your App (especiall look at the bundle identifier - the must match, or the profile must end with a '.*')
2.) In Xcode 5 goto Preferences / Accounts / View-Details and press the Sync button. If your profiles show up there it should work and they show up in the build settings. (Attention if you are still with Xcode 4, the profiles dialog is somewhre in the Organizer window)
If this brings you one step further, please mark question solved. IF further problems exist, create a more specific question.