Spring-Data Gemfire - Random Threadshift error - gemfire

We're seeing a strange error while running Integration tests (with embedded Gemfire server). Retry of the failing tests fixes itself.
Is there any configuration / setting missing which is causing this issue?
Gemfire 8.1.0
java.lang.AssertionError: null
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.ha.ThreadIdentifier$Bits.shift(ThreadIdentifier.java:119)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.ha.ThreadIdentifier$WanType.generateWanId(ThreadIdentifier.java:67)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.ha.ThreadIdentifier.createFakeThreadIDForParallelGSPrimaryBucket(ThreadIdentifier.java:281)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.wan.serial.SerialGatewaySenderImpl.setModifiedEventId(SerialGatewaySenderImpl.java:251)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.wan.AbstractGatewaySender.distribute(AbstractGatewaySender.java:917)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.LocalRegion.notifyGatewayHubs(LocalRegion.java:6429)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.LocalRegion.basicPutPart2(LocalRegion.java:5982)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.AbstractRegionMap.basicPut(AbstractRegionMap.java:2930)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.LocalRegion.virtualPut(LocalRegion.java:5800)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.DistributedRegion.virtualPut(DistributedRegion.java:386)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.LocalRegionDataView.putEntry(LocalRegionDataView.java:118)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.LocalRegion.basicPut(LocalRegion.java:5190)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.LocalRegion.validatedPut(LocalRegion.java:1581)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.LocalRegion.put(LocalRegion.java:1564)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.AbstractRegion.put(AbstractRegion.java:327)


Apache Ignite .Net Core failed to start

Apache ignite .net core server node fails to start with below error, any idea what could be the reason?
HResult = -2146233088,
Message = Unexpected field type [pos=42559, expected=String, actual=0]
class org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObjectException: Unexpected field type [pos=42559, expected=String, actual=0]
at org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryReaderExImpl.checkFlagNoHandles(BinaryReaderExImpl.java:1684)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryReaderExImpl.readString(BinaryReaderExImpl.java:1058)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.platform.utils.PlatformConfigurationUtils.readDataRegionConfiguration(PlatformConfigurationUtils.java:2303)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.platform.utils.PlatformConfigurationUtils.readDataStorageConfiguration(PlatformConfigurationUtils.java:2082)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.platform.utils.PlatformConfigurationUtils.readIgniteConfiguration(PlatformConfigurationUtils.java:919)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.platform.dotnet.PlatformDotNetConfigurationClosure.processPrepareResult(PlatformDotNetConfigurationClosure.java:195)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.platform.dotnet.PlatformDotNetConfigurationClosure.prepare(PlatformDotNetConfigurationClosure.java:182)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.platform.dotnet.PlatformDotNetConfigurationClosure.apply0(PlatformDotNetConfigurationClosure.java:110)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.platform.PlatformAbstractConfigurationClosure.apply(PlatformAbstractConfigurationClosure.java:50)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.platform.PlatformAbstractConfigurationClosure.apply(PlatformAbstractConfigurationClosure.java:27)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.platform.PlatformAbstractBootstrap.start(PlatformAbstractBootstrap.java:40)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.platform.PlatformIgnition.start(PlatformIgnition.java:74)
NOTE:This error only occuring in Apache Ignite 2.12.0 and code working fine in the previous versions.
An error like this happens due to a mismatch of .NET binaries and Java jar files.
Try deleting bin and obj directories and performing a clean rebuild.

Exception while running Seedstack Application

I have used seedstack dependecies for Hibernate and JPA to create DAO services that performs crud operations on Database.
I am trying to Launch this Seedstack application module through Java application Launcher in eclipse, by SeedMain class.
In pom.xml - dependecy for undertow is given.
When executing the SeedMain class, I am getting the below error snakeyaml error:-
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions.setSplitLines(Z)V
at com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLGenerator.buildDumperOptions(YAMLGenerator.java:259)
at com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLGenerator.<init>(YAMLGenerator.java:232)
at com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory._createGenerator(YAMLFactory.java:447)
at com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory.createGenerator(YAMLFactory.java:397)
at org.seedstack.seed.core.internal.diagnostic.DefaultDiagnosticReporter.writeDiagnosticReport(DefaultDiagnosticReporter.java:75)
at org.seedstack.seed.core.internal.diagnostic.DefaultDiagnosticReporter.writeDiagnosticReport(DefaultDiagnosticReporter.java:67)
at org.seedstack.seed.core.internal.diagnostic.DiagnosticManagerImpl.dumpDiagnosticReport(DiagnosticManagerImpl.java:70)
at org.seedstack.seed.core.SeedMain.handleException(SeedMain.java:68)
at org.seedstack.seed.core.SeedMain.main(SeedMain.java:61)
As per my understanding the Error is due to some version inconsistency for snakeyaml, But for Seedstack as the versions for dependecies are resolved by seedstack-bom dependecy, so where exactly should I do the changes to resolve the error.
Thanks in Advance!
From reading the stacktrace, it seems that you have some error on startup which is handled by the handleException() method. This method then tries to write a YAML diagnostic report but ultimately fails due to the snakeyaml version issue you mentioned.
You should do two things:
Fix the snakeyaml dependency issue by looking into the dependency tree. This kind of problem is often caused by some library that makes Maven choose an older version. SeedStack needs at least jackson-dataformat-yaml version 2.9.4 which in turn needs at least snakeyaml 1.18.
Fix the other error by looking at the full stacktrace. When a diagnostic report cannot be written, the original exception is still printed on the console (on stderr).

Live Migration Failure: unable to execute QEMU command 'migrate': Migration disabled: failed to allocate shared memory

I have a 2 node OpenStack Mitaka environment consisting of a controller/compute node and a compute node.
I've followed the setup guide to enable instance live migration using LVM block storage. I.e.: There's no shared storage backend, just local LVM block storage.
Using OpenStack Horizon to perform the live migration a success message is displayed, however, the migration is far from successful. This worked pretty much out-of-the-box with our Juno installation. I've exhausted Google and cannot find any other instances of people facing the same problem. I thought it might have been a time synchronisation problem so have set both nodes to UTC. Still the problems persists.
Source machine /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log
2016-08-12 15:56:42.120 2230 ERROR nova.virt.libvirt.driver [req-b71ea7b0-5fa8-4b57-92d2-4edec62135c2 b017d86d1143461a92a267d4b912c104 88c686f09e1b427fb750f5c00716f84e - - -] [instance: 5763b6b6-370c-448c-8e8f-8b71eafaa8f1] Migration operation has aborted
2016-08-12 15:56:42.470 2230 ERROR nova.virt.libvirt.driver [req-b71ea7b0-5fa8-4b57-92d2-4edec62135c2 b017d86d1143461a92a267d4b912c104 88c686f09e1b427fb750f5c00716f84e - - -] [instance: 5763b6b6-370c-448c-8e8f-8b71eafaa8f1] Live Migration failure: internal error: unable to execute QEMU command 'migrate': Migration disabled: failed to allocate shared memory
Target node /var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log
2016-08-12 15:56:41.864+0000: 2170: error : qemuMonitorJSONGetMigrationStatsReply:2443 : internal error: info migration reply was missing return status
2016-08-12 15:56:41.864+0000: 2170: error : virNetClientProgramDispatchError:177 : Cannot open log file: '/var/log/libvirt/qemu/instance-0000006a.log': Device or resource busy
There are no other events captured in the source or target nova or libvirt logs.
I should also note that I am trying to use qemu+tcp (libvirt listening enabled, default tcp port, no auth) rather than qemu+ssh in order to keep things simple while testing. In fact, I intend to only use qemu+tcp anyway.
Which version of ubuntu did you deploy?
I had the same error with ubuntu 14.04 and mitaka version.
And I figured out that default kernel (3.13) makes this problem.
I upgraded the kernel from 3.13 to 4.40 and this problem is gone now.
I hope my experience help you solve this problem out.

Java groups exception JGRP000002 using hotspot jdk6

I am migrating my application from jrockit jdk6 to hotspot jdk6. While building my application using maven, one of my integration test makes the build to hang with below error message:
jgroups.JGroupsCacheManagerPeerProvider,ERROR,Failed to create JGroups Channel, replication will not function. JGroups properties:
java.lang.Exception: JGRP000002: unable to load protocol $ (either with relative - $ - or absolute - org.jgroups.protocols.$ - class name)
at org.jgroups.stack.Configurator.createLayer(Configurator.java:430)
at org.jgroups.stack.Configurator.createProtocols(Configurator.java:397)
Please throw some light!

Glassfish 3.1.1 start-local-instance fails with JAXBException

I am setting up a GlassFish cluster following the guide at http://javadude.wordpress.com/2011/04/25/glassfish-3-1-clustering-tutorial/. I started from fresh installs of GlassFish 3.1.1. I also have the same architecture as in the guide: two nodes with one instance each. The DAS is on node1.
I've tried starting from scratch several times and am able to create the cluster, nodes and instances without issue. I also have the DAS communicating with node2 via SSH. However, each time when I get to the point where I attempt to start instance2 it fails:
$ ./asadmin start-local-instance --node node1 --sync normal instance2
Previous synchronization failed at Feb 23, 2012 2:41:53 PM
Will perform full synchronization.
Removing all cached state for instance instance2.
CLI802 Synchronization failed for directory config, caused by:
- with linked exception:
[java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory]
Command start-local-instance failed.
I spent the day Googling and searching GlassFish's Jira, but couldn't find a solution to this issue. I'd very much appreciate any ideas you have on how to solve this problem.
My operating system is CentOS 5.7 and my Java version is 1.6.0_20
Unfortunately my instance directory is empty, I'm assuming because it never started. So there is no log file. I set AS_DEBUG=true but it gives no stack trace. The last debug lines before the error are
Removing all cached state for instance instance2.
Removing: /usr/local/glassfish3_1_1/glassfish/nodes/blade-50/instance2/config
Removing: /usr/local/glassfish3_1_1/glassfish/nodes/blade-50/instance2/applications
Removing: /usr/local/glassfish3_1_1/glassfish/nodes/blade-50/instance2/generated
Removing: /usr/local/glassfish3_1_1/glassfish/nodes/blade-50/instance2/lib
Removing: /usr/local/glassfish3_1_1/glassfish/nodes/blade-50/instance2/docroot
Got exception: javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
Acting on a tip from a user in the Glassfish forum, I learned that Java 1.6.0_20 is an older release of Java that is not supported by Glassfish 3.1.1. I worked with a sysadmin to get Java 1.6.0_31 installed on both nodes of the cluster and that did the trick--both instances start up without errors.