How to Check Duplicate value SQL table? - sql

I am using SQL server.Import data from Excel . i have Following Fields column
Entity ExpenseTypeCode Amount Description APSupplierID ExpenseReportID
12 001 5 Dinner 7171 90
12 001 6 Dinner 7171 90
12 001 5 Dinner 7273 90
12 001 5 Dinner 7171 95
12 001 5 Dinner 7171 90
I added Sample Data. Now I want select Duplicate Records .which Rows have all columns value same i want fetch that row. suppose above My table Fifth Row duplicate . i have more four thousands Query . i want select Duplicate records .Above I mention . please How to select using Query ?

If you want the values that are duplicated, then use group by:
select Entity, ExpenseTypeCode, Amount, Description, APSupplierID, ExpenseReportID, count(*) as numDuplicates
from t
group by Entity, ExpenseTypeCode, Amount, Description, APSupplierID, ExpenseReportID
having count(*) > 1;


Get the latest price SQLITE

I have a table which contain _id, underSubheadId, wefDate, price.
Whenever a product is created or price is edited an entry is made in this table also.
What I want is if I enter a date, I get the latest price of all distinct UnderSubheadIds before the date (or on that date if no entry found)
_id underHeadId wefDate price
1 1 2016-11-01 5
2 2 2016-11-01 50
3 1 2016-11-25 500
4 3 2016-11-01 20
5 4 2016-11-11 30
6 5 2016-11-01 40
7 3 2016-11-20 25
8 5 2016-11-15 52
If I enter 2016-11-20 as date I should get
1 5
2 50
3 25
4 30
5 52
I have achieved the result using ROW NUMBER function in SQL SERVER, but I want this result in Sqlite which don't have such function.
Also if a date like 2016-10-25(which have no entries) is entered I want the price of the date which is first.
Like for 1 we will get price as 5 as the nearest and the 1st entry is 2016-11-01.
This is the query for SQL SERVER which is working fine. But I want it for Sqlite which don't have ROW_NUMBER function.
select underSubHeadId,price from(
select underSubHeadId,price, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition By underSubHeadId order by wefDate desc) rn from rates
where wefDate<='2016-11-19') newTable
where newTable.rn=1
Thank You
This is a little tricky, but here is one way:
select t.*
from t
where t.wefDate = (select max(t2.wefDate)
from t t2
where t2.underSubHeadId = t.underSubHeadId and
t2.wefdate <= '2016-11-20'
select underHeadId, max(price)
from t
where wefDate <= "2016-11-20"
group by underHead;

SQL oracle with joining tables and Max functions

Some help please? Just a noob here starting to learn how to write SQL and ran into this problem. I know how to use the MAX function but I can't figure out how to join all these requirements together. I have two tables, Accounts and Books (below is an example of the data)
ID Series YesorNot Dated Filed Plan Year
1 123 Yes 06/12/2015 2015
2 123 No 06/12/2015 2015
3 145 Yes 06/06/2015 2015
4 145 No 02/02/2015 2014
5 198 Yes 02/03/2015 2015
6 187 Yes 02/14/2013 2013
7 153 Yes 01/02/2011 2011
Primary Key Date Created ID
1 06/13/2015 123
2 06/12/2015 123
3 06/07/2015 145
4 02/02/2015 145
5 02/03/2015 198
Two tables: Accounts and Books
Looking for:
1. Data that exists in both tables by the Project ID = Primary Key
2. I only want one unqiue Series (Series also = ID)
3. I want the MAX (most recent) value of Plan Year, and then if there are duplicates for Plan Year, I need the MAX (most recent) value of Date Created.
4. I just need the columns Project ID, Series, YesorNot, Date Filed, Plan Year so my output should be like this:
Project ID Series YesorNot Dated Filed Plan Year
1 123 Yes 06/12/2015 2015
3 145 Yes 06/06/2015 2015
4 145 No 02/02/2015 2014
5 198 Yes 02/03/2015 2015
First join the tables:
SELECT B.Primary_Key as Project_ID, A.Series, A.YesorNot, A.Date_Filed, A.Plan_Year
FROM Books B
JOIN Accounts A ON B.ID = A.Series
You should have been able to get this far on your own (and you should have posted it as part of the question) -- if you can't I'd say find a different career. Assuming you could now the slightly harder part.
Now we add a row number based on your criteria
ROW_NUMBER() PARTITION BY (B.Primary_Key, A.Series, A.YesorNot, A.Date_Filed ORDER BY A.Date_Year DESC, B.Date_Created DESC) AS RN
Now just take the first of the row number.
SELECT Project_ID, Series, YesorNot, Date_Filed, Plan_Year
SELECT B.Primary_Key as Project_ID, A.Series, A.YesorNot, A.Date_Filed, A.Plan_Year,
ROW_NUMBER() PARTITION BY (B.Primary_Key, A.Series, A.YesorNot, A.Date_Filed ORDER BY A.Date_Year DESC, B.Date_Created DESC) AS RN
FROM Books B
JOIN Accounts A ON B.ID = A.Series
) X

How can I remove duplicates where some duplicates have to be excluded from the removal based on data in a separate table?

I'm using SQL 2008 trying to remove duplicates for a somewhat unique situation and I haven't been able to figure it out or find a solution.
I have one table (CUST_REF) that has a CUST_ID column that is a foreign key from table (CUST_MAST). CUST_REF is the table with the duplicates that I am concerned with. There are duplicate records in CUST_REF as seen in the example below for IDs 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 (not including the ID column). Although IDs 3 & 4 are duplicates in that table, if we look up their CUST_ID in CUST_MAST we see they reference different CUST_NO values, so those duplicate records are fine and I don't want to remove either of them.
1 11 01 01 PASS 12345
2 12 01 01 PASS 12345
3 15 02 21 PASS 98765
4 16 02 21 PASS 98765
5 23 10 11 PASS 98765
11 310
12 310
15 242
16 911
23 750
I am using a Group By DEPT, DIV, ATT_NAME Having Count > 1 to find the duplicates in CUST_REF but I don't know how to filter the duplicates using CUST_NO from the other table. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Join the tables on CUST_ID and then add CUST_ID to the your Group By. This will include the second table before grouping and avoid the "false" duplicates.

SQL: Select all from column A and add a value from column B if present

I'm having quite an easy problem with SQL, I just can't word it properly (therefore I didn't find anything in google and my title probably is misleading)
The problem is: I have a big table containing transaction informations in the form (ID, EmployeeID, Date, Value) (and some more, but only those matter currently) and a list of all EmployeeIDs. What I want is a result table showing all employee IDs with their aggregated value of transactions in a given timespan.
The problem is: How do I get those employees into the result table that don't have an entry for the given time period?
1 1 2013-01-01 1000
2 2 2013-02-02 2000
3 1 2013-01-03 3000
4 2 2013-04-01 2000
5 2 2013-03-01 2000
6 1 2013-02-01 4000
1 bob
2 alice
And now I want the aggregated value of all transactions after 2013-03-01 like this
1 0 <- how to get this based on the employee table?
2 4000
The SQL Server in use is Firebird and I connect to it through JDBC (if that matters)
SELECT a.EmpID, a.Name,
COALESCE(SUM(b.Value), 0) TotalValue
FROM Employee a
LEFT JOIN Transactions b
ON a.EmpID = b.EmpID AND
b.Date >= '2013-03-01'
GROUP BY a.EmpID, a.Name
To further gain more knowledge about joins, kindly visit the link below:
Visual Representation of SQL Joins

oracle sql query to get data from two tables of similar type

I have two tables ACTUAL AND ESTIMATE having unique column(sal_id, gal_id, amount, tax).
In ACTUAL table I have
actual_id, sal_id, gal_id, process_flag, amount, tax
1 111 222 N 100 1
2 110 223 N 200 2
In ESTIMATE table I have
estimate_id, sal_id, gal_id, process_flag, amount, tax
3 111 222 N 50 1
4 123 250 N 150 2
5 212 312 Y 10 1
Now I want a final table, which should have record from ACTUAL table and if no record exist for sal_id+gal_id mapping in ACTUAL but exist in ESTIMATE, then populate estimate record (along with addition of amount and tax).
In FINAL table
id sal_id, gal_id, actual_id, estimate_id, total
1 111 222 1 null 101 (since record exist in actual table for 111 222)
2 110 223 2 null 202 (since record exist in actual table for 110 223)
3 123 250 null 4 51 (since record not exist in actual table but estimate exist for 123 250)
(for 212 312 combination in estimate, since record already processed, no need to process again).
I am using Oracle 11g. Please help me on writing a logic in a single sql query?
There are several ways to write this query. One way is to use join and coalesce:
select coalesce(a.sal_id, e.sal_id) as sal_id,
coalesce(a.gal_id, e.gal_id) as gal_id,
coalesce(a.actual_value, e.estimate_value) as actual_value
from actual a full outer join
estimate e
on a.sal_id = e.sal_id and
a.gal_id = e.gal_id
This assumes that sal_id/gal_id provides a unique match between the tables.
Since you are using Oracle, here is perhaps a clearer way of doing it:
select sal_id, gal_id, actual_value
from (select *,
max(isactual) over (partition by sal_id, gal_id) as hasactual
from ((select 1 as isactual, *
from actual
) union all
(select 0 as isactual, *
from estimate
) t
) t
where isactual = 1 or hasactual = 0
This query uses a window function to determine whether there is an actual record with the matching sal_id/gal_id. The logic is to take all actuals and then all records that have no match in the actuals.