Within my Lightswitch desktop app (Silverlight client), I use silverPDF to create an invoice. All works well until I try to add an image (company logo).
My image is one that is saved to the database as image type (byte arrray) via the lightswitch image screen control. As far as I can tell I need to load the byte array into a memory stream then into silverPDF's XImage. Code snippet as follows:
Dim memStream As New MemoryStream(100)
memStream.Write(CompDetProp.CompanyLogo, 0, CompDetProp.CompanyLogo.Length)
Dim myimage As XImage = XImage.FromStream(memStream)
Dim x As Double = (250 - myimage.PixelWidth * 72 / myimage.HorizontalResolution) / 2
gfx.DrawImage(myimage, x, 10)
This compiles but I get an exception when run "The byte array is not a recognized imageformat."
I have also tried the following:
Dim memStream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(CompDetProp.CompanyLogo, 0, CompDetProp.CompanyLogo.Length)
Dim myimage As XImage = XImage.FromStream(memStream)
Dim x As Double = (250 - myimage.PixelWidth * 72 / myimage.HorizontalResolution) / 2
gfx.DrawImage(myimage, x, 10)
This second code block has the memory stream closing before it gets used - as far as I can tell.
How can I get the image into a stream that is read by silverPDF XImage before it closes and in the correct format?
After the comment from PDFsharp Expert I found that the image I was using was a .png file. I re saved the image as .jpg and the code worked. I now have an image on my invoice (although size constraints need to be played with to ensure correct fit). Thank you PDFsharp Expert.
I'm trying to develop an application to watermark PDF's. I'm having an issue with saving the PDF document in the correct format.
I've noticed that some documents when pulled in will read the page size as one thing but when I go to save the document part of it will be cut off. For example I have a document saved in landscape at 792x612 pts which correlates to a letter size. However when saved in letter it cuts part of the page off. I noticed that if I save the document in A1 that the entire document will then be present. Here is my code:
Dim gfx As XGraphics = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page, XGraphicsPdfPageOptions.Append)
Dim font As XFont = New XFont("Times New Romans", 6, XFontStyle.Bold)
Dim tf As XTextFormatter = New XTextFormatter(gfx)
Dim rect As XRect = New XRect(-550, 500, 250, 150)
gfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.Transparent, rect)
tf.DrawString(Text, font, XBrushes.Red, rect)
page.Size = PdfSharp.PageSize.A1
page.Orientation = PdfSharp.PageOrientation.Landscape
Is there any reason why this could be happening? I am reading the page.height and page.width and confirming these to be correct before continuing.
There is a known bug in PDFsharp when it comes to handling pages in landscape format. This bug is present up to PDFsharp 1.50 beta 3b, but should be fixed with the next release.
See discussion in the PDFsharp forum:
Suggested fix in PdfPage.cs:
internal PdfPage(PdfDictionary dict)
: base(dict)
// Set Orientation depending on /Rotate.
//int rotate = Elements.GetInteger(InheritablePageKeys.Rotate);
//if (Math.Abs((rotate / 90)) % 2 == 1)
// _orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;
If you do not want to modify PDFsharp, maybe try the workaround from the first post:
For others running into the same issue as me, the answer is to simply set the orientation to portrait. This for some reason will trigger the document to save correctly. The answer by PDFsharp Novice will allow you to fix your code to some extent, but if you're like me and need to know the orientation in order to process the page the solution is setting the orientation back to portrait. You may need to reset page width and height also.
page.Orientation = PdfSharp.PageOrientation.Portrait
page.Width = dblPageWidth
page.Height = dblPageHeight
I need to extract an icon resource from a file. I have a structure (Resource) that contains the byte array, size, find handle, load handle, lock handle (from FindResource, LoadResource and LockResource, respectively).
I know that I need to obtain the Icon handle of my icon. Then I need to use GetIconInfo to retrieve the bit-mask. Then I use Image.FromHbitmap(h) to get an image. I then use the dimensions of the image as parameters to CreateIconFromResourceEx to retrieve a properly sized Icon.
Does anyone have some code to do this? I can declare all P/Invoke myself. Thanks!
My original code is returning a 32x32 every time.
Dim h As IntPtr = res.hLock
GetIconInfo(h, out)
Dim s As Image = Image.FromHbitmap(out.hbmMask)
h = ResourceExplorer.CreateIconFromResourceEx(res.bArray, res.hSize, True, &H30000, s.Width, s.Height, 0)
PictureBox1.Image = Icon.FromHandle(h).ToBitmap
I am using GDI+ to draw the initial image on PictureBox - which renders a clean image. I am trying to then capture that drawing and draw it on a PDF using PDFSharp which works, but comes out blurry. I am sure it has something to do with the fact I have changed the destination Rectangle's size. What do i need to do to clean it up?
Dim bmp As New Bitmap(pb.Width, pb.Height)
Dim pdf As New PdfDocument
Dim page As PdfPage = pdf.AddPage
Dim g As XGraphics = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page)
pb.DrawToBitmap(bmp, New Rectangle(pb.ClientRectangle.X, pb.ClientRectangle.Y, pb.Width, pb.Height + 20))
g.SmoothingMode = XSmoothingMode.AntiAlias
g.DrawImage(bmp, New XRect(New RectangleF(20, 0, 600, 800)))
It's the anti-aliasing that makes images blurry.
AFAIK Adobe Reader draws images with anti-aliasing when used with PDFsharp.
With PDFsharp create an XImage from your BMP and then set
image.Interpolate = false;
for that XImage. This will give a hint to Adobe Reader that anti-aliasing is not wanted for that image.
With respect to screen shots, anti-aliasing is useful when scaling down (e.g. when taking a 400x300 bitmap from an 800x600 screen), but not when scaling up (like Adobe Reader will do with images embedded in PDF files).
See also:
If you scale an image up, it will come out blurred. There is no other way since there are no additional information in the image and it will just be interpolated in some way. There is no "Zoom in and ENHANCE"-button. :-)
What I did in one of my programs where I wanted to save a controls current look to a file, was to first scale the control to the desired size, then draw it to the bitmap, then resize it down again.
If this works depends on the content of the control of course, wether it's scalable or not and so on.
In the example below I have a Chart control that I work with in my export dialog called workingChart.
The steps that are used are:
Save old size
Resize chart to the desired size
Draw control to bitmap
Resize chart back to the old size
This works well and the image comes out crisp, since you do not resize the image itself.
Private Function GetChartScaledImage(wantsize As Size) As Bitmap
Dim oldsize As Size = workingChart.Size
Dim bmp As New Bitmap(wantsize.Width, wantsize.Height)
workingChart.Size = wantsize
workingChart.DrawToBitmap(bmp, New Rectangle(0, 0, wantsize.Width, wantsize.Height))
workingChart.Size = oldsize
Return bmp
End Function
I am developing a simple code to get the image from filedialog and i want it to be displayed in picturebox. but i get error "outofmemory" with few images.
here is my code
Dim srcmap As Bitmap
srcmap = New Bitmap(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
Dim destbit As New Bitmap(220, 220)
Dim srcRec As New Rectangle(0, 0, srcmap.Width, srcmap.Height)
Dim destRec As New Rectangle(0, 0, 220, 220)
Dim g As Graphics
g = Graphics.FromImage(destbit)
g.DrawImage(srcmap, destRec,srcRec, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
picturebox.Image = destbit
Mobile devices have limitted resources. Up to Windows CE 5 based OS (latest currently called Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5.3) each process gets only 32MB program memory. This memory is limitted by DLLs loaded by other processes and you may have 24MB or less available for a new process.
Instead of loading whole image data, which may 15MB (5MP image) or more you should load a thumbnail representation of the image data only. It does not make sense to load 15MB image data into a pictore box of for example only 1MB pixel data.
The OpenNetCF framework offers some classes to create thumbnails using streams. Other attempts to load the data and then resize it will fail.
I am sorry, but I only have C# code examples: here is an image helper class http://code.google.com/p/intermeccontrols/source/browse/DPAG7/Hasci.TestApp.And_Controls/IntermecControls/Hasci.TestApp.IntermecCamera3/ImageHelper.cs and here is how I used it to load 5MP images http://code.google.com/p/intermeccontrols/source/browse/DPAG7/Hasci.TestApp.And_Controls/IntermecControls/Hasci.TestApp.IntermecCamera3/IntermecCameraControl3.cs:
OpenNETCF.Drawing.Imaging.StreamOnFile m_stream;
Size m_size;
/// <summary>
/// this will handle also large bitmaps and show a thumbnailed version on a picturebox
/// see http://blog.opennetcf.com/ctacke/2010/10/13/LoadingPartsOfLargeImagesInTheCompactFramework.aspx
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sFileName">the name of the file to load</param>
private void showImage(string sFileName)
var stream = File.Open(sFileName, FileMode.Open);
m_stream = new StreamOnFile(stream);
m_size = ImageHelper.GetRawImageSize(m_stream);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("showImage loading " + sFileName + ", width/height = " + m_size.Width.ToString() + "/"+ m_size.Height.ToString());
//CameraPreview.Image = ImageHelper.CreateThumbnail(m_stream, CameraPreview.Width, CameraPreview.Height);
CameraSnapshot.Image = ImageHelper.CreateThumbnail(m_stream, CameraPreview.Width, CameraPreview.Height);
showSnapshot(true); //show still image
I have a requirement to be be able to embed scanned tiff images into some SSRS reports.
When I design a report in VS2005 and add an image control the tiff image displays perfectly however when I build it. I get the warning :
Warning 2 [rsInvalidMIMEType] The value of the MIMEType property for the image ‘image1’ is “image/tiff”, which is not a valid MIMEType. c:\SSRSStuff\TestReport.rdl 0 0
and instead of an image I get the little red x.
Has anybody overcome this issue?
Assuming you're delivering the image file via IIS, use an ASP.NET page to change image formats and mime type to something that you can use.
Response.ContentType = "image/png";
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(tifFilepath))
bmp.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Png);
I have been goggling fora solution on how to display a TIFF image in a SSRS report but I couldn't find any and since SSRS doesn's support TIFF, I thought converting the TIFF to one of the suppported format will do the trick. And it did. I don't know if there are similar implementation like this out there, but I am just posting so others could benefit as well.
Note this only applies if you have a TIFF image saved on database.
Public Shared Function ToImage(ByVal imageBytes As Byte()) As Byte()
Dim ms As System.IO.MemoryStream = New System.IO.MemoryStream(imageBytes)
Dim os As System.IO.MemoryStream = New System.IO.MemoryStream()
Dim img As System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms)
img.Save(os, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
Return os.ToArray()
End Function
Here’s how you can use the code:
1. In the Report Properties, Select Refereneces, click add and browse System.Drawing, Version=
2. Select the Code Property, Copy paste the function above
3. Click Ok
4. Drop an Image control from the toolbox
4.1. Right-Click the image and select Image Properties
4.2. Set the Image Source to Database
4.3. In the Use this field, Click expression and paste the code below
4.4. Set the appropriate Mime to Jpeg
Thanks Peter your code didn't compile but the idea was sound.
Here is my attempt that works for me.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(tifFileLocation);
bmp.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);