wso2 esb authenticate webservice called inside the flow - wso2-esb

I'w defining a flow in wso2 esb, in this flow
1)I receive a soap message from an external salesforce (salesforce1)
2)I send the same message to another salesforce (salesforce2)
salesforce 1 and 2 are associated with different account so when making the call in 2) I have to request a sessionid for salesforce soap api and use it to make the call.
What is the suggested way to implement this scenario?

You can use Salesforce connector to connect Salesforce API.Use the logout method to invalidate the session for the first Salesforce call and then use init method with Salesforce2 credentials to connect with
Salesforce2. Find more details here.
<salesforce.query configKey="SFConfig1">
<queryString>select id,name from Account</queryString>
<salesforce.create configKey="SFConfig2">
<sobjects xmlns:sfdc="sfdc">{//sfdc:sObjects}</sobjects>


how to create a temporary variable in the camel context for later use in the route

I have a route which interacts with 4 http endpoints. the first http endpoint is an authorization service from which i will get one authentication token. What i want is once i get the token from the authorization service i will pass the token to each further http service in the header. so how can i achieve that? is there any way of creating a temporary variable using the token value and if i can place it in the context then in any endpoint i can set it.
or else i was thinking if i can invoke the authorization service once at application startup once and store the token somewhere and i can use it.
You can store properties on your exchange object:,%20java.lang.Object)
For example in my "pipeline" I'm storing ID from DB for later use:
.to("sql:" + getNextID() + "?dataSource=#dataSource&outputType=SelectOne")
.setProperty("NextID", simple("${body[id]}"))
Then, the NextID is accessible from exchange exchange.getProperty("NextID")
You can use headers or properties

How to create outbound messages programmatically in Salesforce? (Using Metadata API)

Is there a way to create outbound messages programmatically in Salesforce? for example a class in which make Metadata API call to create an outbound message?
Any code sample?
Unfortunately, in this moment Salesforce don't provide such functionality. Possible, there are some other solutions for your case, can you describe it more widely?

XACML Fine Grained Authorization between WSO2 ESB- IS

I'm working with the use case published on and it works well but I need to customize the XACML query with Action, Resource and Subject fields.
When I add the Entitlement Mediator to ESB I am not able to add these arguments (which are stored in properties elements on ESB). How can I specify Action, Resource and Subject to construct the XCAML query before sending to IS?
Thanks in advance,
In entitlement mediator has call back handler where you can implement a way to pick those Action, Resource and so on. By default handler, picks as following
Resource --> Incoming message "To" soap header
Subject ---> if your proxy service is secured with UT and Basic auth, it would pick the authenticated user name
But you can write your own handler and plug it with entitlement mediator, there are some available handler implementations. You can refer this [1] for more details
It is fine to use ESB 4.8.0 it would be release soon. However there is no UI in 4.7.0 to configure them. But you can do it using synapse configuration. Say you want to add new custom call back class. you can add it as follows

recognize the client in wcf

Architecture of project
my wcf expose 11 endpoints,one of the endpoint ment for authentication and autherization. which returns the accountid of the user.this accountid is sent by client in every method for recozination.
i dont want to send the account id to every method ,all i want a way that can give me the accoint id automatically if the client is loggedin
1> i cant use membership.
2>i can,t use persession mode of wcf becose it creates new session for every endpoint
3> cant use outgoinfheaders on client side ..
is there any custom way to solve this problem
That looks like scenario for federated security but it would conflict with some of your requirements.
You don't need membership.
You don't need per session services
You need somehow pass the token - if you cannot use custom outgoing SOAP header and configure it in some central place, you will have to pass the token inside the message body and you will have to configure it as a parameter for each service call.

How add cutom header in WCF with dynamic user values to every call?

I am consuming one java webservice with WCF client.
I want to pass user related information to service in header. I have aleady gone to through thread
How to add a custom header to every WCF calls?
I have implemented IClientMessageInspector interface with BeforeSendRequest() method. Now, I want to pass user related information in SOAP header like Oraganization, which may differ for every user. I have all this information in my application, which uses this service.
Is there anyway I can pass user related information to this BeforeSendRequest() method from session and build Message header before sending any request?
There are few options
Put the information in Session and retrieve it in BeforeSendRequest
Put it in HttpContext.Current.Items and retrieve it in `BeforeSendRequest'
Use Thread Local Storage (