How to reload a qlikview dashboard using a variable event trigger? - qlikview

I am trying to have a production/staging toggle in my dashboard. I created the toggle using Input Box with variable vEnvironment. Then I added a document level trigger - Variable event trigger - for vEnvironment - onChange - reload.
On changing the toggle i can see the value of variable getting set correctly, but it is not reloading the QVW file. Am i missing something?


Oracle APEX Interactive Report Not Updating

I have an interactive report on a page in my application. I created a filter at the top of the dashboard that causes the whole page to refresh. Everything looks good but when I go to download the report it reverts the downloaded data back to the default date ranges. Any ideas on how to fix this?
I see the page refresh is refreshing your page item value too.
there are two options you can try.
Setting Session state on item change by executing the below code using dynamic action.
APEX_UTIL.set_session_state('P1_DEPTNO', 30);
Stop Refreshing the page

set the text of an Action Control to a document property

Is there a way to set the text of an Action Control to the value of a document property?
i.e. I have a property FooProp. I want to set the label text of a button to ${FooProp} so that when FooProp gets updated (via script), the button text changes.
I do not think you can set the Display Text of a button to a document property.
You could really easily create an HTML button that does similar functionality but could still have a dynamic title. Simply create a button and set the name of the button to a Spotfire Label equal to that Document Property. Then perhaps use a python script or other script to do work e.g. change page, load data, etc. Depends on your use case.

Vue datatable row q-input not persisting values of model object

Please refer to the azure link for the built code and github link for the source code. To explain the scenario, I have a q-datatable from Quasar Framework. Since I have nested data, I am populating primary data in a collapsible for loop and secondary data in the content of collapsible as a datatable. The page also features an Edit/View Mode toggle just below the filters on the right. I have formatted the columns of the datatable to show q-input when in Edit Mode and just text in View Mode. Please do the following operation to reproduce the error. Steps 5 and onward are the steps producing unexpected behavior.
Expand one of the rows at the link(open in new window manually).
Toggle the Edit/View toggle which can be found just below the filters.
Trying editing any row. Observed Result: The values do persist in the text boxes on leaving focus, and also in the labels when page mode is changed back to View mode.
Add a new row by clicking on Add button found just below the row header.
Try typing in any of the text boxes in the newly added row and move to the ext text box. Observed Result: The values do not persist in the text box neither do they show in the labels when changed to View Mode.
Change mode back to View Mode and then back to Edit Mode. Observed Result: Values do show in the text boxes in edit mode but not in the View Mode.
Add a new row. Observed Result: Now the previously added row values show in both Edit and View Modes.
The problem was in the AddRow method. It is stated in the documentation that vue can only track changes to objects with defined properties. In the AddRow method I was adding an empty data object to the model. Adding properties with null values fixed the issue.

Oracle Apex 5 Modal Call

I created 2 interactive reports to work as a master detail. In the master, I have a link that will refresh the detail report with records for the master.
I have a create detail record button that will call a page as a modal window and then save. Everything works correctly except the Create detail button does not refresh with the master record id. The button is suppose to set the page item on the modal for the master record id.
It looks like the button is built when the original page is built and never changes. I have a dynamic action that sets an item on the main with the master record ID and I assumed that the button would use that, but it never refreshes with it.
How do I get the button to refresh when I change the item that holds the master record id? I can try and build it other ways but the I can not get the checksum to work and it will throw an error when the modal opens.
Here is the javascript call attached to the onclick of the button:
I am just trying to change the P6010_TRACK_SERNO item from 90 to 95 as an example
In these cases I usually set the value of the item not on button click, but on initializing the called page.
For example, you could copy the item value via PL/SQL in Pre-Rendering like this:
Is that an option?

Setting active a page(tab) in a notebook of form view

I'm developing a module for openerp v7.
I've defined a workflow and in my view defined a form with a notebook which contain as tabs as status defined in workflow.
In every tab i've a button which triggers the change of status of the workflow. All of this works like a charm!
The problem I am facing is that when the button triggers the workflow status change, the status changes but the tab marked as active is not changed, as far i know this is the expected behaviour, but i would like to change the active tab when the status of workflow changes and i didn't find any way to do it.
INFO: According to the DOCS there is a way of doing this with the fields:
default_focus: set to 1 to put the focus (cursor position) on this field when the form is first opened. There can only be one field within a view having this attribute set to 1 (new as of 5.2)
But no way with pages...
Any help would be very appreciated.
I think that making a tab to be active is not the expected behavior with a workflow. Normally, buttons are putted in the header next to the statusbar, and each button have the "states" attribute to define those status they must appear in (according with the "state" field of the model).
If you want to show/hide some information (say field, group, page, etc) according to the workflow status, you can use the "attrs" parameter with the "invisible" option restricted to a domain over a "state" field value.
If you want to use JavaScript, you can use this to focus a tab page:
$('.oe_notebook #ui-id-3').click()
Where ui-id-3 is the 1 based index of the tab page. Here it would be the third page. Works in v8, can't tell for other versions. Hope it helps anyway :)