Error while installing Mono on FreeBSD 10.3 (No address record repository FreeBSD has no meta file) - mono

Can anybody please help me with installing mono on FreeBSD 10.3 version?
While Installing using pkg install mono I get an error as
pkg: No address record
repository FreeBSD has no meta file, using default settings
pkg: No address record
Unable to update repository FreeBSD
Please suggest me the steps to install Mono on FreeBSD since I'm new to FreeBSD.


no package 'py37-certbot' has been found in FreeBSD 12.2

When I execute pkg install py37-certbot on my FreeBSD 12.2 NAS, trying to use it for Apache, it get the Message:
"pkg: No packages available to install matching'py37-certbot' have been found in the repositories"
Have do I have to do to get Certbot working?

spa/ ERROR: Dependency "bluez" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake while installing PIPEWIRE in Ubuntu 16.04

I am trying to install Pipewire in my Ubuntu 16.04 x86 amd64 machine using instructions found here :
./ --prefix=$PREFIX
On running the above command, I get this error
spa/ ERROR: Dependency "bluez" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake
I have installed bluez already. This is the output for running
**sudo apt-get install bluez**
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
bluez is already the newest version (5.37-0ubuntu5.3).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 19 not upgraded.
The files that are required to do development on top of a package are often separate (since this is really only needed by developers, and would take up too much size for no reason otherwise).
In your case, the package you're looking for is libbluetooth-dev. So you can do sudo apt install libbluetooth-dev

how to install cmake latest version in ubuntu with out net connection

I want to install cmake in Ubuntu 14.04 in offline.
Could you please tell me.How to download from internet (provide link) and install cmake in Ubuntu 14.04.
I need cmake for run cyptominisat programmes
Download CMake from the official site
Find and download cmake-3.7.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz (or newer)
Transfer this file to the offline system
From the offline system:
Run sudo tar -xzC /opt for the installation bundle
This will install cmake to /opt/cmake-3.7.1
Add /opt/cmake-3.7.1/bin to your PATH

How to install Apache with PHP 7.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 using puppetlabs-apache

I moved the question to the server fault site.
I want to install Apache with PHP 7.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 using Puppet Labs Apache module.
Following the documentation the module supports Ubuntu 16.04.
There is a ticket related with PHP 7.0 support and there is an accepted merge request which should add PHP 7.0 support.
It looks like the fix provided in the merge is not included in module 1.9.0 version.
The questions are
Is there any way how I can use the suggested fix and install Apache with PHP 7.0?
What should I write in the manifest?
The following code (from Puppet manifest) does not work on Ubuntu 16.04
class { 'apache':
mpm_module => 'prefork',
include apache::mod::php
I've got the following error
Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install libapache2-mod-php5' returned 100: Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Package libapache2-mod-php5 is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package 'libapache2-mod-php5' has no installation candidate
Error: /Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Php/Apache::Mod[php5]/Package[libapache2-mod-php5]/ensure: change from purged to present failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install libapache2-mod-php5' returned 100: Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Package libapache2-mod-php5 is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package 'libapache2-mod-php5' has no installation candidate
I tried to configure FastCGI servers to handle PHP files but this fails too with almost the same error message. The module knows nothing about PHP 7.0 yet.

Install Mono on Centos 5.5 using YUM

How do I install the Mono 2.6.7 runtime on CentOS 5.5 using YUM?
I know how to build Mono from the source. However, according to the page Getting Started With Mono Tools it is possible to install the binaries directly. I'd prefer to install the binaries to avoid having to install all the development pre-requisites on a server with little disk space.
Am I supposed to add a new repository description to YUM? I tried doing that, but I must have done it wrong, because "yum list mono-core" still says the old version (1.2.4-2.el5.centos).
And, why are the .rpm's called "mono-addon-" on the release server? It's a bit confusing. It sounds like the .rpm's are an add-on to Mono. I guess they mean they are an "add-on" to the server(?).
I figured it out.
Create a new repository configuration file
cd /etc/yum.repos.d
vi mono.repo
Add the following lines to the file
name=Mono Stack (RHEL_5)
Update the YUM cache to be on the safe side
yum clean all
Install the Mono server stack
yum install monotools-addon-server
The installed binaries will end up in "/opt/novell/mono/bin".
You should issue the following command to set up your shell environment so that it finds Mono, mcs and the other Mono tools
source /opt/novell/mono/bin/
Verify the version
mono --version
Mono JIT compiler version 2.6.7 (tarball Mon Jul 19 18:28:58 UTC 2010)
Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Novell, Inc and Contributors.
TLS: __thread
GC: Included Boehm (with typed GC and Parallel Mark)
SIGSEGV: altstack
Notifications: epoll
Architecture: amd64
Disabled: none
If you want the Mono environment to be permanent you can issue the following command.
cp /opt/novell/mono/bin/ /etc/profile.d
Happy Mono'ing!!!
In addition to octonion's post, if, like me, you want to use Apache mod_mono, you need to ensure you install the correct version of mod_mono by running the following, and it will get the right one:
yum install mod_mono-addon
Don't just issue yum install mod_mono. It may install mod_mono 1.2 version from the CentOS extras repository and not what you're actually after.
As a reference, I was getting the following error in /var/log/httpd/error_log when running the incorrect mod_mono version:
Root directory: /
mod_mono and xsp have different versions. Expected '9', got 6
System.InvalidOperationException: mod_mono and xsp have different versions. Expected '9', got 6
It is a silly, but easy mistake to make if you new to this like me.