excel vba userform search - vba

i need some help with search function with this, how can i convert this that userform will search other sheet of my workbook
name of other sheet is "DataSource"
im planning to separate the data into another sheet of workbook then define a name and i will make it as offset so inshort whenever i put another data it will be able to search with the use of my search userform
This is my code
Sub GetData()
Dim id As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, flag As Boolean
If IsNumeric(UserForm1.TextBox1.Value) Then
flag = False
i = 0
id = UserForm1.TextBox1.Value
Do While Cells(i + 1, 1).Value <> ""
If Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = id Then
flag = True
For j = 2 To 3
UserForm1.Controls("TextBox" & j).Value = Cells(i + 1, j).Value
Next j
End If
i = i + 1
If flag = False Then
For j = 2 To 3
UserForm1.Controls("TextBox" & j).Value = ""
Next j
End If
End If
End Sub
This is my code for editing data
Sub EditAdd()
Dim emptyRow As Long
If UserForm1.TextBox1.Value <> "" Then
flag = False
i = 0
id = UserForm1.TextBox1.Value
emptyRow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) + 1
Do While Cells(i + 1, 1).Value <> ""
If Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = id Then
flag = True
For j = 2 To 3
Cells(i + 1, j).Value = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox" & j).Value
Next j
End If
i = i + 1
If flag = False Then
For j = 1 To 3
Cells(emptyRow, j).Value = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox" & j).Value
Next j
End If
End If
End Sub
This is defined name of Datasource sheet
Name: data


My code will not work with my userform, why?

I am trying to set up a user form to do a loop and look up information in my table which is in a separate worksheet within the same workbook.
I want my user form to look up information in my table as I type and then auto fill in the other textboxes so that I can limit keystrokes and duplicates.
I found some code that worked with another user form as desired. However, when I try to use the same code for my table it goes through the loop like it’s looking but it does not populate the user form. I have tried changing with the user forms textbox names and making sure the names match... but to no avail. I also have to skip over a combo box on my user form, can this effect my code?
Option Explicit
Dim id As String, i As String, j As Integer, flag As Boolean
Sub GetData()
If Not IsNumeric(UserForm1.TextBox1.Value) Then
flag = False
i = 0
id = UserForm1.TextBox1.Value
Do While Cells(i + 1, 1).Value <> ""
If Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = id Then
flag = True
For j = 4 To 7
UserForm1.Controls("TextBox" & j).Value = Cells(i + 1, j).Value
Next j
End If
i = i + 1
If flag = False Then
For j = 2 To 4
' UserForm1.Controls("TextBox" & j).Value = ""
Next j
End If
End If
End Sub
try qualifying your ranges up to worksheet reference:
Option Explicit
Sub GetDataA()
Dim id As String, i As String, j As Integer, flag As Boolean
If Not IsNumeric(UserForm1.TextBox1.Value) Then
flag = False
i = 0
id = UserForm1.TextBox1.Value
With Worksheets("myTableWorksheetName") '<--| change "myTableWorksheetName" to your actual worksheet with table name
Do While .Cells(i + 1, 1).Value <> ""
If .Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = id Then
flag = True
For j = 2 To 7
UserForm1.Controls("TextBox" & j).Value = .Cells(i + 1, j).Value
Next j
End If
i = i + 1
End With
If flag = False Then
For j = 5 To 10
UserForm1.Controls("TextBox" & j).Value = ""
Next j
End If
End If
End Sub

Copying big amount of data in VBA excel

I would like to be able to copy around 30k rows (to be exact, just some elements of the rows) from sheet A to sheet B, starting the destination from row nr 36155. Sometimes, we copy the row more than once, depending on the number in the G column. This is the macro I've written:
Sub copy()
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim k As Long, k1 As Long, i As Integer
k = 36155
k1 = 30000
For i = 1 To k1
For j = 1 To Sheets("A").Range("G" & i + 2).Value
Sheets("B").Range("A" & k).Value = Sheets("A").Range("A" & i + 2).Value
Sheets("B").Range("B" & k).Value = Sheets("A").Range("B" & i + 2).Value
Sheets("B").Range("C" & k).Value = j
Sheets("B").Range("D" & k).Value = Sheets("A").Range("C" & i + 2).Value
Sheets("B").Range("E" & k).Value = Sheets("A").Range("D" & i + 2).Value
Sheets("B").Range("F" & k).Value = Sheets("A").Range("E" & i + 2).Value
Sheets("B").Range("G" & k).Value = Sheets("A").Range("F" & i + 2).Value
Sheets("B").Range("H" & k).Value = Sheets("A").Range("I" & i + 2).Value + (j - 1) * Sheets("A").Range("H" & i + 2).Value
Sheets("B").Range("I" & k).Value = Sheets("A").Range("J" & i + 2).Value
k = k + 1
Next j
Next i
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Unfortunately, this macro takes a lot of time to run (around 10 minutes). I have a feeling that, there may be a better way to do that.. Do you have any ideas, how can we enchance the macro?
Try this using variant arrays: could be even faster if you can use a B array containing more than 1 row. This version takes 17 seconds on my PC.
Sub Copy2()
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim k As Long, k1 As Long, i As Long, j As Long
Dim varAdata As Variant
Dim varBdata() As Variant
Dim dT As Double
dT = Now()
k = 36155
k1 = 30000
' get sheet A data into variant array
varAdata = Worksheets("A").Range("A1:J1").Resize(k1 + 2).Value2
For i = 1 To k1
'For j = 1 To Sheets("A").Range("G" & i + 2).Value
For j = 1 To varAdata(i + 2, 7)
' create empty row of data for sheet B and fill from variant array of A data
ReDim varBdata(1 to 1,1 to 9) As Variant
'Sheets("B").Range("A" & k).Value = Sheets("A").Range("A" & i + 2).Value
varBdata(1, 1) = varAdata(i + 2, 1)
varBdata(1, 2) = varAdata(i + 2, 2)
varBdata(1, 3) = j
varBdata(1, 4) = varAdata(i + 2, 3)
varBdata(1, 5) = varAdata(i + 2, 4)
varBdata(1, 6) = varAdata(i + 2, 5)
varBdata(1, 7) = varAdata(i + 2, 6)
varBdata(1, 8) = varAdata(i + 2, 9) + (j - 1) * varAdata(i + 2, 8)
varBdata(1, 9) = varAdata(i + 2, 10)
' write to sheet B
Sheets("B").Range("A1:I1").Offset(k - 1).Value2 = varBdata
k = k + 1
Next j
Next i
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox (Now() - dT)
End Sub
I would suggest you read your data into a recordset as shown here, then loop the recordset.
Try the following (untested).
Sub copy()
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
Dim k As Long, i As Integer
k = 36155
' read data into a recordset
Dim rst As Object
Set rst = GetRecordset(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("A").UsedRange) 'feel free to hard-code your range here
With rst
While Not .EOF
For j = 1 To !FieldG
' !FieldG accesses the Datafield with the header "FieldG". Change this to the header you actually got in Column G, like "!MyColumnG" or ![columnG with blanks]
Sheets("B").Cells(k, 1).Value = !FieldA
' ... your code
k = k + 1
Next j
End With
With Application
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End With
End Sub
Also add the following Function into your VBA Module.
Function GetRecordset(rng As Range) As Object
'Recordset ohne Connection:
Dim xlXML As Object
Dim rst As Object
Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set xlXML = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
xlXML.LoadXML rng.Value(xlRangeValueMSPersistXML)
rst.Open xlXML
Set GetRecordset = rst
End Function
- using a recordset gives you additional options like filtering data
- with a recordset, your not dependent on the column-order of your input-data, meaning you don't have to adjust your macro if you decide to add another column to sheet A (as long as you keep the headers the same)
Hope this helps.

Keep The User Form Window Active inspite of any background program run

I have a Macro being run on a worksheet every minute. It copies and pastes data from another worksheet and updates an existing chart.
There is a command button provided which can change the range of x & y series on that chart.
When user clicks on the command button, a userform is shown for user entry of minimum and maximum range.
But as the macro is running every second, userform focus is lost during the macro run and user has to select the user form every time. Its very annoying.
The macro does not select/activate any cell/chart on the worksheet.
How do I stop User form losing it's focus and keep it active in spite of any program running at back end?
this is the code that runs every second. 'Limits' is the user form name.
Sub doitagain()
If Len(Dir(path1 + "\mon")) <> 0 Then
If Limits.Visible Then
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Interactive = False
fromcopy = path1 + "\mon"
tocopy = path + "\mon.csv"
On Error Resume Next
FileCopy fromcopy, tocopy
filepath = path + "\mon.csv"
Set wtarget = Workbooks.Open(filepath)
wtarget.Windows(1).Visible = False
curiteration = m - 2
i = ii + 1
n = 1
Do While wtarget.Worksheets("mon").Cells(i, 2).Value <> curiteration
i = i + 1
n = n + 1
If n > ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").Cells(1, 6).Value Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Interactive = True
Workbooks("mon.csv").Close savechanges = False
GoTo abc
End If
j = i
Do While wtarget.Worksheets("mon").Cells(j, 1).Value <> ""
j = j + 1
j = j - 1
mi = m
For k = i To j
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").Cells(mi, 1).Value = wtarget.Worksheets("mon").Cells(k, 2).Value
mi = mi + 1
lastcol = 1
Do While wtarget.Worksheets("mon").Cells(i, lastcol).Value <> ""
lastcol = lastcol + 1
lastcol = lastcol - 1
mi = m
For k = i To j
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").Cells(mi, 4).Value = wtarget.Worksheets("mon").Cells(k, lastcol - noofsubsdoagain).Value
mi = mi + 1
mi = m
For k = i To j
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").Cells(mi, 3).Value = wtarget.Worksheets("mon").Cells(k, lastcol - 1 - noofsubsdoagain).Value
mi = mi + 1
mi = m
For k = i To j
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").Cells(mi, 2).Value = wtarget.Worksheets("mon").Cells(k, lastcol - 2 - noofsubsdoagain).Value
mi = mi + 1
For k = 1 To noofsubsdoagain
mi = m
Dim ki As Integer
For ki = i To j
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").Cells(mi, 4 + k).Value = wtarget.Worksheets("mon").Cells(ki, lastcol - noofsubsdoagain + k).Value
mi = mi + 1
Application.Interactive = True
Set wtarget = Nothing
Workbooks("mon.csv").Close savechanges = False
mi = m
For k = i To (j - 1)
m = m + 1
i = 3
Do While ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").Cells(i, 1).Value <> ""
i = i + 1
If i > 3 Then
i = i - 1
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Interactive = True
If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").Cells(1, 5).Value = 1 Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").TextBox1.Value = i - 2
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").TextBox1.Value = i - (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").Cells(1, 7).Value - ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").Cells(1, 6).Value + 2)
End If
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart.FullSeriesCollection(1).XValues = "=Convergence_Plot!$A$3:$A$" & i
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart.FullSeriesCollection(1).Values = "=Convergence_Plot!$B$3:$B$" & i
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart.FullSeriesCollection(2).Values = "=Convergence_Plot!$C$3:$C$" & i
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart.FullSeriesCollection(3).Values = "=Convergence_Plot!$D$3:$D$" & i
Dim letter As String
letter = "D"
For k = 1 To 10
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Convergence_Plot").ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart.FullSeriesCollection(3 + k).Values = "=Convergence_Plot!$" & Chr(Asc(letter) + k) & "$3:$" & Chr(Asc(letter) + k) & "$" & i
If Limits.Visible Then
End If
End If
timetorun = Now + TimeValue("00:00:03")
Application.OnTime timetorun, "doitagain", , True
End Sub

Excel Search VBA macro

I have been given the task of searching through a large volume of
data. The data is presented identically across around 50 worksheets. I
need a macro which searches through all these sheets for specific
values then copies certain cells to a table created in a new workbook.
The macro also needs to create the table headings when it is run.
It must Search column G For the Value 9.1 Then certain information
must be copied to corresponding columns in the table
FHA Ref = Same row value from column G
Engine Effect = Same row value from column F
Part Number = Always cell J3
Part Name = Always cell C2
FM ID = Same Row value from Column B
Failure Mode & Cause = Same Row Value from Column C
FMCN = Same Row Value From Column C"`
If it is a hassle to create the new workbook with these column
headings then I would be quite happy to create the headings myself in
the worksheet and just have the macro search for and copy the data to
the rows corresponding to the headings.
If any help or backup files are needed I would be more than happy to
provide these.
the code I have at the moment is based on a userform also ideally I would do away with this and just search all sheets
Public Sub createWSheet(module, srcWBook)
Dim i
i = 0
srcWB = srcWBook
For Each ws In Workbooks(srcWBook).Worksheets
i = i + 1
If ws.Name = module Then
MsgBox ("A worksheet with for this module already exists")
Exit Sub
End If
Next ws
Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets(i)
ActiveSheet.Name = module
Cells(2, 2) = "FHA Ref"
Cells(2, 3) = "Engine Effect"
Cells(2, 4) = "Part No"
Cells(2, 5) = "Part Name"
Cells(2, 6) = "FM ID"
Cells(2, 7) = "Failure Mode & Cause"
Cells(2, 8) = "FMCN"
Cells(2, 9) = "PTR"
Cells(2, 10) = "ETR"
Range(Cells(2, 2), Cells(2, 10)).Font.Bold = True
Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(1, 10)) = "Interface"
Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(1, 10)).MergeCells = True
Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(1, 10)).Font.Bold = True
End Sub
Dim mainWB, srcWBook
Dim headerLeft, headerTop, headerBottom, headerRight
Dim nTargetFMECA, nPartID, nLineID, nPartNo, nPartName, nQTY, nFailureMode, nAssumedSystemEffect, nAssumedEngineEffect
Dim item As String
Dim mDest
Dim selections(100)
Public Sub controlCopyFMs(mWB, sWB, module)
Dim i
mainWB = mWB
srcWBook = sWB
mDest = 2
nTargetFMECA = 0
nPartID = 0
nLineID = 0
nPartNo = 0
nPartName = 0
nQTY = 0
nFailureMode = 0
nAssumedSystemEffect = 0
nAssumedEngineEffect = 0
For i = 0 To TestForm.LBSelected.ListCount - 1
Call copyFMs(module, selections(i))
Next i
End Sub
Public Sub copyFMs(module, comp)
Dim mSrc
If exploreHeader(comp) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
mSrc = headerBottom + 3
While Cells(mSrc, nSrc).Text <> ""
If Cells(mSrc, nIndication).Text <> "-" Then
If Cells(mSrc, nIndication).Text <> "" Then
Workbooks(mainWB).Worksheets(module).Cells(mDest, 2) = Cells(mSrc, nTargetFMECA).Value
Workbooks(mainWB).Worksheets(module).Cells(mDest, 3) = Cells(mSrc, nPartID).Value
Workbooks(mainWB).Worksheets(module).Cells(mDest, 4) = Cells(mSrc, nLineID).Value
Workbooks(mainWB).Worksheets(module).Cells(mDest, 5) = Cells(mSrc, nPartNo).Value
Workbooks(mainWB).Worksheets(module).Cells(mDest, 6) = Cells(mSrc, nPartName).Value
Workbooks(mainWB).Worksheets(module).Cells(mDest, 7) = Cells(mSrc, nQTY).Value
Workbooks(mainWB).Worksheets(module).Cells(mDest, 8) = Cells(mSrc, nFailureMode).Value
Workbooks(mainWB).Worksheets(module).Cells(mDest, 9) = Cells(mSrc, nAssumedEngineEffect).Value
Workbooks(mainWB).Worksheets(module).Cells(mDest, 10) = Cells(mSrc, nAssumedSystemEffect).Value
mDest = mDest + 1
End If
End If
mSrc = mSrc + 2
End Sub
Public Function exploreHeader(comp)
Dim m, n
m = 1
n = 1
While ((InStr(1, Cells(m, n).Text, "Engine Programme:", vbTextCompare) <= 0) Or (InStr(1, Cells(m, n).Text, "BR700-725", vbTextCompare) <= 0)) And n < 10
If m < 10 Then
m = m + 1
n = n + 1
m = 1
End If
headerTop = m
headerLeft = n
While StrComp(Cells(m, n).Text, "ID", vbTextCompare) <> 0 And StrComp(Cells(m, n).Text, "Case No.", vbTextCompare) <> 0
m = m + 1
headerBottom = m - 1
While Cells(m, n).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
n = n + 1
headerRight = n - 1
m = headerTop
n = headerLeft
If n > headerRight Then
n = headerLeft
m = m + 1
End If
If InStr(1, Cells(m, n).Value, "Item No.:", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
item = Right(Cells(m, n).Value, Len(Cells(m, n).Value) - InStr(1, Cells(m, n).Value, ":", vbTextCompare))
Cells(m, n).Select
Exit Do
End If
n = n + 1
Loop While m <= headerBottom
m = headerBottom + 1
n = headerLeft
While n <= headerRight
If StrComp(Cells(m, n).Value, "ID", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
nID = n
End If
If StrComp(Cells(m, n).Value, "Mitigation", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
nMitigation = n
End If
If StrComp(Cells(m, n).Value, "Remarks", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
nRemarks = n
End If
If StrComp(Cells(m, n).Value, "FMCN", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
nFMCN = n
End If
If StrComp(Cells(m, n).Value, "Indication", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
nIndication = n
End If
If StrComp(Cells(m, n).Value, "Crit", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
nFMCN = n
End If
If StrComp(Cells(m, n).Value, "Detect", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
nIndication = n
End If
If StrComp(Cells(m, n).Value, "Functional Description", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
nMitigation = n
End If
n = n + 1
exploreHeader = 1
End Function
Public Sub initSelections()
For i = 0 To 99
selections(i) = ""
Next i
End Sub
Public Sub loadSelection(comp, i)
selections(i) = comp
End Sub
Public Sub deleteSelection(i)
While selections(i) <> ""
selections(i) = selections(i + 1)
i = i + 1
End Sub
I hope this can help more. This code may not work 100% but it should be good enough to guide you. Let me know if you have questions.
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim Results(7, 1000000) As String ''Didn't know what is a good data type or how many possible results
Dim ColValue() As Variant
Dim I, II, ResultCt As Long
ResultCt = 0
For Each WS In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets ''This should get all your result and information into the Results Array
ColValue = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(2, 7), Cells(WS.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 7)).Value ''This put all of column G into an array
For I = 0 To UBound(ColValue)
If ColValue(I, 1) = "9.1" Then
Results(0, ResultCt) = Cells(I + 1, 7).Value ''I think it is off by 1, but if not remove the +1
Results(1, ResultCt) = Cells(I + 1, 6).Value
Results(2, ResultCt) = Cells(3, 10).Value
Results(3, ResultCt) = Cells(2, 3).Value
Results(4, ResultCt) = Cells(I + 1, 2).Value
Results(5, ResultCt) = Cells(I + 1, 3).Value
Results(6, ResultCt) = Cells(I + 1, 3).Value
ResultCt = ResultCt + 1
End If
Next WS
''At this point us your code to create the worksheet and name it
''starting from the line Workbooks(srcWBook).Activate
''Then Set the Active cell to where ever you want to start putting the data and have something like
For I = 0 To UBound(Results, 2)
For II = 0 To UBound(Results)
ActiveCell.Offset(I, II).Value = Results(I, II) ''This assumes you put the information into Result in the order you want it printed out

How to change default colors used in VBA code/Macro result (Red, Green)

I am using the following VBA code to change the color of the rows in my spreadsheet every time the value in Column A changes (So that all entries with the same value in column A will be grouped by color. The spreadsheet is sorted by column A already so the items are already grouped, I just needed them colored).
Anyway, when I run this macro the rows are colored red & green (which are very bright and overwhelming colors for this purpose). I need something more subtle..
How do I change this? Or can I specify in my VBA code for it to use certain colors by rgb or color index? {I am using Excel 2007}
Sub colorize()
Dim r As Long, val As Long, c As Long
r = 1
val = ActiveSheet.Cells(r, 1).Value
c = 4
For r = 1 To ActiveSheet.Rows.Count
If IsEmpty(ActiveSheet.Cells(r, 1).Value) Then
Exit For
End If
If ActiveSheet.Cells(r, 1).Value <> val Then
If c = 3 Then
c = 4
c = 3
End If
End If
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = c
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
val = ActiveSheet.Cells(r, 1).Value
End Sub
Run this program (credits here)
Sub colors56()
'57 colors, 0 to 56
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 'pre XL97 xlManual
Dim i As Long
Dim str0 As String, str As String
For i = 0 To 56
Cells(i + 1, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = i
Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = "[Color " & i & "]"
Cells(i + 1, 2).Font.ColorIndex = i
Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = "[Color " & i & "]"
str0 = Right("000000" & Hex(Cells(i + 1, 1).Interior.Color), 6)
'Excel shows nibbles in reverse order so make it as RGB
str = Right(str0, 2) & Mid(str0, 3, 2) & Left(str0, 2)
'generating 2 columns in the HTML table
Cells(i + 1, 3) = "#" & str & "#" & str & ""
Cells(i + 1, 4).Formula = "=Hex2dec(""" & Right(str0, 2) & """)"
Cells(i + 1, 5).Formula = "=Hex2dec(""" & Mid(str0, 3, 2) & """)"
Cells(i + 1, 6).Formula = "=Hex2dec(""" & Left(str0, 2) & """)"
Cells(i + 1, 7) = "[Color " & i & ")"
Next i
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 'pre XL97 xlAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Output sample:
You can customize the colors palette by code, I think the page here will answer your question:
Sub change_palette_color
dim color_index as long
color_index = 10
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(color_index) = RGB(128, 128, 128)
End sub
It turns out all I had to do is change a few numbers in the code i posted in my question. I bolded the numbers I had to change. These numbers correspond to the color ID (like what Belisarious put). NOTE: I had to put apostrohpes so that the VBA code wouldn't be recognized as VBA code (because if it is it won't bold the numbers). See the original question for the correct code.
Dim r As Long, val As Long, c As Long
'r = 1
'val = ActiveSheet.Cells(r, 1).Value
'c = 4
'For r = 1 To ActiveSheet.Rows.Count
If IsEmpty(ActiveSheet.Cells(r, 1).Value) Then
Exit For
End If
' If ActiveSheet.Cells(r, 1).Value <> val Then
If c = 3 Then
c = 4
c = 3
End If
End If
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = c
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
val = ActiveSheet.Cells(r, 1).Value
End Sub