activate method of worksheet class failed - vlookup - vba - vba

I want to use VLOOKUP command and use a range which is in sheet B (not in the activated one A). Calling the new worksheet gives me an error of " 'runtime error 1004' activate method of worksheet class failed"
Public Sub Creation()
Dim code As String
Dim hamid As Variant
Dim Lookup_Range As Range
Code = 100032
Set Lookup_Range = Worksheets("B").Range("O1:P8")
On Error Resume Next
hamid = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(code, Lookup_Range, 2, False)
On Error GoTo 0
End sub
I have tried using With command to call the new worksheet but I was not successful. I am new to VBA so please bear with me.

Your lookup range seems to be in worksheet B. Try activating worksheet B before using the lookup function. I've encountered issues trying to define ranges on one worksheet while having another activated:
Public Sub Creation()
Dim code As String
Dim hamid As Variant
Dim Lookup_Range As Range
code = 100032
'Try here:
Set Lookup_Range = Worksheets("B").Range("O1:P8")
On Error Resume Next
'or here:
hamid = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(code, Lookup_Range, 2, False)
On Error GoTo 0
'also made 'Code' in lookup function 'code'.
End Sub


Using Find method to search for a string from another worksheet

Perhaps I just haven't used the right search terms, I am still new to VBA, but I just can't find the solution to my problem:
I am trying to find a value (format 'yyyy-ww') from one worksheet in the row of another worksheet, and then select the cell (the next step would then be to then select and copy the respective column, and then paste the values).
I have the following code:
Private Sub Button5_Click()
'Define previous week and the search range
Dim prevwk As Object
Dim SrchRng As Range
Set prevwk = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Values").Range("B1")
Set SrchRng = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("DE").Rows(1)
'If previous week is found, select the cell
With SrchRng
Dim prevwkf As Range
Set prevwkf = SrchRng.Find(What:=prevwk)
prevwkf.Select '<----- Error is here
End Sub
I keep receiving the error message:
'Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set'.
I have tried many changes but it keeps coming down to this error message.
Many thanks for your help!
before selecting a cell you have to activate the sheet, just as you would do manually:
BTW you don't need that With SrchRng, and you could check for actual match found
Private Sub Button5_Click()
'Define previous week and the search range
Dim prevwk As Object
Dim SrchRng As Range
Set prevwk = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Values").Range("B1")
Set SrchRng = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("DE").Rows(1)
'If previous week is found, select the cell
Dim prevwkf As Range
Set prevwkf = SrchRng.Find(What:=prevwk)
If Not prevwkf Is Nothing Then ' check you actually found something
prevwkf.Select '<----- Error is here
End If
End Sub

VBA Code for Vlookup on different worksheets within the same workbook

I am trying to write a vba script that will allow me to vlookup values from Sheet(3) to different Sheet(i) - and paste it on range"R2" on the Sheet(i) - I also want it to go to the end of the values in Column M on Sheet(i) [if this is possible]. I basically want to run through all the different "i" sheets on the workbook. Sheet (3) has all the data that needs to be copied on all the other "i" sheets.
I keep getting an error with my code below.
Sub CopyTableau1Data()
Dim wka As Worksheet
Dim wkb As Worksheet
ShtCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
For i = 9 To ShtCount
With ThisWorkbook
Set wka = .Sheets(i)
Set wkb = .Sheets(3)
End With
If IsError(Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(wka.Range("M2"), wkb.Range("E:T"), 14, 0)) Then
wka.Range("R2").Value = ""
wka.Range("R2").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(wka.Range("M2"), wks.Range("E:T"), 14, 0)
End If
Next i
End Sub
IsError does not work with Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup or WorksheetFunction.VLookup, only with Application.VLookup.
It is faster and easier to return Application.Match once to a variant type variable and then test that for use.
dim am as variant
'are you sure you want wkb and not wks here?
am = Application.match(wka.Range("M2"), wkb.Range("E:E"), 0)
If IsError(am) Then
wka.Range("R2") = vbnullstring
'are you sure you want wks and not wkb here?
wka.Range("R2") = wks.cells(am, "R").value
End If
Note the apparent misuse of wkb and wks in two places. I don't see the point of looking up a value in one worksheet, testing that return then using the results of the test to lookup the same value in another worksheet.
You can use the following code:
Sub CopyTableau1Data()
Dim wka As Worksheet
Dim wkb As Worksheet, i As Integer
ShtCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
For i = 9 To ShtCount
With ThisWorkbook
Set wka = .Sheets(i)
Set wkb = .Sheets(3)
End With
wka.Range("R2") = aVL(i)
Next i
End Sub
Function aVL(ByVal wsno As Integer) As String
On Error GoTo errhandler:
aVL =
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(3).Range("E:T"), 14, False)
aVL = ""
End Function
When you try to check an error by isError, program flow can immediately return from the sub depending on the error. You could use on error in your sub to prevent that but this would only handle the first error. By delegating the error handling to a function you can repeatedly handle errors in your loop.
I assumed you wanted to use wkb.Range("E:T") instead of wks.Range("E:T").

Excel VBA - Table column formula - Error 1004

Morning All,
I'm trying to create function that changes the result column in a =VLOOKUP formula.
Sub changeDay(day As Integer)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lo As ListObject
Dim lColName As ListColumn
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheetName")
Set lo = ws.ListObjects(1)
Set lColName = lo.ListColumns(2)
lColName.DataBodyRange.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP'([#ID],'sheetName'!$A$2:$J$404," & day & ")"
End Sub
It returns an error Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error.
Where am I going wrong, this seems to be the accepted solution for other people.
Replace FormulaR1C1 with Formula.
What is the function of FormulaR1C1?
Working solution for anyone facing the same problem.
Sub changeDay(day As Integer)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lo As ListObject
Dim lCol As ListColumn
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("aWorksheetname")
Set lo = ws.ListObjects(1)
Set lCol = lo.ListColumns(2)
lColName.DataBodyRange.Formula = "=VLOOKUP([#ID],'aWorkSheetname'!$A$2:$J$404," & CStr(day) & ")"
End Sub

Syntax for VBA Vlookup to another workbook

I'm trying to perform a VLOOKUP in VBA, using a table in a different workbook.
I've tried:
width = Application.VLookup(code, Workbooks("T:\Data\Dimensions.xlsx").Sheets("Main").Range("A61:G1500"), 7, False)
where code is a variable I've already set, but it just returns "Subscript out of range".
I'm sure you can see what I'm trying to do, but I'm guessing I've got the syntax wrong in the vlookup.
Make sure the target workbook is opened. Try this:
Set src = Workbooks.Open("T:\Data\Dimensions.xlsx")
width = Application.VLookup(code, src.Sheets("Main").Range("A61:G1500"), 7, False)
The code below is a little long, but it will work you through step-by-step, defining and setting all your objects (see comments in the code itself).
You also need to handle a scenario where Vlookup will not be able to find code in your specified Range,
Option Explicit
Sub VlookupClosedWorkbook()
Dim Width, code
Dim WorkbookName As String
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim Sht As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range
WorkbookName = "Dimensions.xlsx"
' set the workbook object
On Error Resume Next
Set WB = Workbooks(WorkbookName) ' first try to see if the workbook already open
On Error GoTo 0
If WB Is Nothing Then ' if workbook = Nothing (workbook is closed)
Set WB = Workbooks.Open("T:\Data\" & WorkbookName)
End If
' set the worksheet object
Set Sht = WB.Sheets("Main")
' set the Range object
Set Rng = Sht.Range("A61:G1500")
' verify that Vlookup found code in the Range
If Not IsError(Application.VLookup(code, Rng, 7, False)) Then
Width = Application.VLookup(code, Rng, 7, False)
MsgBox "Vlookyp Error finding " & code
End If
End Sub
You have to open that workbook or use cell to get value from closed one
range("A1").formula = "=vlookup(" & code & ",'T:\Data\[Dimensions.xlsx]Main'!A61:G1500,7,0)"
width = range("A1").value

Extracting the item from a DICTIONARY in VBA

I have created a dictionary that stores the sheet name and its number.
So the code is as:
Sub SetDiction()
Dim num as Excel.Range
Dim wks As Excel.Worksheet
For each wks in ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
Set num = Nothing
Set num = wks.Range("SheetNumber")
If not(num is Nothing) Then
rModule.rDictionary.Add:=num.Value Item:=wks
End If
End Sub
Now am trying to get the wks name and put it in another worksheet.The code is:
Sub GetSheet()
Dim key as variant
For each key in rModule.rDictionary.Keys
With Sheet2
.Cells(2,1).Value = rModule.rDictionary.Item(key)
End With
End Sub
It is giving me application defined or Object-defined error.
Can some one help please?
Your .Add call is syntactically incorrect and you are adding the whole worksheet to the dictionary where presumably you just want to add the named range, change to:
rDictionary.Add num.Value, num
To add the name:
rDictionary.Add num.Value, wks.Name