Image Panel that Displays Images Based on Spatial Extent in ArcGIS WebAppBuilder - arcgis

Does anyone know of a way of possibly making a side panel in a webapp for ArcGIS Online that would allow images to be displayed that are either attached to point location data, or have a URL in the table. I would like to images to appear based on the current extent of the map and disappear when no longer in view on the map.

I'm not aware of any widgets that would do this out-of-the-box, but I think it would be a great case to create a custom widget for use with Web AppBuilder Developer Edition.
As you start working with Web AppBuilder more, some other useful resources include the GIS StackExchange, and the Web AppBuilder Custom Widgets GeoNet Group.


How to get Labels to appear on markers in ArcGis Maps webpart for SharePoint?

I'm using the Arcgis Maps web part for SharePoint. I can get my markers / pins to appear, now I'm trying to get labels to appear identifying each. How do I go about this?
Please see screenshot below:
I've managed to find work around by simply building the map using Arcgis's Online tool (Arcgis Online) I'm not sure if the webpart is buggy, but the Online version is simple and intuitive. I pulled the map into a Web Page Viewer web part. It works very well.

How to use external data when using ArcGIS API for JavaScript

I am building a dashboard(web app) to present the landslide related data. I have some external maps (slope, drainage and etc). I want to show them as layers in the web app. I was unable to find a correct way of doing so. Can someone suggest a solution?
You mentioned in your comment that you're trying to map Shapefiles. If you want to load your Shapefiles into the map from the JavaScript API, there's a sample here that shows you how to load that file into the map.
If you'd like to add it to your Web Map so that you can view it in an app, you can do that too, just go to the Map page and click Add > Layer from File (more info).

How to set my canvas drawings visible to anther user who opens same page where actions performed using paper.js script

I am working with paper.js in mvc4 application ,which helps in drawing on canvas region of HTML. I need your support for my requirement:
When I draw on my canvas I want to make visible these drawings on other canvas who opened same page over internet.
Paper.js provides a global variable called project.activeLayer to access items on view. I saved cavnas data in JSON format from active Layer , then I send this data through server communication. How can I rebuild the view in the canvas with same data. ?
Is there any way to do this without transmission of data.?
This is not going to be simple. What you're talking about is basically the same as a chat room with caht cleints in the browser. You need to send the canvas data to the server, and then have the server update any other clients connected to it.
Probably the best place to start would be a chat-room sample and modify the code to handle the canvas data. The SignalR real-time communications library would probablyhelp to make tings a lot simpler, and it has good samples to get you going.

Create custom templates in iOS ap

How to create custom templates in iOS app having uiimageview ,uitextview,and many other views so that user can select any one template and starts editing it.
There is a famous library thats floating around for this kind of usage - iOS BoilerPlate
It is intended to provide a base of code to start with
It is not intended to be a framework
It is intended to be modified and extended by the developer to fit their needs
It includes solid third-party libraries if needed to not reinvent the wheel
What it includes -
HTTP requests and an image cache (both in-memory and disk-based)
UITableViews and UITableViewCells: fast scrolling, async images, pull-down-to-refresh, swipeable cells,...
A built-in browser so your users don't leave your application when they browse to a certain URL
Maps and locations: directions between two points, autocomplete a location, etc.

Creating a image browser Boxee App

I am writing a Boxee App and I want to list all albums for a picasa account.
The problem I'm facing is that I have no idea of how to list albums and photos in the Boxee app.
The application itself should be fairly simple:
First a main screen where all your albums are listed, then when you click an album you see all your photos in a grid of say 4x5 photos
When you click a photo you go in to a view where one photo is displayed on the whole screen where back and forward lets users go back and forth in that gallery.
I have wrote a simple wrapper arround the gdata photos Python API which I was aiming to use so hopefully all the heavy lifting will be done by the gdata API.
Does anybody have some good links to example applications or tutorials to one or more of the features I want in the application?
Boxee uses an XML based approach for describing an application's interface. You'll need one XML for each screen of your application and you'll connect them together using the API.
You would build this XML screens using various controls defined by the XML API. Basically a control (a button, a list, a label, etc) is described as an XML node with attributes and child nodes. You can check a list of all the available controls here:
You can use the Python API to control various properties of the UI elements you coded in your XML files. For example you could fill a list with photos taken from a server, you could change the label on a button, load another screen and much more. Here are the Python API specs:
Make sure you read trough the Boxee dev pages and also remember that Boxee originated from the XBMC project so most of the documentation regarding XBMC skinning ( also applies to Boxee.
Another thing that might help you is looking at other apps. Find an app that is somehow similar to what you want to do, find it in Boxee's app folder and peek at the code there.