SQL Query Results Using Joins - sql

I'm trying to do this query to display the names of the stores and the quantity of each book sold with only using joins but I tried to use
SELECT DISTINCT x.stor_name, t.title, s.qty
FROM stores x
INNER JOIN discounts d
ON x.stor_id=d.stor_id
INNER JOIN salesdetail s
ON d.stor_id=s.stor_id
INNER JOIN titles t
ON s.title_id=t.title_id
ORDER BY s.qty desc;
but that only displayed one of the stores results set for 'Bookbeat'.
I tried to use Left, Right & Full Outer joins to no avail so I'm wondering how I would go about doing that query to display the names for the other stores that are not displaying their result set. As there is 7 stores and only 1 is displaying it's results.
The link is a pastebin to the database.
And this is the schema.

It's hard to say without more information about your schema - it strikes me as wrong-ish that you're joining to discounts only on stor_id. I'd expect discounts to be applied to different titles, not store-wide... and I wouldn't expect discounts to be always-enabled. Try running it without the discounts inner join. Futzing around with "Distinct" and outer joins is almost always the wrong approach with things like this
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Access SQL Lookup - Dropdown Columns

I have looked for a similar issue with no luck. Maybe I don't know the right term to search for.
This seems so simple, but I just can't get it after spending many hours trying different approaches.
I have a dropdown to select contracts which shows some ids for related fields. How can I get those IDs to show the value of another column.
SELECT tbl_contracts.ID, tbl_contracts.contract_name, tbl_contracts.firm_id, tbl_contracts.agency_id
FROM tbl_contracts;
image of dropdown
I would like the IDs shown for agency_id and firm_id to list the company_name from their respective table "tbl_firm_agencies" where the tbl_contracts looks them up from. I've tried INNER JOINS but when I do, I can only line items to show when both agency AND firm exist, so my dropdown get cut off quite a bit.
Simply LEFT JOIN to those lookup tables as opposed to INNER JOIN. Adjust table and field names to actual ones in query below. Also, the parentheses are required in MS Access SQL.
SELECT c.ID, c.contract_name, f.firm_name, a.agency_name
FROM (tbl_contracts c
LEFT JOIN tbl_firms f
ON c.firm_id = f.firm_name)
LEFT JOIN tbl_agencies a
ON c.agency_id = a.agency_name;

Need assistance with SQL statement having trouble with the JOINS and WHERE clause

The company is performing an analysis of their inventory. They are considering purging books that are not popular with their customers. To do this they need a list of books that have never been purchased. Write a query using a join that provides this information. Your results should include all the book details and the order number column. Sort your results by the book title.
SELECT o.order_nbr, b.*
FROM orders o JOIN books
ORDER BY book_title
This is all I could come up with, I'm still learning Joins and struggling to figure out what the correct statement should be. Wasn't sure what to put in the WHERE clause and don't really know how to properly join these tables.
You need an ON clause to specify what you are joining on. Also, your WHERE clause is empty, and you are not specifying the type of JOIN you are using. Looking at the way the tables are set up, the expectation is you are going to join the BOOKS table on ORDER_ITEMS, which also contains ORDER_NBR.
In the question, it's asking to find books with no orders, so correct join would be a LEFT JOIN between BOOKS and ORDER_ITEMS, as that will include every book, even those without orders, which will have an ORDER_NBR of NULL
The SQL would look like
SELECT o.order_nbr, b.*
FROM books b
LEFT JOIN order_items o on b.book_id = o.book_id
WHERE o.order_nbr is null
ORDER BY book_title
This would return only the books with no orders.

SQL INNER JOIN without linked column

I have an UltraGrid displaying customer information in it. The way the database is set up, there are 2 tables. Customers and Customer_Addresses. I need to be able to display all of the columns from Customers as well as Town and Region from Customer_Addresses, but I'm under the impression that I'd need Town and Region columns in the Customer table to be able to do this? I've never used an INNER JOIN before so I'm not sure if this is true or not, so can anybody give me pointers on how to do this, or if I need the matching columns or not?
Does it even require an INNER JOIN, or is there an alternative way to do this?
Below are the design views of both of the tables - Is it possible to display Add4 and Add5 from Customer_Addresses with all of Customers?
As long as you have another key column you can use to link the tables (ex. ID_Column), it is better that you use LEFT JOIN.
SELECT c.col1, ... , c.colN, a.town, a.region FROM Customers c
LEFT JOIN Customer_Addresses a ON a.ID_Column = c.ID_Column
In order to clarify how JOIN types work, look at this picture:
In our case, using a LEFT JOIN will take all information from the Customers table, along with any found matching (on ID) information from Customer_Addresses table.
First of all you need some column in common in two tables, all what you have to do is:
CREATE TABLE all_things
SELECT * (or columns that you want to have in the new table)
FROM Costumers AS a1
INNER JOIN Customer_Addresses AS a2 ON a1.column_in_common = a2.column_in_common
The point is what kind of join do you want.
If you can continue the process without having information in table Costumers or in table Customer_Addresses maybe you need OUTER JOIN or other kind of JOIN.

how can an unrelated table specified in FROM-clause affect the outcome of SUM()?

I am new to sqlite3 and have made some queries where the outcome seems strange to me. I have two tables, OrderDetails and Offices, that from their schema are unrelated. There are 7 entries in offices and 2996 in OrderDetails. Within OrderDetails, there is a column with quantityOrdered, and by summing the column values I get an accumulated value.
SELECT SUM(quantityOrdered) FROM OrderDetails; (result is 105516)
When I include the other table, which i don't actually extract any information from in my SELECT-clause and should be unrelated in attributes like so:
SELECT SUM(OD.quantityOrdered FROM OrderDetails OD, Offices; (result is 738612)
The result is much higher, and it is interesting to see that it is exactly 7 times larger (the number of entries in offices). I also get it even though I specify that it should only be OrderDetails attributes (OD.quantityOrdered). Is there some obvious logic that I don't see and understand? I hope someone can help me.
You are getting the sum for a CROSS JOIN since you dont have a JOIN condition.
Every row FROM the first table is JOINed to every other row from the other table.
Look here for a basic JOIN tutorial.
It should be
SELECT SUM(OD.quantityOrdered)
FROM OrderDetails OD JOIN Offices O
ON OD.somecol=O.someothercol
When you list two tables in a FROM clause but specify no conditions to relate them together, you get what is known as a CROSS JOIN, which calculates every possible combination of rows from the two tables.
You can see this by running
FROM OrderDetails, Offices
In more modern SQL that would be written
FROM OrderDetails
The SUM() function (without a GROUP BY) runs across all the rows in the result set, regardless of how the resultset was calculated (you can think of the SELECT clause running after the CROSS JOIN).
So your second query takes all the rows created by the CROSS JOIN and sums them up, meaning all the values are counted 7 times.
SELECT SUM(OD.quantityOrdered)
FROM OrderDetails as OD
CROSS JOIN Offices as O

SQL Syntax for Complex Scenario (Deals)

i have a complex query to be written but cannot figure it out
here are my tables
Sales --one row for each sale made in the system
SaleProducts --one row for each line in the invoice (similar to OrderDetails in NW)
Deals --a list of possible deals/offers that a sale may be entitled to
DealProducts --a list of quantities of products that must be purchased in order to get a deal
now im trying to make a query which will tell me for each sale which deals he may get
the relevant fields are:
Sales: SaleID (PK)
SaleProducts: SaleID (FK), ProductID (FK)
Deals: DealID (PK)
DealProducts: DealID(FK), ProductID(FK), Mandatories (int) for required qty
i believe that i should be able to use some sort of cross join or outer join, but it aint working
here is one sample (of about 30 things i tried)
SELECT DealProducts.DealID, DealProducts.ProductID, DealProducts.Mandatories,
viwSaleProductCount.SaleID, viwSaleProductCount.ProductCount
FROM DealProducts
LEFT OUTER JOIN viwSaleProductCount
ON DealProducts.ProductID = viwSaleProductCount.ProductID
GROUP BY DealProducts.DealID, DealProducts.ProductID, DealProducts.Mandatories,
viwSaleProductCount.SaleID, viwSaleProductCount.ProductCount
The problem is that it doesn't show any product deals that are not fulfilled (probably because of the ProductID join). i need that also sales that don't have the requirements show up, then I can filter out any SaleID that exists in this query where AmountBought < Mandatories etc
Thank you for your help
I'm not sure how well I follow your question (where does viwSaleProductCount fit in?) but it sounds like you will want an outer join to a subquery that returns a list of deals along with their associated products. I think it would go something like this:
Select *
From Sales s Inner Join SaleProducts sp on s.SaleID = sp.SaleID
Left Join (
Select *
From Deals d Inner Join DealProducts dp on d.DealID = dp.DealId
) as sub on sp.ProductID = sub.ProductID
You may need to add logic to ensure that deals don't appear twice, and of course replace * with the specific column names you'd need in all cases.
edit: if you don't actually need any information from the sale or deal tables, something like this could be used:
Select sp.SaleID, sp.ProductID, sp.ProductCount, dp.DealID, dp.Mandatories
From SaleProducts sp
Left Join DealProducts as dp on sp.ProductID = dp.ProductID
If you need to do grouping/aggregation on this result you will need to be careful to ensure that deals aren't counted multiple times for a given sale (Count Distinct may be appropriate, depending on your grouping). Because it is a Left Join, you don't need to worry about excluding sales that don't have a match in DealProducts.