The line wcfServiceObject:this gives an error cannot convert from ... to ....
return new[] { new ServiceReplicaListener((context) =>
new WcfCommunicationListener<IShoppingCartService>(
// The name of the endpoint configured in the ServiceManifest under the Endpoints section
// that identifies the endpoint that the WCF ServiceHost should listen on.
endpointResourceName: "WcfServiceEndpoint",
// Populate the binding information that you want the service to use.
listenerBinding: WcfUtility.CreateTcpListenerBinding()
How do I resolve this problem?
Code from:
I figured that I should implement the interface for my service. Like the example below for a ShoppingCartService:
internal sealed class ShoppingCartService : StatefulService, IShoppingCartService
In this particular case I had to implement the IShoppingCartService interface for the ShoppingCartService.
I have cases, where I want to configure services based on objects which are registered in the dependency injection container.
For example I have the following registration for WS Federation:
authenticationBuilder.AddWsFederation((options) =>{
options.MetadataAddress = "...";
options.Wtrealm = "...";
My goal in the above case is to use a configuration object, which is available via the DI container to configure the WsFederation-middleware.
It looks to me that IPostConfigureOptions<> is the way to go, but until now, I have not found a way to accomplish this.
How can this be done, or is it not possible?
See for the I(Post)ConfigureOptions<T> way, but I find that way too cumbersome.
I generally use this pattern:
// Get my custom config section
var fooSettingsSection = configuration.GetSection("Foo");
// Parse it to my custom section's settings class
var fooSettings = fooSettingsSection.Get<FooSettings>()
?? throw new ArgumentException("Foo not configured");
// Register it for services who ask for an IOptions<FooSettings>
// Use the settings instance
services.AddSomeOtherService(options => {
ServiceFoo = fooSettings.ServiceFoo;
A little more explicit, but you have all your configuration and DI code in one place.
Of course this bypasses the I(Post)ConfigureOptions<T> entirely, so if there's other code that uses those interfaces to modify the FooSettings afterwards, my code won't notice it as it's reading directly from the configuration file. Given I control FooSettings and its users, that's no problem for me.
This should be the approach if you do want to use that interface:
First, register your custom config section that you want to pull the settings from:
var fooSettingsSection = configuration.GetSection("Foo");
Then, create an options configurer:
public class ConfigureWSFedFromFooSettingsOptions
: IPostConfigureOptions<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.WsFederation.WsFederationOptions>
private readonly FooSettings _fooSettings;
public ConfigureWSFedFromFooSettingsOptions(IOptions<FooSettings> fooSettings)
_fooSettings = fooSettings.Value;
public void Configure(WsFederationOptions options)
options.MetadataAddress = _fooSettings.WsFedMetadataAddress;
options.Wtrealm = _fooSettings.WsFedWtRealm;
And finally link the stuff together:
services.AddTransient<IPostConfigureOptions<WsFederationOptions>, ConfigureWSFedFromFooSettingsOptions>();
The configurer will get your IOptions<FooSettings> injected, instantiated from the appsettings, and then be used to further configure the WsFederationOptions.
I have MVC client that invokes a WCF service. The MVC client needs to pass one custom header in httprequest. The MVC client is also using Unity for DI.
I have already gone through SO POST and others links but they are all suggesting to use message inspector and custom behavior(which might be the correct way) but i'm looking for quick and dirty way because this will be temporary solution.
// Unity type Registration
public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
container.RegisterType<IDocumentManagementChannel>(new PerRequestLifetimeManager(),
new InjectionFactory(f=> CreateDocumentManagementChannel()));
private static IDocumentManagementChannel CreateDocumentManagementChannel()
var factory = new ChannelFactory<IDocumentManagementChannel>("BasicHttpEndPoint");
var channel = factory.CreateChannel();
// How do i add HttpHeaders into channel here?
return channel
In the code above How do i add custom header after i create a channel?
1- Below code should send the soap header from MVC
string userName = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name;
MessageHeader<string> header = new MessageHeader<string>(userName);
header.GetUntypedHeader("String", "System"));
2- And this code should read it on WCF
string loginName = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders.GetHeader<string>("String", "System");
3- As for the channel, i recommend you create your custom System.ServiceModel.ClientBase as follows:
public abstract class UserClientBase<T> : ClientBase<T> where T : class
public UserClientBase()
string userName = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name;
MessageHeader<string> header = new MessageHeader<string>(userName);
header.GetUntypedHeader("String", "System"));
4- Create a custom client class that inherits from UserClientBase and use the base channel internally to call your IxxService which is the T here.
Using NServiceBus 4.0.11
I would like to call
Bus.OutgoingHeaders["user"] = "john";
The Header Manipulation sample shows how to call it with a custom host.
I would like to call it while using the NServiceBus.Host.
So actually I would like to have a reference to the instance of the Bus, to call OutgoingHeaders on.
Tried IWantCustomInitialization but that gives me an exception when calling CreateBus in it. INeedInitialization isn't the way to go neither.
How should I call Bus.OutgoingHeaders["user"] = "john"; while using the NServiceBus.Host?
Reading your question makes me think that you want to add this header to a certain message that you want to send during initialization/startup or when handling a message. Usually, headers have a more generic behavior as they need to be applied to more than one message.
Instead of setting the header before sending the message you can also add the header via a message mutator or behavior.
public class OutgoingBehavior : IBehavior<SendPhysicalMessageContext>
public void Invoke(SendPhysicalMessageContext context, Action next)
Dictionary<string, string> headers = context.MessageToSend.Headers;
headers["MyCustomHeader"] = "My custom value";
public class MutateOutgoingTransportMessages : IMutateOutgoingTransportMessages
public void MutateOutgoing(object[] messages, TransportMessage transportMessage)
Dictionary<string, string> headers = transportMessage.Headers;
headers["MyCustomHeader"] = "My custom value";
See: for samples.
Greetings one and all!
I'm new to WF 4.0 and WWF in general so forgive me if this seems like a newbie type of question, but believe me I've scoured the depths of the Internet for a solution to this problem, but to no avail.
I have created a sample WF application with a custom CodeActivity that requires an extension be provided, as per below:
public sealed class PreparePizza : CodeActivity
public InArgument<Order> Order { get; set; }
protected override void CacheMetadata(CodeActivityMetadata metadata)
if (this.Order == null)
metadata.AddValidationError("You must supply an Order.");
// If your activity returns a value, derive from CodeActivity<TResult>
// and return the value from the Execute method.
protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
// Obtain the runtime value of the Text input argument
Order order = context.GetValue(this.Order);
var extension = context.GetExtension<IPreparePizzaExtension>();
public interface IPreparePizzaExtension
void Prepare(Order order);
I then slot this activity into a workflow service and attempt to consume via my web app by adding a service reference. However, when I add the reference I get:
System.Activities.ValidationException: An extension of type 'PizzaMan.ActivityLibrary.IPreparePizzaExtension' must be configured in order to run this workflow.
Fair enough - of course my activity requires that I pass it an implementation of IPreparePizzaExtension - after all, I've told it to!
So my question is, how on earth do I pass this to the service? I can manage this easily enough in a console app scenario, using the WorkflowInvoker, but I cannot see any obvious way to do this via the service approach. I would assume that obviously a programmatic approach to adding the reference is what's needed, but again I'm at a loss as to precisely how to go about this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards
The WorkflowServiceHost has a WorkflowExtensions property where you can add the workflow extenstion. There are several ways you can do that. If you are self hosting this is easy as you create the WorkflowServiceHost. If you are usign IIS you need to create a ServiceHostFactory to configure you WorkflowServiceHost. Finally there is an option to add the workflow extension in the CacheMetadata of your activity using the metadata.AddDefaultExtensionProvider() function.
Solved it as follows, self-hosting style:
static void Main(string[] args)
Workflow1 workflow = new Workflow1();
// Provide some default values; note: these will be overriden once method on the service is called.
workflow.productID = -1;
Uri address = new Uri("http://localhost:1234/WorkflowService1");
WorkflowServiceHost host = new WorkflowServiceHost(workflow, address);
// Behaviours
host.Description.Behaviors.Add(new ServiceMetadataBehavior { HttpGetEnabled = true });
host.Description.Behaviors.Add(new ServiceDebugBehavior { IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true });
// Persistence
var connStr = #"";
var behavior = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStoreBehavior(connStr);
behavior.InstanceCompletionAction = InstanceCompletionAction.DeleteNothing;
behavior.InstanceLockedExceptionAction = InstanceLockedExceptionAction.AggressiveRetry;
behavior.InstanceEncodingOption = InstanceEncodingOption.None;
// Add extension implementations
host.WorkflowExtensions.Add(new MyExtension());
host.WorkflowExtensions.Add(new MyExtensionTest());
host.Faulted += new EventHandler(host_Faulted);
foreach (System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceEndpoint endpoint in host.Description.Endpoints)
My toolkit has configuration support for this. See
There is also this method of doing things:
I am working on a logging application that requires me to have a Workflow that is exposed as a Service (Workflow Service). We want to host it as a Windows Service (don't want to host workflow service as .svc file in IIS). Another reason for having it as windows service is to be able to communicate with the service through the Named pipes.
Can we expose a Workflow Service through Named Pipes without hosting it in IIS?
Yep bep, you sure can. At least, I have accomplished as much with Workflow 4 Release Candidate.
// a generic self-hosted workflow service hosting thingy. Actual
// implementation should contain more logging and thread safety, this
// is an abbreviated version ;)
public class WorkflowHost
// NOTE: with Workflow, it helps to maintain a concept of
// Workflow definition [the Activity or WorkflowService from
// a designer] and a Workflow instance [what is running within
// WorkflowInvoker, WorkflowApplication, WorkflowServiceHost].
// a definition may be used to generate an instance. an instance
// contains run-time state and cannot be recycled into a new
// instance. therefore, to repeatedly re-host a WorkflowService
// we need to maintain references to original definitions and
// actual instances. ergo services and hosts maps
// if you are special purpose and require support for one and
// only one service and endpoint\uri, then you may reduce this
// to a simple tuple of Uri, WorkflowService, WorkflowServiceHost
// services represents a definition of hosted services
private readonly Dictionary<Uri, WorkflowService> _services =
new Dictionary<Uri, WorkflowService> ();
// hosts represents actual running instances of services
private readonly Dictionary<Uri, WorkflowServiceHost> _hosts =
new Dictionary<Uri, WorkflowServiceHost> ();
// constructor accepts a map of Uris (ie service endpoints) to
// workflow service definitions
public WorkflowHost (IDictionary<Uri, WorkflowService> services)
foreach (KeyValuePair<Uri, WorkflowService> servicePair in services)
_services.Add (servicePair.Key, servicePair.Value);
// have your windows service invoke this to start hosting
public void Start ()
if (_hosts.Count > 0)
Stop ();
foreach (KeyValuePair<Uri, WorkflowService> servicePair in _services)
WorkflowService service = servicePair.Value;
Uri uri = servicePair.Key;
WorkflowServiceHost host = new WorkflowServiceHost (service, uri);
host.Open ();
_hosts.Add (uri, host);
// have your windows service invoke this to stop hosting
public void Stop ()
if (_hosts.Count > 0)
foreach (KeyValuePair<Uri, WorkflowService> servicePair in
WorkflowService service = servicePair.Value;
Uri uri = servicePair.Key;
IDisposable host = _hosts[uri];
host.Dispose ();
_hosts.Clear ();
I believe endpoint configuration may be set via standard Wcf service configuration sections in App.config. I have not personally attempted a change to default transport layer in my experiments with Workflow.
The above represents a generic pure hosting class [ie it self-hosts WorkflowServices]. This allows us to re-use this hosting functionality within a console, WinForm, WPF, or yes, even a WindowsService application. Below is a WindowsService that leverages our host class
// windows service. personally i would abstract service behind
// an interface and inject it, but again, for brevity ;)
public partial class WorkflowWindowsService : ServiceBase
WorkflowHost _host;
public WorkflowWindowsService ()
Dictionary<Uri, WorkflowService> services =
new Dictionary<Uri, WorkflowService> ();
// do your service loading ...
// create host
_host = new WorkflowHost (services);
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
_host.Start ();
protected override void OnStop()
_host.Stop ();
If you have fiddled with WorkflowServices in VS2010RC, then you may already know that WorkflowServices are not first class Xaml classes like their Workflow cousins. Instead, they are saved as loose Xaml files with the .xamlx extension. There is no design-time intellisense support for WorkflowServices [as far as I know] and are not recognized as declared types, so our only options to load a WorkflowService at run-time are
Read pure Xaml markup from .xamlx file directly
Read pure Xaml markup from some other source [embedded string, resource, or other source]
Either way, we must interpret markup and create a WorkflowService definition. The following will transform a string [that may be a filename or markup] into a WorkflowService. Keeners may also note that there is a difference between this process and the process for transforming Workflow markup to Workflow definitions.
// converts a string value [either pure xaml or filename] to a
// WorkflowService definition
public WorkflowService ToWorkflowService (string value)
WorkflowService service = null;
// 1. assume value is Xaml
string xaml = value;
// 2. if value is file path,
if (File.Exists (value))
// 2a. read contents to xaml
xaml = File.ReadAllText (value);
// 3. build service
using (StringReader xamlReader = new StringReader (xaml))
object untypedService = null;
// NOTE: XamlServices, NOT ActivityXamlServices
untypedService = XamlServices.Load (xamlReader);
if (untypedService is WorkflowService)
service = (WorkflowService)(untypedService);
throw new ArgumentException (
string.Format (
"Unexpected error reading WorkflowService from " +
"value [{0}] and Xaml [{1}]. Xaml does not define a " +
"WorkflowService, but an instance of [{2}].",
untypedService.GetType ()));
return service;
Yes it is possible. You will have to create your own service. See Hosting and Consuming WCF Services on MSDN, especially the section Hosting in Windows Services.