This query is taking too much of time for executing result set, is there any way to optimise the query
WITH MEMBER PatientName AS [DimPatient].[Full Name].CurrentMember.Member_Caption
MEMBER PatientAge AS [DimPatient].[Age].CurrentMember.Member_Caption
MEMBER PatientGender AS [DimPatient].[Gender].CurrentMember.Member_Caption
MEMBER PatientMRN AS [DimPatient].[Medical Record Number].CurrentMember.Member_Caption
MEMBER PCPList AS [DimPCP].[Provider Key].CurrentMember.Member_Caption
MEMBER CareTeamList AS [DimCareTeam].[CareTeamName].CurrentMember.Member_Caption
MEMBER ConditionList AS [DimCondition].[Condition Name].CurrentMember.Member_Caption
SELECT (([DimPatient].[Patient Key].[Patient Key],
[DimPCP].[Provider Key].[Provider Key],
[DimCondition].[Condition Name].[Condition Name])) ON 1 ,
{ [Measures].[PatientName] ,
[Measures].[PatientAge] ,
[Measures].[PatientGender] ,
[Measures].[PatientMRN] ,
[Measures].[Num Of Minutes] ,
[PCPList] ,[CareTeamList] ,
[ConditionList] } ON 0 FROM [NavigateCube]
WHERE ( [DimManagedPopulation].[ManagedPopulationKey].&[5059],[DimAnchorDate].[Date Key].&[20160930] )
Can you try the following? There is no need to build measures to return dimension captions. And a NON EMPTY should speed it up by returning only combinations of dimensions that make sense (combinations with Num of Minutes I assume):
SELECT NON EMPTY (([DimPatient].[Patient Key].[Patient Key],
[DimPatient].[Full Name].[Full Name],
[DimPatient].[Medical Record Number].[Medical Record Number],
[DimPCP].[Provider Key].[Provider Key],
[DimCondition].[Condition Name].[Condition Name])) ON 1 ,
{ [Measures].[Num Of Minutes] } ON 0
FROM [NavigateCube]
WHERE ( [DimManagedPopulation].[ManagedPopulationKey].&[5059],[DimAnchorDate].[Date Key].&[20160930] )
This is my sql code - I want to convert it into an mdx query.
Also those results set use into power bi report.
I am unable to write this sql query into mdx query. Can anybody help me?
Select * From(
dense_RANK()over(partition by t.MonthName order by t.amount desc)rank
Select DSP.SalesPointShortName ,dd.MonthName
From FactSales FS
INNER JOIN DimDate dd on fs.DateKey=dd.DateKey
INNER JOIN DimSalesPoint DSP on DSP.SalesPointID=FS.SalesPointID
group by dsp.SalesPointShortName ,dd.MonthName
)as t
)as f where f.rank=1
My expected output is:
Lots of google searching i have the answer from below link
After following this link desire results comes.
WITH SET [Sorted Models] AS
// For each month get Top 25 records, choosed a Top 25 from business case
Generate (
[Dim Date].[Month Name].[Month Name].Members,
( nonempty(
[Dim Date].[Month Name].CurrentMember
* [Dim Sales Point].[SalesPoint].[Sales Point Short Name].MEMBERS
,[Measures].[Sales Amount]
, 1
,[Measures].[Sales Amount]
//[Measures].[Sales Amount] on 0,[Sorted Models] on 1
//From [MdCubeTest]
//where [Dim Product Group Item].[Sub Category Name].&[Bag]
MEMBER [Measures].[Rank] AS
// Get the Rank of current member Tuple to Current Month Set
// Do not use Sorted Models set due to dynamic for each set
Rank (
[Dim Date].[Month Name].CurrentMember
, [Dim Sales Point].[SalesPoint].CurrentMember
, Generate ( [Dim Date].[Month Name].CurrentMember,
( nonempty(
{ [Dim Date].[Month Name].CurrentMember
* [Dim Sales Point].[SalesPoint].[Sales Point Short Name]
,[Measures].[Sales Amount]
, 25
,[Measures].[Sales Amount]
, [Measures].[Sales Amount]
MEMBER [Measures].[Previous Set Index] AS
// Get the Set Index using Rank
[Measures].[Rank] - 2
MEMBER [Measures].[Dense Rank] AS
// Get the Dense Rank using the Index position value
WHEN [Measures].[Rank] = 1
[Sorted Models].Item([Measures].[Previous Set Index]),
[Measures].[Dense Rank]
[Sorted Models].Item([Measures].[Previous Set Index]),
[Measures].[Sales Amount]
[Measures].[Sales Amount]
[Measures].[Sales Amount]
, [Measures].[Rank]
, [Measures].[Dense Rank]
//, [Measures].[Previous Set Index]
} ON rows
// FILTER Can be used to get the TOP 3 using DENSE RANK
[Sorted Models]
, [Measures].[Dense Rank] <=1
} ON columns
FROM [MdCubeTest]
where [Dim Product Group Item].[Sub Category Name].&[Bag]`
I trying to execute below MDX query it took more than 10 mins is there any possibility to improve performance on below query.
MEMBER PatientName AS [DimPatient].[Full Name].CurrentMember.Member_Caption
MEMBER PatientAge AS [DimPatient].[Age].CurrentMember.Member_Caption
MEMBER PatientGender AS [DimPatient].[Gender].CurrentMember.Member_Caption
MEMBER PatientMRN AS [DimPatient].[Medical Record Number].CurrentMember.Member_Caption
MEMBER [PCPList] AS Generate ([DimPCP].[Provider Key].[Provider Key].MEMBERS,
IIF([Measures].[CCMPatientCnt] <> 0,[DimPCP].[Provider Key].CurrentMember.Member_Caption + '',NULL))
MEMBER CareTeamList AS [DimCareTeam].[CareTeamName].CurrentMember.Member_Caption
MEMBER ConditionList AS [DimCondition].[Condition Name].CurrentMember.Member_Caption
SELECT ORDER(NonEmpty (([DimPatient].[Patient Key].[Patient Key],
[DimCondition].[Condition Name].[Condition Name]),
{[Measures].[CCMPatientCnt]} ),
([Measures].[patientName]),BASC) ON 1 ,
{ [Measures].[PatientName] ,
[Measures].[PatientAge] ,
[Measures].[PatientGender] ,
[Measures].[PatientMRN] ,
[Measures].[Num Of Minutes] ,
[PCPList] ,[CareTeamList] ,
[ConditionList] } ON 0
FROM [NavigateCube]
WHERE ( [DimManagedPopulation].[ManagedPopulationKey].&[4332],
[DimAnchorDate].[Date Key].&[20180731])
enter image description here
We have two fact tables Fact_Order and Fact_Product.
In fact_Order we have columns OrderId,OrderDate and OrderQuantity.
In fact_Product we have columns ProductReleaseDate and ProductCost
Now we want to join the Releasedate with all the orders that fall within a week in MDX.
Help would be highly appreciated because i am stuck on this from last two days
This is the MDX that i am trying to write for the same.
WITH MEMBER [Week1 order] AS
[Release Date].[Date].currentmember : [Release Date].[Date].currentmember.LEAD(6)
SELECT [Week1 order] ON 0,
[Release Date].[Date].[Date],
[Release Date].[Date].currentmember : [Release Date].[Date].currentmember.LEAD(6)
[Order Date].[Date].[Date],
[Release Date].[Date].currentmember : [Release Date].[Date].currentmember.LEAD(6)
} ON 1
Does this help?
WITH SET ValidCombOfDates AS
[Release Date].[Date].[Date].MEMBERS * [Order Date].[Date].[Date].MEMBERS
}, Measures.OrderQuantity
MEMBER Measures.ExpectedOrderQuantity AS
ValidCombOfDates * [DimOrder].[OrderID].[OrderID].MEMBERS
ON 1,
ON 0
In a SSAS 2005 cube.
I have a product dimension, it has a attribute: sp (selling price)
I want to list the sp along with other facts for products. But the query below returns null for sp. Idea?
with member [measures].[sp] as
[Products].[Current Sp].currentmember
select {
[Measures].[Sold value]
, [measures].[sp]
} on 0
{[Sales order details].[Receipt No].[Receipt No].allmembers}
*{[Sales order details].[Line No].[Line No].allmembers}
*{[Products].[Product code].[Product code].allmembers}
, [Measures].[Sold value]
) on 1
from (
select [Time].[Day].&[20140430] on 0 from (
select [Branch].[Branch].&[2] on 0 from (
select [Sales order details].[Receipt No].[680207] on 0 from [Rmis]
this is the final working query. I added [Products].[SKU].[SKU] because otherwise Current Sp returns 'All' (the null in original question is because of not using .Member_value). Current Sp and Product code are not related while they both related to [Products].[SKU].
with member [measures].[sp] as
[Products].[Current Sp].currentmember.MEMBER_value
select {
[Measures].[Sold value]
, [measures].[sp]
} on 0
{[Sales order details].[Receipt No].[Receipt No].allmembers}
*{[Sales order details].[Line No].[Line No].allmembers}
*{[Products].[Product code].[Product code].allmembers}
, [Measures].[Sold value]
) on 1
from (
select [Time].[Day].&[20140430] on 0 from (
select [Branch].[Branch].&[2] on 0 from (
select [Sales order details].[Receipt No].[680207] on 0 from [Rmis]
with member [measures].[sp] as
[Products].[Current Sp].CurrentMember.MemberValue
very close...just need to specify which property to display
I am new to MDX queries. I have the following query and would like to limit the results to only show records where the Margin Pct is > 0. Any help would appreciated.
MEMBER [Measures].[Margin Pct] as ([Measures].[Mgmt Margin Excluding Markup]/[Measures].[Net Sales])*100,format_string="0.0"
MEMBER [Measures].[Mgmt Margin] as [Measures].[Mgmt Margin Excluding Markup],format_string="0.0"
MEMBER [Measures].[Mgmt Cost Unit] as [Measures].[Mgmt Cost Unit Excluding Markup],format_string="0.00"
MEMBER [Measures].[FOBPrce] as [Measures].[FOB Price],format_string="0.00"
MEMBER [Measures].[CommUnt] as [Measures].[Comm/Unit],format_string="0.000"
MEMBER [Measures].[RebUnt] as [Measures].[Reb/Unit],format_string="0.00"
MEMBER [Measures].[FrtUnt] as [Measures].[Frt/Unit],format_string="0.00"
MEMBER [Measures].[PriceUnt] as [Measures].[Price/Unit],format_string="0.00"
[Measures].[Rpt Inv Shp Date],
[Measures].[Lbs Shipped],
[Measures].[Net Sales],
[Measures].[Mgmt Cost Unit],
[Measures].[Mgmt Margin],
[Measures].[Margin Pct]
[Item].[Group Sort].[Group Sort],
[Item].[Form Sort].[Form Sort],
[Item].[Specie Sort].[Specie Sort],
{[Item].[Group thru Item ID].[Group].ALLMEMBERS},
[Shrimp Group].[Shrimp Group].[Shrimp Group Name].ALLMEMBERS ,
[Item].[Meat - In Shell].[Meat or Inshell].ALLMEMBERS ,
[Item].[Super Specie].[Super Specie].ALLMEMBERS ,
{[Item].[Item ID].[Item ID].ALLMEMBERS},
[Item].[Desc-ItemID].[Item ID Description].ALLMEMBERS ,
[Item].[Package Type].[Packaging].ALLMEMBERS ,
{[Brand].[Brand].[Brand Name].ALLMEMBERS},
{[Warehouse].[Warehouse].[Warehouse Code].ALLMEMBERS},
[Order Invoice Lot].[Order-Invoice-Lot].[Lot].ALLMEMBERS ,
{[Customer Account Number].[Customer Account No].Levels(1)},
{[Ship To Customer].[Customer Name].Levels(1)},
{[Sales Person].[Person].Levels(1)},
[Order Invoice Lot].[Sales Order].[Sales Order].ALLMEMBERS ,
[Order Invoice Lot].[Invoice].[Invoice].ALLMEMBERS
SELECT StrToSet( '{[Breaded Group].[Breaded Group].[All]}' ,CONSTRAINED ) ON COLUMNS FROM (
SELECT StrToSet( '{[Inventory Category].[Inventory Category].[All]}' ,CONSTRAINED ) ON COLUMNS FROM (
SELECT StrToSet( '{[Sold To Customer].[Customer Buying Group].[All]}' ,CONSTRAINED ) ON COLUMNS FROM (
SELECT StrToSet( '{[Ship To Customer Sales Group].[Ship To Customer Sales Group].[All]}' ,CONSTRAINED ) ON COLUMNS FROM (
SELECT StrToSet( '{[Sold To Customer].[Customer Legal Group].[All]}' ,CONSTRAINED ) ON COLUMNS FROM (
SELECT StrToSet( '{[Country Of Origin].[Long Name].[All]}' ,CONSTRAINED ) ON COLUMNS FROM (
SELECT StrToSet( '{[Is Sample].[Sample].[Description].[Regular]}' ,CONSTRAINED ) ON COLUMNS FROM (
SELECT StrToSet( '{[Invoicing Status].[Invoicing Status-Detail].[Detail].[Sale Only],[Invoicing Status].[Invoicing Status-Detail].[Detail].[Credit Only]}' ,CONSTRAINED ) ON COLUMNS FROM (
SELECT StrToSet( '{[Invoice Date].[Fiscal Year-Quarter-Month].[Fiscal Month].[Jul-FY13]}' ,CONSTRAINED ) ON COLUMNS FROM (
SELECT StrToSet( '{[Sold To Customer].[Name].[All]}' ,CONSTRAINED ) ON COLUMNS FROM (
SELECT StrToSet( '{[Is NRV].[NRV].[All]}' ,CONSTRAINED )
ON COLUMNS FROM [FishTrackerReporting] ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
I have tried to use a where clause against the [Measures].[Margin Pct] but get this error:
The WHERE clause function expects a tuple set expression for the argument. A string or numeric expression was used.
I also tried to use a filter after the on columns part of the query but get out of memory issues so I think I am missing something.
Too bad the reference of MDX is not the best. You can use HAVING or FILTER to achieve what you want. I'd go with HAVING since it's easier to use.
Please have a look here and find the last example.