Is Bootstrap 2 and Bootstrap 3 possible at the same time? - twitter-bootstrap-3

Is it possible to use a kind of no-conflict (like in jQuery) with two versions of the Bootstrap (2.x and 3.x) on a page?
The question has arisen because of the lack of compatibility of the Joomla 3.6! with the Bootstrap 3.x and intensive usage of the Bootstrap 2.3.2
There is idea to use customized, namespaced version of Bootstrap 3.x. But is that idea viable?
Note: there is solution with template overrides. But it uses a lot of files for overriding and I have to use all of them for each of my 6+ templates


How does Spartacus lazy-load CSS styles?

We are working with ASM, and we noticed that Spartacus lazy-loads ASM styles. We could not find any documentation on how this is done in Spartacus.
This would be useful for us, since we have our custom CSS code for ASM, and we would like to lazy-load it as well (and possibly to do the same in other places of the project, if possible).
Unfortunately, Spartacus doesn't support lazy loading css files, and it's not even in the roadmap for version 5.0.

How to downgrade bootstrap from version 4 to 3?

I am working on a project that is using bootstrap 4. How do I downgrade the version being used on the project from 4 to 3 while maintaining the functionality of the website.
I think there's no way. To do that, you have to check on all html pages and javascript files.

Support level for Dojo 1.8.1

What is the support for Dojo community support for Dojo 1.8.1 framework?
Our application use Dojo 1.8.1. What is the impact if we are advised to move to the latest framework ?
Dojo 1.x is pretty much "dead" in the sense that only minor maintenance is done.
Migrating to Dojo 2.x or higher from 1.x is not easy, as there is no out of the box migration path.
Of course you can wrap your Dojo 1.x widgets in Dojo 2.x, but then what's the point of using Dojo? Then you can also use another (more widely used) framework.
I don't want to bash on Dojo, as we use it extensively (and successfully) in our company, but the fact that there is no easy migration path to Dojo 2.x makes us want to transition into a more common framework eventually.
More information can be found here:

Site redesign in sitefinity 3.7

I need to redesign web site that has been done in Sitefinity 3.7. Current version is 6.3 ( I believe ).
I watched some tutorials about this CMS because I use it for the first time.
Can you tell me how much templating system differs in this old 3.7 version from current 6.3?
Is it possible to use Bootstrap 3?
We've been using Bootstrap in all of our recent Sitefinity implementations. I usually end up creating a vanilla, base page template off a .master page that includes references to the Bootstrap css and js, then create custom layout controls through Sitefinity's Visual Studio plugin, Thunder. Using the layouts you can easily create the markup needed for the grid layouts and components in Bootstrap so content editors can drag and drop them through the Sitefinity page edit interface. Editing the widget templates is another way to incorporate Bootstrap styling in the built in content modules.
Here is a project that has a Sitefinity Bootstrap theme, I believe the version of Bootstrap it uses is 2.31 though.
Jochem added Bootstrap version 3+ to the project, my fault for not seeing it, sorry Jochem! Direct link here

Migrating from Bootstrap v3.0.1 to Bootstrap v3.1.1

I developed the project in Bootstrap v3.0.1. Now some bugs were fixed and released the version Bootstrap v3.1.1. is there any guide to Migrating from Bootstrap v3.0.1 to Bootstrap v3.1.1.
I just backed up first, then copied the new files over the top of the old ones.
I had no problems.
The main point is BACKUP before you start.
Bootstrap follows Semantic Versioning, so v3.1.1 is backward-compatible with v3.0.1, except for one exceptional change regarding how the remote option of modals works, which happened in v3.1.0 (see the "Remote modal content" section of for details).
You can also read each of the relevant release blog posts (which have the changelogs) if you're really paranoid: