I have downloaded the sdk and installed the Cmd Version 6.2.0 for Mac. When installing the cmd:
So I say YES. And I verify it by doing echo $PATH.
But when I type sencha doesnt recognize the command.
-bash: sencha: command not found
What am I missing?
Try adding this in .bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:~/sencha/cmd/
I have this bash: rbenv: command not found thing always coming up on my terminal whenever I open it and they appear four times as shown below.
I am using windows, please, how do I fix this? All solutions I have researched are tailored toward MacOs.
bash: rbenv: command not found
bash: rbenv: command not found
bash: rbenv: command not found
bash: rbenv: command not found
I am using windows, please, how do I fix this? All solutions I have researched are tailored toward MacOs.
The error is coming from bash, a Unix shell. It's unclear how that's running on Windows (perhaps Windows Subsystem for Linux?) but the MacOS (really Unix) instructions should work.
Presumably you installed rbenv in this Unix on Windows environment at some point and now it's gone. If you want it back, install it again.
If you want it gone, follow the uninstall instructions. rbenv will add a line rbenv init to your shell startup configuration files. In bash, look at your .bashrc and .bash_profile files in your home directory and remove anything to do with rbenv.
If you don't know how to use bash, see Introduction to Bash for more.
I'm having trouble installing other packages too, I assume it's because I didn't configure something. Thoughts?
sudo pacman -S grub-customizer
error: target not found: grub-customizer
Download the offline installer of the application in this link: https://archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/grub-customizer/download/
Then double click on it in Dolphin and that's it.
I am newbie to OSX. After following the step by step instructions from https://github.com/aspnet/home.
brew tap aspnet/dnx
brew update
brew install dnvm
I got the following error when I run dnvm upgrade:
$ dnvm upgrade
-bash: dnvm: command not found
I have tried locate the dnvm and looks like it is successfully installed in the \usr\local directory.
Is there a step I am missing?
run source dnvm.sh after brew install dnvm and try to run dnvm then. Preferably, put this on your shell profile (e.g. inside .profile file) so that it will persist.
For this specific problem like the answer above mention just run source dnvm.sh
If you want to get up and running with asp.net 5 in OSX see how I fixed some problems on the way this blog post tutorial can help
I'm trying to install OCLint in my mac with MAC OS X mavericks
Its documentation here says that
*Following code snippet is an example for the .bashrc or .bash_profile file that is sourced when terminal launches.*
How can I accomplish this? whether I need to create .bashrc or .bash_profile file, or add to existing file. Where can I locate .bashrc or .bash_profile file
Install Oclint with Homebrew is quickly and helpful solution.
Open terminal and install homebrew first:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Install Oclint 0.11.1 with this command
brew install https://gist.github.com/TonyAnhTran/e1522b93853c5a456b74/raw/2f440240fe99634771a3f2353c0c53a43c2d0fb2/oclint.rb
To create .bash_profile in terminal:
Type "cd ~/" to go to your home folder
Type "touch .bash_profile" to create your new file.
Edit .bash_profile with your favorite editor (or you can just type "open -e .bash_profile" to open it in TextEdit.
Type ". .bash_profile" to reload .bash_profile and update any functions you add.
Update on 31-Jul-2017:
brew cask uninstall oclint
brew tap oclint/formulae
brew install oclint
brew tap oclint/formulae
brew install oclint
More details are here: https://github.com/oclint/homebrew-formulae
If you have a .bashrc in your home directory (i.e. /Users/yourname/.bashrc) already then just append these lines, otherwise create a new .bashrc containing these two lines. Then do this:
$ source ~/.bashrc
Those files should be in your home directory, but they will be hidden by default due to the leading dot. You can enable the "Show all files" feature to see them in Finder. Or, if you're comfortable using the Terminal app, edit the files from the terminal and append the lines for OCLint.
I just installed Glassfish on my Ubuntu server (No GUI) using THIS tutorial. Everything went well. But now when I'm trying to play with ASADMIN tool it's telling me this:
The program 'asadmin' is currently not
installed. You can install it by
typing: apt-get install glassfishv2
-bash: asadmin: command not found
So, in order to run asadmin tool always need to type:
/opt/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain domain1
or go to that folder and run it from there.
So, the question is, what file do i need to edit in order to set this path in to the environment.
You can add the following to your ~/.bashrc file to add all the binaries in /opt/glassfish/bin to your $PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/glassfish/bin
~ expands to /home/your-user - just to be clear.
Just type to CLI:
export PATH=/opt/glassfish/bin/:$PATH