Walmart Marketplace API Integration and Authentication - api

I am working on integrating my application Walmart Marketplace API using Ruby on Rails.
  1. if i try to generate Auth signature for multiple parameters, it does not generate it and returns exceptions. I am using a Jar file to generate Auth signature
    For e.g. -: 
Does anyone generate Auth Signature & timestamp for multiple parameter for Walmart Marketplace API
  2. Does Auth Signature & timestamp need to be generated for each API call for e.g . Pagination call Also?
Does Authentication need to do for each call?

Additional Comments
I know it is a month later and you already have your program figured out but in case you need some help with these parts or anyone else does, I thought I would include the following information I have on the Walmart API.
1.You might want to consider building a method in ruby since it'll be more interactive with the rest of your ruby program, it was kind of difficult but when I was doing it the most difficult part was wrapping the string in the with the SHA256 digest of string to sign. So I threw together a few methods and it works:
pem = make_pem('PRIVATE KEY', encodedKeyBytes)
digest =
pkey =
signature = pkey.sign(digest, stringToSign)
def make_pem(tag, der)
box tag, Base64.strict_encode64(der).scan(/.{1,64}/)
def box(tag, lines)
lines.unshift "-----BEGIN #{tag}-----"
lines.push "-----END #{tag}-----"
It's not perfect but ruby doesn't really have the functionality built in so you have to change it around to get it to work. If this still doesn't work feel free to contact me, but I started out using the jar they provide and I promise it is necessary when you are making thousands of different calls a day with different parameters and urls to be able to find the point of failure and if it isn't in ruby its going to be a lot harder to work with and fix.
2/3. You already answered that these need to be included in every call to the API and I don't really have anything else to add here except to not try to find a way around this, like submitting the same time stamp for a batch of calls. Even though it might work if the calls are made within a certain time window, Walmart uses the time stamp to determine which call came in last which is especially important for things like their price API. Again feel free to email me with any questions, I'll try to respond here too but I don't this website that often.
The variable names I am using these variable names just to reference the code provided in the walmart developer guide. I am just going to translate the java code there to ruby to show how I got the values for stringToSign and encodedKeyBytes.
# This is provided to you by walmart
consumerId = "b68d2a72...."
# Also provided by walmart
privateEncodedStr = "MIICeAIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAA......"
# Full path
baseUrl = ""
# HTTP Method Verb
httpMethod = "GET"
timestamp = ( * 1000).to_i.to_s
stringToSign = consumerId + "\n" + baseUrl + "\n" + httpMethod + "\n" + timestamp + "\n"
encodedKeyBytes = Base64.decode64(privateEncodedStr)
From there you just run it through the original code and then base64 encode the signature and remove white spaces and then you're good to make a request.

In Order to generate multiple parameter pass string as by escaping sting.
Auth Signature & timestamp need to be generated for each API call for e.g . Pagination call Also

if i try to generate Auth signature for multiple parameters, it does not generate it and returns exceptions. I am using a Jar file to generate Auth signature.
USE SHA class instead of jar file =>
It will generate signature for multiple parameters also.
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
public class SHA256WithRSAAlgo {
private static String consumerId = "b68d2a72...."; // Trimmed for security reason
private static String baseUrl = "";
private static String privateEncodedStr = "MIICeAIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAA......"; //Trimmed for security reasons
public static void main(String[] args) {
String httpMethod = "GET";
String timestamp = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
String stringToSign = consumerId + "\n" +
baseUrl + "\n" +
httpMethod + "\n" +
timestamp + "\n";
String signedString = SHA256WithRSAAlgo.signData(stringToSign, privateEncodedStr);
System.out.println("Signed String: " + signedString);
public static String signData(String stringToBeSigned, String encodedPrivateKey) {
String signatureString = null;
try {
byte[] encodedKeyBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(encodedPrivateKey);
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec privSpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(encodedKeyBytes);
KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
PrivateKey myPrivateKey = kf.generatePrivate(privSpec);
Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA");
byte[] data = stringToBeSigned.getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] signedBytes = signature.sign();
signatureString = Base64.encodeBase64String(signedBytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
return signatureString;
Does Auth Signature & timestamps need to be generated for each API call for e.g . Pagination call Also?
YES, for each and every call including pagination , you need to generate new Signature and Timestamps.
Does Authentication need to do for each call?
YES, Authentication need to do for each call.


How to authenticate Shopware 6 <base-app-url> correctly

With the Admin SDK it's possible to further enrich the administration in Shopware 6. As in the installation guide for apps stated, an entry point (base-app-url) needs to be provided in the manifest file of an app.
Since every request needs to be authenticated properly, this GET request also needs authentication. However, I am not able to authenticate this one in the same way as I am successfully doing it with the GET request from modules.
The base-app-url request looks the following (in my case with some [custom] entity privileges):
The shop has the following data
Shop {
_id: 'sbzqJiPRrbHAlC2K',
_url: 'http://localhost:8888',
_secret: '3c5a2f031006791f2aca40ffa22e8febbc8a53d8',
_secretKey: 'VnNwM0ZOMnN1Y05YdUlKazlPdlduWTdzOHhIdFpacjVCYkgzNEg'
I am currently authenticating my modules like the following (Node.js):
const SHOPWARE_SHOP_SIGNATURE = 'shopware-shop-signature';
export function authenticateGetRequest(req: Request, shop: Shop): void {
// e7b20a46487046a515638f76c6fadab6b1c749ea4a8ac6e7653527e73ba18380
const signature = getSignatureFromQuery(req);
verifySignature(shop.secret, removeParamsFromQuery(req), signature);
function getSignatureFromQuery(req: Request): string {
if (!req.query[SHOPWARE_SHOP_SIGNATURE]) {
throw new Error('Signature is not present in request!');
return req.query[SHOPWARE_SHOP_SIGNATURE] as string;
function removeParamsFromQuery(req: Request): string {
// Some code
// Returns following string - Does neither work for base-app-url nor for module GET requests:
// 'shop-id=sbzqJiPRrbHAlC2K&shop-url=http://localhost:8888&timestamp=1674045964'
// If the string follows this pattern, it works only for modules:
// shop-id={id}&shop-url={url}&timestamp={ts}&sw-version={v}&sw-context-language={cl}&sw-user-language={ul}
function verifySignature(secret: string, message: string, signature: string): void {
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(message).digest('hex');
if (hmac !== signature) {
throw new Error('Signature could not be verified!');
However the base-app-url cannot be verified correctly and the "Signature could not be verified!" error is thrown.
What am I doing wrong here?
More info:
Additionally I added a GET request for a module where everything is working:
The resulting string can be verified:
Try out following code in some php sandbox environment:
$message = 'shop-id=sbzqJiPRrbHAlC2K&shop-url=http://localhost:8888&timestamp=1674045963&sw-version=';
$secret = '3c5a2f031006791f2aca40ffa22e8febbc8a53d8';
$signature = '0f0889c9e8086c6c3553dc946a01f2ef27b34cd1c55b0c03901b6d8a6a9b6f53';
$hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', $message, $secret);
if (!hash_equals($hmac, $signature)) {
echo 'Signature not valid';
} else {
echo 'Signature valid';
Express decodes the query strings automatically with req.query depending on your express configuration. Keep in mind to validate the hmac with encoded query params as they are passed from shopware.
In my case the only difference where the decoded privileges and they looked like this:
But they need to look like this:
Looking at the QuerySigner, this is how the signature is generated on the side of Shopware with the actual arguments:
// 8034a13561b75623420b06fb7be01f20d97556441268939e9a5222ffec12215a
Given on your side you remove the shopware-shop-signature query param AND that the secrets are equal on both sides, you should be able to regenerate the matching signature.
const crypto = require('crypto');
const message = 'location-id=sw-main-hidden&privileges=%7B%22read%22%3A%5B%22language%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group_faqs%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq%22%5D%2C%22create%22%3A%5B%22ce_atl_faq_group_faqs%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq%22%5D%2C%22update%22%3A%5B%22ce_atl_faq_group_faqs%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq%22%5D%2C%22delete%22%3A%5B%22ce_atl_faq_group_faqs%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq%22%5D%7D&shop-id=sbzqJiPRrbHAlC2K&shop-url=http://localhost:8888&timestamp=1674045964&sw-version=';
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', 'VnNwM0ZOMnN1Y05YdUlKazlPdlduWTdzOHhIdFpacjVCYkgzNEg').update(message).digest('hex');
// 8034a13561b75623420b06fb7be01f20d97556441268939e9a5222ffec12215a
So in theory your code looks fine. Verify that the query string matches exactly. Things to check:
Maybe your node server decodes the url entities unwantedly?
Does your node serve escape special characters in the query string?
Do the secrets match on both sides?
To consider additionally:
Consider to just point the base-app-url to a static page outside of the scope of your app server instead. As that page will be loaded inside an iframe, you can use client side javascript to read the query parameters and, only if necessary, make requests to your app server using the credentials from inside the iframe. Keep in mind you really only need the authentication if you need to handle personalized data, otherwise you might as well serve static assets without the need for authentication.

Authenticated api call to VALR - Python 3.8

I'm trying to make an authenticated api call to VALR crypto exchange as first step towards automated trading. They provide most of the code so I thought it would be easy even as a non coding techie. The code below does actually create the correct HMAC SHA512 signature using the API Secret provided for testing but I have a problem in passing this result along to the next section of code to request balances (starting at line 17). If I cut and paste the result/displayed 'signature' and 'timestamp' (after running the code) back into the code it does in fact work. So what changes do I need to make the code automatically pick up the signature and timestamp. The user defined function appears to keep all parameters "secret" from the rest of the code, especially after using return.
import time
import hashlib
import hmac
def sign_request( api_key_secret,timestamp, verb,path,body=""):
payload = "{}{}{}{}".format(timestamp, verb.upper(), path, body)
message = bytearray(payload, 'utf-8')
signature =, 'utf-8'), message, digestmod=hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()
print ("Timestamp",timestamp)
return signature
sign_request( verb = "GET", timestamp = int(time.time()*1000),path="/v1/account/balances",api_key_secret="4961b74efac86b25cce8fbe4c9811c4c7a787b7a5996660afcc2e287ad864363" )
import requests
url = ""
payload = {}
headers = {
'X-VALR-API-KEY': '2589fb273e86aeee10bac1445232aa302feb37e27d32c1c599abc3757599139e',
'X-VALR-SIGNATURE': 'signature',
'X-VALR-TIMESTAMP': 'timestamp'
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data = payload)
Well after some hard thinking I decided to change to using global variables. The hmac still worked fine and gave me a signature. Then I removed the quotes around signature and timestamp and realised they were both integers. I was then able to convert that signature and timestamp to a string and everything started to work perfectly. Maybe someone else will make use of this. If you want to make a POST request remember to put single quotes around anything in the {body} statement to make it a string.
Here is the code that I am currently using for a GET request from VALR. It's been working fine for many months. You will need to change the path and the url to correspond to whatever you are trying to get, and obviously you will need to add your_api_key and your_api_secret.
If you need to send through other request parameters like transaction types etc. then you will ned to include them in the path and the url e.g.
def get_orders(): # to get open orders from valr
timestamp = int(time.time()*1000)
verb = "GET"
path = "/v1/orders/open"
body = ""
api_key_secret = 'your_api_secret'
payload = "{}{}{}".format(timestamp, verb.upper(), path)
message = bytearray(payload, 'utf-8')
signature =, 'utf-8'), message, digestmod=hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()
timestamp_str = str(timestamp)
url = ""
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-VALR-API-KEY': 'your_api_key',
'X-VALR-SIGNATURE': signature,
'X-VALR-TIMESTAMP': timestamp_str,
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=body)
dict = json.loads(response.text)
dict = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict)

Create registration for Azure Notification Hub in Postman

I created a Service Bus / Notification Hub in my Azure Portal.
Now I'm trying to use the Azure REST API with Postman based on this doc :
Here is the Postman configuration I have :
It's a POST method of the following url (Create Registration)
(I replaced with mysite in that url for privacy reasons)
In the Headers, I typed 2 entries :
(this Connection information I copied from the Azure portal)
In the Body, I chose raw - XML(txt/xml) and pasted :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<entry xmlns="">
<content type="application/xml">
<WindowsRegistrationDescription xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<Tags>myTag, myOtherTag</Tags>
(it's the Native registration for Windows Notification Service example)
When I send this call from within Postman, I get a 401 Error :
<Detail>MalformedToken: The credentials contained in the authorization header are not in the WRAP format..TrackingId:ee0d87ef-6175-46a1-9b35-6c31eed6049d_G2,TimeStamp:8/13/2015 9:58:26 AM</Detail>
What am I missing ?
Is it the Authorization tab I left on "No Auth" in Postman ?
Is it the value of the Authorization header that should be encoded like shown here ?
Creating registration ID for Azure Notification Hub via REST api
Here is an example of a pre-request script for postman that generates the needed header:
function getAuthHeader(resourceUri, keyName, key) {
var d = new Date();
var sinceEpoch = Math.round(d.getTime() / 1000);
var expiry = (sinceEpoch + 3600);
var stringToSign = encodeURIComponent(resourceUri) + '\n' + expiry;
var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(stringToSign, key);
var hashInBase64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash);
var sasToken = 'SharedAccessSignature sr=' + encodeURIComponent(resourceUri) + '&sig=' + encodeURIComponent(hashInBase64) + '&se=' + expiry + '&skn=' + keyName;
return sasToken;
postman.setEnvironmentVariable('azure-authorization', getAuthHeader(request['url'], "mySharedAccessKeyName", "mySharedAccessKey"));
postman.setEnvironmentVariable('current-date',new Date().toUTCString());
To use it do the following:
add this pre-request script to your postman request
replace mySharedAccessKeyName , mySharedAccessKey with your credentials
add a header Authorization: {{azure-authorization}}
add a header x-ms-date: {{current-date}}
Your "Authorization" header is not correct.
As stated in the Azure Notification Hubs REST API documentation, e.g. for creating a registration, the "Authorization" header has to contain the "Token generated as specified in Shared Access Signature Authentication with Service Bus"...
The token format is specified in the documentation for Shared Access Signature Authentication with Service Bus as the following:
SharedAccessSignature sig=<signature-string>&se=<expiry>&skn=<keyName>&sr=<URL-encoded-resourceURI>
URL-encoded-resourceURI: The url you send the POST request to (in your case "")
keyName: In your case the default key name "DefaultFullSharedAccessSignature"
expiry: The expiry is represented as the number of seconds since the epoch 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
signature-string: The signature for the SAS token is computed using the HMAC-SHA256 of a string-to-sign with the PrimaryKey property of an authorization rule. The string-to-sign consists of a resource URI and an expiry, formatted as follows:
StringToSign = <resourceURI> + "\n" + expiry;
resourceURI should be the same as URL-encoded-resourceURI (also URL encoded)
Compute the HMAC-SHA256 of StringToSign using the SAS key (what you replaces with [mykey] in your example). Use the URL encoded result for signature-string then.
After spending over an hour trying to understand why the steps above didn't work, I realized if you are using the code from It has two things that are not defined at the top of the code. Key and KeyName.
The Key is the part that alluded me because at first glance on the other post here I thought it was the same. Its not.
In Azure: Go to your Notification Hub, Then Click > Settings> Access Policies then on the Policy that has Manage Permission. Add a policy if you need to. Once you Click on the Access Policy. It shows Connection String, Primary and Secondary. Copy the Primary to your Clipboard and throw it in notepad. It will look something like this..
SharedAccessKeyName = KeyName
SharedAccessKey = Key
Yea it looks obvious all spelled out here but you cannot see this information in AZURE portal unless you copy it.
So Just to be totally Clear, in the header you generate the key "sig" by combining + "\n" + expiry which Baris did point out, but then you sign it with the Key not the KeyName..
I may sounds like an idiot spelling this out but this process is not an easy one.
Hope it helps someone else.
Baris Akar's response is mostly correct, except for one omission that, for whatever reason, is also not mentioned in the relevant documentation: the signature parameter (i.e., the signature-string in sig=) must be Base64 encoded!
You have to remove "\"" in Token String like below.
authorizationString = resultA.replaceAll("\"","");
Good luck.
See the following documentation from Microsoft to generate a SAS Token.
This token you can use in Postman.
Generate SAS Token (NodeJs, Java, etc.)
Like Jérôme, I also used the example at to generate the token and I also found out that the .NET-generated token worked. I compared the .NET-generated token with my ruby-generated token and found that URI.escape did not encode the last character (an '=' sign) of my base64 hash. It also did not encode '+' signs. Adding the string '=+' to the function fixed the problem: URI.escape(hmacb64, '=+')
(I don't know if there are other characters that should be identified here.)
It also took me quite some time to figure out a way to generate the SAS tokens in Go.
I created a gist which shows how to generate those tokens:
I probably wouldn't have figured it out if had not found this repo:
Working from D-rk's code, which is probably outdated in 2022, here's an updated version that works in Postman 10.5.6 and with the Azure Notification Hub's api-version 2020-06
Postman Pre-Request Script:
function createSharedAccessToken(sb_name, eh_name, saName, saKey) {
if (!sb_name || !eh_name || !saName || !saKey) {
throw "Missing required parameter";
var resourceUri = encodeURIComponent("https://" + sb_name + "" + eh_name)
// Set expiration in seconds
var expires = ( / 1000) + 20 * 60;
expires = Math.ceil(expires);
var toSign = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(resourceUri + '\n' + expires);
var sa_key_utf8 = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(saKey);
var hmac = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(toSign, sa_key_utf8);
var hmacBase64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hmac);
var hmacUriEncoded = encodeURIComponent(hmacBase64);
// Construct autorization string
var token = "SharedAccessSignature sr=" + resourceUri + "&sig=" + hmacUriEncoded + "&se=" + expires + "&skn="+ saName;
return token;
var sb_name = "your-notification-hub-namespace";
var eh_name = "your-notification-hub-name";
//See Access Policies -> Connection String
var sa_name = "your-shared-access-key-name"
var sa_key = "your-shared-access-key-name"
var auth_header = createSharedAccessToken(sb_name, eh_name, sa_name,sa_key);
pm.environment.set('current-date',new Date().toUTCString());
Solution provided by Dirk helped me to resolve the issue.
But make sure to use SharedAccessKeyName and SharedAccessKey from a policy which has "Manage" claims access. If you have only Send and/or Listen claims, then the authentication will not work and throws an error - MalformedToken: The credentials contained in the authorization header are not in the WRAP format

paypal PPAPIService new SDK

Concerning the new Paypal SDK, there is almost no useful example code, and the Internet is littered with examples of the old SDK. My question concerns making an API request for a third party paypal account for which i have obtained the token and secretToken through the permissions API.
In attempting to construct a PPAPIService object, where is the list of possible sevice names?
ie: $this->serviceName = $serviceName; (in the constructor) What is the string syntax for these?
In regards to the makeRequest method, how do I define the $apiMethod variable, and what is the format of the $params variable? What are the different parameters?
A simple example of how to just obtain the account balance of the authorized third party account would be extremely helpful.
I am using PHP.
from the PPAPIService.php file:
class PPAPIService
public $endpoint;
public $serviceName;
private $logger;
public function __construct($serviceName = "")
$this->serviceName = $serviceName; //is there ANY documentation about the syntax and types of service names?
$config = PPConfigManager::getInstance();
$this->endpoint = $config->get('service.EndPoint');
$this->logger = new PPLoggingManager(__CLASS__);
public function setServiceName($serviceName)
$this->serviceName = $serviceName;
public function makeRequest($apiMethod, $params, $apiUsername = null, $accessToken = null, $tokenSecret = null)
//what are the apiMethod types? syntax? and params? type.. options...??
Well, you do not have to create a PPAPIService object directly. Let's say you want to use the Invoicing SDK, here's what you would do
$invoiceService = new InvoiceService();
$createInvoiceResponse = $invoiceService->CreateInvoice($createInvoiceRequest);
There's one service class (such as InvoiceService in this code snippet) per API that you would instantiate as per your needs. The API username/password are picked from the configuration file and the access token/token secret are set via code since they typically tend to be different for different invocations.
Which API are you trying to call, by the way?
To answer on your other concern, the new PayPal SDK's have all the required samples bundled within the SDK itself. The SDK + Samples canbe downloaded from

Basic Sample (Java preferred) for Desire2Learn API

I have visited and read all the Valence, and specifically the REST API, pages. I have one approved key already and a second key that has not yet been approved by D2L, and it's not clear how I request that approval.
The documentation contains a lot of information, but it is difficult to put all the pieces together. For example, in order to make any REST API call, I have to add several parameters to the end of the call. The parameters are documented in one place, but it isn't clear in some cases how to construct them (for example, one of the keys is to contain the url, timestamp, and the type of call being made, but how are they to be concatenated?). Then they have to be signed, and the documentation that tells how to sign the keys is in a completely different page that is not even referenced from the page that tells you that you have to sign the parameters. On top of that, the documentation is not extremely clear about how to do the signing, and offers no further explanation or examples. So to get anywhere, we have to jump around a lot through the documentation, and go through a whole lot of trial and error. It appears that the documentation assumes that the reader has expertise in several areas, which may or may not be true.
Code examples would make a huge difference.
There aren’t a lot of samples yet; we are working to add more, and to make the ones that are present more obvious. As one example, there is a Java Android app that has all the authentication stuff and some basic calls (including the call “whoami” which is a great test call).
The specific auth related files are available as well. From the D2LSigner class, you can see the signing algorithm we use:
Mac hmacSha256 = Mac.getInstance("hmacSHA256");
byte[] keyBytes = key.getBytes("UTF-8");
Key k = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "hmacSHA256");
byte[] dataBytes = data.getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] sig = hmacSha256.doFinal(dataBytes)
String sigString = base64Url( sig );
From D2LOperationSecurityImpl, you can see how the query string fits together:
//uppercase METHOD, lowercase PATH, timestamp as string
private static /*final*/ String BASE_STRING_TEMPLATE = "{0}&{1}&{2}";
private static /*final*/ String APP_ID_QUERY_NAME = "x_a";
private static /*final*/ String APP_SIG_QUERY_NAME = "x_c";
private static /*final*/ String USER_ID_QUERY_NAME = "x_b";
private static /*final*/ String USER_SIG_QUERY_NAME = "x_d";
private static /*final*/ String TIMESTAMP_QUERY_NAME = "x_t";
public Uri createAuthenticatedUri(String path, String httpMethod) {
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() +
Long timestampObjectSeconds = new Long(timestamp/1000);
Object[]formatParms = {httpMethod.toUpperCase(),
String signatureBaseString = MessageFormat.format(BASE_STRING_TEMPLATE,
String appSig = D2LSigner.base64URLSig(mAppKey, signatureBaseString);
String userSig = D2LSigner.base64URLSig(mUserKey, signatureBaseString);
if ((appSig == null) || (userSig == null)) {
return null;
String scheme = mEncryptOperations?ENCRYPED_SCHEME:PLAIN_SCHEME;
Uri.Builder b = new Uri.Builder();
b.appendQueryParameter(APP_ID_QUERY_NAME, mAppID);
b.appendQueryParameter(APP_SIG_QUERY_NAME, appSig);
b.appendQueryParameter(USER_ID_QUERY_NAME, mUserID);
b.appendQueryParameter(USER_SIG_QUERY_NAME, userSig);
b.appendQueryParameter(TIMESTAMP_QUERY_NAME, timestampObjectSeconds.toString());
Uri securedURI =;
return securedURI;
Also, you need to sign the first URL you use for logging in, but only with the application key (because you haven't yet established a user context). It uses a different base string (to protect the URL that is used during auth):
String signature = D2LSigner.base64URLSig(mAppKey, resultURLString);
BasicNameValuePair appID = new BasicNameValuePair(APP_ID_NAME, mAppID);
BasicNameValuePair appSig = new BasicNameValuePair(APP_SIG_NAME, signature);
BasicNameValuePair callbackURL = new BasicNameValuePair(CALLBACK_NAME, resultURLString);