I have a java web app configured with apache v9.0 and eclipse IDE. What I need is to keep my database in C:\db so It cannot be access directly from outside and should be away from my webapp project directory. What I don't is how to let my web app know that if a user request for a file it should go and check it in my C:\db and reply back with the file.
Based in my research, some was saying to specify my directory in my webapp web.xml file and others was saying I need to specify it in my tomcat/conf/server.xml file.
I'd really appreciate if somebody tell me what to do?
Try adding your database path C:\db as JVM argument and accessing it in application. you may try this as two ways either set as system property and access when it required or set as JVM argument and access it.
System.setProperty("database", "C:\\db");
access it as and when required
String databasepath= System.getProperty("database");
Setting as JVM Arguments.
Double Click on your tomcat server on which your web application is present.
Click on "Open launch configuration" link and go to Arguments Tab.
in vmArguments apend the entry like below.
A -D is placed in front of each system property that we are passing in as a VM argument, and following this is an equal sign followed by the value of that system property.
And access it in your project where its required like below.
String databasepath= System.getProperty("database");
We are having some difficulty when adding basic authentication to Solr 8.6.1. We are following this document, and we have created security.json file, which is successful (since Solr instance will ask userId and password when it starts.) Our difficulty happens when trying to enable the global authentication settings: we did pass the -Dsolr.httpclient.builder.factory=org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.PreemptiveBasicAuthClientBuilderFactory system property,and we also set the -Dbasicauth=username:password property as follows:
// the following is the last time of our Solr Dockerfile:
CMD ["solr-foreground", "-Dsolr.httpclient.builder.factory=org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.PreemptiveBasicAuthClientBuilderFactory", "-Dbasicauth=username:secret"]
However, the calls to retrieve data from Solr all come back with Error 401 require authentication.
Could someone please kindly let us know what did we miss?
You'll have to set the correct options on the client - not on the server. This is a setting that affects how the client that connects to Solr authenticates.
So when running your application, give the parameter to the java command (or configure it to be the default parameter through ant/maven/gradle/etc.
Setting it on the docker container will not do anything useful.
I want to set Tomcat environment variable as PROD. I tried by putting
set JAVA_OPTS="-Dtomcat.runtime.environment.version=PROD"
in catalina.bat
and tried to retrieve it with
env = System.getProperty("tomcat.runtime.environment.version");
but every time env is null! Where exactly does the variable have to be declared in catalina.bat and what's the perfect syntax to set the environment variable? Other possible ways to declare variables are also welcome!
Since you are on Windows and in production, I'm going to assume that you are using a Microsoft Windows Service for Tomcat. If that's the case, the .bat files are completely ignored when launching and stopping Tomcat. There is a service binary that reads the configuration from the Windows Registry and no disk-based scripts are used at all.
If you run the program called tomcatXw.exe (where X is your Tomcat major version number), that will run the configuration GUI. From there, you can configure everything stored in the Registry.
Go to the "System Properties" tab and add your system property -Dtomcat.runtime.environment.version=PROD to the list of properties already found in there. Restart your service and you should be able to see the new system property available to your application (actually the whole JVM, of course).
I'm currently hosting Artifactory on Tomcat8/JDK1.8.
If I check the system info screen, I can see that files are being written in /u01/usr/share/tomcat8/.artifactory/
However, in the servlet configuration in bin/setenv.sh, I specified the Artifactory home to be somewhere else:
Then, I discovered in the docs, it's supposed to be lower case:
I rebooted Tomcat after the changes and the path targetted is still /u01/usr/share/tomcat8/.artifactory. The folder is owned by the user running Tomcat as well.
Why isn't it using the specified home dir?
This seems a bit old but for others that struggle with it, you need to set an Environment variable ARTIFACTORY_HOME in your Tomcat startup script not a System variable via -D parameter.
set ARTIFACTORY_HOME=/pathto/your/artifactory
"set ARTIFACTORY_HOME=C:\path to your/artifactory"
Notice the quotes for Windows
System properties are set on the Java command line using the -Dpropertyname=value syntax. They can also be added at runtime using System.setProperty(String key, String value) or via the various System.getProperties().load() methods.
To get a specific system property you can use System.getProperty(String key) or System.getProperty(String key, String def).
Environment variables are set in the OS, e.g. in Linux export HOME=/Users/myusername or on Windows SET WINDIR=C:\Windows etc, and, unlike properties, may not be set at runtime.
To get a specific environment variable you can use System.getenv(String name).
When adding a reference to a web service, a Reference.vb file gets generated to make all the service's types available to the hosting project.
When I put a breakpoint in that file it never gets hit. How can I solve this?
If you're using VS2013 you can disable Just My Code in the debugging options.
That will make VS ignore the DebuggerStepThroughAttribute that Stephan B mentions. If you're using older version of VS you can delete the attribute from the Reference.vb
See System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute for why it never gets hit. Right now I don't know how to tell the Debugger to halt anyway, ignoring the Attribute but you should be able to remove the Attribute from Reference.vb and start your Debug session without VS regenerating the file.
You can try the below steps;
Open the web service project and go to web services project's "My Project".
Go to Web tab.
Choose "Don't open a page. Wait for a request from an external application."
Choose "Use Local IIS Web Server"
Change Project URL: "http://localhost/YourWebService" to your service name.
Click on "Create Virtual Directory".
Set the breakpoint at desire location.
Debug Run the web services "F5".
I have a shared Windows hosting account with IIS7.5 and Plesk 10.4 .
Now, when I try to visit every page, an aspx page, some php pages, or even a jpg file, it shows This error:
Server Error
500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you
are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
This is last lines of log file: (which plesk shows for me)
2012-03-01 18:25:59 W3SVC100 H105 GET /15iya/31.jpg - 80 HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.2;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/535.7+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/16.0.912.63+Safari/535.7 jsuid=1735775291;+_cfduid=dcb02ca5c638c5a33cf10003ae6ac2c561326405625;+_utma=117785567.65259312.1326369096.1330372520.1330376628.15;+_utmz=117785567.1327165762.11.5.utmcsr=2barnamenevis.com|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/
ghiasi.net 500 19 13 1380 627 531 2012-03-01 18:26:13 W3SVC100 H105 GET / - 80 - HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.2;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/535.7+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/16.0.912.63+Safari/535.7 jsuid=1735775291;+_cfduid=dcb02ca5c638c5a33cf10003ae6ac2c561326405625;+_utma=117785567.65259312.1326369096.1330372520.1330376628.15;+_utmz=117785567.1327165762.11.5.utmcsr=2barnamenevis.com|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/
ghiasi.net 500 19 13 1380 615 515
try check with your asp.net version enable properly in plesk
To configure ASP.NET Settings for a site:
If you are subscribed to several hosting packages and have access to several webspaces associated with your account, in the Subscription menu at the top of the screen, select the required webspace.
Go to the Websites & Domains tab and click your website's domain name.
Click ASP.NET Settings.
Set up the strings that determine database connection data for ASP.NET applications that use databases. This option is available only for ASP.NET 2.0.x.
When you open the ASP.NET configuration screen for the first time, sample connection parameters with common constructions are displayed. You can delete them and specify your own strings.
To add a string, enter the required data into the Name and Connection Parameters input fields and click next to them.
To remove a string, click next to it.
Set up custom error messages that will be returned by ASP.NET applications in the Custom Error Settings field:
To set the custom error messages mode, select an appropriate option from the Custom error mode menu:
On - custom error messages are enabled.
Off - custom error messages are disabled and detailed errors are to be shown.
RemoteOnly - custom error messages are displayed only to remote clients, and ASP.NET errors are shown to the local host users.
To add a new custom error message (which will be applied unless the Off mode was selected), enter the values in the Status Code and Redirect URL fields, and click .
Status Code defines the HTTP status code resulting in redirection to the error page.
Redirect URL defines the web address of the error page presenting information about the error to the client.
Due to possible conflicts, you cannot add a new custom error message with an error code that already exists, but you can redefine the URL for the existing code.
To remove a custom error message from the list, click next to it.
Configure compilation settings in the Compilation and Debugging field:
To determine the programming language to be used as default in dynamic compilation files, choose an entry from Default web page language list.
To enable compiling retail binaries, leave the Switch on debugging checkbox empty.
To enable compiling debug binaries, select the Switch on debugging checkbox. In this case, the source code fragments containing error will be shown in a diagnostic page message.
Note. When running applications in debug mode, a memory and/or performance overhead occurs. It is recommended to use debugging when testing an application and to disable it before deploying the application into production scenario.
Configure encoding settings for ASP.NET applications in the Globalization Settings section:
To set an adopted encoding of all incoming requests, enter an encoding value into the Request encoding field (default is utf-8).
To set an adopted encoding of all responses, enter an encoding value into the Response encoding field (default is utf-8).
To set an encoding which must be used by default for parsing of .aspx, .asmx, and .asax files, enter an encoding value into the File encoding field (default is Windows-1252).
To set a culture which must be used by default for processing incoming web requests, select an appropriate item from the Culture list.
To set a culture which must be used by default when processing searches for a locale-dependent resource, select an appropriate item from the UI Culture list.
Set a code access security trust level for ASP.NET applications in the Code Access Security field.
CAS trust level is a security zone to which applications execution is assigned, defining what server resources the applications will have access to.
Important: When an assembly is assigned a trust level that is too low, it does not function correctly. For more information on the permissions levels see http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dnnetsec/html/THCMCh09.asp?frame=true#c09618429_010.
Enable the usage of the auxiliary scripts in the Script Library Settings field. Specifying the script library settings is necessary if the validation web controls are used on your web site. This option is available only for ASP.NET 1.1.x.
If you need to use auxiliary scripts (specifically, scripts implementing objects for validating input data), provide the settings for .NET framework script library. To do so, enter the path beginning with the domain root directory preceded by the forward slash into the Path to Microsoft script library field, or click the folder icon next to the Path to Microsoft script library field and browse for the required location.
To initiate the auto-installation of files containing the scripts to the specified location, select the Install checkbox. If the files already exist there, they will be rewritten.
Set client session parameters in the Session Settings field:
To set up the default authentication mode for applications, select an appropriate item from the Authentication mode list. Windows authentication mode should be selected if any form of IIS authentication is used.
To set up time that a session can remain idle, type the number of minutes into the Session timeout box.
Click OK to apply all changes.
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