How to wrap nested string (metadata) into TagGroup - dm-script

My imported metadata has a pre-defined nested structure (an example show in the following), which is a single string after imported to DM.
The whole metadata and each branch level are included in brace marks {}, all the key and key values are included by quotation marks "" and deliminated by colon :
My question is, how to convert the data and wrap them into a TagGroup object so that indexing, searching and data accessing operations can be done much easier?
Here is an example:
"Acquisition": {
"AcquisitionStartDatetime": {
"DateTime": "1473763749"
"AcquisitionDatetime": {
"DateTime": "0"
"BeamType": "",
"SourceType": "Monochromator"
"BinaryResult": {
"AcquisitionUnit": "",
"CompositionType": "",
"DetectorIndex": "3",
"Detector": "HAADF",
"PixelSize": {
"width": "5.408370946750477e-010",
"height": "5.408370946750477e-010"
"PixelUnitX": "m",
"PixelUnitY": "m",
"Offset": {
"x": "-2.769085924736244e-007",
"y": "-2.769085924736244e-007"
"Encoding": ""
"Sample": "",
"GasInjectionSystems": ""

As Mike has pointed out in the comments, this is rather a tedious than difficult task. Best to create a little parser script in a separate class which turns formats
"NAME: { into TagGroups of label NAME plus an increased hierachy level.
"NAME": "VALUE" into Tags of label NAME and value VALUE.
} into a 'reduce hierachy level' step.
Note, that you can always use String when creating the taggroup, even if you want to read it out as number at a later time point.
Recursivly browse and remember the "taggroup-level" you are in, so that each new tag is added at that level. Skip invalid text sections.
The F1 help documenation of DigitalMicrograph has a section on strings, which lists the commands you're most likely to need:
String StringAppend( String s1, String s2 )
Number StringCompare( String s1, String s2 )
Boolean StringIsValid( String str )
String StringToLower( String str )
String StringToUpper( String str )
Number len( String str )
String left( String str, Number count )
String mid( String str, Number offset, Number count )
String right( String str, Number count )
Number find( String s1, String s2 )
Number val( String str )
Additionally, I find it sometimes useful to user the tert-operator for strings like in
number isOK = 1
string str = isOK == 1 ? "true" : "false"
Also, when parsing, watch out for tabulator and line return characters. (Use \t and \n to search for them. You might need to use "\n" and "\t" when specifying int in a string, as \ will be interpreted as control character.)

Edit: Fixed code now
I'm sure some a more cleaned up version is possible, but it does the task:
Class CMetaStringToTagGroup
// Find next string bracketed by " in input string, starting search
// at given index. Returns string and end-position of search
string FindNextKeyName( object self, string input, number & searchPos )
number totalLength = len( input )
number start = 0, end = 0
while( searchPos < totalLength )
if ( "\"" == input.mid(searchpos-1,1) )
if ( !start )
start = searchpos-1
end = searchpos-1
return input.mid(start+1,end-start-1)
return ""
// Returns the next of either "{" , "}" or """ after a collon ":"
string GetNextIndicator( object self, string input, number & searchPos )
number totalLength = len( input )
while( searchPos < totalLength )
if ( "{" == input.mid(searchpos-1,1) )
return "{"
if ( "}" == input.mid(searchpos-1,1) )
return "}"
if ( "\"" == input.mid(searchpos-1,1) )
return "\""
return ""
// In a tag-path string, find location of last colon
number findLastColon( object self, string input )
number totalLength = len( input )
number lastPos = -1
number searchPos = 0
while( searchPos < totalLength )
if ( ":" == input.mid(searchpos-1,1) )
lastPos = searchpos-1
return lastPos
// Parse textstring and create taggroup from it
TagGroup CreateTagFromText( object self, string input )
TagGroup rootTG = NewTagGroup()
string currentPath = ""
number totalLength = len( input )
number searchPos = 0
number searchPos2
string keyName, indicator
while( searchPos < totalLength )
// search for new key or closing bracket, whatever first
searchPos2 = searchPos
indicator = self.GetNextIndicator( input, searchPos2 )
keyName = self.FindNextKeyName( input, searchPos )
if ( ( "}" == indicator ) && (searchpos2<searchPos ) )
// decrease hierachy
number cutPos = self.findLastColon( currentPath )
currentPath = left( currentPath, cutPos )
result("\n DEC ")
searchPos = searchPos2
// Either add value or new sub-tagGroup
if ( "" == keyname ) break; // No more keys found
indicator = self.GetNextIndicator( input, searchPos )
if ( "" == indicator ) break; // No more indicator found -- should not happen!
if ( "{" == indicator )
// increase hierachy
currentPath += ":" + keyname
rootTg.TagGroupSetTagAsTagGroup( currentPath, NewTagGroup() )
result("\n INC ("+keyname+")")
else if ( "\"" == indicator )
// Add value
string valStr = self.FindNextKeyName( input, searchPos )
rootTg.TagGroupSetTagAsString( currentPath + ":" + keyname, valStr )
result("\n VAL("+keyname+") ")
return rootTg
// Reading input text
number fileID = OpenFileForReading("C:\\test.txt")
object fStream = NewStreamFromFileReference(fileID,1)
string inputStr = fStream.StreamReadAsText(0, fStream.StreamGetSize())
// Parsing text
number searchPos = 0
TagGroup con = alloc(CMetaStringToTagGroup).CreateTagFromText( inputStr )


`string index out of range 0` how to resolve it?

The toCamelCase function takes in any kind of string and converts it into camelCase or Pascal case;
fun toCamelCase(str:String): String {
var ans: String = str[0].toString()
for(i in 1..str.length - 1) {
if(str[i] != '-' && str[i] != '_' ) {
ans += str[i]
return ans
But the code above produces the following error
String index out of range: 0
I am a novice so please help me understand.
Edit: This piece of code worked out without any error in Kotlin playground( online kotlin editor)
but is not working in codewars website
I think your code may provide that kind of error if you call your function with an empty string: e.g. toCamelCase(""). This is because you try to access index 0 regardless of the input string (in str[0].toString()).
To avoid that, you should build your ans from an empty string and append characters starting from index 0, for example changing your for(i in 1..str.length - 1) to for(i in 0..str.length - 1).
An example fix can be as follows:
fun toCamelCase(str:String): String {
var ans: String = ""
for(i in 0..str.length - 1) {
if(str[i] != '-' && str[i] != '_' ) {
ans += str[i]
return ans

Use/select enumeration values in DXL DOORS

I tried to use somekind of condition of another attribute object to set the attribute with pre-set enumeration values {"", "1","2","3"}, something like:
if ( o."attr1" = "AA" ) {
o."enumeratedAttr" = "1"
} else if (o."attr1" = "BB" ) {
o."enumeratedAttr" = "1"
} else {
o."enumeratedAttr" = "" //no change as default
However, as enumeration attribute return its element as DBE. My script above won't work. So How can I set/select one of enumeration values at each condition. Thanks.
Okay, I'm going to take a crack at this, and I hope it is helpful.
if ( o."attr1" = "AA" ) {
o."enumeratedAttr" = "1"
} else if (o."attr1" = "BB" ) {
o."enumeratedAttr" = "1"
} else {
o."enumeratedAttr" = "" //no change as default }
This won't pull the enum as the type that you want. If you want to compare the Enum to a string, you'll need something like this:
if ( o."attr1" "" == "AA" ) {
o."enumeratedAttr" = "1"
} else if (o."attr1" "" == "BB" ) {
o."enumeratedAttr" = "1"
} else {
o."enumeratedAttr" = "" //no change as default }
You will need to make sure that you don't assign o."enumeratedAttr" to a value that isn't valid for the enum type - this will cause a DXL error.
Adding the quotes ( "" ) after the object / attribute call ensures that DOORS is doing a string to string comparison.

Problems while parsing date with NSRegularExpression

I'm trying to parse string with date format like MM/YY and store month and year variables.
I wrote this code and can't figure out why when I pass string like "1":
match.numberOfRanges == 3
match.rangeAtindex(2) == (9223372036854775807,0)
Here is my code (regex has only two groups, so I don't understand how number of ranges can be even theoretically more than 2).
let regex = NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^(\\d{1,2})?[\\s/]*(\\d{1,2})?", options: NSRegularExpressionOptions.allZeros, error: nil)
// Expiry date string is "1"
let match = regex?.firstMatchInString(expiryDate, options: NSMatchingOptions.allZeros, range: NSMakeRange(0, expiryDateNS.length))
if let match = match {
let monthRange = match.rangeAtIndex(1)
// next string works correct - month contains "1"
var month = expiryDateNS.substringWithRange(monthRange)
if match.numberOfRanges > 1 { // match.numberOfRanges returns 3
let yearRange = match.rangeAtIndex(2) // returns LONG_MAX as location, 0 as length
// next line will crash
expiryYear = expiryDateNS.substringWithRange(yearRange)
As #matt asked, I'm adding few examples here.
String "1" should be parsed and stored as month == "1" and expiryYear == ""
String "12" should be parsed and stored as month == "12" and expiryYear == ""
String "12/45" should be parsed and stored as month == "12" and expiryYear == "45"
When I'm parsing string "1" with code above match.numberOfRanges is 3 and match.rangeAtindex(2) is (9223372036854775807,0)
For the input string "1", the second capture group (\\d{1,2})? is matched
zero times. In that case
match.rangeAtIndex(2).location is NSNotFound (which happens to be
Int.max = 9223372036854775807).
For the input string "/12" the first capture group (\\d{1,2})? would
be matched zero times. So you have to check for this cases:
var month = ""
var year = ""
if let match = match {
let monthRange = match.rangeAtIndex(1)
if monthRange.location != NSNotFound {
month = expiryDateNS.substringWithRange(monthRange)
let yearRange = match.rangeAtIndex(2)
if yearRange.location != NSNotFound {
year = expiryDateNS.substringWithRange(yearRange)
For such a simple string and pattern, NSScanner is easier. This function gives the outputs you specified for the inputs you specified:
func analyze(s:String) -> (String,String) {
var result = ("","")
let sc = NSScanner(string: s)
var first:Int32 = 0
let ok = sc.scanInt(&first)
if ok {
result.0 = String(first)
let ok = sc.scanUpToCharactersFromSet(NSCharacterSet.decimalDigitCharacterSet(), intoString: nil)
if !sc.atEnd {
var second:Int32 = 0
let ok = sc.scanInt(&second)
if ok {
result.1 = String(second)
return result
So if you decide to split your string you can do as follow:
let date = "12 / 45".stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ", withString: "", options: .LiteralSearch, range: nil)
let components = date.componentsSeparatedByString("/")
let month = components.count > 0 ? components.first! : ""
let expiryYear = components.count > 1 ? components.last! : ""

Most efficient way to deal with ORA-01795:maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 in hibernate

I have to perform a select on which I have more than 1000 elements via hibernate, and then I received the error "ORA-01795:maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000" when I'm using the Oracle brand.
SELECT * FROM matable WHERE column IN (?,?,...) (>1000 items)
I found many solutions :
Split the list with OR
where A in (a,b,c,d,e,f)
where (A in (a,b,c) OR a in (d,e,f)) ...
Create a table with UNION ALL
SELECT * FROM maintable
SELECT v2000 a FROM DUAL) tmp
on tmp.a =
Using tuples to get rid of the limit
where (column,0) in ((1,0),(2,0),(3,0),(4,0), ... ,(1500,0))
Using a temporary table..
where A in SELECT item FROM my_temporary_table
References here and there and also there.
My question is the following : what is the best practice to deal with this issue? By best practice I mean the most performant, but not only for Oracle; if I use hibernate, I don't want to create and manage a different code for each brand of database (I'm concerned by Oracle, MS SQL and PostGre only).
My first reaction would have been to use a temporary table, but I don't know what has the most impact.
Use a temporary table and make the values primary keys on the table. This should allow very efficient optimizations for comparison. The most like is simply an index lookup, although if the table is very small, Oracle might choose some other method such as a table scan.
This method should be faster than 1,000 or conditions, in almost any database. Sometimes in is optimized in a similar way (using a binary tree to store the values). In such databases, the performance would be similar.
I fixed this issue with some changes in hibernate-core jar.
I made a helper class to split an expression in more joins like: ... t.column IN (: list_1) OR t.column IN (: list_2) ... , Then I changed AbstractQueryImpl.expandParameterList method from hibernate to call my method if the collection exceeds the limit.
My hibernate-core version is 3.6.10.Final, but it work fine and for 4.x versions - I tested it.
My code is tested for next cases:
where in (:idList)
where ( in (:idList))
where (( in (:idList))
where 1=1 and in (:idList)
where 1=1 and ( in (:idList))
where 1=1 and( in (:idList)
where 1=1 and(( in (:idList))
where 1=1 and( in (:idList))
where not in (:idList)
where ( not in (:idList))
where (( not in (:idList))
AbstractQueryImpl.expandParameterList :
private String expandParameterList(String query, String name, TypedValue typedList, Map namedParamsCopy) {
Collection vals = (Collection) typedList.getValue();
Type type = typedList.getType();
boolean isJpaPositionalParam = parameterMetadata.getNamedParameterDescriptor( name ).isJpaStyle();
String paramPrefix = isJpaPositionalParam ? "?" : ParserHelper.HQL_VARIABLE_PREFIX;
String placeholder =
new StringBuffer( paramPrefix.length() + name.length() )
.append( paramPrefix ).append( name )
if ( query == null ) {
return query;
int loc = query.indexOf( placeholder );
if ( loc < 0 ) {
return query;
String beforePlaceholder = query.substring( 0, loc );
String afterPlaceholder = query.substring( loc + placeholder.length() );
// check if placeholder is already immediately enclosed in parentheses
// (ignoring whitespace)
boolean isEnclosedInParens =
StringHelper.getLastNonWhitespaceCharacter( beforePlaceholder ) == '(' &&
StringHelper.getFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter( afterPlaceholder ) == ')';
if ( vals.size() == 1 && isEnclosedInParens ) {
// short-circuit for performance when only 1 value and the
// placeholder is already enclosed in parentheses...
namedParamsCopy.put( name, new TypedValue( type, vals.iterator().next(), session.getEntityMode() ) );
return query;
// *** changes by Vasile Bors for HHH-1123 ***
// case vals.size() > 1000
if ((vals.size() >= InExpressionExpander.MAX_ALLOWED_PER_INEXPR) && isEnclosedInParens) {
InExpressionExpander inExpressionExpander = new InExpressionExpander(beforePlaceholder, afterPlaceholder);
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>( vals.size() );
Iterator iter = vals.iterator();
int i = 0;
String alias;
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
alias = ( isJpaPositionalParam ? 'x' + name : name ) + i++ + '_';
namedParamsCopy.put( alias, new TypedValue( type,, session.getEntityMode() ) );
list.add(ParserHelper.HQL_VARIABLE_PREFIX + alias );
String expandedExpression = inExpressionExpander.expandExpression(list);
if(expandedExpression != null){
return expandedExpression;
// *** end changes by Vasile Bors for HHH-1123 ***
StringBuffer list = new StringBuffer(16);
Iterator iter = vals.iterator();
int i = 0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String alias = (isJpaPositionalParam ? 'x' + name : name) + i++ + '_';
namedParamsCopy.put(alias, new TypedValue(type,, session.getEntityMode()));
if (iter.hasNext()) {
list.append(", ");
return StringHelper.replace(
My helper class InExpressionExpander:
package org.hibernate.util;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
* Utility class for expand Hql and Sql IN expressions with a parameter with more than IN expression limit size (HHH-1123).
* <br/>
* It work for expression with formats:
* <pre>
* where in (:idList)
* where ( in (:idList))
* where (( in (:idList))
* where 1=1 and in (:idList)
* where 1=1 and ( in (:idList))
* where 1=1 and( in (:idList)
* where 1=1 and(( in (:idList))
* where 1=1 and( in (:idList))
* where not in (:idList)
* where ( not in (:idList))
* where (( not in (:idList))
* </pre>
* <p/>
* Example:
* <pre>
* select from tableOrEntity t where IN (:idList)
* </pre
* #author Vasile Bors
* #since 13/12/2015.
public class InExpressionExpander {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InExpressionExpander.class);
public static final int MAX_ALLOWED_PER_INEXPR = 1000;
private static final int MAX_PARAMS_PER_INEXPR = 500;
private Stack<String> stackExpr = new Stack<String>();
private StringBuilder toWalkQuery;
private final String beforePlaceholder;
private final String afterPlaceholder;
private boolean wasChecked = false;
private boolean isEnclosedInParens = false;
private boolean isInExpr = false;
private boolean isNotInExpr = false;
public InExpressionExpander(String beforePlaceholder, String afterPlaceholder) {
this.toWalkQuery = new StringBuilder(beforePlaceholder);
this.beforePlaceholder = beforePlaceholder;
this.afterPlaceholder = afterPlaceholder;
public boolean isValidInOrNotInExpression() {
if (!wasChecked) {
String lastExpr = extractLastExpression();
if ("(".equals(lastExpr)) {
isEnclosedInParens = true;
lastExpr = extractLastExpression();
isInExpr = "in".equalsIgnoreCase(lastExpr);
wasChecked = true;
return isInExpr;
public String expandExpression(List paramList) {
if (isValidInOrNotInExpression()) {
final String lastExpr = extractLastExpression(false);
if ("not".equalsIgnoreCase(lastExpr)) {
isNotInExpr = true;
extractLastExpression(); //extract "not" and consume it
StringBuilder exprPrefixBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = stackExpr.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
exprPrefixBuilder.append(stackExpr.get(i)).append(' ');
if (!isEnclosedInParens) {
String expandedExpression = expandInExpression(exprPrefixBuilder, paramList);
String beforeExpression = getBeforeExpression();
String afterExpression = getAfterExpression();
String expandedQuery = new StringBuilder(beforeExpression).append(expandedExpression)
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
"Query was changed to prevent exception for maximum number of expression in a list. Expanded IN expression query:\n {}",
log.debug("Expanded query:\n {}", expandedQuery);
return expandedQuery;
log.error("Illegal call of InExpressionExpander.expandExpression() without IN expression.");
return null;
private String expandInExpression(StringBuilder exprPrefixBuilder, List values) {
String joinExpr = isNotInExpr ? ") and " : ") or ";
StringBuilder expr = new StringBuilder(16);
Iterator iter = values.iterator();
int i = 0;
boolean firstExpr = true;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
if (firstExpr || i % MAX_PARAMS_PER_INEXPR == 0) {
//close previous expression and start new expression
if (!firstExpr) {
} else {
firstExpr = false;
} else {
expr.append(", ");
expr.append(')');// close for last in expression
return expr.toString();
* Method extract last expression parsed by space from toWalkQuery and remove it from toWalkQuery;<br/>
* If expression has brackets it will return al content between brackets and it will add additional space to adjust splitting by space.
* #return last expression from toWalkQuery
private String extractLastExpression() {
return extractLastExpression(true);
* Method extract last expression parsed by space from toWalkQuery, remove it from toWalkQuery if is consume = true;<br/>
* If expression has brackets it will return al content between brackets and it will add additional space to adjust splitting by space.
* #param consum if true the method will extract and remove last expression from toWalkQuery
* #return last expression from toWalkQuery
private String extractLastExpression(final boolean consum) {
int lastIndex = this.toWalkQuery.length() - 1;
String lastExpr;
int exprSeparatorIndex = this.toWalkQuery.lastIndexOf(" ");
if (lastIndex == exprSeparatorIndex) { //remove last space from the end
this.toWalkQuery.delete(exprSeparatorIndex, this.toWalkQuery.length());
return extractLastExpression(consum);
} else {
lastExpr = this.toWalkQuery.substring(exprSeparatorIndex + 1, this.toWalkQuery.length());
if (lastExpr.length() > 1) {
if (lastExpr.endsWith(")")) {
//if parens are closed at the end we need to find where it is open
int opensParens = 0;
int closedParens = 0;
int startExprIndex = -1;
char c;
for (int i = lastExpr.length() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
c = lastExpr.charAt(i);
if (c == ')') {
} else if (c == '(') {
if (closedParens == opensParens) {
startExprIndex = i;
if (startExprIndex > -1) {
lastExpr = lastExpr.substring(startExprIndex, lastExpr.length());
exprSeparatorIndex = exprSeparatorIndex + startExprIndex
+ 1; // +1 because separator is not space and don't must be deleted
} else if (lastExpr.contains("(")) {
int parentsIndex = exprSeparatorIndex + lastExpr.indexOf('(') + 1;
this.toWalkQuery.replace(parentsIndex, parentsIndex + 1, " ( ");
return extractLastExpression(consum);
if (consum) {
this.toWalkQuery.delete(exprSeparatorIndex, this.toWalkQuery.length());
if (consum) {
return lastExpr;
private String extractColumnForInExpression() {
String column = extractLastExpression();
String beforeColumn = extractLastExpression(false);
long pointIndx = beforeColumn.lastIndexOf('.');
if (pointIndx > -1) {
if (pointIndx == (beforeColumn.length() - 1)) {
throw new QueryException(
"Invalid column format: " + beforeColumn + ' ' + column
+ " . Remove space from column!");
return column;
private String getBeforeExpression() {
return this.toWalkQuery + " (";
private String getAfterExpression() {
if (StringHelper.getFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter(afterPlaceholder) == ')') {
return afterPlaceholder;
return afterPlaceholder + ") ";
I am happy to receive any suggestions for improving this solution.

text doesnot display when trying to replace a string in a pdf using PDFBOX

I tried to replace a String with "XXX" in the existing pdf, using Apache PDFBOX. I was not able to replace it, when i had directly used the present in org.apache.pdfbox.examples.pdmodel
So we modified the following part.
else if( op.getOperation().equals( "TJ" ) )
COSArray previous = (COSArray)tokens.get( j-1 );
for( int k=0; k<previous.size(); k++ )
Object arrElement = previous.getObject( k );
if( arrElement instanceof COSString )
COSString cosString = (COSString)arrElement;
String string = cosString.getString();
string = string.replaceFirst( strToFind, message );
cosString.append( string.getBytes() );
Modified as:
else if( op.getOperation().equals( "TJ" ) )
COSArray previous = (COSArray)tokens.get( j-1 );
for( int k=0; k<previous.size(); k++ )
Object arrElement = previous.getObject( k );
if( arrElement instanceof COSString )
COSString cosString = (COSString)arrElement;
byte[] cosBytes = cosString.getBytes();
String s = new String(cosBytes, "Cp1047");
String newString = s.replaceAll(strToFind, message);
cosString.append( newString.getBytes("Cp1047") );
This replaced the string with another. But in some positions of the PDF, the strings are replaced when given numerics but shows blank when replaced with alphabets.
Please help.