Visual Studio 2008 "The data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available" when debugging -

We are using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 for a VB.NET solution on a Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Professional Device.
The solution compiles and runs on the device.
However, should we select
Debug > Start Debugging
while in Visual Studio 2008 the deployment starts and then stops enunciating the error
"The system cannot find the file specified"
and a dialog box stating
"There were deployment errors. Continue?"
Clicking "Yes" on the dialog box displays
Unable to start program '%CSIDL_STARTUP%\Program Files\Solution\Solution.exe'.
The data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available.
We have reset all settings under Tools> Import and Export Settings without success.


Visual Studio 2017 can't load solutions The "Package" package did not load correctly

I recently used the repair function in my Visual Studio Installer that I thought could fix the error message: Microsoft data transformation services designer package did not load correctly. However it turns out there is a new error message when I wanted to load my previous project: The "Package" package did not load correctly.
If I continue the loading, I will receive some other warning message in the solution Explorer saying my project is "incompatible" and "the application is not installed":
I initially also tried to follow some online solution and tried to repair Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools in control panel. It doesn't allow me to repair and says Setup Failed almost immediately after I click on the repair button.
Initially I was trying to add an WCF extenion in Visual Studio but seemed failed and threw the first error message to me. Then when I try to repair, the first error message is gone and I was given the second error message. Now I stuck in there.
I have also checked if SSDT is included in the installer and New project types:
It seems the SSDT is selected in the Visual Studio Installer and all my current project types are listed in the screenshot as well (previously I was able to see Integration services as well but now after the repair I can't).
I'm using Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 on a test server that a few people have access to (I've also tried to restart the Visual Studio and the server but it didn't help).
Hope I can get some suggestions here, really appreciated.

Migrate project to new machine, application identity not set exception

I have a application which was written using win7 64, visual studio 2017. I have migrated to a new machine using win 10, copied the project folder over, and opened.
I have made no other changes, and its a fresh install of visual studio 2017 on win10.
When I try and run the debugger, i get an exception thrown
System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException: 'Application
identity is not set.'
when the debugger gets to the line
Label3.Text = "version " & ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion.ToString
This works when the application is published, but not in the debugger. The app is not network deployed, and I'm publishing using clickonce (build/publish wizard)
I've enabled 'just my code' in the debugging general options, but this makes no difference
I'm a beginner, so please speak in small words!

VS2015 RC delay notification

Since some time i got some issue with my Visual Studio 2015 Community edition. When i am trying to debug my windows form application it's stack and when i click on visual studio window i see message
"Delay notification"
and i have to option either
"Switch To"
"Continue waiting"
. And it's never come back to work again i have to restart my computer to work again for some time again and then again. I am using windows 10. Do you have any clue why it happens?
Run Visual Studio's setup and click Repair. It's a long process, but works. Also, check if you have updated the Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools extension to the latest version.

Tell the add-in to open Visual Studio and jump to debug mode on a certain line of code?

I have created a COM add-in for Excel.
I know that I can enter debug points into my code and then choose to "play" my code from Visual Studio. When a debug point is hit, execution stops and I enter debug mode.
But is it possible to create debug points that cause execution to stop and debug mode to start when I am not running my code via "play" in visual studio but just opening an Excel file as normal?
You can attach the debugger after you run Excel manually outside of Visual Studio. See Attach to Running Processes with the Visual Studio Debugger and How to: Attach to a Running Process for more information.

Visual Studio says, "Unable to read the project file" when opening a project from Source-Gear Vault

I am using Visual Studio Express (v4.0.30319) singing to the tune of Visual Basic, and I'm using Source-Gear for my source control Visual Studio integration.
When I open a project I have to do it via the source control menu, and when it opens I get a warning message: "Unable to read the project file 'RemotingClasses.vbproj'."
After clicking the okay button, everything seems to work fine with the padlocks and checking out files, but I really don't like that I can't open a project from the splash screen, and that error box looks really bad in front of clients, who are inclined to panic at the very sight of the "E" word (error, that is)
...Fatal or not ^_^
Can I get rid of it?
Source Gear is not compatible with Visual Studio Express