xcode 8 searching for editor extensions - xcode8

Xcode8 now officially support editor extensions, and forbids code injection, preventing previous extensions (served by Alcatraz for example) to execute.
It may be a dumb question, but I'm totally unable to find an answer:
Where can I search for existing Xcode8 extensions?
For example, with Alcatraz there was a panel in Window > Extensions, which presented a list with all available extensions. With Xcode 8.0 (official release) there is no such option.
In WWDC video, the guy talks abound downloading them from the mac App Store. But again, I'm unable to find a category or any one of them.
(note: I'm still on El Capitain)

This is all I could find:
Awesome native Xcode extensions

The Xcode extensions can be found on the App Store, for example i have been able to find this one: Text Toolset
They have to be enabled after installing by going to the system preferences > extensions.
Overall they are really hard to find, as they do not have a separate category on the App Store.


doxygen generated makefile references missing utility - docsetutil

trying to build documentation for a project.
the project uses the doxygen product which rpm contains the /usr/bin/docsetutil binary? Doxygen 1.8.4 generated output Makefile is looking for it...
That binary is part of the OS X / macOS developer toolchain. On my OS X 10.9.5 system, it exists at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/docsetutil.
I don't know of a workaround for other platforms, so you'll probably want to have a Makefile or a separate Doxyfile or something that just doesn't attempt to build the docset unless you're on an OS X system. And just build the docsets on a Mac, if you have access to one.
It will be interesting to see if a Free replacement docsetutil for GNU/Linux ever pops up, now that the Dash developer has opened the door for offline documentation browsers on other platforms to use his docsets (e.g., Zeal). As far as I know (and I don't know much), the Dash web site at kapeli.com is acting as the central repository at the moment.
ref: I had the same question, and discovered the answer in this otherwise unrelated bug report for the TYPO3 CMS. I'm leaving this answer here for other folks who find this by way of a search engine.

Where has the JavaFX scene builder gone?

I am trying to find the elusive JavaFX scene builder so I can use it in Intellij. I am on Windows OS.
Oracle have stated that the JavaFX scene builder is included in a new download, but no matter how I search I cannot find it (see http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javafx/downloads/index.html). I think they have linked to the incorrect page and Googling for it is getting me nowhere.
I already have Java 8 SDK installed and working fine. Apparently JavaFX is now included in that, but nowhere in the Java folder can I find the scene builder and it seems to be completely missing online.
Please can anyone help? I am just wanting to write a small GUI program and it seems like JavaFX is the way to go (if it isn't then feel free to disabuse me of this notion!)
With JDK8u40, according to this:
Starting with Oracle Java SE 8u40, Oracle does not provide a separate set of accompanying JavaFX Scene Builder binaries. If you would like to contribute changes, ideas or just let us know what you have done with the code, please consult the OpenJDK Community contribution guidelines and join the openjfx-dev mailing list.
You can still download the last binary at Oracle in this link. But check this warning:
WARNING: These versions of JavaFX Scene Builder may include components that do not contain the latest security patches and are not recommended for use in production.
This means it doesn't include the last changes of 8u40, like the new Spinner control.
The project is open source, and you can find the updated code at the OpenJFX repo. So you are free to download it and build it.
Since its released under BSD license, Gluon is offering support for an updated version of Scene Builder, and you can download an installer for your platform or an executable jar from here.
Besides, they have an open repository where anybody can contribute.
Install JavaFx Scene Builder (Gluon) with Intellij 14 on Windows with JDK7
This will probably work with Java 8 as well but I am using 7 so I didn't test 8.
I know this has been answered but this might be helpful for future Intellij users. To get scene builder to work with Intellij 14 use the following steps.
Install Scene Builder for Windows. Download/Install From Here (Windows Installer (x64))
Set Scene Builder path to executable in Intellij. File -> Settings
-> Languages And Frameworks -> JavaFx By default mine installed under C:\Users\kris\AppData\Local\SceneBuilder\
Open your .fxml file. Click on the scene builder tab.
UPDATE 2019:
The default install path appears to know be "Program Files" C:\Program Files\SceneBuilder\SceneBuilder.exe
JavaFX plugin might need to be enabled in Intellij 2019
On a mac, in Intellij, you need to go to preferences, then type JavaFX and then do this. Please look at the attached Image.

Compiling/Running Cocoa Project implementing NSSharingServicePicker in 10.7.x

I am learning about Objective-C/Cocoa and have downloaded the source code to a popular TeX typesetter and loaded up the project in XCode to play around with it. Compiling fails, and all of the error messages I have seen (so far) have to do with something called NSSharingServicePicker not being recognized. I gather (from this SO question and this Apple documentation page) that this is a class not available in 10.7.x. It therefore makes sense why the code won't compile on my Lion machine.
My question is, I guess, why I am able to run the downloaded package of TeXShop on 10.7 at all? (According to the website, this version is for OSX 10.7 and up.) I am interested in making a few minor changes to this project; am I not able to check my changes/compile unless I'm using a Mountain Lion machine? Is there some kind of update I can download for coding/compiling purposes?
Assuming you are using Xcode 4.6.*, you should be able to set your project to use the 10.8 SDK and get past the compile errors. (That's the "Base SDK" build setting.)

How to unlink a framework on program start

I am developing for iPhone OS 3.1.3 and I need to use Dropbox API.
The problem is the Dropbox API requires at least iOS 4.2. Ok.
I decided to save the possibility of using the program under 3.1.3, but if it is 4.2 and higher, there will be Dropbox functionality.
To use Dropbox framework I needed to link another frameworks:
I have done this.
When I link Dropbox.framework to my project, the program works great on iPhone Simulator, but it cannot be started on my iPhone 3.1.3. There is an error in Output:
dyld: Symbol not found: _kSecAttrAccessible
Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/C1FC10E5-0A36-4DEB-BD27-5028C205C89D/Bus Time.app/Bus Time
Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Security
in /var/mobile/Applications/C1FC10E5-0A36-4DEB-BD27-5028C205C89D/Bus Time.app/Bus Time
So the question is:
Can I detect the iOS version on the program start and unlink the framework?
Or could you offer an another way to use dropbox for 3.1.3?
Thank you for your answers. I appreciate it.
You cannot programmatically unlink a framework at runtime.
You can programmatically link a framework at runtime, e.g. by using the NSBundle APIs, or dlopen, or various other ways. If you do so, you have to then manually load the ObjC objects and/or C symbols you want.
Alternatively, you can weak-link the framework, which makes the runtime do most of the work for you. If it's there, it will be loaded in at startup, and all of its ObjC objects and C symbols will be available to you. Otherwise, all of its ObjC objects and C symbols will be null. So, all you have to do is check for null to decide whether to run the code that needs that framework.
Select the Security framework in your file list.
Expand the right sidebar (View > Utilities > Show Utilities).
Under 'Target Membership' change 'Required' to 'Optional.'

Developing a Mail.app plug-in under OS X Lion: where to begin?

I'm in the mood for developing a custom plug-in for Apple's default OS X mail client under OS X Lion (10.7). I can find a lot of plug-ins for older versions of Mail.app online, and some background information on the (officially unsupported and undocumented) plug-in architecture used by these old versions of Mail, but not for the newest version.
I know there are plug-ins for Lion's mail app so I know it's possible to do this, but I'm having a hard time finding out how to begin. Xcode offers templates for Address Book, Quartz Composer and Installer plug-ins, but not for Mail plug-ins.
I specifically do not want to work exclusively with AppleScripts because they won't allow me to do what I want to do: customize the application's interface, views and toolbars and such.
I am an experienced Objective-C developer and have built several apps for iOS, so the language and Xcode will pose no problems.
I think I just need to know 1) where/how to begin and 2) how to find reliable information about Mail.app's plug-in architecture. Can anybody point me in the direction of documentation, example projects or tutorials for developing such plug-ins? Of course, any other remarks, hints and tips are very welcome.
Thanks in advance!
There is at least one plugin for Mail.app which works on Lion. It's Growl Mail, plugin to connect Mail.app to Growl. Growl Mail has sources available on code.google, so, in my opinion, it's good point for start.
Oh, I almost forgot about second plugin, which I use, TruePreview. It has also sources available in internet.
I found these resources to be helpful.
http://www.tikouka.net/mailapp/ - repository of Mail plugins, at least some of which are open source so they can serve as examples (most support Mountain Lion).
http://www.hawkwings.net/ - Tips and add-ons for Apple Mail