Visibility of expanding last view in the expandable RecyclerView - android-recyclerview

I want the things in the last expandable item to be fully visible when it is clicked,Now what is happening means when I click on last item it expands down, but I manually need to scroll up again to see the the things inside the expanded item.How can the last expandable item be fully visible.
I am using Recyclerview.

I have found the solution which I wanted, I used
after setting the adapter. So now the things in the last expandable item is fully visible when it is clicked.

Just a supplementary:
If you use h6ah4i/advrecyclerview, you can use the following code snippet:
public boolean onHookGroupExpand(int groupPosition, boolean fromUser) {
// NOTE21: collapse all other groups when one item expand.
// NOTE21: Visibility of expanding last view in the expandable recyclerview
if (groupPosition == getGroupCount() - 1) {
mRecyclerView.smoothScrollToPosition(groupPosition + getChildCount(groupPosition));
return true;


RecyclerView custom LayoutManager remove unwanted views

I have a custom LayoutManager (inherited from LinearLayoutManager) that needs to calculate the item width of each child and remove all children from RecyclerView that has no space for them to appear.
Sample code (edited V2):
override fun onLayoutChildren(recycler: RecyclerView.Recycler, state: RecyclerView.State) {
super.onLayoutChildren(recycler, state)
// skip if orientation is vertical, for now we only horizontal custom menu
if (orientation == RecyclerView.VERTICAL) return
// skip if adapter has no items
if (itemCount == 0) return
var totalItemWidth = 0
var totalItemsCanFit = 0
// calculate menu item width and figure out how many items can fit in the screen
for (i in 0 until childCount) {
getChildAt(i)?.let { childView ->
totalItemWidth += getDecoratedMeasuredWidth(childView)
if (screenWidth > totalItemWidth) {
// if all items can fit, do nothing and show the whole menu
if (childCount > totalItemsCanFit) {
// remove child views that have no space on screen
for (i in childCount - 1 downTo totalItemsCanFit) {
removeAndRecycleViewAt(i, recycler)
I have 2 questions:
Is the sample code above the correct way to approach this problem?
How can I add a 3-dot icon at the end after seeing that not all items could fit?
To clarify, what I am trying to achieve is a popup menu backed by a RecyclerView. The menu has no item limit, instead it should calculate each item width and remove all items that have no space. Also, add a 3-dot menu item as a more option at the end.
Regarding your first question:
See if addDisappearingView(View child) could help you,
according to the documentation:
To be called only during onLayoutChildren(Recycler, State) to add a
view to the layout that is known to be going away, either because it
has been removed or because it is actually not in the visible portion
of the container but is being laid out in order to inform RecyclerView
in how to animate the item out of view.
As for the second question - you simply need to implement a 'load more' feature to your recyclerView. How you'll implement this is up to your needs/design (if you want a button or auto-scroll...).
There are many tutorials for that, for example: .

How to scroll into view when dealing with an "internal" scroll bar

I apologize if this question is somewhat ambiguous. I have noticed that with Geb elements won't be scrolled into view if said element is off the page and needs to be scrolled to using an "internal" scroll bar
by "internal" scroll bar I am referring to scroll bars that are nested within a given webpage, detached from the global webpage's scroll bar.
When I attempt to grab an element that is off the page due to this internal scroll bar, geb returns a null object (geb couldn't find the element on the page)
I have done a few different hacks that manually scroll these internal scroll bars, but I was wondering if Geb provided any funcionalty to handling these nested scrollbars.
Here is a code snippet to show how I handle finding a given row:
class TabledModule extends Module {
static content = {
headers {$(By.xpath("//lane-group-header"))}
table {$(By.xpath("//div[#class=',y-class']"))}
Navigator getAllRows(){
return table.children()
Navigator getRow(String text){
return table.children().find{it.text().contains(text)}
Navigator getRow(int index){
return table.children()[index]
from my script:
getAllRows() //returns 50 which it should (only 20 are displayed)
def row = getRow(45) //returns a navigator as it should //successfully clicks the correct row
def row2 = getRow("someString") //returns null when the row is off the page this is the problem and I'm wondering now if it is a bug, since getting the row by index seems to work fine.
For this module only about 20 of the 50 rows are shown to show the other rows you have to scroll through a nested scroll bar to get to them. the row I want to access is found lower on the list so it requires scrolling to access it.
what's interesting is that getAllRows().size() returns the correct number of rows: 50, but when I call getRow for a row that's off the page, it returns null. If the same row is found at the top of the list then it works. it only returns null if it needs to be scrolled to.
So I found out what my issue was. If I grab an element off screen with index instead of string. Geb is able to grab the navigator and is able to click on said navigator, but if the element is off the screen, then GEB is unable to get text on the element. to fix this I implemented this method.
Navigator getRow(String text){
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor)browser.driver
for(int x = 0; x<getAllRows().size();x++){
def row = getRow(x)
WebElement element = row.firstElement()
jse.executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", element);
return row
return null

click a textblock without selecting the parent listview item

I'm developing a windows store application with C# and XAML. I am using a ListView to display the collection of data.
Inside the ListView I have a data template which has grids and a TextBlock in the grid. I want to tap/click the TextBlock and give action without selecting the parent ListView item as I already have event to handle the selected ListView item. I don't want both to overlap.
Thanks in advance for any response.
So you want to be able to select the ListViewItem when tapping one part of it, but not the TextBlock? If this is the case, in the TextBlock's Tapped event add e.Handled = true;. This should make it so that it isn't further routed up to the parent ListView.
The other thing you can do (which will likely be a more general solution to whatever you want to do with your ListViewItems) is to not use thing SelectionChanged event and instead handle everything with ItemClick. You can then deduce whether the OriginalSource of the event is indeed your TextBlock. Then, if it's not the TextBlock, change the parent ListView's SelectedItem.
An example for chceking the OriginalSource
public static void ItemClickEvent(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
if(e.OriginalSource is TextBlock)
ListView.SelectedItem = e.ClickedItem;
Hope this helps.
Edit: Added some example code for the OriginalSource check

Nested Grid in GWT

I need to develop a control which is similar to the Nested Grid in the Smart GWT.
User will be having a column for expansion images, when user clicking on the image in a particular row, a sub grid has to be opened there itself. Here all remaining rows needs to move down.
How can i achieve that functionality? Can anybody give me some clues so that i can proceed.
I have already a grid which is a celltable with custom header(with search functionality implemented).
Create your nested widget (myNestedWidget) that you want to show. It should have a CSS style "position: absolute", unless your grid is added to the LayoutPanel (or similar), in which case you can position your widget directly. Let's call the parent widget of your grid gridParentWidget.
In your CellTable add the following handler:
myTable.addCellPreviewHandler(new Handler<myObject>() {
public void onCellPreview(CellPreviewEvent<myObject> event) {
if ("click".equals(event.getNativeEvent().getType())) {
if (event.getColumn() == 0) {
int top = myTable.getRowElement(event.getIndex()).getAbsoluteBottom();
int left = myTable.getRowElement(event.getIndex()).getAbsoluteLeft();
myNestedWidget.getElement().getStyle().setTop(top, Unit.PX);
myNestedWidget.getElement().getStyle().setLeft(left, Unit.PX);
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
int height = myNestedWidget.getOffsetHeight();
myTable.getRowElement(event.getIndex()).getStyle().setHeight(height + "px");
This is obviously an outline of the solution. The details of the implementation may vary slightly depending on which widgets you use for your parent widget and your nested widget. If you change z-indexes somewhere, you have to take it into account too. You also need to make sure that your nested widget fits into the width of your grid, or you'll need to wrap it in a ScrollPanel and set a width to it explicitly.

Dojo Popup Menus - Connect a menu item event to multiple 'triggering' elements

What i have is a single dijit.Menu that contains the dijit.MenuItem objects with labels 1 - 9. It is connected to a sudoku like grid of 81 'nodes' (because there are so many, i dont bother with individual id's, i simply collect them with dojo.query('their-css-class-name')). This is the code i'm using inside of a widget to instantiate the context menu and its menu items.
var contextMenu = new dijit.Menu({targetNodeIds:dojo.query(".sudokuNode"), leftClickToOpen:true});
for(var i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({
onClick: function(evt) {
What i'm trying to do is have the node that is clicked, and subsequently opens a popup/context menu, be filled with the value (1-9) selected from the context menu's MenuItems.
My problem is that i dont know how to "know" which of the 81 nodes was the one to fire the oncontextmenu event, and i dont know how to reference that node inside the 'onClick' method declared in the menu item.
Any help demonstrating how to reference the calling node in that context would be appreciated! If this isn't enough information, let me know what else i can do to explain my problem! should get you the node that was actually clicked. Depending on the structure, you may need to do some other navigation from there, or use dijit.getEnclosingWidget().
If the MenuItems allow the events to bubble (I'm not sure; haven't used it myself), you could connect to the onClick() method of the Menu, so you've only got the single event listener in play.