appcelerator titanium build so slow - titanium

I'm using appcelerator titanium to develop apps.
Recently, I found it took so long(1 min at least, 5 mins or more at most) when I ran the build with "appc ti build -p ios -T device".
How to make it fast?
My computer is iMac with I5 CPU and 8GB RAM.

Appc run -p ios -T device --liveview
When liveview is activated the app get's updated quick
When file changes in the project were detected
Titanium reload the new app very fast.
Liveview don't reload new files
And updated/added modules.


Can I develop app with react-native for ios on a virtual Mac in Vmware player?

I soon saw that I can't enable 3d acceleration, and the visual code isn't rendering right. I installed xcode and so far it's been trying to build for 4 minutes.
Here I managed to virtualize a MacBook Pro with Ventura 13.0.1, I left 6 GB of RAM and 4 CPU, but it only manages to capture 128 MB of vram, I don't know if I can exceed that value.
I'm not even messing with Visual Code anymore, just the terminal.
I ran the commands:
cd ios
pod deintegrate
pod install
npm start
npm run ios

Creating Android and iOS app from react-native

I have created one react-native app using expo and atom editor. It's running fine in android device and iOS simulator but with the help of expo. What I want is to generate Apk(debug) so that I can directly run on device. How can I do it ? I followed this(Dmitry Mugtasimov's answer). should I run all those command inside project folder ? Also I don't find index.js file inside my project folder. Also if someone know how to run on iOS simulator by creating app like file(don't know what is that in Ios because from android background). Please help, thanks
Since you have used Expo to develop your react-native app you can build the android app by going to the project folder and running the bellow command in the terminal
expo build:android
The building process will take around 5-10 minutes. When your build is done, expo build:status will give you your .apk file url. If not, it will say your build is still in progress and to try again later.
Also to build the iOS app you can run,
expo build:ios
To build the iOS standalone app you will need to have an Apple Developer account, but for Android standalone app you don't need a Google Play Developer account.
For the above commands to work you need to have expo-cli installed, For this you can run the bellow command,
npm install -g expo-cli
More Info:
If you don't have an Apple Developer Account. You can build the iOS
standalone simulator build using the command,
expo build:ios -t simulator
And then wait for build to finish then download and unpack YourAppName.tar.gz. Then, start the iOS simulator and run xcrun simctl install booted to run the .ica file.
More info: Expo / React-Native, Is it there a way to test-run standalone iOS apps on a device/simulator?

Trouble with CLI and iOS simulator

I'm moving to a new machine and want to start out fresh. I'm leaving Appcelerator Studio behind and want to go all CLI.
The project I'm working on is still on SDK 5.5.1.
When I try to build our app for the iPhone simulator it builds fine and launches the simulator but when it tries to start the app the simulator goes black execpt for the status bar. No errors are thrown in the terminal and nothing interesting shows up in
I can launch the app in the simulator on my old machine without issues (done it 1000 times or so).
I build with: appc run -p ios
This is the last output I get:
[INFO] Launching iOS Simulator
-- Start simulator log -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Application started
[INFO] OurAppName/2.8.1 (5.5.1.b18727f)
This is my setup:
Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.5.1
2017-02-08 14:54:46
Name = Mac OS X
Xcode 8.1
Version = 10.12.3
Node.js Version = 4.7.3
npm Version = 2.15.11
Titanium CLI Version = 5.0.9
Titanium SDK Version = 5.5.1.GA
SDK Path = /Users/-/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.5.1.GA
Target Platform = iphone
What am I missing?
You could try building on a specific simulator
appc run -p iOS --device-id
it will prompt you with all the devices available and you can choose among the list (choose an iOS 9 simulator, it looks like the problem is with the iOS 10 simulator)
Not sure if it helps, but we're using Titanium SDK 5.4.0, and so far still using Xcode 7. For another project, using Titanium 6 we are using Xcode 8.
We experienced some issues in communication between Studio/CLI and Xcode/Simulator.
if you are using Xcode 8.1 then you can use the following command
appc ti build -p ios -I 10.1
where -p is platform and -I is IOS version
if you want to check IOS version
Step 1: Go to Xcode
Step 2: Window -> Devices.
please see the image it will clear all things.
It worked for me.

React native takes very long to load on device

I've been developing a react-native app using the simulator for a while. On the simulator (iOS), the app loads very fast (on reload for eg). However, when I tried to load the app to the device, it spends between 1-3 minutes in the splash screen before loading into the app.
My project is fairly small, and has no extra resources other than the javascript. Looking at the documentation I couldn't find what might be the cause of the issue, though I suspect it has to do with the fact that it is not getting the JS from the packager local server.
What am I doing wrong?
(btw - react-native v0.31)
I ran into the same issue and discovered that it was because I was running my app on device in development mode. To get the performance you're looking for, you'll need to build and run the app in production or "release" mode. You can do this by passing in a --configuration option and setting it to Release using the React Native CLI:
$ react-native run-ios --configuration Release
If that doesn't do the trick, then you may need to build your app in "Release" mode from Xcode. To do that, navigate to your projects /ios directory and open the .xcodeproj file in Xcode. Choose your build target in the Toolbar. Scroll to the bottom and choose "Edit Scheme...". Then under Build Configuration, switch from "Debug" to "Release". Now build your app on your target device and it should be much more performant than before.
You can read more in the official React Native documentation under Running on Device: Building your app for production.
For me the issue was related to the wifi network of my development machine. I was using WPA2 Enterprise auth to connect to wifi on my development machine. I found that if I used a wired connection to connect to my network or if I used another wifi connection that used a different form of auth then the delay went away. I think the delay is a network timeout.

Why XCode Simulator show up so slowly?

I found Simulator show up very slowly. It takes me nearly 10 seconds to show the Simulator after building successfully by pressing Command + R, even with a new Project.
I'm using Mac Lion + XCode 4.5.2
This issue happens when there is no memory or there is a hang in the Xcode or the simulator, try to completely close the Xcode and the simulator i hope this will solve the issue
The first time the simulator starts up tends to be much slower than subsequent startups. I'm using an SSD in my MacBook Pro and that helps as subsequent startups of the simulator are quite fast. It may also help you to change your derived data directory, typically ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData, to a RAM disk under File > Project Settings. I'm using Mountain Lion, Xcode 4.5.2 with the iOS 6 SDK and have 16 GB of RAM.