Swift 3 playground logs dates in local format. How? - nsdateformatter

If you run a line like this in a Playground in the US:
let today = Date()
You'll see output like this to the right of the source code:
"Sep 26, 2016, 8:17 PM"
That appears to be the date, displayed in the local time zone, using medium date and time style.
How does that work?
If you try to print the date:
print("today = \(today)"
You'll see "Today = 2016-09-27 00:18:55 +0000\n", which is UTC, and appears to be unix date format.
What function is the Playground using to display the date when you first create a date? Is there a way to get to that output format from code or from the debug console?
Up until now I've created a date formatter that I use to log dates, display them in the console, etc.

It's lurking in CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable protocol, which Date conforms to:
if case .text(let str) = today.customPlaygroundQuickLook {


Why are the minutes disabled in vue-ctk-date-time-picker?

I am using the vue-ctk-date-time-picker to display a date time picker modal where users can pick date and time. I use a minDate such that users cannot pick date and time less than the current date and time. This works perfectly with format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, but I needed the AM and PM format so I changed the format to YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm a. Now, the PM equivalent of the AM date is also being disabled.
For example, its 8:30 AM, so the picker disables all minutes upto 30 and users can only select 31, 32 and so on. But if I select PM, the minutes are still disabled, ie, the users are only able to pick from 31, when its not even PM yet.
Has anyone faced this problem? Is there a problem with package itself?
For anyone else having this problem, this is the solution according to the document here: https://github.com/chronotruck/vue-ctk-date-time-picker#behaviour
In order to avoid having too much properties in the component, We're
adding a behaviour property that is an object including some annex
behaviour values.
The default value for this object is:
time: {
nearestIfDisabled: true;
To override those values, pass a new object with the values you want
to override:
time: {
nearestIfDisabled: false

java.time format date depending on locale with 2 digits day/month and 4 digits year

I need to show a date with 2 digits day, 2 digits month, 4 digits year according to the order of the local. So for April 10th 2020 I want to show
for locale US: MM/DD/YYYY -> 04/10/2020
for locale UK: DD/MM/YYYY -> 10/04/2020
for locale DE (Germany): DD.MM.YYYY -> 10.04.2020
I tried the following without success:
// this one already fails for DE, because it gives 10.04.20 (only 2 digit years)
// works for DE (gives 10.04.2020), fails for UK as is gives 10 Apr 2020 instead of 10/04/2020
So, how can I get a locally adapted date format with only 2 digits day/month and 4 digits year? Please note that I am looking for a general solution, the 3 locales explicitly stated here are just examples.
I am actually using a java.time port for Android (ThreeTenABP), though this shouldn't be relevant.
I am afraid that it will take some hand work. For example, in Java because this is what I can write:
Locale formattingLocale = Locale.getDefault(Locale.Category.FORMAT);
String builtInPattern = DateTimeFormatterBuilder.getLocalizedDateTimePattern(
FormatStyle.SHORT, null, IsoChronology.INSTANCE,
String modifiedPattern = builtInPattern.replaceFirst("y+", "yyyy")
.replaceFirst("M+", "MM")
.replaceFirst("d+", "dd");
DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(modifiedPattern, formattingLocale);
LocalDate myDate = LocalDate.of(2020, Month.APRIL, 10);
Example outputs in different locales:
US: 04/10/2020
UK: 10/04/2020
Germany: 10.04.2020
Swedish/sv: 2020-04-10
Hong Kong/zh-HK: 2020年04月10日 (I got no idea whether this is correct)
Ole V.V.'s answer works from Oreo forwards, but lots of devices are using older versions of Android. The following works in most countries for all Android versions.
This looks hacky, but the official JavaDoc for DateFormat says that casting the format from factory methods to SimpleDateFormat works in majority of countries.
val dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT)
if (dateFormat is SimpleDateFormat) {
val adjustedPattern = dateFormat.toPattern()
.replace("y+".toRegex(), "yyyy")
.replace("M+".toRegex(), "MM")
.replace("d+".toRegex(), "dd")
You may wrap that in a try-catch-block and do something clever for the few exceptional countries where this doesn't work. Or for them you could just give up and use their default short format. I'm pretty sure humans can understand that format :-D.

I want to create U.S. Date Format to Indian Date Format Using Asp MVC Core 2.0

I am trying to Create Date Format the US to Indian Date Format like(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm tt).
When I run the code on my local machine it works.
When we publish and fetch values from the server at that time it shows "US" Date Format(mm/dd/yyyy)
How τo do the internal conversion, in Appsettings.json what strings i need to mention.
public static DateTime ConvertIndianDateFormat(DateTime usTime)
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now;
TimeZoneInfo usEasternZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("US Eastern Standard Time");
TimeZoneInfo indianZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("India Standard Time");
DateTime usEasternTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(usTime, usEasternZone);
DateTime indianTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(usTime, indianZone);
return indianTime;
This is because you are probably using something like DateTime.Now for C# and if you have an SQL Server you are using GETDATE(). It's not like an issue with application.json or something. The above functions return the machine datetime, thus why locally on your pc the time is correct and incorrect if you upload it to a server.
So make sure that the time is correct. If you are uploading to servers in another country then you will probably have a different time and/or format.
How you proceed depends on your needs:
Is the time correct?
Then simply reformated it or store it specifically using
DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm tt") // this is not the correct format.
Do you want to serve multiple clients in multiple regions/countries?
Then you should store the time as UTC and cast it based on clients date format. For example the server could be in USA and someone from UK would view a different time than his own which would be weird.
Generally your problem could be large or small depending on your needs

Pentaho kettle convert date to unix

I'm trying to pacha a string format dated "2019-05-14 13:30:00" to a UNIX format.
In javascript I got it but in the javascript kettle module I am not able to return the numeric value 1557833442
the line of code is this:
const tests = (new Date ("2019-05-14 13:30:00"). getTime () / 1000);
It looks like the Date() constructor doesn't like the format you are using.
If you want the current date, use a Get System Info, it has a number of useful date options.
If you are converting an incoming field, use the Select Values step to change the metadata, using the format string that matches your string field's format.

Getting view options in Microsoft Project using VBA

If I want to change the current date format to 20, for example, I can use the command
OptionsViewEx DateFormat:=20
but how can I get the current date format (or any other view option for that matter)?
DefaultDateFormat should be the function to use.
oldvalue = Application.DefaultDateFormat
Application.DefaultDateFormat = 20 ' or = pjDate_mm_dd_yyyy
This gets or sets the default date format. (technet)
This gives the complete list of format types.
If you use Date function get a date in current format, but if you need change use format(Date,"yyyy-mmmm-dd") for example.