Xpath for checkboxes without IDs - selenium

What xpath can I use for something like this without using ID? Or if there are more checkboxes but IDs are still different after refreshing page?
<td class="player" style="vertical-align: top;">
<span class="gb-CheckBox">
<input id="gb-uid-120" type="checkbox" value="on" tabindex="0" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<label for="gb-uid-120"></label>

Try following:

Why not:
this should be enough and will select all inputs that are checkbox type.
If you need only from a certain area then you need to add a constraint by adding another selector in front of this like:
Another way of getting the selector would be to use the pare of the id that does not change like:
//input[contains(#id, 'gb-uid')]
Of course you can also add the restriction for checkbox type:
//input[contains(#id, 'gb-uid')][#type='checkbox']

Seems like you got the answer as most of the ways mentioned above are correct.
Correcting the first one path wit CSS :
(try it removing the spaces before and after > )
Will also work.
As you mentioned, if your Id is changing frequently, that means its an dynamic webelement and
if it is changing at the end(after gb-uid- i.e. gb-uid-120, then gb-uid-121 something like this) then use contains function on Xpath as below:
//span[#class="gb-CheckBox"]/input[contains(#id, 'gb-uid-')]

You can also locate this checkbox easily using cssSelector instead of xpath which would be much faster as below :-
td.player > span.gb-CheckBox > input[type='checkbox']


Selenium XPATH selecting next sibling

<div class="block wbc">
<span> text_value </span>
for getting text in second span where does below code go wrong?
For trying by yourself, maybe I write sth wrong here is link
And my code; still giving an error
playbackTimeline__duration =driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"*//div[#class='playbackTimeline__duration']/span[2]")
For finding web element clearly:
But I will not use this way, I need declare with class method or CSS Selector at least
If you are sure that you always need the second span use this XPath:
If you need the first span that has actual text use this:
If the #class has more than only playbackTimeline__duration in it you can use:
If there are more div's like that use:

how to find xpath of the input box in the following HTML

I have a html like this
<td class="random">
<div id="randomID">Product:</div>
<td class="random">
<div id="randomID">
<input type="text" class="random">
my xpath //div[contains(text(),"Product:")] gives me the first element for which I want to send input. How do I get the input xpath so I can do input.sendkeys() on it.
You use either of the xpath to get the input tag.
Use following and index of input tag
Or find the td tag and then use following-sibling
You can use below xpath as well.
Use following-sibling
Try with following xpath:
For the provided code, the input is very simple to identify:
Since I can't see any other duplicate code to force you to be more precise, I don't see the problem in using this one.
If you have multiple , and each or some of them have an input inside, in this case:
Where Product is the visible text of the div that you want to use as a parent, and then you go straight in the first input taken by its index.

How to find an item in Selenium WebDriver?

I want to find the following item using Selenium. The value of the class changes whenever there is a change. This is inside a complex page (multiple iframes, and other items loaded dynamically). The only unique id is itemid, which is dynamic value and title combination. If I click on this Action, am getting another new set of complex items. I am new to Selenium. How to do that?
<td itemid="xxyyy.as123" title="Actions" nowrap="" class="text-button">Actions <img src="../row.gif"></td>
<td itemid="xxyyy.as123" title="Actions" nowrap="" class="text-button button-active">Actions <img src="../row.gif"></td>
<td itemid="xxyyy.as123" title="Actions" nowrap="" class="text-button button-hover">Actions <img src="../row.gif"></td>
The code I tried:
Find by Xpath
var element=driver.FindElement(By.XPath("html/body/div[id='pageContent']/iframe/#document/ht‌ml/frameset/frame[name='detailsDisplay']/#document/html/body/form[name='tableForm‌']/div[id='divToolbarContainer']/div[id='divToolbar']/div[1][class='toolbar']/tab‌​le/tbody/tr/td[title='Actions']"));
Find by Link Text
var element = driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("Actions"));
Any help would be appreciated.
Create Dynamic CSS Selector.
For Example:
Note: In dynamic Elements, there is always a part of locator wich is fixed. we need to generate the locator using this part.
If fixed part is at starting - Use Carrot Character (^)
If fixed part is at Middle - Use Asterisk sign (*)
If fixed part is at End - Use Doller sign ($)
Finally I was able to achieve it, by using the frame names.
var element = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[#id=\"divToolbar\"]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr/td[1]"));
Thanks everyone.

Clicking on checkbox based on span value in WebDriver

I Would like to select the the checkbox based on "Costco Wholesale Corporation" value in:
<td role="gridcell" style="" title="" aria-describedby="entity-search-grid_selected">
<input type="checkbox" name="chkbox" class="itmchk" value="110504">
<td role="gridcell" style="font-weight: bold;" title="Costco Wholesale Corporation" aria-describedby="entity-search-grid_name">
<div class="tree-wrap tree-wrap-ltr" style="width:18px;">
<div style="left:0px;" class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s tree-minus treeclick"></div>
<span class="cell-wrapper">Costco Wholesale Corporation</span>
I have tried the following code:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//td[span[text()='Costco Wholesale Corporation']]/preceding-sibling::td/input[#name='chkbox'"));
but getting following exception:
invalid selector: Unable to locate an element with the xpath expression //td[span[text()='Costco Wholesale Corporation']]/preceding-sibling::td/input[#name='chkbox' because of the following error: SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'evaluate' on 'Document': The string '//td[span[text()='Costco Wholesale Corporation']]/preceding-sibling::td/input[#name='chkbox''
Could you help to write the xpath selector.
Your first problem is that xpath td[span[text() is definitely invalid. Remember that the [...] syntax is only for filters, not for defining the path. So it has to be:
Also since you select span first, you need to get back to td level and then choose a sibling:
//td/span[text()='Costco Wholesale Corporation']/../preceding-sibling::td/input[#name='chkbox']
Given your HTML, you could also simplify it to select td byt title and then its sibling:
//td[#title='Costco Wholesale Corporation']/preceding-sibling::td/input[#name='chkbox']
I wonder why you want to use xpath. The moment someone changes the structure of the site the whole selector will be worthless. I really recommend sticking to css selectors as long as you can. In this case it's just:
And the main advantage of this approach is that only changes which directly concern the element will force you to change the selector.
Of course my selector might not be valid if there are some parts of site that you didn't show us and that may have inpact on selector. But even then I believe there is a way to use css to get to the element more directly.
Your provided xPath is syntactically incorrect.. try using below xPath :-
String xPath = "//span[text()='Costco Wholesale Corporation']/preceding::input[#name='chkbox']";
Hope it helps...:)

Checkbox id keeps changing in webpage causing selenium script to fail

I am trying to automate a click on a certain checkbox. However after every run the checkbox id changes and script fails to find the element. Is there an alternate way of writing an xpath
<span id="field_key$0993573c-83b4-30d4-9139-44e44b496d0f$1food_contamination-checkbox" class="v-checkbox v-widget" ca-help-field-id="undefined">
<input id="gwt-uid-193" type="checkbox" value="on" tabindex="0" checked=""/>
<label for="gwt-uid-193"/>
xpath I used was this:
If the parent <span> id is fixed you can use it and go one level down to the checkbox
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#field_key$0993573c-83b4-30d4-9139-44e44b496d0f$1food_contamination-checkbox > input"));
Or use the parent class
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".checkbox > input"));
And if you have only one checkbox you can use the type attribute
I found a solution myself. We can use xpath based on the position of the checkbox, i.e.:
// input[#type='checkbox'])[position()=3]
This can be used for radio buttons as well. Replace checkbox with radio.