What causes JAR files to appear empty to IntelliJ IDEA? - intellij-idea

IntelliJ occasionally thinks a gradle managed JAR file dependency is empty. No combination of replacing the JAR on disk, synchronizing, restarting, or clearing IntelliJ caches resolves the issue, so I believe it doesn't like something about the JAR file itself.
In the project tree:
As you would expect, imports from the JAR's packages fail.
Yet, the JAR files are not empty, and compilations outside of the IntelliJ tool chain work fine.
Does IntelliJ have some strict requirement about JAR contents, formatting, or encoding which may be causing this?

There should not be any issue with your jar file and it must be because you have not imported the jar file into the project, you just have copied it inside.
So just right click on it and press "add as library"

Steps for adding external jars in IntelliJ IDEA:
Click File from File menu
Project Structure (CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + S on Windows/Linux
Select Modules at the left panel
Dependencies tab
'+' → JARs or directories
By this way, the 'jar' file will be indexed and also become expandable.
See Correct way to add external jars.

Try exit and reload IntelliJ to trigger indexing, if other solutions don't work.


Intellij Idea Can't add Selenium sources.jar file

I started to learn Selenium.
After creating the project I tried to add some jar files.
As you see all required jars were added. But
looks like Empty Project. Why this is happening?
Probably this happening because ...source.jar file has a multiple files.
Click Libraries from Project Settings
+and add this .jar file here first.
When you added turn back to Modules
After these steps "Empty library" error is gone.

IntelliJ IDEA directory-based format and .iml file(s)

We started a directory-based project in IntelliJ IDEA (currently using version 2016.3 build 163.7743.44). Everything is fine, the .iml file is inside .idea/modules and we can easily share/update it.
The issue is that, sometimes, when someone clones the project and start using it the IDE doesn't care about that file (or project structure) and puts an .iml outside the project's root. It's an intermittent/random issue and I'm not able to reproduce it step by step.
We opted for deleting the .idea directory from Git and keep the configurations/settings in a JAR file.
Is there any way to tell the IDE to use one approach or the other? It's not a big deal, but I would like to know what's the reason behind that behavior.
The reason for that behavior may be that people don't use the "Open" action to open the project but use the "Import project from existing sources" action instead. The latter action does not use the existing .idea directory, but instead recreates the project structure from scratch. You should teach your colleagues not to use that action.
Note that storing the settings in a .jar file is not a replacement for sharing the project structure, because shared settings do not include project-specific items such as libraries and run configurations.

Adding Jar files to IntellijIdea classpath

I have created a new Intellij project. But I can't use the third party jars in my project. I have the jars in a directory structure as follows:
I want to add them just by pointing to the repository directory, but couldn't find any ways to add them.
But when I am using classes or API from that jars, the editor can't resolve the classes.
I have tried from Project Structure but can't configure it.
Go to File-> Project Structure-> Libraries and click green "+" to add the directory folder that has the JARs to CLASSPATH. Everything in that folder will be added to CLASSPATH.
It's 2018. It's a better idea to use a dependency manager like Maven and externalize your dependencies. Don't add JAR files to your project in a /lib folder anymore.
If, as I just encountered, you happen to have a jar file listed in the Project Structures->Libraries that is not in your classpath, the correct answer can be found by following the link given by #CrazyCoder above: Look here http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/webhelp/configuring-module-dependencies-and-libraries.html
This says that to add the jar file as a module dependency within the Project Structure dialog:
Open Project Structure
Select Modules, then click on the module for which you want the dependency
Choose the Dependencies tab
Click the '+' at the bottom of the page and choose the appropriate way to connect to the library file. If the jar file is already listed in Libraries, then select 'Library'.
On the Mac version I was getting the error when trying to run JSON-Clojure.json.clj, which is the script to export a database table to JSON. To get it to work I had to download the latest Clojure JAR from http://clojure.org/ and then right-click on PHPStorm app in the Finder and "Show Package Contents". Then go to Contents in there. Then open the lib folder, and see a bunch of .jar files. Copy the clojure-1.8.0.jar file from the unzipped archive I downloaded from clojure.org into the aforementioned lib folder inside the PHPStorm.app/Contents/lib. Restart the app. Now it freaking works.
EDIT: You also have to put the JSR-223 script engine into PHPStorm.app/Contents/lib. It can be built from https://github.com/ato/clojure-jsr223 or downloaded from https://www.dropbox.com/s/jg7s0c41t5ceu7o/clojure-jsr223-1.5.1.jar?dl=0 .

How to generate a jar from a java module in IntelliJ with the dependencies placed in a separate directory?

I have a module for which I want a jar to be created. So, here is what I do:
Adding a jar artifact, using the "From module with dependencies ..." option
In "Jar files from libraries" I select "copy to the output directory and link via manifest"
Leave all the defaults.
After that I can build the jar and all the dependencies would be placed near it in the same directory. So far so good.
Now I wish all the dependencies to be placed in a separate directory near the final jar. So, I repeat the same steps, but this time I create a new directory under the node in the artifact Output Layout tab (using the "Create Directory" button). Next I drag all the dependencies onto the new folder and apply the changes.
On the surface, everything is cool - the dependencies are indeed placed in the dedicated directory, but the MANIFEST.MF file is never updated! It should reference the dependencies via the new directory. As of now, the produced jar cannot be run - its dependencies are not visible.
This is unlike Eclipse, which does make sure the manifest file is correct when exporting a project as jar.
How can I workaround this problem, given that:
I want all the dependencies in a dedicated folder.
I want to use IntelliJ IDEA
I do not want to edit the manifest file manually.
I am using the latest download of the IntelliJ IDEA for windows - 11.1.2, build 117.418
At the moment you have to update the classpath manually in the artifact configuration dialog so that it includes the subdirectory:
I've created an issue for this limitation, please star/vote.

logback.xml and running application from JetBrains IDEA IDE

When I develop application in IDEA, where should I place logback.xml for it to have an effect on the application?
It seems when you run/debug IDEA doesn't make any jars and doesn't invoke Maven to build something. Does it execute main() directly from compiled *.class file? If so, where can I put logback.xml so that it would have effect?
logback.xml should be available in the root directory of your CLASSPATH. When you run your application, the full CLASSPATH is printed at the very beginning. When I put logback.xml in /src/main/resources (Maven project) it works without any problem. Also putting it in /src/test/resources with logback-test.xml name has presence.
Simply run:
And see whether it returns something or null.
If you are not working with Maven project, open Project structure (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S) and add in Modules section select folder containing logback.xml and mark it as Sources (blue icon).
For me: I simply needed to re-build the project (not just re-run or re-compile the project). Changing the src\main\resources\logback.xml did not affect logback because the class loader is picking up the logback.xml that is in the target/ folder, not the /src folder. This makes sense since target is the run environment. Therefore, a build is required to transfer the new xml file over to target.