Use summarization model without training - tensorflow

The tensorflow text summarization model as described here requires a multi GPU architecture in order to train. My repeated attempts at training the model has resulted in memory exceptions, machine crashing for various reasons. Is the trained summarisation model available so can make use of the summarization model without the need for training? The summarization model is trained using the not free Gigaword dataset, if the trained model is not available from Google is this a factor in reason why ?

So as far as I can tell, no one has put the trained model out there that is referenced. I too was originally running into memory issues on my macbook pro and eventually ended up using my gaming laptop which had a much better GPU.
The other option of course is to take advantage of AWS and use something like their g2.2xlarge instance. They also have their P2 instances as well, but I have not checked that out yet.
With regards to the Gigaword dataset, it simply comes down to licensing. It is not a free license from LDC and often many of the academics working on this have the dataset provided to them via their Universities or companies. I have not had luck finding it, however LDC did get back to me and advised that they do have other article datasets that have a pricetag of around $300 which is much more reasonable for those of use just trying to learn TF. That said, if you didn't want to buy anything, you can always write your own page scraper and format the data for the textsum model.
Hope this helps some. Good luck!


YOLO vs Inception on unique images

I have images of unique products that are used at my workplace. I can't imagine that the inception database already has similar items that it has been trained on.
I tried to train a model using YOLO. It was taking a very very long time. Maybe 7minutes between epochs; and I wanted to do 1000 epochs due to small data size.
I used tiny-yolov2-voc cfg/weight on 1.0 GPU. I had a video of the item but i broke it up into frames so i could annotate. I then attempted to train on the images (not video). The products are healthcare related. Basically anything that a hospital would use.
Ive also used the inception method on images I got from Google. I noticed that inception method was very fast and resulted in accurate predictions. However, i'm worried that my images are too unique for inception to work.
Which method is best to use?
If you recommend YOLO, can you please provide suggestions on how to speed up the training phase?
If you recommend inception, can you please provide an explanation why it would work on unique images? I guess i'm having trouble understanding how inception knows which item i'm trying to train on without me providing annotations.
Thanks in advance
Just my impression (no recommendation or even related experience)
Having a look at the Hardware recommendations related to darknet a assumption is that you might stock up your own hardware to get faster results.
I read about the currently three different versions of YOLO and expect there are lot's of GFLOPS training included if you download the recommended files, but if the models never fit to your products then for you they never might be very helpful.
I must admit I've neither been active with YOLO nor with Tensorflow, so my impression might not be helpful at all.
If you see some videos of YOLO you can remark that sometimes a camel is labeled with horse and the accuracy seems being bad but it depends on the threshold that is applied to the images, so the videos look amazing as it seems the recognition is done so fast but with higher accuracy the process would slow down - also depending on the trained motives.
They never hide it though, they explain on an image where a dog is labeled as cow and a horse as sheep (Version 2) that in combination with darknet it's getting much faster but less accurate too, so usage of darknet is an important aspect too.
The information about details seems being quite bad on the websites of YOLO, they present it more like you'd do with a popstar, in comparison the website of Tensorflow looks more academic and is informing about the mathematics behind the framework.
Concerning Tensorflow I don't know about the hardware-recommendations, but as you wrote your results are useful, probably they are a bit or even much less.
My impression is that YOLO is primary intended for real-time detection in (live-)videos and needs much training for high accuracy. So depending on your use-case it might be right but you'd to invest in hardware probably for professional usage.
This is not an opinion against Tensorflow but that I had to verify more and it seems taking more time to get an impression. Concerning Tensorflow in the moment I even can't say if it can be used for real-time-detection, how accurate it is then and if the results are then still better then those of YOLO.
My assumption is that concerning both solutions it's a matter of involved elements (like the decision if to include darknet for speed), configuration, training and adjustments. Probably there is always something to increase in speed and accuracy, so investing in a system for recognition won't be static process with fixed end in timeline, but a steady process.
This is just a short overview of my impressions, I've never any experience with any recognition-software and hardly recommend that you make any decision based on my words.
Just if you want to do use any recognition software professional, especially for real-time-recognition, then you've to invest in hardware probably.
To my understanding of your problem you need you need inception with the capability of identifying your unique images. In this circumstance you can use transfer-learning on the inception model. With transfer-learning you can still train inception your own pictures while retaining the previous knowledge of inception.
More on transfer-learning

Deep Learning with TensorFlow on Compute Engine VM

I'm actualy new in Machine Learning, but this theme is vary interesting for me, so Im using TensorFlow to classify some images from MNIST datasets...I run this code on Compute Engine(VM) at Google Cloud, because my computer is to weak for this. And the code actualy run well, but the problam is that when I each time enter to my VM and run the same code I need to wait while my model is training on CNN, and after I can make some tests or experiment with my data to plot or import some external images to impruve my accuracy etc.
Is There is some way to save my result of trainin model just once, some where, that when I will decide for example to enter to the same VM tomorrow...and dont wait anymore while my model is training. Is that possible to do this ?
Or there is maybe some another way to do something similar ?
You can save a trained model in TensorFlow and then use it later by loading it; that way you only have to train your model once, and use it as many times as you want. To do that, you can follow the TensorFlow documentation regarding that topic, where you can find information on how to save and load the model. In short, you will have to use the SavedModelBuilder class to define the type and location of your saved model, and then add the MetaGraphs and variables you want to save. Loading the saved model for posterior usage is even easier, as you will only have to run a command pointing to the location of the file in which the model was exported.
On the other hand, I would strongly recommend you to change your working environment in such a way that it can be more profitable for you. In Google Cloud you have the Cloud ML Engine service, which might be good for the type of work you are developing. It allows you to train your models and perform predictions without the need of an instance running all the required software. I happen to have worked a little bit with TensorFlow recently, and at first I was also working with a virtualized instance, but after following some tutorials I was able to save some money by migrating my work to ML Engine, as you are only charged for the usage. If you are using your VM only with that purpose, take a look at it.
You can of course consult all the available documentation, but as a first quickstart, if you are interested in ML Engine, I recommend you to have a look at how to train your models and how to get your predictions.

How to predict using Tensorflow?

This is a newbie question for the tensorflow experts:
I reading lot of data from power transformer connected to an array of solar panels using arduinos, my question is can I use tensorflow to predict the power generation in future.
I am completely new to tensorflow, if can point me to something similar I can start with that or any github repo which is doing similar predictive modeling.
Edit: Kyle pointed me to the MNIST data, which I believe is a Image Dataset. Again, not sure if tensorflow is the right computation library for this problem or does it only work on Image datasets?
thanks, Rajesh
Surely you can use tensorflow to solve your problem.
TensorFlowâ„¢ is an open source software library for numerical
computation using data flow graphs.
So it works not only on Image dataset but also others. Don't worry about this.
And about prediction, first you need to train a model(such as linear regression) on you dataset, then predict. The tutorial code can be found in tensorflow homepage .
Get your hand dirty, you will find it works on your dataset.
Good luck.
You can absolutely use TensorFlow to predict time series. There are plenty of examples out there, like this one. And this is a really interesting one on using RNN to predict basketball trajectories.
In general, TF is a very flexible platform for solving problems with machine learning. You can create any kind of network you can think of in it, and train that network to act as a model for your process. Depending on what kind of costs you define and how you train it, you can build a network to classify data into categories, predict a time series forward a number of steps, and other cool stuff.
There is, sadly, no short answer for how to do this, but that's just because the possibilities are endless! Have fun!

Compare deep learning framework between TensorFlow and PaddlePaddle

I want to study on the research of deep learning, but I don't know which framwork should I choice between TensorFlow and PaddlePaddle. who can make a contrast between the two frameworks? which one is better? especially in the running efficiency of CPU
It really depends what you are shooting for...
If you plan on training, CPU is not going to work well for you. Use colab or kaggle.
Assuming you do get a GPU, it depends if you want to focus on classification or object detection.
If you focus on classification, Keras is probably the easiest to work with or pytorch if you want some advanced stuff and to be able to change things.
If you plan on object detection, things are getting complicated... Inference is reasonably easy but training is complicated. There are actually 4 platforms you should consider:
Tensorflow - powerful but very difficult to work with. If you do not use Keras (and for OD you usually can't), you need to preprocess the dataset into tfrecords and it is a pain. The OD Api has very cryptic messages and it is very sensitive to the combination of tf version and api version. On the other hand, cool models like efficientdet are more or less easy to use.
MMdetection - very powerful framework, has lots of advanced models and once you understand how to work with it, you can easily work with and of the models it supports. Downside is that some models are slow to arrive (efficientdet, for example)
paddlepaddle - if you know Chinese, this should work ok, maybe. The documentation is a bit behind and usually requires lots of improvisation. Basically it is similar to mmdetection just with a few unique models and a few missing models.
detectron2 - I didn't work with this one, but it seems to support only a few models.
You probably need first to define for yourself what do you want to do and then choose.
Good luck!
It is not that trivial. Some models run faster with one kind of framework others with another. Furthermore, it depends on the hardware as well. See this blog. If inference is your only concern, then you can develop your model in any of the popular frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc. In the end convert your model to ONNX format and benchmark its performance with DNN-Bench to choose the best inference engine for your application.

TensorFlow in production: How to retrain your models

I have a question related to this one:
TensorFlow in production for real time predictions in high traffic app - how to use?
I want to setup TensorFlow Serving to do inference as a service for our other application. I see how TensorFlow Serving helps me to do that. Additionally, it mentions a continuous training pipeline, which probably is related to the possibility that TensorFlow Serving can serve with multiple versions of a trained model. But what I am not sure is how to retrain your model as you get new data. The other post mentions the idea to run retraining with cron jobs. However, I am not sure if automatic retraining is a good idea. What architecture would you propose for a continuous retraining pipeline with a system continuously facing new, labelled data?
Edit: It is a supervised learning case. The question is would you automatically retrain your model after n new datapoints came in or would you retrain during the downtime of the customer automatically or just retrain manually?
You probably want to use some kind of semi-supervised training. There's fairly extensive research in that area.
A crude, but expedient way, which works well, is to use the current best models that you have to label the new, incoming data. Models are typically able to produce a score (hopefully a logprob). You can use that score to only train on the data that fits well.
That is an approach that we have used in speech recognition and is an excellent baseline.