I have a unique situation that I cannot seem to find an answer for. Within SQL, I want to be able to execute dynamic SQL or a stored procedure and turn the results (of which I don't know) into an update statement.
My first thought was to return the results in XML but I am not the author of the SQL or stored procedure so I cannot dictate this. I couldn't find a way to turn the results into XML for the stored procedure since I cannot edit the procedure itself and I don't know what it is going to return to load it into a table. So since I don't know the results either will achieve, how can I do this?


Execute Store Procedure For All Rows in SELECT without using Cursor

I have an SQL that returns n rows like,
For each row, I wanna execute a stored procedure. I know I can use cursor but I wanna avoid cursor? Is it possible?
You only have a couple of choices. Either modify your procedure to receive a table valued function so you can deal with it set based. Or you are stuck doing some sort of looping, most likely a cursor.
Difficult to answer because you don't say exactly what you are trying to achieve with the stored procedure, but it's possible that you might be able to use a stored function instead of a stored procedure.

Is it possible to limit the permissions on a per procedure basis?

I am writing a sql procedure where almost everything will be dynamic including selecting, grouping, ordering by, and where clauses using IN statements. In terms of code reuse, readability, and maintenance it makes a lot of sense to just pass in an sql query as a string and execute it. I am writing my procedure right now so that all the relevant data is joined and formatted in a static query and then inserted into a table variable. I then want to pass in sql queries to be executed against the table variable.
This opens me up to sql injection in a big way. I could create table value parameters for each of the many parameter types I am passing in but I don't want to do that. What I would really like to be able to do sandbox my procedure in a such a way that, on the procedure level, it is only possible to do these things I want to allow; ie select from certain tables, but not grant permissions or anything funny like that. Can this be done?
Of course it can be done. It's a simple matter of programming. You would keep rules in tables, and write logic in your stored procedure to query the rules tables, and follow the rules.
It will be a monumental job that will basically amount to you writing custom code to do what SQL Server already does for you if you don't use a generic, dynamic stored procedure.
I wouldn't do it, but you don't have to let that stop you.

Stored Procedure - General

With a stored procedure in a database, would the following situation be true?
I have a procedure that queries a very large table, and in my query I call the stored procedure, and follow it with a WHERE record_class = "THE ONE IM LOOKING FOR".
In the stored procedure I'm not limiting the records by the record_class, so does the WHERE clause do anything other than filter the results that the procedure returns?
In other words, if I wanted to speed up the results because it takes too long, would adding a parameter for the record_class to the procedure and selecting only those when it performs its tasks be quicker than using the WHERE clause?
Your analysis is completely true, if you apply the condition directly in your stored procedure instead of outside it will for sure be more performant.
In the first situation, your procedure will return every rows without applying your condition (this condition is completely unknown for the procedure) and this result will then be filtered with your WHERE clause.
Depending on your needs, the best solution may be to define a parameter for your stored procedure so you can pass this parameter at execution and the result will be filtered. I don't know exactly what is the purpose of your procedure but by doing so, you'll keep the possibility to execute the same procedure for multiple situations (you simply need to pass the record_class you want to filter the result or let it NULL if you want the entire data).
This approach requires a little modification to your procedure (adding a parameter) and a modification of your query (adding the WHERE clause that filters the result if needed).
Hope this will help you.

Creating entities from stored procedures which have dynamic sql

I have a stored procedure which uses a couple of tables and creates a cross-tab result set. For creating the cross-tab result set I am using CASE statements which are dynamically generated on basis of records in a table.
Is it possible to generate an entity from this SP using ADO.NET Entity framework? Cuz each time I try Get Column Information for the particular SP, it says that The selected stored procedure returns no columns.
Any help would be appreciated.
A member of my team recently encountered something like this, where a stored procedure was generating all kinds of dynamic SQL and returning calculated columns so the data context didn't know what to make of it. I haven't tried it myself yet, but this was the solution he claimed worked:
The solution is simply to put the line
“SET FMTONLY OFF;” into the proc.
This allows the Data Context to
actually generate the return class.
This works in this case, only because
the proc is doing nothing but querying
Full details here:
You only need the “SET FMTONLY OFF” in
the proc long enough to generate the
class. You can then comment it out.

Cast Stored Procedure Result as a Table? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
SQL: how to predicate over stored procedure's result sets?
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I currently have a stored procedure that runs a complex query and returns a data set. I'd like to cast this data set to a table (on which I can perform further queries) if at all possible. I know I can do this using a table-valued UDF but I'd prefer to avoid that at this point. Is there any way I can accomplish this task?
EDIT: OK... so the SProc I'm using (written by third party and I'm not supposed to change it) runs a fairly complex select statement to return a bunch of line item data about purchase orders. I can recreate it as a UDF but then I'd have to support the UDF and ensure it gets changed as and when our vendor changes their SProc. I'd like to further refine this line item info by a number of criteria such as (but not limited to) item numbers, vendor codes, cost centers, etc. All of this information is brought back by the original SProc and I just need to be able to manipulate it further. My thought process was that if I can somehow treat the results of the SProc as a table (or get them into a table format of some type) then I can run further queries against the original result set to limit by the criteria mentioned above. Please let me know if any further details are needed.
There's various means of sharing data between stored procedures - this link is pretty exhaustive.
But I'm curious why you want a table valued stored procedure (which doesn't exist in SQL Server) when there are table valued functions...
Cast Stored Procedure Result as a
Yes and this is used quite often. It simply needs one or more select statements:
Create Procedure #Foo
Select object_id, name
From sys.columns
That said, you cannot join to this resultset nor can you easily consume it from another stored proc (although there is a way). Given your edit, it appears the question is whether you can consume the results of a stored proc by another stored proc. Technically, yes. You can populate a temp table with the results of a proc. However, you must declare your temp variable or temp table with the same column structure as is returned by the first resultset of the stored proc.
Declare #Data Table ( object_id int, name nvarchar(128) )
Insert #Data
Exec #Foo
Select *
From #Data
(Or use the far more clever OPENROWSET solution as mentioned by Cade Roux and OMG Ponies)
Have you considered using table-valued parameters? They are new in SQL 2008.
-- Edit --
Nope, never mind, they're only good for passing data into stored procedures.
You could try using a View instead of a Stored Procedure. Store your complex query as part of the view, and you have the functionality to perform more queries on the view.