Creating delegating methods in IntelliJ - intellij-idea

Suppose I am writing a method that delegates part of its work to an existing method (A factory method invoking a constructor would be a good example).
I would like to be able to automatically add the arguments to the method I am writing based on the method it invokes. However, IntelliJ does not seem to have the right shortcut for this. For example:
I have
class Foo {
Foo(ArgClass arg);
and I've just created
class FooFactory {
Foo createFoo() {
return new Foo();
Is there a shortcut (or a sequence of them) that would get my factory to
class FooFactory {
Foo createFoo(ArgClass arg) {
return new Foo(arg);
without manually typing "arg"?

I recommend doing it like this. Copy & paste arg once here (| is text cursor):
class FooFactory {
Foo createFoo() {
return new Foo(arg|);
Invoke Alt+Enter and select the quick fix Create parameter 'arg'. The Change Signature refactoring dialog appears, type Ctrl+Enter to accept. Result:
class FooFactory {
Foo createFoo(ArgClass arg) {
return new Foo(arg);


How to get the type information of the ktExpression using kotlin PSI?

class Baz {
class Foo {
fun anotherAction() : Baz {
return Baz()
class Bar {
fun doAction() : Foo {
return Foo()
fun main() {
Is there a way using kotlin PSI to get info about the type of the Bar().doAction() expression? I need to figure out that return type of Bar().doAction() or doAction() is Foo or that doAnotherAction is a function of the class Foo. Basically, I'm trying to get the types of the KtExpression-s
I have BindingContext generated (even though with some warnings) but trying to access the type info of the expression always returns null. I tried to use getResolvedCall(BindingContext) and getCall(bindingContext) but it also always returns null.
Also, accessing references and reference in the the above code expressions: KtDotQualifiedExpression and KtCallExpression also returns null.
BindingContext was generated properly, I was using the wrong file with psi Visitor that wasn't analyzed and so wasn't included in the BindingContext I used.

Actual type lost on call

Another question on polymorphism in Go, references: Embedding instead of inheritance in Go,
Motivation: there is an interface (with some methods for dealing with "the outside world") and a bunch of implementation structs of that interface.
There is a "standard" implementation of some of these methods, where common logic should be put in one place with delegation to (new) methods in the structs-implementing-the-interface ("subclasses" is not a word).
I've read the medium link above and wrote some test code. Alas, it does not work the way I expect, the actual type of a struct is lost when the call on the interface is indirect.
In C++ this is called "based class slicing" and happens when passing a polymorphic class by value. In my Go test code I'm careful to pass by reference, and then Go is not C++ (or Java).
package main
import (
// Command - interface
type Command interface {
getCommandString() string
onData(data string)
// Command - implementation
type Command_Impl struct {
commandString string
conn Connection
func newCommand_Impl(conn Connection, data string, args ...string) Command_Impl {
var buf strings.Builder
for _, key := range args {
buf.WriteString(" ")
return Command_Impl {
conn: conn,
commandString: buf.String(),
func (self *Command_Impl) Execute() {
log.Printf("Command Impl Execute: %s", reflect.TypeOf(self))
func (self *Command_Impl) getCommandString() string {
return self.commandString
func (self *Command_Impl) onData(data string) {
log.Printf("Command Impl onData: %s", data)
// Command - subclass
type Command_Login struct {
onDataCalled bool
func newCommand_Login(conn Connection) *Command_Login {
return &Command_Login{
Command_Impl: newCommand_Impl(conn, "LOGIN", "", "pa$$w0rd"),
func (self *Command_Login) onData(data string) {
log.Printf("Command Login onData: %s", data)
self.onDataCalled = true
// Connection - interface
type Connection interface {
execute(command Command)
// Connection - impelementation
type Connection_Impl struct {
func newConnection_Impl() *Connection_Impl {
return &Connection_Impl{}
func (self *Connection_Impl) execute(command Command) {
log.Printf("Connection execute: %s, %s", command.getCommandString(), reflect.TypeOf(command))
command.onData("some data")
func main() {
conn := newConnection_Impl()
command := newCommand_Login(conn)
// I expect command.Execute to preserve actual type of command all the way through
// command.conn.execute(self) and then the callback onData from connection to command
// to use the onData in Command_Login
// This does not happen however, the test fails
// This does preserve actual type of command, but isn't how I'd like to connect
// commands and connections...
if command.onDataCalled {
log.Printf("*** GOOD: Command_Login onData ***was*** called")
} else {
log.Printf("*** ERROR: Command_Login onData ***not*** called")
There is a Command interface which defines some methods.
There is a Command_Impl struct where I'd like to implement some common code that would further delegate to finer-grained methods in more structs that implement the same interface ("subclass is not a word"), similar to:
The question:
Calling command.Execute() which in turn calls conn.execute(self) ends up "slicing" the Command_Login object and inside Connection.execute it's turned into Command_Impl. As a result, onData interface method defined for Command_Login do not get called.
If I call conn.execute(command) then the right onData does get called, but this is not how I'd like to connect my objects (e.g. Command already has a Connection, but basically what I wrote above about reusing implementation).
In Go terms, I'm trying to come up with a way to delegate implementation by embedding, and have a way to for the delegate to call back into the enclosing type (which fine-tunes the delegate's logic).
Alas, it seems to not be supported by Go (at least I can't find a way) - once you delegate to an embedded struct, your calls stay entirely there in the embedded struct, it "does not know" that it's part of a larger object which may be wanting to override some of the embedded struct's methods.
What about delegating implementation by implementing the Execute interface at the shallowest depth you need?
func (self *Command_Login) Execute() {
log.Printf("Command Login Execute: %s", reflect.TypeOf(self))
self.onDataCalled = true

Method References to Super Class Method

How to use method references to refer to super class methods?
In Java 8 you can do SubClass.super::method.
What would be the syntax in Kotlin?
Looking forward to your response!
Thanks to Bernard Rocha!
The syntax is SubClass::method.
But be careful. In my case the subclass was a generic class. Don't forget to declare it as those:
MySubMap<K, V>::method.
It still doesn't work in Kotlin.
Hers's an example in Java 8 of a method reference to a super class method:
public abstract class SuperClass {
void method() {
System.out.println("superclass method()");
public class SubClass extends SuperClass {
void method() {
Runnable superMethodL = () -> super.method();
Runnable superMethodMR = SubClass.super::method;
I'm still not able to do the same in Kotlin...
This is an example how I tried to achieve it in Kotlin:
open class Bar {
open fun getString(): String = "Hello"
class Foo : Bar() {
fun testFunction(action: () -> String): String = action()
override fun getString(): String {
//this will throw an StackOverflow error, since it will continuously call 'Foo.getString()'
return testFunction(this::getString)
I want to have something like that:
override fun getString(): String {
//this should call 'Bar.getString' only once. No StackOverflow error should happen.
return testFunction(super::getString)
It's not possible to do so in Kotlin yet.
I submitted a feature report. It can be found here: KT-21103 Method Reference to Super Class Method
As the documentation says you use it like in java:
If we need to use a member of a class, or an extension function, it
needs to be qualified. e.g. String::toCharArray gives us an extension
function for type String: String.() -> CharArray.
I think you can achieve what you want doing something like this:
open class SuperClass {
companion object {
fun getMyString(): String {
return "Hello"
class SubClass : SuperClass() {
fun getMyAwesomeString(): String {
val reference = SuperClass.Companion
return testFunction(reference::getMyString)
private fun testFunction(s: KFunction0<String>): String {
return s.invoke()
Don't know if it is possible to get the reference to super class's function, but here is an alternative to what you want to achieve:
override fun getString(): String = testFunction { super.getString() }
According to Bernardo's answer, you might have something like this. It doesn't have remarkable changes.
fun methodInActivity() {
fun config(){
What is more, in the incoming 1.2 version you can use just

Statically importing Kotlin Companion methods?

tl:dr; Is it possible to import a method inside a companion object of another class, without qualifying the import with Companion? That is, is there any possible way I can say import Bar.toFoo instead of import Bar.Companion.toFoo, assuming toFoo is a method on Bar's companion object?
We're migrating a class from Java to Kotlin. Our class looks like this:
class Bar {
static Foo toFoo() {
return new Foo();
And then, to use it, from a class that happens to be Kotlin, we say something like:
import Bar.toFoo;
// ...
Bar().convert(toFoo()); // like a Java 8 Collector
// ...
When we convert Bar to Kotlin, it looks like this:
class Bar {
companion object {
#JvmStatic fun toFoo() = Foo()
We'd like the calling code to work without modification, however
import Bar.toFoo
no longer works, even with #JvmStatic! Instead, we have to update it to
import Bar.Companion.toFoo
which we'd rather not have to do -- we want to switch the Bar class to Kotlin without updating the callers.
Thoughts? We're using Kotlin 1.1.2-2.
Unlike Java, Kotlin does not allow you to call static members via instance reference. Java dispatches these members based on the compile time declaration, so in
class Bar {
static Foo toFoo() { return new Foo(); }
class Foo extends Bar {
static Foo toFoo() { return new Foo(); }
class Baz {
void test() {
Bar fooAsBar = new Foo();
Foo foo = fooAsBar.toFoo();
In Java, fooAsBar.toFoo() will actually call Bar.toFoo() (the declared type) and not Foo.toFoo() (the runtime type). This is a source of misunderstanding and not good programming practice, so Kotlin does not support it.
However, you can define an extension function on Bar:
fun Bar?.toFoo() = Bar.toFoo()
Then you can call
val foo = fooAsBar.toFoo()

Passing parameters to a custom getter in kotlin

I have been reading about properties in Kotlin, including custom getters and setters.
However, I was wondering if it is possible to create a custom getter with extra parameters.
For example, consider the following method in Java:
public String getDisplayedValue(Context context) {
if (PrefUtils.useImperialUnits(context)) {
// return stuff
} else {
// return other stuff
Note that the static method in PrefUtils has to have Context as a parameter, so removing this is not an option.
I would like to write it like this in Kotlin:
val displayedValue: String
get(context: Context) {
return if (PrefUtils.useImperialUnits(context)) {
// stuff
} else {
// other stuff
But my IDE highlights all of this in red.
I am aware I can create a function in my class to get the displayed value, but this would mean I would have to use .getDisplayedValue(Context) in Kotlin as well instead of being able to refer to the property by name as in .displayedValue.
Is there a way to create a custom getter like this?
EDIT: If not, would it be best to write a function for this, or to pass Context into the parameters of the class constructor?
As far as I know, property getter cannot have parameter. Write a function instead.
You can do this by having a property that returns an intermediate object that has a get and/or set operator with the parameters that you want, rather than returning the value directly.
Having that intermediate object be an inner class instance may be useful for providing easy access to the parent object. However, in an interface you can't use inner classes so in that case you might need to provide an explicit constructor parameter referencing the parent object when constructing your intermediate object.
For instance:
class MyClass {
inner class Foo {
operator fun get(context: Context): String {
return if (PrefUtils.useImperialUnits(context)) {
// return stuff
} else {
// return other stuff
val displayedValue = Foo()
val context : Context = whatever
val mc : MyClass = whatever
val y: String = mc.displayedValue[context]
You can do for example:
val displayedValue: String by lazy {
val newString = context.getString(R.string.someString)