Lazy load error in Propel - lazy-loading

I am adding lazyLoad attribute for each column in my propel schema.xml. The option for this attribute are true or false ([lazyLoad = "true|{false}"]).
Here is my schema.xml
whenever I set the option to true, I got the following message error each time I run the query that has inner join to another table.
Kindly any help to figure out the answer how to fix this lazyLoad problem.


Re-enable load on demand [NativeScript Vue]

I have a Radlistview, where the data switches out based on user query. With loadOnDemandMode="Auto" and when the current query is exhausted, I then call notifyLoadOnDemandFinished(true). However, when a new query is made, I cannot re-enable loadOnDemand, and new items are not loaded.
Is there a way to reactivate loadOnDemand, perhaps with a method on the radListView object? I couldn't find anything in the docs.
Found the mistake, posting here for anyone else that may have the problem.
I was trying to set
listView.loadOnDemandMode = "Auto"
adding _nativeView fixed it
listView._nativeView.loadOnDemandMode = "Auto"

How can i create a Dynamic Multi-Select List in hippo cms?

I am trying to create a Dynamic Multi-Select List. I tried to add a DynamicDropdown and added Multiple in Fields properties but throws an error:
An error has occurred, sorry for that.
does not support fields that are multiple: please use
for that. Field name is *. Failed to instantiate plugin class
for wicket id
in plugin
Indeed the DynamicDropdownPlugin is not meant for multi-selects, you should use the DynamicMultiSelectPlugin. Easiest to install using Essentials set=up tool, see 'Add a Selection Field to a Document Type
Using the Setup Application' at

What is use of sanitize attribute in html type field in odoo?

In html type of field one attribute is available, In which we can pass True/False.
body_html = fields.Html('Body', translate=True, sanitize=False, help="Rich-text/HTML version of the message (placeholders may be used here)")
body_html = fields.Html('Body', translate=True, sanitize=True, help="Rich-text/HTML version of the message (placeholders may be used here)")
If we set True/False then we are getting same result.
What is difference if we set True/False in this field ?
It's just telling Odoo if to clean html code, like deleting scripts, tags/nodes, etc. For more information look into the code.

Getting reference from model One2many relationship comodel inside an ir.actions.act_window

Would like to ask on how you can get the id of the comodel inside the ir.actions.act_window.
See my source code:
Currently, I cannot get the sprint_id.project_id.current_sprint reference since it's giving me an error of Uncaught Error: NameError: name 'sprint_id' is not defined. So what I wanted to happen is that upon opening the project it should add a default filter for the current sprint of the project.
Do I have any alternative for this kind of approach?
Tried doing domain, but still no luck solving the issue.
Try this: make related field and then use this field in xml view.

Ohm: how to drop a column/attribute?

There's an attribute that I no longer need, and I would like to drop it. I can't seem to simply remove the attribute from my model code, because there is an error when I load the instance. It complains that the myattrib= method does not exist. I guess it complains because Ohm sees the key in the database, but the attribute :myattrib does not exist in the model code.
How do I delete the column/attribute through Ohm, before I change my code and remove attribute :myattrib?
I tried this and it worked for me: Model.key[:myattrib].del
found it here: