Jackson deserialization - Kotlin data classes - Defaults for missing fields per mapper - jackson

Given this data class:
data class MyPojo(val notInJson: Int, val inJson: Int)
Assume I want to implement a function of the form:
fun deserialize(jsonString: String, valueForFieldNotInJson: Int): MyPojo
Where jsonString does not include a field named notInJson. Assume also, that I have no control over MyPojo class definition.
How could I use Jackson library to deserialize MyPojo from jsonString and augment the missing field (notInJson) from valueForFieldNotInJson parameter?
Basically, the question is about deserializing a Immutable class, where some fields come from Json and others are supplied at runtime.
Using custom deserializers or builders will not work because missing values are unknow at compile time.

This can be achieved by combining MinInAnnotations and ValueInjection.
Complete solution as follows:
data class MyPojo(val notInJson: Int, val inJson: Int)
class MyPojoMixIn {
#JacksonInject("notInJson") val notInJson: Int = 0
fun deserialize(jsonString: String, valueForFieldNotInJson: Int): MyPojo {
val injectables = InjectableValues.Std().addValue("notInJson", valueForFieldNotInJson)
val reader = jacksonObjectMapper()
.addMixIn(MyPojo::class.java, MyPojoMixIn::class.java)
return reader.readValue(jsonString)


Polymorphic serialization of sealed hierarchies with generic type parameters

Using Kotlin serialization, I would like to serialize and deserialize (to JSON) a generic data class with type parameter from a sealed hierarchy. However, I get a runtime exception.
To reproduce the issue:
import kotlinx.serialization.*
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
/// The sealed hierarchy used a generic type parameters:
sealed interface Coded {
val description: String
object CodeOA: Coded {
override val description: String = "Code Object OA"
object CodeOB: Coded {
override val description: String = "Code Object OB"
/// Simplified class hierarchy
sealed interface NumberedData {
val number: Int
data class CodedData<out C : Coded> (
override val number: Int,
val info: String,
val code: C
): NumberedData
internal class GenericSerializerTest {
fun `polymorphically serialize and deserialize a CodedData instance`() {
val codedData: NumberedData = CodedData(
number = 42,
info = "Some test",
code = CodeOB
val codedDataJson = Json.encodeToString(codedData)
val codedDataDeserialized = Json.decodeFromString<NumberedData>(codedDataJson)
assertEquals(codedData, codedDataDeserialized)
Running the test results in the following runtime exception:
kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Class 'CodeOB' is not registered for polymorphic serialization in the scope of 'Coded'.
Mark the base class as 'sealed' or register the serializer explicitly.
This error message does not make sense to me, as both hierarchies are sealed and marked as #Serializable.
I don't understand the root cause of the problem - do I need to explicitly register one of the plugin-generated serializers? Or do I need to roll my own serializer? Why would that be the case?
I am using Kotlin 1.7.20 with kotlinx.serialization 1.4.1
Disclaimer: I do not consider my solution to be very statisfying, but I cannot find a better way for now.
KotlinX serialization documentation about sealed classes states (emphasis mine):
you must ensure that the compile-time type of the serialized object is a polymorphic one, not a concrete one.
In the following example of the doc, we see that serializing child class instead of parent class prevent it to be deserialized using parent (polymorphic) type.
In your case, you have nested polymorphic types, so this is even more complicated I think. To make serialization and deserialization work, then, I've tried multiple things, and finally, the only way I've found to make it work is to:
Remove generic on CodedData (to be sure that code attribute is interpreted in a polymorphic way:
data class CodedData (
override val number: Int,
val info: String,
val code: Coded
): NumberedData
Cast coded data object to NumberedData when encoding, to ensure polymorphism is triggered:
Tested using a little main program based on your own unit test:
fun main() {
val codedData = CodedData(
number = 42,
info = "Some test",
code = CodeOB
val json = Json.encodeToString<NumberedData>(codedData)
val decoded = Json.decodeFromString<NumberedData>(json)
It prints:
{"type":"CodedData","number":42,"info":"Some test","code":{"type":"CodeOB"}}
CodedData(number=42, info=Some test, code=CodeOB(description = Code Object OB))

Moshi Json / Kotlin - Empty String to Null (for numerical properties)

I have a model class containing Long and Int properties and I am using Moshi Library to parse a json string into this class.
data class Adjust (
var appId: String?,
var clicks: Long?,
var count: Int?)
If I parse a json like this {"appId":"1", "clicks":""}, I get an error Expected a long but was at path $.clicks
Same thing happens for the Int field.
What can I do short of adding two custom adapters so that the blank strings are parsed as null and do not error out?
The custom adapter I wrote is like this:
object EmptyStringToNullAdapter {
fun fromJson(string: String) = string.toLongOrNull()
fun toJson(value: Long) = value.toString()
This works but I have to write another similar one for Int and maybe in future if other numerical fields are added, more such adapters! What is the better approach here?

Why #JsonIgnore annotation doesn't work during deserializing data?

I have a data https://gist.githubusercontent.com/iva-nova-e-katerina/fc1067e971c71a73a0b525a21b336694/raw/954477261bb5ac2f52cee07a8bc45a2a27de1a8c/data2.json a List with seven CheckResultItem elements.
I trying to parse them this way:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.readValue
val res = restHelper.objectMapper.readValue<List<CheckResultItem>>(text)
which gives me the following error:
com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.MissingKotlinParameterException: Instantiation of [simple type, class com.fmetric.validation.api.Brick] value failed for JSON property upperLevelBricks due to missing (therefore NULL) value for creator parameter upperLevelBricks which is a non-nullable type
at [Source: (StringReader); line: 1, column: 714] (through reference chain: java.util.ArrayList[0]->com.fmetric.validation.api.checking.CheckResultItem["brick"]->com.fmetric.validation.api.Brick["upperLevelBricks"])
at com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.KotlinValueInstantiator.createFromObjectWith(KotlinValueInstantiator.kt:116)
There is #JsonIgnore annotation in data class :
data class Brick(
val id: UUID?,
val name: String,
val type: BrickType,
val propertyValues: List<ProjectBrickPropertyValue<*>>,
val upperLevelBricks: ArrayList<Brick>,
val downLevelBricks: ArrayList<Brick>,
var drawingDetails: List<BrickDrawingDetails>?
) {
But it seems it doesn't work. Could you explain me what is wrong?
UPD: Also I have tried #JsonIgnoreProperties({"upperLevelBricks"}) class annotation but it doesn't work. My solution was to set a default value
val upperLevelBricks: ArrayList<Brick> = arrayListOf(),
But I think that annotations should work!
Actually, it works, but not the way you think. During deserialization #JsonIgnore ignores the respectful field in JSON, like it wasn't there (but it's doesn't make sense in this case, because it's initially absent in JSON).
In Java, Jackson would've just instantiated class with null value for the absent field (because all object types in Java are nullable, which means they allow the value to be set to null). But in Kotlin, a property should be explicitly marked as nullable (val upperLevelBricks: List<Brick>?) or have a default value (val upperLevelBricks: List<Brick> = emptyList()) so that Jackson could create a class instance in this case.
Note that approach with default value for property won't work (unless you additionally mark it with #JsonIgnore) if this field is present in JSON but explicitly set to null:
"upperLevelBricks": null,
Anyway, if you don't want to change the API of your Brick class you may provide a default value for this field only when it's created during Jackson deserialization (and only if it's absent/null in JSON) via custom deserializer:
object EmptyListAsDefault : JsonDeserializer<List<Brick>>() {
override fun deserialize(jsonParser: JsonParser, context: DeserializationContext): List<Brick> =
context.typeFactory.constructCollectionType(List::class.java, Brick::class.java)
override fun getNullValue(context: DeserializationContext): List<Brick> = emptyList()
data class Brick(
#JsonDeserialize(using = EmptyListAsDefault::class)
val upperLevelBricks: List<Brick>,

How does Jackson marshalling work with Kotlin data class?

I have a simple data class being returned from a REST endpoint.
data class SummarizedReturn(
val NET_CASH_FLOW: BigDecimal,
val ROI_PERCENTAGE: BigDecimal
When it is returned, the object looks like this:
summarizedReturn: {
net_CASH_FLOW: -194703.12028723184,
roi_PERCENTAGE: -35,
This is not what I need. I need all letters to be capitalized. So I added the JsonProperty annotation
data class SummarizedReturn(
val NET_CASH_FLOW: BigDecimal,
val ROI_PERCENTAGE: BigDecimal,
This did not change anything. I still get the result the same as above.
I then changed the property names and kept the annotation
data class SummarizedReturn(
val netCashFlow: BigDecimal,
val roiPercentage: BigDecimal,
and that returned what I wanted.
summarizedReturn: {
NET_CASH_FLOW: -194703.12028723184,
Why did the annotation not work on the initial version of the class? How can I keep my property names all capitalized and have the Jackson value to be the same?
There is an issue with interoperability of Java annotations in Kotlin code. You can register Jackson's Kotlin module to get rid of this problems:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper
fun main() {
val mapper = jacksonObjectMapper() // <= shortcut to ObjectMapper().registerKotlinModule()
This will also require you to add com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin to your dependencies.
PS: Alternatively you can solve it by using slightly different target:
#JsonPropery => #get:JsonPropery (or field:#JsonPropery in case this data class will also be used for deserialization)

Calculated transient value is null after deserialisation with Gson

I run into an error which I do not understand after deserializing with gson.
My usecase is way more complex, but I created this test below which shows the behaviour I see.
The issue is the calculated transient value (allObjs) that is null after deserialisation. The unit test fails on the last assert.
Apparently the #Transient prevents correct initialisation of allObjs after deserialisation.
Is this expected behaviour? Can I do anything to make the field work in this way?
If not then I have to convert all the transient fields to functions like getThemAll(), which does work.
I hope for any insights.
Regards, Rob
class CoupleDeserializeTest {
data class Couple( val objA: String, val objB: String){
val allObjs: List<String> = listOf(objA, objB)
fun getThemAll() = listOf(objA, objB)
fun testDe_SerializeCouple() {
val couple = Couple("my", "text")
// This succeeds
val gson = Gson()
val json = gson.toJson(couple)
// This succeeds
Assert.assertEquals("{\"objA\":\"my\",\"objB\":\"text\"}", json)
val coupleDeserialized = gson.fromJson<Couple>(json, Couple::class.java)
// This succeeds
// This fails
If you are marking a field as Transient, it will ignore the field from serialisation or deserialisation, snippet from JvmFlagAnnotations
* Marks the JVM backing field of the annotated property as `transient`, meaning that it is not
* part of the default serialized form of the object.
public actual annotation class Transient
It will ignore it in initialisation because, the value of objA and objB will be initialised using serialisation meaning objA and objB have not assigned by the time you allObjs gets initialised, to get the values later instead of directly assigning, you can use get()
data class Couple( val objA: String, val objB: String){
val allObjs: List<String>
get() = listOf(objA, objB)
fun getThemAll() = listOf(objA, objB)