Automatically refresh/compile in IntelliJ in a "nightly dev machine update" - intellij-idea

We are using a small tool to automatically fetch updates for various projects from Git/SVN, recompile them and run tests locally with any local modifications that the developer might have developed, but not yet submitted to the global code repositories.
For some large projects, we see that the IntelliJ IDE only does refreshing/recompiling of code when the developer comes in and actually starts to work in the IDE, which always causes some time in the morning when the machines are busy recompiling, thus hindering the developers shortly after they came in.
I would like to do such a refresh/recompile already during the nightly update, so it is not wasting dev-time in the morning.
For Eclipse we are using, a plugin which provides remote control functionality.
I tried to look for tools to automate things in IntelliJ, but could not find anything that would suit.
Are there any plugins or other means of remotely controlling IntelliJ to force it to recompile code and update source repositories?

As I could not find anything which could do this I started a small plugin which provides a small REST interface in order to control things in IntelliJ from scripts.
See for the implementation details.


Typescript files show errors in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

I am facing issue with TypeScript in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. Earlier I have used IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition for Angular 2 development and it works fine.
This is the error I am getting in my .ts file. Plus there is no intelliSense. Is this feature unavailable in the Community Edition?
As zhengyue pointed out in comments, apparently you are using the "TypoScript" plugin, which is not a "Typescript" plugin.
I made the same mistake. And I also had the same problems that you experienced. Personally I thought it was the #Component decorator that messed things up. But it was zhengyue who pointed out I was using the wrong plugin.
The conclusion for me was that it was better to search for a good alternative. Because I still want to develop my back-end in Java, I wanted ...
something that integrates with IntelliJ as good as possible
but still something which is powerful.
At first I tried eclipse, and found powerful tools in their marketplace, which turned out to be commercial products and expired after 8 days.
Secondly, I downloaded "Visual Studio Code", (not to be confused with the full blown Visual Studio). It is FAST and user-friendly. It launches in less than 2 seconds on my system. And it has great plugins, which allow me to use code completion and refacturing tools. Here is the list of plugins I have installed:
As you can see, there is a plugin that makes you use the keybindings of intellij.
In IntelliJ I configured my ".ts" files to be handled as javascript files. Because it's better than nothing.
I work in IntelliJ all day when I'm working on the Java back-end, and thanks to the javascript features, I still have some (limited) code highlights for the Angular front-end as well. But, when I want to edit something in the front end, I use Visual Studio Code. To make this a smooth transition, I right-click inside the file and use an external tool configuration:
Inside my IntelliJ I configured the root of the angular project as a module. Then the configuration of this external tool looks like this:
This allows me to switch from IntelliJ to Visual Studio code in about 2 seconds, and immediately to the correct line in the correct file.
So, that's what my free Angular-with-Java-combo development workspace looks like.
JavaScript/TypeScript support and many other features are not available in the Community Edition.

Write an IDE on top of IntelliJ Platform

I want to write a custom IDE on top of IntelliJ Platform. Android Studio is an example. It was built based on IntelliJ Platform and was designed to support Android application development.
There are lots of git GUI out there. However, in Linux, I don't satisfy with any. That is my motivation to write a git IDE for Linux. IntelliJ IDEA already have a very good Git plugin. Using IntelliJ IDEA is a solution. But it is too heavy for opening entire project with different functionalities (Run, Debug, Refactor...) for just Git operations. Therefore, I want to make that plugin a complete IDE for only Git operation.
On IntelliJ Platform forum page, there are tutorials to write plugins. However, it doesn't have the guide for writing a complete IDE.
Are there any tutorials to help me get started?
IntelliJ platform is probably not the best choice for writing a general purpose RCP applications.
Git plugin has 65k lines of code, you are talking about gutting ~13M lines IDE (respectively 3M lines of pure Java source code).

Setup IntelliJ IDEA 12 with Play2 and framework sources (java)

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 12, its Play2.0 plugin for a Java project.
Unfortunately Play 2 (2.1.4 at this time) does not ship with the sources for its dependencies, and running idea with-sources=yes only downloads the project's dependencies sources.
So far I've had to manually download the source jars and attach them whenever I needed them.
Of course I have to redo this every time the Play framework is updated.
Is there any better way, either within play, which I would prefer, or with an external solution?
Unfortunately IDEA's "Search in internet..." button usually doesn't work, most likely because it's looking on the wrong respositories. I suspect it is trying to use the Maven settings with the configured Nexus repos, but AFAIK Maven central is not in there.
It is as simple as running update-classifiers in the Play console and then regenerating the project files.
I wish this would be done automatically, but apparently it is too obvious to sbt users.

IntelliJ change lists without source control

We are being forced to work with Rational Team Concert [RTC] source control, which has very weak integration with IntelliJ (There is an IntelliJ plugin, but it's just buggy and extremely painful to work with).
So I plan to manage the source control outside IntelliJ using the windows shell extension or the eclipse plugin console.
Is it possible to manage IntelliJ change lists manually without connecting with any source control?
The only solution that I could think of so far, is having a mock SVN server to connect IntelliJ to, but this has many downsides to it...
Please help, I don't want to move to Eclipse :\
What I usually see is the use of an intermediate SCM tool which can interface with IntelliJ without disrupting the target SCM used (here RTC, through a local workspace or sandbox)
For instance, you can use git, as in "In git, what is a changelist?".
Once you are ready to commit, you can refresh your pending changes view in IntelliJ IDEA (if you are using the "JazzConnect-IntelliJ")

Eclipse plugin is listed with other plug-ins, but UI contributions are missing

I wrote two Eclipse plugins that work fine when I use Eclipse to run them in another instance of Eclipse. I'd like to distribute the plugins to a relatively small number of people for feedback and was hoping that the dropins folder would provide a quick and dirty solution. When I put the plugins in the dropins folder of my Eclipse installation (Indigo), I see the plugins listed with other plugins in the installation details. The UI contributions are missing and I haven't been able to find any error messages in the logs or otherwise.
As stated, I'm looking for a quick and dirty solution. I intend to build an update site in the future, but would prefer to invest time into that only after getting feedback on the plugins because this is a side project.
It sounds like your plugin is loaded, but isn't started. A 'quick and dirty' solution is to have it use the org.eclipse.ui.startup extention point so it is activated on startup.
Another possibility is that your UI additions just aren't activated for the perspective, which you can fix by running Window > Customize Perspective.