How I can register function without parameter type in DWScript - dwscript

I want register into script some stream method.
For example
function Read(Self: TStream; var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
But parametr "Buffer" does not have type(by dws). How can I register this kind of parametrs into Delphi Web Script? What need to write into TdwsParametr.DataType???


How do I return raw bytes in a HTTP Response in Tower Web?

I am developing an API using the tower_web framework, and for some API calls, it would be best to just return bytes with a content type like "application/octet-stream". This data is not directly read from a file, but generated dynamically, so I can't refer to the example code for serving a static file.
For implementing the desired functionality, I tried using a http::Response<Vec<u8>> with a body using a u8 array. Here are the relevant snippets of my code, for testing purposes I used a u8 array filled with zeroes, that would later be the data I want to send to the client:
extern crate tower_web;
use tower_web::ServiceBuilder;
use http::Response as HttpResponse;
const SERVER_ADDRESS : &str = "";
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct HttpApi;
impl_web! {
impl HttpApi {
fn test(&self) -> http::Response<Vec<u8>> {
let response = HttpResponse::builder().status(200).body([0u8;16]);
println!("{:?}", response);
pub fn main() {
let addr = SERVER_ADDRESS.parse().expect("Invalid address");
println!("Listening on http://{}", addr);
However, when I try to build it using cargo, I get this error:
the trait `tower_web::codegen::futures::Future` is not implemented for `http::Response<Vec<u8>>`
I also tried setting the type returned by the function to a Result wrapping the http::Response<Vec<u8>> and (), as it would work that way when I try returning strings or json. This gave me the error
the trait `BufStream` is not implemented for `Vec<u8>`
Is there any simple way to solve this, or any other approach for returning bytes as the body of a HTTP Response in Tower Web?

TypeError: Type is not callable - on compile

I have created a game where I have an interface and a contract with a Game function
But when I compile it throws an exception:
TypeError: Type is not callable
myGameContract.depositPlayer(0, msg.value)();
It is clear that it refers to the fallback after: msg.value)();
But, I don't know how to fix the interface.
interface Game{
function depositPlayer(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount) external payable;
function myGame(address _reciever) external payable {
addressBoard = payable(_reciever);
myGameContract= Game(addressBoard );
myGameContract.depositPlayer(0, msg.value)();
I need in this case it to contain a fallback
More bellow:
For more clarification, comment as the answer indicates, only the call
function contains a fallback
You can execute an external function without the empty parentheses.
Example that executes the external depositPlayer function:
myGameContract.depositPlayer(0, msg.value); // removed the `()`
You can execute the fallback function by sending an empty data field.
But the fallback function is executed when no suitable function (specified in the data field) is found. It's not executed after each function. So you can't execute both depositPlayer and fallback in the same call (except for executing depositPlayer from the fallback).
This is an easy error to make when you accidentally make an argument shadow a function. Here's an easy to understand place this error would pop up:
constructor(address owner, address[] memory defaultOperators) ERC777("Shipyard", "SHIP", defaultOperators) {
ico = address(new ShipICO(this));
_mint(owner(), INITIAL_SUPPLY, "", "");
Note that the argument owner has the same name as the function called in the _mint(owner()) line. Because of the argument having the same name, you're now trying to call the argument owner, which is of type address, as if it were a function. (Note that in this case, owner() is a function inherited from the OZ Ownable contract, making it especially easy to miss.
Easy, common convention is to add an underscore. In this case, _owner may already be taken, so you may add an underscore to the end (owner_ ) for the argument.
As to the OP's question:
This means that myGameContract.depositPlayer is not a function. Go figure out why you think it is, and the compiler thinks it isn't.

Pass callbacks with managed parameters and return types between managed and unmanaged C++

I am writing a native C++ project with a managed C++ wrapper that can receive and invoke callbacks from C#. The managed side should be able to retrieve back that callback and trigger on the managed environment as well.
The signature of the said callback is:
// Native C++
typedef EvaluateResult (*NativeFunction) (std::vector<EvaluateResult> args);
// Managed C++ wrapper
delegate EvaluateResultWrapper^ ManagedFunction (List<EvaluateResultWrapper^> args);
The EvaluateResultWrapper is the managed wrapper class for the native class EvaluateResult. The conversion between the EvaluateResult is:
EvaluateResult result;
EvaluateResultWrapper^ wrapper = gcnew EvaluateResultWrapper (result);
result = EvaluateResult (*wrapper.original);
I want to implement the constructor EvaluateResultWrapper::EvaluateResultWrapper (ManagedFunction^ func) that can roughly do the following:
// NOTE: Pseudo code
void EvaluateResultWrapper::EvaluateResultWrapper (ManagedFunction^ func) {
this->func = func; // Store the func as a member to avoid GC
// original is the pointer to the EvaluateResult that this object is wrapping around
this->original = new EvaluateResult ([&func](std::vector<EvaluateResult> args) -> EvaluateResult {
List<EvaluateResultWrapper^>^ argsList; // Convert args from vector to List. Assuming it is done under the hood
EvaluateResultWrapper^ wrapper = func->Invoke (argsList); // Invoke the managed callback
return EvaluateResult (wrapper.GetOriginal ()); // Convert the managed result to the native counterpart
I know the above code will not work, but the idea I should be able to wrap the managed callback with codes that able to do conversion of both the callback arguments and return types, so that it is native friendly.
Ideally, I can also do the other way around (not important)
// NOTE: Pseudo code
ManagedFunction^ EvaluateResultWrapper::GetFunction (ManagedFunction^ func) {
// if the callback is set by the managed side, return the same callback back
if (this->func != nullptr) return this->func;
// Otherwise, the callback is a native one
NativeFunction nativeFunc = this->original->GetFunction ();
return gcnew ManagedFunction ([&nativeFunc] (List<EvaluateResultWrapper^>^ args) -> EvaluaResultWrapper {
std::vector argsList; // Convert the args from List back to vector. Assuming it is done under the hood
EvaluateResult result = nativeFunc (argsList); // Invoke the native function
return gcnew EvaluateResultWrapper (result); // Convert the native result into the managed one
I wonder whether this can be done?
A little bit of context: I am writing an external scripting system on native C++ for our games (similar to Lua scripting). The EvaluateResult is a class representing an evaluation result of any statement. It is basically a value coupled with the type. The type can be either number, boolean, string, array, object, or in this case: function callback.
The function callback can be either set within the native C++ (when the interpreter pass the user-defined function in the scripts) or a function set by the host (managed side).
The idea is the host (C# side) should be able to define and set functions into the memory (defining print() function to print into the host console for example). The callback is wrapped as an EvaluateResult class before storing into the the scripting memory.
For inspection purpose, C# side must be able to get the function callback. Therefor, the ability to get the function is nice to have (but not important, since I can always instruct the native side to execute the function for me)

Creating Lua objects during callback issue

I making simple project on Delphi + Lua to use Delphi visual components through RTTI. Main implementation idea based on luna.h. I like Blizzard's idea of using templates stored in xml (when you can put several objects on TPanel for example and use it as template), so I almost implemented that also.
The problem is: everything works fine until I creating objects through callback from Lua made with almost same code as luna.h Inject code. If this object have "inherits" xml attribute callback function calls creation of objects stored in xml, creating another object through yet another injection. And I receive errors leading to lua51.dll.
Maybe that problem caused by using stack by both callback and Inject while callback function not returned result yet. So can I use stack and create objects through callback? If not - is there any workarounds to implement it? Blizzard really made it somehow.
More details:
1. Application registering Lua objects (for example TPanel and many others) through
cn := T.ClassName;
f := #StaticOnCreate;
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, self); // put offset to self into lightuserdata
lua_pushcclosure(L, f, 1);
lua_setglobal(L, PAnsiChar(UTF8Encode(cn))); // T() in lua will make a new instance.
difference from luna.h - application also stored pointer to object (Delphi objects are pointers) to avoid generics (c templates)
2. Now Lua have TPanel in global table
3. By using
p = TPanel("somename")
in script, Lua calls application's StaticOnCreate.
4. StaticOnCreate extracts object and calls class's function
o := TLuaClassTemplate(lua_topointer(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)));
result := o.OnCreate(L);
5. OnCreate function extracts params like name etc and creates exact visual object of type TPanel and by using same code as luna.h for inject function
lua_newtable(FL); // create a new table for the class object ('self')
obj_index := lua_gettop(FL);
lua_pushnumber(FL, 0);
a := lua_newuserdata(FL, SizeOf(pointer)); // store a ptr to the ptr
a^ := obj; // set the ptr to the ptr to point to the ptr... >.>
luaL_newmetatable(FL, PAnsiChar(UTF8Encode(cn))); // get (or create) the classname_metatable
lua_pushstring(FL, PAnsiChar(UTF8Encode('__gc')));
lua_pushlightuserdata(FL, self); // put offset to self into lightuserdata
lua_pushcclosure(FL, #StaticGc_T, 1);
lua_settable(FL, -3);
lua_setmetatable(FL, -2); // userdata.metatable = classname_metatable
lua_settable(FL, obj_index); // self[0] = obj;
f := #StaticThunk;
// register the functions
for i := 0 to length(ClassApiArray) - 1 do begin
lua_pushstring(FL, PAnsiChar(UTF8Encode(ClassApiArray[i].name)));
lua_pushlightuserdata(FL, self); // put offset to self into lightuserdata
lua_pushnumber(FL, i); // let the thunk know which method we mean
lua_pushcclosure(FL, f, 2);
lua_settable(FL, obj_index); // self["function"] = thunk("function")
lua_pushvalue(FL, -1); // dup object on stack top
rec.ref := luaL_ref(FL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // store object as ref
result := 1;
returns Lua object through stack, so now p from p = TPanel("somename") is object isntance.
But issue if I trying to implement xml templates and step 3
p = TPanel("somename", "xmltemplatenodename")
and during execution step 5 in OnCreate if I see there is inherits = xmltemplatenodename. So during step 5, before inject, application searching for exact xmltemplatenodename - if found creating more objects with inject for each object. And only after that continues execution of step 5 with own inject. Here I have errors leading to lua51.dll after creating 2-3 objects from xmltemplatenodename. But if application uses same xml as source and creates same xmltemplatenodename objects outside of OnCreate - there is no errors.
Inject for xml object slightly different, isntead of leaving object in stack it registers it by object name
lua_setglobal(FL, PAnsiChar(objName8));

How do I convert a System::String^ to const char*?

I'm developing an app in C++/CLI and have a csv file writing library in unmanaged code that I want to use from the managed portion. So my function looks something like this:
bool CSVWriter::Write(const char* stringToWrite);
...but I'm really struggling to convert my shiny System::String^ into something compatible. Basically I was hoping to call by doing something like:
if( m_myWriter->Write(String::Format("{0}",someValueIWantToSave)) )
// report success
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
const char* str = (const char*) (Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(managedString)).ToPointer();
From Dev Shed.
As mcandre mentions, Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi() is correct. But don't forget to free the newly allocated resource with Marshal::FreeHGlobal(), when the string is no longer in use.
Alternatively, you can use the msclr::interop::marshal_as template to create the string resource and automatically release it when the call exits the resource's scope.
There's a list of what types need which conversion in the overview of marshalling in C++.