find xpath for a repeated angularJs Item - selenium

how is possible to find the xpath for an angularJs element? for instance i discovered that all links in my page have the same xpath due to the repeated items in angularJs -->
but i have 10 of element , they are differente for text, so i tried with `"
so i tried with contains but it never find it
.//[#id='div_1_1_1_2']/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/a[contains(#aria-label='Creazione Prodotto')]"`
i use selenium, junit4 , firefox webDriver
this is my code
public class PB01_TTT {
private WebDriver driver;
private String baseUrl;
private boolean acceptNextAlert = true;
private StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer();
WebElement element;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
FirefoxProfile fxProfile = new FirefoxProfile();
fxProfile.setPreference("", 2);
fxProfile.setPreference("", false);
fxProfile.setPreference("browser.helperApps.alwaysAsk.force", false);
"application/pdf, application/x-pdf, application/octet-stream");
fxProfile.setPreference("pdfjs.disabled", true);
driver = new FirefoxDriver(fxProfile);
baseUrl = "https://w8aon2bpm.replynet.prv:9443";
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void testPBO1TTT() throws Exception {
driver.get(baseUrl + "/ProcessPortal/login.jsp");
// driver.get(baseUrl + "/ProcessPortal/dashboards/SYSRP/RESPONSIVE_WORK");
String columnToDisplay=driver.findElements(By.xpath(".//*[#id='div_1_1_1_2']/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/a[contains(#aria-label='Creazione Prodotto')]"));
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
element = (WebElement) driver.findElements(By.xpath(columnToDisplayXpath));
it always return me a notFoundElement, any suggestions ?
Thank you

If you have 10 links, then there is a high chance they are different in a way even if the path is the same, in this case you need to construct an path based on the thing that is different.
For example: use href, text or other any part that differs
//a[contains(#href, 'part_of_href')]
//a[contains(text(), 'part_of_text')]
//a[contains(#aria-label='Creazione Prodotto')]
If you need any help in getting the selector please add the html section of the links, you can change the url if needed.
Tip: avoid using absolute xpaths and attributes that do not suggest anything and they can change like: .//*[#id='div_1_1_1_2']/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/a[contains(#aria-label='Creazione Prodotto')]"
This will give you a lot of work in the future.


How to locate the First Name element within #shadow-root (open) using Selenium4 and Java

I am trying to find the element of the field First Name on the page I tried searching by id, classname, name, cssSelector, etc. but none works. I even added waiter to ensure it is loaded well before I try to find the element. Same issue happens for all fields in the page. So, the issue is not unique to this field.
Tried this in Chrome and Firefox on Mac. The same code works well to find the username field in page.
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, java.time.Duration.ofSeconds(10));
WebElement selectFirstName = driver.findElement("firstName"));
Error that I get is:
Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException:
no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css
selector","selector":"*[name='firstName']"} (Session info:
Does anyone know what I need to do differently to be able to get the webElement?
The First Name field within the website is within a #shadow-root (open)
ShadowRoot in selenium4
As per the test implementation in
import static org.openqa.selenium.remote.Dialect.W3C;
import static org.openqa.selenium.remote.DriverCommand.FIND_ELEMENTS_FROM_SHADOW_ROOT;
import static org.openqa.selenium.remote.DriverCommand.FIND_ELEMENT_FROM_SHADOW_ROOT;
// Note: we want people to code against the SearchContext API, so we keep this class package private
class ShadowRoot implements SearchContext, WrapsDriver {
private final RemoteWebDriver parent;
private final String id;
ShadowRoot(RemoteWebDriver parent, String id) {
this.parent = Require.nonNull("Owning remote webdriver", parent); = Require.nonNull("Shadow root ID", id);
public List<WebElement> findElements(By by) {
return parent.findElements(
(using, value) -> FIND_ELEMENTS_FROM_SHADOW_ROOT(id, using, String.valueOf(value)),
public WebElement findElement(By by) {
return parent.findElement(
(using, value) -> FIND_ELEMENT_FROM_SHADOW_ROOT(id, using, String.valueOf(value)),
public WebDriver getWrappedDriver() {
return parent;
public String getId() {
private Map<String, Object> toJson() {
return singletonMap(W3C.getShadowRootElementKey(), id);
#titusfortner explains the same in their comment as:
The actual state is that the return value of that JavaScript changed in v96 of ChromeDriver in order to be w3c compliant. Selenium 3.141.59 can not parse this new return value. You can use getShadowRoot() in Selenium 4, or you'll be able to get a ShadowRoot instance returned from the JS in Selenium 4.1.
And I stand corrected, you need to cast to SearchContext interface.
To send a character sequence within the First Name you can use the following Locator Strategy:
Code Block:
WebElement element = new WebDriverWait(driver, Duration.ofSeconds(10), Duration.ofSeconds(10)).until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.tagName("array-account-enroll")));
SearchContext context = element.getShadowRoot();
WebElement firstName = context.findElement(By.cssSelector("input[name='firstName'][placeholder='Enter first name']"));
Browser snapshot:

.NET Tests with Selenium, headless Chrome error

I've been trying to implement headless browser to my tests and I'm getting an error message that shows me this: "Unable to locate element: {"method":"id","selector":"my_id"}". This is the code that I'm working with:
class ClientesSystemTest
private ChromeOptions options;
private NewClientesPage page;
private IWebDriver driver;
public ClientesSystemTest()
options = new ChromeOptions();
driver = new ChromeDriver(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), options);
page = new NewClientesPage(driver);
public void CadastraCliente()
page.Cadastra("Paulo", "Guedes", "00870021087", "Rua abcdwxyz, 14", 15);
and this is the Cadastra method.:
public void Cadastra(string nome, string sobrenome, string cpf, string endereco, int idade)
IWebElement nomeCliente = driver.FindElement(By.Id("Nome"));
IWebElement sobrenomeCliente = driver.FindElement(By.Id("Sobrenome"));
IWebElement cpfCliente = driver.FindElement(By.Id("CPF"));
IWebElement enderecoCliente = driver.FindElement(By.Id("Endereco"));
IWebElement idadeCliente = driver.FindElement(By.Id("Idade"));
IWebElement estadoCivilCliente = driver.FindElement(By.Name("EstadoCivil"));
I've tried everything by this point. The test runs normally without the headless feature. Does anyone have a solution for this error? Thanks.
My guess would be that your site shows different elements depending on the browser resolution. Typically the headless browser is a smaller setting so I'd make sure it's set to the same size you use when you test non-headless.

Selenium After sendkey, do some validation

I'm new to Selenium, TestNG and Stackoverflow.
After sendkeys, I want to do some validation. If the validation is true, then the assert is true. I know this is not the right way to write the Assert method.
WebDriver driver;
#DataProvider(name= "testdata")
public static Object[][] loginData(){
return new Object[][]{{"username1", "123"}, {"username2", "4211"}};
public void configure(){
#Test(dataProvider = "testdata")
public void testmethod(String uname, String password){
WebElement usernameTextbox = driver.findElement("username"));
WebElement passwordTextbox = driver.findElement("username"));
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(2, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS);
Assert.assertTrue(if(usernameTextbox.contains("[a-zA-Z0-9]+") && passwordTextbox.contains("[0-9]+") == true));
PS: Any inputs will be appreciated.
Try implementing explicit wait in Your code. What that mean, is that You wait for some condition to be set, here is example how to manage this:
But my suggestion is that You assert if there are some error messages (labels, span, or whatever that appears saying something is wrong with email or pass)
So here is how I would do it:
WebDriver driver;
#DataProvider(name= "testdata")
public static Object[][] loginData(){
return new Object[][]{{"username1", "123"}, {"username2", "4211"}};
public void configure(){
driver = new WebDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //this is wait which will wait until driver throws exception (that is not found eg."NoSuchElementException")
#Test(dataProvider = "testdata")
public void testmethod(String uname, String password){
WebElement usernameTextbox = driver.findElement("usernameID"));
WebElement passwordTextbox = driver.findElement("passwordID"));
passwordTextbox.sendKeys(password); //here is where You've sent wrong param
// if You know You will get error label or something use this
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); //wait for max 10 sec, and wait for error element defined bellow
WebElement errorElement = wait.until(ExpectedConditions. presenceOfElementLocated("someErrorElementId"))); //(or ExpectedConditions.textToBePresentInElement(..)), see what better suites You
// If You're expecting error than use this assert
Assert.assertTrue(errorElement.isDisplayed(),"There should be error message!")
// but If You're expecting that there should not be any error than use this assert
Assert.assertFalse(errorElement.isDisplayed(),"There shouldn't be no error messages!")
tweak this code, but basicaly this is the logic.
So to try to answer the original question your code could look like below:
1. Using the getAttribute("value")
2. Building the assertion - you don't need to wrap the condition in an if as the contains() function will return true or false for you:
WebDriver driver;
#DataProvider(name= "testdata")
public static Object[][] loginData(){
return new Object[][]{{"username1", "123"}, {"username2", "4211"}};
public void configure(){
#Test(dataProvider = "testdata")
public void testmethod(String uname, String password){
WebElement usernameTextbox = driver.findElement("username"));
WebElement passwordTextbox = driver.findElement("username"));
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(2, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS);
Assert.assertTrue(usernameTextbox.getAttribute("value").contains("[a-zA-Z0-9]+") && passwordTextbox.getAttribute("value").contains("[0-9]+"));
As per your question just after invoking sendKeys() you want to do some assertions.
At this point it is worth to mention that when you invoke sendKeys() on a <input> node/tag/field the HTML DOM is not immediately updated with the value / characters which you have just entered in majority of the cases (of-coarse there are exceptional cases). Moving forward when you invoke click() or submit()on a <button> or similar <input> element, the associated onclick event of this <input> element updates the HTML DOM and the value / characters previously sent through sendKeys() are adjusted within the HTML DOM.
Unless the value / characters are not accommodated within the DOM Tree Selenium won't be able to interact with them.
As per your code block, you have populated the passwordTextbox field with the String value of uname as follows :
This value / characterset is still volatile and editable (can be overwritten/cleared/deleted) as follows :
passwordTextbox.sendKeys("Emma E");
Essentially, Assert methods can be invoked on text those are part of the HTML DOM. As an example you can use the following Assert for a Page Heading, Table Heading, etc :
Assert.assertTrue(if(pageHeaderElement.contains("[a-zA-Z0-9]+") && tableHeaderElement.contains("[0-9]+") == true));

selenium webdriver method findElement give Unable to locate element:

I'm new in testing with selenium (IDE and WebDriver) and Junit i'm facing this problem:
First , i'v learnt how to use selenium IDE with firefox plugin
I create a maven project in Eclipse
Then i used selenium IDE to export the code as java/junit4/webDriver
In eclipse i create a class with code crated by selenium IDE :
public class PB01_TTT {
private WebDriver driver;
private String baseUrl;
private boolean acceptNextAlert = true;
private StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer();
WebElement element;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
baseUrl = "https://w8a.prv:9431";
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void testPBO1TTT() throws Exception {
driver.get(baseUrl + "/ProcessPortal/login.jsp");
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 15);
String columnToDisplayXpath = "//html/body/div[2]/div/div/div[1]/div/div/div[2]/div[3]/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/a";
element = driver.findElement(By.xpath(columnToDisplayXpath));
Now when i run my test as junit test all code works until the method --> driver.findElement . It gives to me this error
org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//html/body/div[2]/div/div/div[1]/div/div/div[2]/div[3]/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/a"}
In debug the By.xpath retrieve the element, i'v tried also the By.cssSelector ,but nothig changed. It's the driver findelement that doesn't work.
Any help will be really appraciated

Selenium tests do not work on IE8

To test some of the legacy pages I need to execute few test cases against IE8. These same testcases run efficiently against IE10/11, FF, Chrome without any issue.
public void TypePassword(string password)
var element = new WebDriverWait(Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).Until(
//I also tried with just id and cssselector
I also tried
public void TypePassword(string password)
public void TypeUsername(string username)
always work without any issue.
The IE driver configuration
var options = new InternetExplorerOptions { EnableNativeEvents = false};
options.AddAdditionalCapability("EnsureCleanSession", true);
Driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
Seems like I am missing some configuration which is specific to IE8.
Also, confirmed zoom level and protected mode set up
Have you tried JavascriptExecutor ?
var element = new WebDriverWait(Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//input[#id='txtPassword']")));
((JavascriptExecutor)Driver).executeScript("arguments[0].value='"+password+"'", element);
It is difficult to find the element exists,
so u can go for the element count >1 using do while loop,
Unless until, the count of the element gets, this do loop will execute and wait for the element to visible also