Recursive SELECT with stop condition in SQL? - sql

My table called element looks like this:
id | successor | important
1 | NULL | 0
2 | 4 | 1
3 | 5 | 0
4 | 8 | 0
5 | 6 | 1
6 | 7 | 0
7 | NULL | 0
8 | 10 | 1
9 | 10 | 0
10 | NULL | 0
I start with an element’s ID. Each element may or may not have a succeeding element. So given any element ID I may build a chain of elements from 0..n elements depending on its successors and successor-successors, and so on.
Let’s say my starting ID is 2. This results in the following chain:
2 -> 4 -> 8 -> 10
Now I want to ask this question: Does a specific element chain contain at least one element where important == 1?
In pseudo-code a function realizing this without unneccessary checks may look like this:
boolean chainIsImportant(element)
if (element.important == 1) {
return true;
if (element.successor != NULL) {
return chainIsImportant(element.successor);
return false;
I guess this can be realized with WITH RECURSIVE, right? How can I stop recursion, once an element with important == 1 was found?

This is typically done by aggregating the columns in question and adding a condition on the join in the recursive part of the CTE:
with recursive all_elements as (
select id, successor, important, array[important] as important_elements
from elements
where successor is null
union all
select, c.successor, c.important, p.important_elements||c.important
from elements c
join all_elements p on c.successor =
where 1 <> all(p.important_elements)
select *
from all_elements;
Note that the condition is "flipped" because the where clause defines those rows that should be included.

, successor INTEGER REFERENCES booltree(id)
, important Boolean NOT NULL
INSERT INTO booltree(id , successor , important) VALUES
( 1, NULL , False)
,(2, 4 , True)
,(3, 5 , False)
,(4, 8 , False)
,(5, 6 , True)
,(6, 7 , False)
,(7, NULL , False)
,(8, 10 , True)
,(9, 10 , False)
,(10, NULL , False)
-- SELECT * FROM booltree;
SELECT id, important
FROM booltree
WHERE successor IS NULL
SELECT, GREATEST(rec.important, bt.important) AS important
FROM booltree bt
JOIN rec ON bt.successor =
SELECT id, important
FROM rec
ORDER BY important, id;
id | important
1 | f
6 | f
7 | f
9 | f
10 | f
2 | t
3 | t
4 | t
5 | t
8 | t
(10 rows)
Note: IMHO the recursion cannot be stopped once a True importance is found (basically, because LEFT JOINS are not allowed in RECURSIVE UNIONS)
But if you are looking for exactly one given id (or a set of them) then maybe you could use that as the start condition, and search the tree upwards.


Find best match in tree given a combination of multiple keys

I have a structure / tree that looks similar to this.
CostType is mandatory and can exist by itself, but it can have a parent ProfitType or Unit and other CostTypes as children.
There can only be duplicate Units. Other cannot appear multiple times in the structure.
| ID | name | parent_id | ProfitType | CostType | Unit |
| -: | ------------- | --------: |
| 1 | Root | (NULL) |
| 2 | 1 | 1 | 300 | | |
| 3 | 1-1 | 2 | | 111 | |
| 4 | 1-1-1 | 3 | | | 8 |
| 5 | 1-2 | 2 | | 222 | |
| 6 | 1-2-1 | 5 | | 333 | |
| 7 | 1-2-1-1 | 6 | | | 8 |
| 8 | 1-2-1-2 | 6 | | | 9 |
Parameters | should RETURN |
(300,111,8) | 4 |
(null,111,8) | 4 |
(null,null,8) | first match, 4 |
(null,222,8) | best match, 5 |
(null,333,null) | 6 |
I am at a loss on how I could create a function that receives (ProfitType, CostType, Unit) and return the best matching ID from the structure.
This isn't giving exactly the answers you provided as example, but see my comment above - if (null,222,8) should be 7 to match how (null,333,8) returns 4 then this is correct.
Also note that I formatted this using temp tables instead of as a function, I don't want to trip a schema change audit so I posted what I have as temp tables, I can rewrite it as a function Monday when my DBA is available, but I thought you might need it before the weekend. Just edit the "DECLARE #ProfitType int = ..." lines to the values you want to test
I also put in quite a few comments because the logic is tricky, but if they aren't enough leave a comment and I can expand my explanation
A tree can be of arbitrary depth, but will not exceed the recursion limit (defaults to 100)
All trees will include at least 1 CostType
All trees will have at most 1 ProfitType
CostType can appear multiple times in a traversal from root to leaf (can units?)
INTO #Temp
, (2,'1', 1, 300, NULL, NULL)
, (3,'1-1', 2, NULL, 111, NULL)
, (4,'1-1-1', 3, NULL, NULL, 8)
, (5,'1-2', 2, NULL, 222, NULL)
, (6,'1-2-1', 5, NULL, 333, NULL)
, (7,'1-2-1-1', 6, NULL, NULL, 8)
, (8,'1-2-1-2', 6, NULL, NULL, 9)
) as TempTable(ID, RName, Parent_ID, ProfitType, CostType, UnitID)
DECLARE #ProfitType int = NULL--300
DECLARE #CostType INT = 333 --NULL --111
;WITH cteMatches as (
--Start with all nodes that match one criteria, default a score of 100
SELECT N.ID as ReportID, *, 100 as Score, 1 as Depth
WHERE N.CostType= #CostType OR N.ProfitType=#ProfitType OR N.UnitID = #UnitID
), cteEval as (
--This is a recursive CTE, it has a (default) limit of 100 recursions
--, but that can be raised if your trees are deeper than 100 nodes
--Start with the base case
SELECT M.ReportID, M.RName, M.ID ,M.Parent_ID, M.Score
, M.Depth, M.ProfitType , M.CostType , M.UnitID
FROM cteMatches as M
--This is the recursive part, add to the list of matches the match when
--its immediate parent is also considered. For that match increase the score
--if the parent contributes another match. Also update the ID of the match
--to the parent's IDs so recursion can keep adding if more matches are found
SELECT M.ReportID, M.RName, N.ID ,N.Parent_ID
, M.Score + CASE WHEN N.CostType= #CostType
OR N.ProfitType=#ProfitType
OR N.UnitID = #UnitID THEN 100 ELSE 0 END as Score
, M.Depth + 1, N.ProfitType , N.CostType , N.UnitID
FROM cteEval as M INNER JOIN #Temp AS N on M.Parent_ID = N.ID
)SELECT TOP 1 * --Drop the "TOP 1 *" to see debugging info (runners up)
FROM cteEval
I'm sorry I don't have enough rep to comment.
You'll have to define "best answer" (for example, why isn't the answer to null,222,8 7 or null instead of 5?), but here's the approach I'd use:
Derive a new table where ProfitType and CostType are listed explicitly instead of only by inheritance. I would approach that by using a cursor (how awful, I know) and following the parent_id until a ProfitType and CostType is found -- or the root is reached. This presumes an unlimited amount of child/grandchild levels for parent_id. If there is a limit, then you can instead use N self joins where N is the number of parent_id levels allowed.
Then you run multiple queries against the derived table. The first query would be for an exact match (and then exit if found). Then next query would be for the "best" partial match (then exit if found), followed by queries for 2nd best, 3rd best, etc. until you've exhausted your "best" match criteria.
If you need nested parent CostTypes to be part of the "best match" criteria, then I would make duplicate entries in the derived table for each row that has multiple CostTypes with a CostType "level". level 1 is the actual CostType. level 2 is that CostType's parent, level 3 etc. Then your best match queries would return multiple rows and you'd need to pick the row with the lowest level (which is the closest parent/grandparent).

Adding a sequence of cells chained by id reference in postgresql

I have a table foo with columns id, number_of_foos, and parent_foo. number_of_foos is an integer and parent_foo is a reference to another row's id. Each row will have an integer in parent_foo or null if it has no parent.
id | number_of_foos | parent_foo
1 | 10 | null
2 | 7 | null
3 | 6 | null
4 | 13 | 1
5 | 9 | 3
6 | 1 | 4
Given an id number, I want to find the total amount of "foo"s in the "foo chain", i.e. the count of foos for that id and its parent (and its parent, and its parent...). So for example, the total amount of foos WHEN id = 6 is 1 + 13 + 10 = 24.
BUT, I also want to subtract 1 for each parent. So WHEN id = 6 is actually (1 + 13 + 10) - 2 = 22.
Is this possible?
demo: db<>fiddle
FROM foo
WHERE id = 6
r.number_of_foos + f.number_of_foos - 1
FROM foo f
JOIN rec r ON = r.parent_foo
SELECT number_of_foos
FROM rec
WHERE parent_foo IS NULL;
Using a WITH RECURSIVE CTE you could run through your data structure. A recursive CTE consists of two parts:
Starting point: Selecting the first row. In your case the parent of the first value and its number_of_foos value.
The recursion part where you select the row with id == parent_foo of last recursion. In this step you can integrate the adding part as well: Just adding the new numbers_of_foo - 1 to the last one.
Finally you can give out the row without any parent which is the grandmost parent of your starting value and it contains the expected sum.

Merging two tables with some business logic for overfill

I have a bit of a challenge ahead of me with a report I need to write.
I have an ordered selected list of results, which has the following:
| Header | estimate | TargetId |
| Task 1 | 80 | 1 |
| Task 2 | 30 | 1 |
| Task 3 | 40 | 2 |
| Task 4 | 10 | 2 |
I’d like to join this onto another set of data containing the Target information:
| Target | Capacity |
| 1 | 100 |
| 2 | 50 |
| 3 | 50 |
However I’d like to do some sort of pivot / cross join to fill each target to capacity and report this in a way to show a forecast of when each of the tasks for the target will be met.
| Header | Overfill | Target 1 | Target 2 | Target 3 | … | … |
| Task 1 | No | 80 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| Task 2 | Yes | 20 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| Task 3 | No | 0 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| Task 4 | Yes | 0 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 |
Alternatively displayed:
| Header | Target | Overfill% |
| Task 1 | 1 | 0 |
| Task 2 | 1,2 | 33.33 |
| Task 3 | 2 | 0 |
| Task 4 | 3 | 100% |
The actual set of data will involve a few hundred tasks across 20 – 30 targets, unfortunately I don’t have any code to show as a demonstration, short of the few simple selects, as I’m not sure how to approach the overfill.
I believe this could be achieved through C# easier however I was hoping this could be completed as a pure SP operation so I can return the data as I wish to display it.
Any help or a nudge in the right direction to take would be greatly appreciated,
Doing this in SQL is a bad idea, but it is possible with a recursive CTE. The solution below uses a recursive CTE with a result set that maintains the state of the solution as it goes. It queries one record for each source for each recursive iteration and updates the state with the results of certain calculations. Depending on the state in the result it will either advance the sequence, the target, or both.
This solution assumes the targets and headers are sequentially ordered. If the targets aren't sequentially ordered, you can use a CTE to add ROW_NUMBER() to targets. Also if you have more than 32767 steps in the solution it will fail as that is the max recursion that sql server supports. Steps should be at most tasks + targets.
One nice thing is that it will handle overflow across multiple targets. For example, if a task has an estimate it that will fill up multiple targets, then the next task will start at the next available bucket, not the assigned one. Go ahead and put some crazy numbers in there.
Finally, I didn't know how you were deriving overflow percentage, I don't know how you got the last row's result from your sample data. I doubt whatever the answer should be would be difficult to derive once the criteria is known.
/** Setup Test Data **/
DECLARE #Tasks TABLE ( Header VARCHAR(20), Estimate INT, TargetId INT );
DECLARE #Targets TABLE ( TargetId INT, Capacity INT );
( 'Task 1', 80, 1 ), ( 'Task 2', 30, 1 ), ( 'Task 3', 40, 2 ), ( 'Task 4', 10, 2 );
INSERT INTO #Targets VALUES ( 1, 100 ), ( 2, 50 ), ( 3, 50 );
/** Solution **/
WITH Sequenced AS (
-- Added SequenceId for tasks as it feels janky to order by headers.
FROM #Tasks tsk
, TargetsWithOverflow AS (
FROM #Targets
SELECT MAX(TargetId) + 1, 99999999 -- overflow target to store excess not handled by targets
FROM #Targets
, src AS (
-- intialize state
SELECT 0 [SequenceId], CAST('' AS varchar(20)) [Header], 0 [Estimate], 0 [CurrentTargetId]
, 0 [CurrentTargetFillLevel], 0 [SequenceRemainingEstimate], 0 [OverfillAmt]
SELECT seq.SequenceId, seq.header, seq.Estimate, tgt.TargetId
, CASE WHEN [Excess] <= 0 THEN TrueFillLevel + TrueEstimate -- capacity meets estimate
ELSE tgt.Capacity -- there is excess estimate
, CASE WHEN [Excess] <= 0 THEN 0 -- task complete
ELSE [Excess] -- task is not complete still some of estimate is left
, CASE WHEN tgt.TargetId != seq.TargetId THEN
CASE WHEN [Excess] > 0 THEN [TrueEstimate] - [Excess] ELSE [TrueEstimate] END
FROM src
INNER JOIN Sequenced seq ON
(src.SequenceRemainingEstimate = 0 AND seq.SequenceId = src.SequenceId + 1)
OR (src.SequenceRemainingEstimate > 0 AND seq.SequenceId = src.SequenceId)
INNER JOIN TargetsWithOverflow tgt ON
-- Part of target selection is based on if the sequence advanced.
-- If the sequence has advanced then get the target assigned to the sequence
-- Or use the current one if it is GTE to the assigned target.
-- Otherwise get the target after current target.
(tgt.TargetId = seq.TargetId AND tgt.TargetId > src.CurrentTargetId AND seq.SequenceId != src.SequenceId)
OR (tgt.TargetId = src.CurrentTargetId AND tgt.Capacity >= src.CurrentTargetFillLevel AND seq.SequenceId != src.SequenceId)
OR (tgt.TargetId = src.CurrentTargetId + 1 AND seq.SequenceId = src.SequenceId)
SELECT CASE WHEN tgt.TargetId != src.CurrentTargetId THEN 0 ELSE src.CurrentTargetFillLevel END [TrueFillLevel]
) forFillLevel
SELECT tgt.Capacity - [TrueFillLevel] [TrueCapacity]
) forCapacity
SELECT CASE WHEN src.SequenceRemainingEstimate > 0 THEN src.SequenceRemainingEstimate ELSE seq.Estimate END [TrueEstimate]
) forEstimate
SELECT TrueEstimate - TrueCapacity [Excess]
) forExcess
SELECT src.Header
, LEFT(STUFF((SELECT ',' + RTRIM(srcIn.CurrentTargetId)
FROM src srcIn
WHERE srcIn.Header = src.Header
ORDER BY srcIn.CurrentTargetId
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1, 1, ''), 500)
, CASE WHEN SUM(OverfillAmt) > 0 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END [Overfill]
, SUM (OverfillAmt) / (1.0 * AVG(seq.Estimate)) [OverfillPct]
FROM src
INNER JOIN Sequenced seq ON seq.SequenceId = src.SequenceId
WHERE src.SequenceId != 0
GROUP BY src.Header
Header Target Overfill OverfillPct
-------------------- ---------- -------- ----------------
Task 1 1 No 0.00000000000000
Task 2 1,2 Yes 0.33333333333333
Task 3 2 No 0.00000000000000
Task 4 2,3 Yes 1.00000000000000
I just re-read your question and realized that you intend to run this query within a Stored Procedure. If that's the case, you could use techniques from this method and adapt them in a solution that uses a cursor. I hate them, but I doubt it would work any worse than this solution, and wouldn't have the recursion limitation. You'd just store the results into a temp table or table variable and then return the result of the stored procedure from that.

PostgreSQL 9.3 - Compare two sets of data without duplicating values in first set

I have a group of tables that define some rules that need to be followed, for example:
CREATE TABLE foo.subrules (
ruleid INTEGER REFERENCES foo.rules(ruleid),
subrule INTEGER,
barid INTEGER REFERENCES foo.bars(barid)
INSERT INTO foo.subrules(ruleid,subrule,barid) VALUES
What this is defining is a set of "subrules" that need to be satisfied... if all "subrules" are satisfied then the rule is also satisfied.
In the above example, "subruleid" 1 can be satisfied with a "barid" value of 1 or 2.
Additionally, "subruleid" 2 can be satisfied with a "barid" value of 2, 3, or 4.
Likewise, "subruleid" 3 can be satisfied with a "barid" value of 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.
I also have a data set that looks like this:
primarykey | resource | barid
1 | A | 1
2 | B | 2
3 | C | 8
The tricky part is that once a "subrule" is satisfied with a "resource", that "resource" can't satisfy any other "subrule" (even if the same "barid" would satisfy the other "subrule")
So, what I need is to evaluate and return the following results:
ruleid | subrule | barid | primarykey | resource
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | A
1 | 1 | 2 | NULL | NULL
1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | B
1 | 2 | 3 | NULL | NULL
1 | 2 | 4 | NULL | NULL
1 | 3 | 3 | NULL | NULL
1 | 3 | 4 | NULL | NULL
1 | 3 | 5 | NULL | NULL
1 | 3 | 6 | NULL | NULL
1 | 3 | 7 | NULL | NULL
NULL | NULL | NULL | 3 | C
Interestingly, if "primarykey" 3 had a "barid" value of 2 (instead of 8) the results would be identical.
I have tried several methods including a plpgsql function that performs a grouping by "subruleid" with ARRAY_AGG(barid) and building an array from barid and checking if each element in the barid array is in the "subruleid" group via a loop, but it just doesn't feel right.
Is a more elegant or efficient option available?
The following fragment finds solutions, if there are any. The number three (resources) is hardcoded. If only one solution is needed some symmetry-breaker should be added.
If the number of resources is not bounded, I think there could be a solution by enumerating all possible tableaux (Hilbert? mixed-radix?), and selecting from them, after pruning the not-satifying ones.
-- the data
, ruleid INTEGER -- REFERENCES foo.rules(ruleid),
, subrule INTEGER
, barid INTEGER -- REFERENCES foo.bars(barid)
INSERT INTO subrules(ruleid,subrule,barid) VALUES
(1,1,1), (1,1,2),
(1,2,2), (1,2,3), (1,2,4),
(1,3,3), (1,3,4), (1,3,5), (1,3,6), (1,3,7);
CREATE TABLE resources
, resrc varchar
INSERT INTO resources(primarykey,resrc,barid) VALUES
(1, 'A', 1) ,(2, 'B', 2) ,(3, 'C', 8)
-- ################################
-- uncomment next line to find a (two!) solution(s)
-- ,(4, 'D', 7)
-- all matching pairs of subrules <--> resources
WITH pairs AS (
SELECT sr.subruleid, sr.ruleid, sr.subrule, sr.barid
, re.primarykey, re.resrc
FROM subrules sr
JOIN resources re ON re.barid = sr.barid
p1.ruleid AS ru1 , p1.subrule AS sr1 , p1.resrc AS one
, p2.ruleid AS ru2 , p2.subrule AS sr2 , p2.resrc AS two
, p3.ruleid AS ru3 , p3.subrule AS sr3 , p3.resrc AS three
-- self-join the pairs, excluding the ones that
-- use the same subrule or resource
FROM pairs p1
JOIN pairs p2 ON p2.primarykey > p1.primarykey -- tie-breaker
JOIN pairs p3 ON p3.primarykey > p2.primarykey -- tie breaker
AND p2.subruleid <> p1.subruleid
AND p2.subruleid <> p3.subruleid
AND p3.subruleid <> p1.subruleid
Result (after uncommenting the line with missing resource) :
ru1 | sr1 | one | ru2 | sr2 | two | ru3 | sr3 | three
1 | 1 | A | 1 | 1 | B | 1 | 3 | D
1 | 1 | A | 1 | 2 | B | 1 | 3 | D
(2 rows)
The resources {A,B,C} could of course be hard-coded, but that would prevent the 'D' record (or any other) to serve as the missing link.
Since you are not clarifying the question, I am going with my own assumptions.
subrule numbers are ascending without gaps for each rule.
(subrule, barid) is UNIQUE in table subrules.
If a there are multiple resources for the same barid, assignments are arbitrary among these peers.
As commented, the number of resources matches the number of subrules (which has no effect on my suggested solution).
The algorithm is as follows:
Pick the subrule with the smallest subrule number.
Assign a resource to the lowest barid possible (the first that has a matching resource), which consumes the resource.
After the first resource is matched, skip to the next higher subruleid and repeat 2.
Append all remaining resources after last subrule.
You can implement this with pure SQL using a recursive CTE:
SELECT s.*, r.resourceid, r.resource
, CASE WHEN r.resourceid IS NULL THEN '{}'::int[]
ELSE ARRAY[r.resourceid] END AS consumed
FROM subrules s
LEFT JOIN resource r USING (barid)
WHERE s.ruleid = 1
ORDER BY s.subrule, r.barid, s.barid
SELECT s.*, r.resourceid, r.resource
, CASE WHEN r.resourceid IS NULL THEN c.consumed
ELSE c.consumed || r.resourceid END
FROM cte c
JOIN subrules s ON s.subrule = c.subrule + 1
LEFT JOIN resource r ON r.barid = s.barid
AND r.resourceid <> ALL (c.consumed)
ORDER BY r.barid, s.barid
SELECT ruleid, subrule, barid, resourceid, resource FROM cte
UNION ALL -- add unused rules
SELECT s.ruleid, s.subrule, s.barid, NULL, NULL
FROM subrules s
LEFT JOIN cte c USING (subruleid)
WHERE c.subruleid IS NULL
UNION ALL -- add unused resources
SELECT NULL, NULL, r.barid, r.resourceid, r.resource
FROM resource r
LEFT JOIN cte c USING (resourceid)
WHERE c.resourceid IS NULL
ORDER BY subrule, barid, resourceid;
Returns exactly the result you have been asking for.
SQL Fiddle.
It's basically an implementation of the algorithm laid out above.
Only take a single match on a single barid per subrule. Hence the LIMIT 1, which requires additional parentheses:
Sum results of a few queries and then find top 5 in SQL
Collecting "consumed" resources in the array consumed and exclude them from repeated assignment with r.resourceid <> ALL (c.consumed). Note in particular how I avoid NULL values in the array, which would break the test.
The CTE only returns matched rows. Add rules and resources without match in the outer SELECT to get the complete result.
Or you open two cursors on the tables subrule and resource and implement the algorithm with any decent programming language (including PL/pgSQL).

Select next(sibling) and previous(sibling) from a SQLite DB tree representation

I've got the following sample tree structure in an SQLite DB:
id | idparent | order
1 -1 0
2 1 0
3 2 0
4 1 1
Which represents the following tree:
|- 2
| |- 3
|- 4
And I would like to create a select statement to get all the nodes next, previous, next sibling and previous sibling. Such a statement would return from the previous sample:
id | idparent | next | previous | nextsibling | previoussibling
2 1 3 1 4 NULL
3 2 4 2 NULL NULL
4 1 NULL 3 NULL 2
I can get the nextsibling and previoussiblingbut I'm stuck with the next and previous:
SELECT, node.idparent,
??? AS next
??? AS previous,
(SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE idparent = node.idparent AND `order` > node.`order` LIMIT 1) AS nextsibbling,
(SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE idparent = node.idparent AND `order` < node.`order` LIMIT 1) AS previoussibbling
FROM nodes node;
I guess I need to use the WHERE NOT EXISTS clause but I can't figure out how I can achieve that. I should mention that changing the DB structure is not an option.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Your schema (what's called the "adjacency list model") is rather limited in terms of which operations it supports. Instead, try the nested set mode: store bounds for each node rather than each node's parent. A node descends from all nodes where the parent's bounds contain the child's. The bounds also give the depth first traversal of the tree, where the lower bound gives when the node is entered and the upper bound gives when the node is exited. Sorting the nodes by the left bound thus gives a pre-order traversal, and sorting by the right gives a post-order traversal.
`left` int(11) NOT NULL,
`right` int(11) NOT NULL,
`data` varchar(128),
INDEX `bounds` (`left`,`right`),
INDEX `sdnuob` (`right`, `left`)
INSERT INTO HIER (id, `left`, `right`, data)
(1, 1, 8, 'foo'),
(2, 2, 5, 'mane'),
(3, 3, 4, 'padme'),
(4, 6, 7, 'hum')
SELECT AS node, AS prev, p.`left` AS p_l, AS `next`, n.`left` AS n_l, AS prevSibling, AS nextSibling
FROM hier AS h
LEFT JOIN hier AS p ON h.`left` > p.`left`
LEFT JOIN hier AS pb ON h.`left` > pb.`left`
LEFT JOIN hier AS n ON h.`left`< n.`left`
LEFT JOIN hier AS nb ON h.`left`< nb.`left`
LEFT JOIN hier AS ps ON h.`left` = ps.`right`+1
LEFT JOIN hier AS ns ON h.`right`= ns.`left`-1
GROUP BY node, prevSibling, nextSibling, p.`left`, n.`left`
HAVING (p.`left` IS NULL OR p.`left` = MAX(pb.`left`))
AND (n.`left` IS NULL OR n.`left` = MIN(nb.`left`))
| node | prev | p_l | next | n_l | prevSibling | nextSibling |
| 1 | NULL | NULL | 2 | 2 | NULL | NULL |
| 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | NULL | 4 |
| 3 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 6 | NULL | NULL |
| 4 | 3 | 3 | NULL | NULL | 2 | NULL |
If you really need to find a node's parent (or depth), you can use a view, or use the technique applied in the view to a query:
CREATE VIEW hier_depth AS
SELECT c.*, AS parent, p.`left` AS p_left, COUNT( AS depth
FROM hier AS c
LEFT JOIN hier AS p ON p.`left` < c.`left` AND c.`right` < p.`right`
LEFT JOIN hier AS a ON a.`left` < c.`left` AND c.`right` < a.`right`
GROUP BY, parent
HAVING p.`left` IS NULL OR p.`left` = MAX(a.left)
I don't think your schema supports a next query. IIUC, you might need to go up multiple levels to determine the next node.
I recommend to add a path column, which takes colon-separated paths as values, such as 1:2:3 or 1:4. The next node will then be the next one in path order.