get JOIN table as array of results with PostgreSQL/NodeJS - sql

I'm creating an app where users are able to create questions, and others can upvote/downvote them.
The following is a part of my sql schema:
CREATE TABLE "questions" (
content VARCHAR(511) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE "votes" (
value INT,
question_id INT NOT NULL,
What I would like to have is Postgres giving me each question with an array of votes, like that:
[{ // a question
id: 1,
content: 'huh?',
votes: [{ // a vote
id: 1,
value: 1
}, { // another vote
id: 2,
value: -1
}, { /*another question with votes*/ }]
I looked at aggregate functions (like array_agg()) but it gave me only the values. A JOIN gave me a question joined with a vote, and would force me to do server side operations, which I would prefer not to.
Is there any way to do that? Is my reasoning regarding what I want to obtain wrong?
Thanks for your time.

This is easy to do with pg-promise:
function buildTree(t) {
const v = q => t.any('SELECT id, value FROM votes WHERE question_id = $1',
.then(votes => {
q.votes = votes;
return q;
return'SELECT * FROM questions', undefined, v).then(a => t.batch(a));
.then(data => {
console.log(data); // your data tree
.catch(error => {
The same as above, but using ES7 async/await syntax:
await db.task(async t => {
const questions = await t.any('SELECT * FROM questions');
for(const q of questions) {
q.votes = await t.any('SELECT id, value FROM votes WHERE question_id = $1', []);
return questions;
// method "task" resolves with the correct data tree
API: map, any, task, batch
Related questions:
Get a parents + children tree with pg-promise
Conditional task with pg-promise
And if you want to use just a single query, then using PostgreSQL 9.4 and later syntax you can do the following:
SELECT json_build_object('id',, 'content', q.content, 'votes',
(SELECT json_agg(json_build_object('id',, 'value', v.value))
FROM votes v WHERE = v.question_id))
FROM questions q
And then your pg-promise example would be:
const query =
`SELECT json_build_object('id',, 'content', q.content, 'votes',
(SELECT json_agg(json_build_object('id',, 'value', v.value))
FROM votes v WHERE = v.question_id)) json
FROM questions q`;
const data = await, [], a => a.json);
And you definitely will want to keep such complex queries in external SQL files. See Query Files.
The choice between the two approaches presented above should be based on the performance requirements of your application:
The single-query approach is faster, but is somewhat difficult to read or extend, being fairly verbose
The multi-query approach is easier to understand and to extend, but it is not great for performance, due to dynamic number of queries executed.
The following related answer offers more options, by concatenating child queries, which will give a much improved performance: Combine nested loop queries to parent result pg-promise.
Another example added, using ES7 async/await approach.

Please think simple way, May be I am right, I use knex js
let allpost = knex
knex.raw('json_agg(v.*) as votes')
.leftJoin('votes as v', '', 'v.question_id')

sql-toolkit does exactly this. It's a node library built for pg-promise which allows you to write regular native SQL and receive back properly structured (nested) pure business objects, without either having to split up the query or rewrite it with json_build_object.
For example:
class Article extends BaseDAO {
getBySlug(slug) {
const query = `
FROM article
JOIN person
ON article.author_id =
LEFT JOIN article_tags
ON = article_tags.article_id
ON article_tags.tag_id =
WHERE article.slug = $(slug);
return, { slug });
// OUTPUT: Article {person: Person, tags: Tags[Tag, Tag, Tag]}
The select clause uses the business object "getSQLSelectClause" methods to save tedium in typing the columns, as well as ensure no collisions of names (nothing magical going on, and could just be written out instead).
The is a call into sql-toolkits base DAO class. It is responsible for structuring the flat result records into a nice nested structure.
(Also notice that it is "one" which matches our mental model for the SQL. The DAO methods for one, oneOrNone, many, and any ensure their count against the number of generated top level business objects - not the number of rows the sql expression returns!)
Check out the repository for details on how to set it up on top of pg-promise. It's strictly an enhancement, and does not seek to abstract out pg-promise (you still set up pg-promise and can use it directly). (Disclamer, I am the author of sql-toolkit.)


How to modify value in column typeorm

I have 2 tables contractPoint and contractPointHistory
I would like to get contractPoint where point will be subtracted by pointChange. For example: ContractPoint -> id: 3, point: 5
ContractPointHistory has contractPointId: 3 and pointChange: -5. So after manipulating point in contractPoint should be 0
I wrote this code, but it works just for getRawMany(), not for getMany()
const contractPoints = await getRepository(ContractPoint).createQueryBuilder('contractPoint')
.addSelect('"contractPoint".point + COALESCE((SELECT SUM(cpHistory.point_change) FROM contract_point_history AS cpHistory WHERE cpHistory.contract_point_id =, 0) AS points')
.andWhere('EXTRACT(YEAR FROM contractPoint.validFrom) = :year', { year })
.andWhere('contractPoint.contractId = :contractId', { contractId })
.orderBy('contractPoint.grantedAt', OrderByDirection.Desc)
The method getMany can be used to select all attributes of an entity. However, if one wants to select some specific attributes of an entity then one needs to use getRawMany.
As per the documentation -
There are two types of results you can get using select query builder:
entities or raw results. Most of the time, you need to select real
entities from your database, for example, users. For this purpose, you
use getOne and getMany. But sometimes you need to select some specific
data, let's say the sum of all user photos. This data is not an
entity, it's called raw data. To get raw data, you use getRawOne and
From this, we can conclude that the query which you want to generate can not be made using getMany method.

Sequelize Query - Count associated tables and count all for pagination

this is my first question on stackoverflow, never used it before but this issue is making me tear my hair out.
I'm building an infinite scroll component for a react app I'm working on a I'm trying to make a Postgres DB query work.
I have 2 tables - Challenges, and UserChallenges.
Challenges have many User Challenges.
I need to get a subsection of Challenges (from start to end) with each Challenge having a count of the number of "participants" (number of associated UserChallenges), and also a count of all challenges.
Something like this:
rows: [Challenge, Challenge, Challenge],
count: n
Where each challenge includes the total number of userChallenges as "participants" and count is a count of all challenges.
Here is the query:
let json_query = {
attributes: {
include: [[Sequelize.fn("COUNT", Sequelize.col("")), "participants"]]
include: [{
model: UserChallenge, attributes: []
order: [['timestamp', 'DESC']],
offset: start,
limit: end
The start and end quantities are the start and end of the pagination.
I'm running this query as follows:
var challengeInstances = await Challenge.findAndCountAll(json_query)
This results in the following error:
name: 'SequelizeDatabaseError',
parent: error: missing FROM-clause entry for table "user_challenges"
and this is the sql it's saying it's running:
`SELECT "challenge".* FROM (SELECT "challenge"."id", "challenge".*, COUNT("user_challenges"."id"), "challenge"."participants" FROM "challenges" AS "challenge" GROUP BY "challenge"."id" ORDER BY "challenge"."end_date" DESC LIMIT '4' OFFSET '0') AS "challenge" LEFT OUTER JOIN "user_challenges" AS "user_challenges" ON "challenge"."id" = "user_challenges"."challenge_id" ORDER BY "challenge"."end_date" DESC;`,
Sequelize or raw queries are both good.
Do let me know if you need any more information and thank you so so much.
you can use sequelize literal like this & remove object from attributes just paste this code for attributes .
attributes: [
FROM user_challenges
// your condition of foreign key like (user_challenges.participants_id =

Joining multiple tables together with eloquent and eager loading in laravel [implementing filter]

What I have already and what I'm trying to do:
I have a website that lets users make posts advertising themselves to other users. Now, I'm trying to implement a filter for these posts but filter by values in the users table, posts table and three others. This is where I'm running into some trouble.
Code that works, as is, no filter:
$posts = Post::with('user','lookingfors','playstyles', 'postcomments')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->paginate(10);
return View::make('posts/index', compact('posts'));
This is what I've tried:
$posts = User::leftjoin('posts', function($join)use($region){
$join->on('', '=', 'posts.user_id');
$join->on('playstyle_post.post_id', '=', ''); // join pivot, then join pivot to playstyles
$join->on('playstyle_post.playstyle_id', '=', '');
})->where('users.region_id', 'like', $region)->get();
This one keeps bringing up this error:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column
'playstyle_post.post_id' in 'on clause' (SQL: select * from users
left join posts on = posts.user_id and
playstyle_post.post_id = and
playstyle_post.playstyle_id = where
users.region_id like ?) (Bindings: array ( 0 => 6, ))
$posts = Post::with('lookingfors', 'playstyles', 'postcomments')
->leftjoin('users', 'posts.user_id', '=', '')
//->join('playstyle_post', '', '=', 'playstyle_post.post_id')
This one is odd ( well for me ), when 'leftjoin' is commented out obviously it works just as before, but when I have it as it is now it displays the view as it should and even pulls all the right values from the users table but does not display any of the information thats being requested through the 'with'.
I've tried a couple other things in the last two weeks, but I've already thrown them out when they didn't work. This has been kicking my ass for the better half of a month and I can't wrap my head around why I can't get it to work.
So really, my trouble right now is just trying to join the tables and returning it to the view in an eloquent fashion so I can keep treating it the same. The filter itself will be a problem of its own, but getting the joins to work has proved to be the hard part.
Instead of passing a bunch of relationship names to the with() function, try passing an array, setting keys as the names of the relationships and the values as callback functions and pass in the query for actual editing. Also will have to use use ($region) where needed. Hopefully you get the idea.
I put in some examples for adding filters on each relationship. Because you are working locally with each one, you shouldn't have to worry about prefixing them with table names or aliases.
$posts = Post::with(array(
'user' => function($query) use ($region)
// User constraints here
$query->where('status', 'A');
$query->where('deleted', '0');
'lookingfors' => function($query)
// lookingfors constraints here
$query->where('name', 'somelookingforname');
'playstyles' => function($query)
// playstles constraints here
$query->where('name', 'someplaystylesname');
'postcomments' => function($query)
// Some postcomments constraints here
$query->where('name', 'somepostcommentsname');
->orderBy('id', 'DESC')
Looking at your attempt at left joins though, I don't know if these relationships are correct. My example assumes all the relationships can relate directly back to the user table. Otherwise, you will need to change the keys on the array to match how the relationships should be.
For example, if trying to relate to the playstyles table, but the relationship between playstyles and posts doesn't exist because you need to go through the users table first, you would just change 'playstyles' to 'users.playstyles'.
If you post your migrations, I could help you further.

Rails ActiveRecord Join Query With conditions

I have following SQL Query:
SELECT campaigns.* , campaign_countries.points, offers.image
FROM campaigns
JOIN campaign_countries ON = campaign_countries.campaign_id
JOIN countries ON campaign_countries.country_id =
JOIN offers ON campaigns.offer_id =
WHERE countries.code = 'US'
This works perfectly well. I want its rails active record version some thing like:
Campaign.includes(campaign_countries: :country).where(countries: {code: "US"})
Above code runs more or less correct query (did not try to include offers table), issue is returned result is collection of Campaign objects so obviously it does not include Points
My tables are:
campaigns --HAS_MANY--< campaign_countries --BELONGS_TO--< countries
campaigns --BELONGS_TO--> offers
Any suggestions to write AR version of this SQL? I don't want to use SQL statement in my code.
I some how got this working without SQL but surely its poor man's solution:
in my controller I have:
campaigns = Campaign.includes(campaign_countries: :country).where(countries: {code: country.to_s})
render :json => campaigns.to_json(:country => country)
in campaign model:
def points_for_country country
CampaignCountry.joins(:campaign, :country).where(countries: {code: country}, campaigns: {id:}).first
def as_json options={}
json = {
id: id,
cid: cid,
name: name,
offer: offer,
points_details: options[:country] ? points_for_country(options[:country]) : ""
and in campaign_countries model:
def as_json options={}
json = {
face_value: face_value,
actual_value: actual_value,
points: points
Why this is not good solution? because it invokes too many queries:
1. It invokes query when first join is performed to get list of campaigns specific to country
2. For each campaign found in first query it will invoke one more query on campaign_countries table to get Points for that campaign and country.
This is bad, Bad and BAD solution. Any suggestions to improve this?
If You have campaign, You can use campaign.campaign_countries to get associated campaign_countries and just get points from them.
=> [1,2,3,4,5]
Similarly You will be able to get image from offers relation.
Ok, I guess now I know what's going on. You can use joins with select to get object with attached fields from join tables.
cs = Campaign.joins(campaign_countries: :country).joins(:offers).select('campaigns.*, campaign_countries.points, offers.image').where(countries: {code: "US"})
You can than reference additional fields by their name on Campaign object
But be sure, that additional column names do not overlap with some primary table fields or object methods.
After some more research I came to conclusion that my first version was actually correct for this case. I will use my own console as example.
> u = User.includes(:orders => :cart).where(:carts => { :id => [5168, 5167] }).first
> u.orders.length # no query is performed
=> 2
> u.orders.count # count query is performed
=> 5
So when You use includes with condition on country, in campaign_countries are stored only campaign_countries that fulfill Your condition.
Try this:
Campaign.joins( [{ :campaign_countries => :countries}, :offers]).where('`countries`.`code` = ?', "US")

How can I recreate this complex SQL Query using NHibernate QueryOver?

Imagine the following (simplified) database layout:
We have many "holiday" records that relate to going to a particular Accommodation on a certain date etc.
I would like to pull from the database the "best" holiday going to each accommodation (i.e. lowest price), given a set of search criteria (e.g. duration, departure airport etc).
There will be multiple records with the same price, so then we need to choose by offer saving (descending), then by departure date ascending.
I can write SQL to do this that looks like this (I'm not saying this is necessarily the most optimal way):
FROM Holiday h1 INNER JOIN (
SELECT h2.HolidayID,
PARTITION BY h2.AccommodationID
) AS RowNum
FROM Holiday h2 INNER JOIN (
SELECT AccommodationID,
MIN(price) as MinPrice
FROM Holiday
WHERE TradeNameID = 58001
/*** Other Criteria Here ***/
GROUP BY AccommodationID
) mp
ON mp.AccommodationID = h2.AccommodationID
AND mp.MinPrice = h2.price
WHERE TradeNameID = 58001
/*** Other Criteria Here ***/
) x on h1.HolidayID = x.HolidayID and x.RowNum = 1
As you can see, this uses a subquery within another subquery.
However, for several reasons my preference would be to achieve this same result in NHibernate.
Ideally, this would be done with QueryOver - the reason being that I build up the search criteria dynamically and this is much easier with QueryOver's fluent interface. (I had started out hoping to use NHibernate Linq, but unfortunately it's not mature enough).
After a lot of effort (being a relative newbie to NHibernate) I was able to re-create the very inner query that fetches all accommodations and their min price.
public IEnumerable<HolidaySearchDataDto> CriteriaFindAccommodationFromPricesForOffers(IEnumerable<IHolidayFilter<PackageHoliday>> filters, int skip, int take, out bool hasMore)
IQueryOver<PackageHoliday, PackageHoliday> queryable = NHibernateSession.CurrentFor(NHibernateSession.DefaultFactoryKey).QueryOver<PackageHoliday>();
queryable = queryable.Where(h => h.TradeNameId == website.TradeNameID);
var accommodation = Null<Accommodation>();
var accommodationUnit = Null<AccommodationUnit>();
var dto = Null<HolidaySearchDataDto>();
// Apply search criteria
foreach (var filter in filters)
queryable = filter.ApplyFilter(queryable, accommodationUnit, accommodation);
var query1 = queryable
.JoinQueryOver(h => h.AccommodationUnit, () => accommodationUnit)
.JoinQueryOver(h => h.Accommodation, () => accommodation)
.SelectList(hols => hols
.SelectGroup(() => accommodation.Id).WithAlias(() => dto.AccommodationId)
.SelectMin(h => h.Price).WithAlias(() => dto.Price)
var list = query1.OrderByAlias(() => dto.Price).Asc
// Cacheing doesn't work this way...
hasMore = list.Count() == take;
var dtos = list.Take(take).Select(h => new HolidaySearchDataDto
AccommodationId = (string)h[0],
Price = (decimal)h[1],
return dtos;
So my question is...
Any ideas on how to achieve what I want using QueryOver, or if necessary Criteria API?
I'd prefer not to use HQL but if it is necessary than I'm willing to see how it can be done with that too (it makes it harder (or more messy) to build up the search criteria though).
If this just isn't doable using NHibernate, then I could use a SQL query. In which case, my question is can the SQL be improved/optimised?
I have manage to achieve such dynamic search criterion by using Criteria API's. Problem I ran into was duplicates with inner and outer joins and especially related to sorting and pagination, and I had to resort to using 2 queries, 1st query for restriction and using the result of 1st query as 'in' clause in 2nd creteria.