SSH port forwarding in Docker - ssh

I have these two containers, say backend (CentOs) and mongo. What I would like to have is that from within the backend container I can connect to the mongo database as if it was running locally, $> mongo localhost:27017
Anyway, as far as I understand all this, you can map the port localhost:27017 to mongo:27017 like this
$backend> ssh -L 27017:mongo:27017 root#mongo
However, if I do this I have to provide the root password and after that it logs me into the mongo container and no port forwarding is happening
Background: I want to do this because I'm running a Java program which connects to a Mongo database on localhost and I cannot change that.

I found the correct SSH port forwarding command
$> ssh root#mongo -L 27017:localhost:27017 -Nf
Normally the idea with this command is that you map a non-public port - through a public server to you own server/compute.
* `root#mongo` - the public server
* -L <port on your server>:<third server address>:<port>
* `-Nf` - Do not login
Because the public server and third server are the same computer/container you have to use localhost :)


Double tunnel hop ssh

I'm using WinSSHTerm to connect to a proxy, from which I then connect to a server hosting a data warehouse. I just can't figure out how to reproduce my Putty connection using a shell command.
Short recap:
I first connect to the proxy server which maps the port 5432 to my local port 10001. After that, i connect to the database server and map its 5432 port to my proxy's 5432 port, which I previously mapped to my 10001 port locally. I am then able to connect to the databse via a database manager locally.
To do so:
I created the following connection to my proxy server first.
I then added a tunnel from there to my localhost port 10001.
Once I'm logged in to the proxy server, I use the following command to connect to the database server and map its 5432 port to the proxy's 5432 port.
ssh username#databaseServer -L
I'd like to leave putty and move to WinSSHterm, predefine some login commands for a specific server.
How may I reproduce the behavior above using a shell command?
Here's my initial try, which is unfortunately not working:
ssh username#databaseServer -L
Thank you
I was finally able to find the correct way to write it.
Loginc Cmds
ssh username#databaseServer -L
Cmd-line Args
-L 10001:localhost:5432

Connect from local PC to remote server with Docker web server

my Docker-Container is on my server.
Via SSH I can connect to the server from my local PC.
ssh user#RemoteServerIP -p 3360
From there I can connect to the Docker container via SSH
ssh userRemoteServer#DockerContainerOnServerIP -p 22
A Apache Webserver is running on the Docker-Container.
How can I access the Webserver on my local computer?
from you server try to figure out which port the apache container is using.. you can use netstat command sudo netstat -ntlp usually in the PID/Program name docker port is PID/docker-proxy .
after you know which port apache container is using, then u can access it using yourServerIP:ApacheContainerPort from you local computer
assuming of course the way you exposing apache port inside container is correct.

Connect to Spark running via YARN through a SSH tunnel

I have a Spark installation running under YARN on a remote cluster, with a firewall between me and the head node. I can use a ssh tunnel to access the head node:
> ssh -N -f -L 10000:remotenode:10000 between_machine
and this setup works, for example, to access a HiveServer2 running on remotenote. If Spark was running in cluster mode, I would need to just do the same for the 7077 port and direct the pyspark client to localhost with
> ssh -N -f -L 7077:remotenode:7077 between_machine
> ./pyspark --master spark://localhost:7077
How can I do that with Spark running under the YARN scheduler?
If you are looking for a port to connect, here is a quote from the doc:
You can access this interface by simply opening
http://:4040 in a web browser. If multiple SparkContexts
are running on the same host, they will bind to successive ports
beginning with 4040 (4041, 4042, etc).
If you are just looking for a more universal way to get to the host via ssh "tunnel", you could try ssh working as socks proxy:
ssh user#host -D 20000
And then configuring your browser to connect via socks proxy (host - localhost, port - 20000).

How can I use SSH tunneling to connect to a remote MySQL server?

I'm using SSH tunneling for the first time, so I'm trying to understand how to configure it.
I've got a remote Linux server that hosts a MySQL database that I'm trying to connect to. In order to access the MySQL database directly through a software that only recognizes local databases, I suppose SSH tunneling would be the right way to set up the access, correct?
Now, I'm trying to set up the tunneling on my 'home' computer which is running the software that's trying to access the MySQL database. My first question is whether this is reverse tunneling or normal tunneling? Secondly, is it local tunneling or remote tunneling?
Finally, from what I understand, my code is supposed to look something like
ssh -L
Is this correct? Is my source port '22' since I'm using SSH and is my destination port 8080 (or is there something more appropriate)?
When I try to use the above code, I am able to login using my passphrase (since my key is already in the MyLinuxServer) but when I ping localhost:8080, it cannot find the host.
What am I doing wrong?
I've got a remote Linux server that hosts a MySQL database that I'm trying to connect to
The command should be:
ssh -L 8080:localhost:3306
8080: is hte local port on your workstation
localhost: is corresponding to
3306: the MySQL port on above localhost.
then connect (from your workstation) to MySQL as:
mysql -h --port=8080
Besides, ping localhost:8080 is wrong. Ping cannot work that way.
Try this:
ssh -f -L -N
Next, to access the mysql your trying to connect to:
mysql -h -P 3307

Connecting MySQL to server through another server by SSH

My computer (linux / unix) has an arbitrary IP address
I can connect to a central linux server which has a static ip
Remote linux systems are set up so they only respond to central server IP address on port 22
I want to port forward through the central server so I can use MySQLWorkbench and make python scripting connections on port 3306 to the remote systems.
Ideally, I would like the syntax for ssh command to make the port forwarding work;
Suppose I want to forward local port 3307 to 3306 on the remote system. Assume my ip is x.x.x.x, the central server IP is y.y.y.y, and the remote system IP is z.z.z.z;
I think it has something to do with ssh -L but I can only forward to the central server so far. Maybe I need to connect to the central server, set up forwarding there, then set up forwarding on my machine? I think functionality exists to do it with a single command using ssh.
If this is a duplicate, it should not be marked as such because without knowing what magic keyword to search for, you can't find the duplicate;
Clarification: port 3306 is NOT open on the remote server. Only 22
ssh -L :3307:z.z.z.z:3306 user#y.y.y.y -Nf
Works fine
ssh -L 3307:z.z.z.z:3306 user#y.y.y.y -Nf
To only bind to x.x.x.x's localhost
The first example binds to all interfaces
Just seen that z.z.z.z only has port 22 open.
on y.y.y.y you will also need to have a local port open
run on y.y.y.y
ssh -L 3307:localhost:3306 user#z.z.z.z -Nf
then on x.x.x.x
ssh -L 3307:localhost:3307 user#y.y.y.y -Nf
run these commands in a screen for best results
You can actually condense these 2 commands together
ssh -L 3307:localhost:3307 user#y.y.y.y -f 'ssh -L 3307:localhost:3306 user#z.z.z.z -Nf'
ssh -L <local-port-to-listen>:<remote-host>:<remote-port>
The ā€˜Lā€™ switch indicates that a local port forward is need to be created
Best method is to create the tunnel using putty (ssh client). so you can start the shell, and it will create the ssh tunnel for you. this is a good reference